
Defines functions crossover_setup crossover

Documented in crossover

#' Apply functions to a set of columns and a vector simultaniously in 'dplyr'
#' @description
#' `crossover()` combines the functionality of [dplyr::across()] with [over()]
#' by iterating simultaneously over (i) a set of columns (`.xcols`) and (ii)
#' a vector or list (`.y`). `crossover()` *always* applies the functions in
#' `.fns` in a *nested* way to a combination of both inputs. There are, however,
#' two different ways in which the functions in `.fns` are applied.
#' When `.y` is a vector or list, each function in `.fns` is applied to
#' *all pairwise combinations* between columns in `.xcols` and elements in
#' `.y` (this resembles the behavior of `over2x()` and `across2x()`).
#' `crossover()` has one trick up it's sleeves, which sets it apart from the other
#' functions in the <[`over-across family`][over_across_family]>: Its second input
#' (`.y`) can be a function. This changes the originial behavior slightly: First
#' the function in `.y` is applied to all columns in `.xcols` to *generate* an
#' input object which will be used as `.y` in the function calls in `.fns`.
#' In this case each function is applied to all pairs between (i) columns in
#' `.xcols` with (ii) the output elements that they generated through the
#' function that was originally supplied to `.y`. Note that the underyling
#' data must not be grouped, if a function is supplied to `.y`. For examples see
#' the example section below.
#' @param .xcols <[`tidy-select`][dplyr_tidy_select]> Columns to transform.
#'   Because `crossover()` is used within functions like `summarise()` and
#'   `mutate()`, you can't select or compute upon grouping variables.
#' @param .y An atomic vector or list to apply functions to. `crossover()` also
#'   accepts a function as `.y` argument. In this case each column in `.xcols`
#'   is looped over all the outputs that it generated with the function supplied
#'   to `.y`. Note: the underyling data must not be grouped, if a function
#'   is supplied to `.y`.
#'   If a function is supplied, the following values are possible:
#'   - A bare function name, e.g. `unique`
#'   - An anonymous function, e.g. `function(x) unique(x)`
#'   - A purrr-style lambda, e.g. `~ unique(.x, fromLast = TRUE)`
#'   Note that additional arguments can only be specified with an anonymous
#'   function, a purrr-style lamba or with a pre-filled custom function.
#' @param .fns Functions to apply to each column in `.xcols` and element in `.y`.
#'   Possible values are:
#'   - A function
#'   - A purrr-style lambda
#'   - A list of functions/lambdas
#'   Note that `NULL` is not accepted as argument to `.fns`.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the function calls in `.fns`.
#' @param .names A glue specification that describes how to name the output
#'   columns. This can use:
#'   - `{xcol}` to stand for the selected column name,
#'   - `{y}` to stand for the selected vector element, and
#'   - `{fn}` to stand for the name of the function being applied.
#'   The default (`NULL`) is equivalent to `"{xcol}_{y}"` for the single function
#'   case and `"{xcol}_{y}_{fn}"` for the case where a list is used for `.fns`.
#'   Note that, depending on the nature of the underlying object in `.y`,
#'   specifying `{y}` will yield different results:
#'   - If `.y` is an unnamed atomic vector, `{y}` will represent each value.
#'   - If `.y` is a named list or atomic vector, `{y}` will represent each name.
#'   - If `.y` is an unnamed list, `{y}` will be the index number running from 1 to `length(y)`.
#'   This standard behavior (interpretation of `{y}`) can be overwritten by
#'   directly specifying:
#'   - `{y_val}` for `.y`'s values
#'   - `{y_nm}` for its names
#'   - `{y_idx}` for its index numbers
#'   Alternatively, a character vector of length equal to the number of columns to
#'   be created can be supplied to `.names`. Note that in this case, the glue
#'   specification described above is not supported.
#' @param .names_fn Optionally, a function that is applied after the glue
#'   specification in `.names` has been evaluated. This is, for example, helpful,
#'   in case the resulting names need to be further cleaned or trimmed.
#' @returns
#' `crossover()` returns a tibble with one column for each combination of
#' columns in `.xcols`, elements in `.y` and functions in `.fns`.
#' If a function is supplied as `.y` argument, `crossover()` returns a tibble with
#' one column for each pair of output elements of `.y` and the column in `.xcols`
#' that generated the output combined with each function in `.fns`.
#' @seealso
#' Other members of the <[`over-across function family`][over_across_family]>.
#' @section Examples:
#' ```{r, child = "man/rmd/setup.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' For the basic functionality please refer to the examples in [over()] and
#' [dplyr::across()].
#' ```{r, comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE}
#' library(dplyr)
#' # For better printing
#' iris <- as_tibble(iris)
#' ```
#' ## Creating many similar variables for mulitple columns
#' If `.y` is a vector or list, `crossover()` loops every combination between
#' columns in `.xcols` and elements in `.y` over the functions in `.fns`. This
#' is helpful in cases where we want to create a batch of similar variables with
#' only slightly changes in the arguments of the calling function. A good example
#' are lagged variables. Below we create five lagged variables for each
#' 'Sepal.Length' and  'Sepal.Width'. To create nice names we use a named list
#' as argument in `.fns` and specify the glue syntax in `.names`.
#' ```{r, comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE}
#'  iris %>%
#'    transmute(
#'      crossover(starts_with("sepal"),
#'                1:5,
#'                list(lag = ~ lag(.x, .y)),
#'                .names = "{xcol}_{fn}{y}")) %>%
#'    glimpse
#' ```
#' ## Creating dummy variables for multiple varialbes (columns)
#' The `.y` argument of `crossover()` can take a function instead of list or vector.
#' In the example below we select the columns 'type', 'product', 'csat' in `.xcols`.
#' We supply the function [dist_values()] to `.y`, which is a cleaner variant of
#' base R's `unique()`. This generates all distinct values for all three selected
#' variables. Now, the function in `.fns`, `~ if_else(.y == .x, 1, 0)`, is applied
#' to each pair of distinct value in `.y` and the column in `.xcols` that generated
#' this value. This basically creates a dummy variable for each value of each
#' variable. Since some of the values contain whitespace characters, we can use the
#' `.names_fn` argument to supply a *third* function that cleans the output names
#' by replacing spaces with an underscore and setting all characters `tolower()`.
#' ```{r, comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE}
#'  csat %>%
#'    transmute(
#'      crossover(.xcols = c(type, product, csat),
#'                .y = dist_values,
#'                .fns = ~ if_else(.y == .x, 1, 0),
#'                .names_fn = ~ gsub("\\s", "_", .x) %>% tolower(.)
#'                )) %>%
#'    glimpse
#' ```
#' @export
crossover <- function(.xcols = dplyr::everything(), .y, .fns, ..., .names = NULL, .names_fn = NULL){

  data <- tryCatch({
  }, error = function(e) {
    rlang::abort("`crossover()` must only be used inside dplyr verbs.")

  deparse_call <- deparse(sys.call(),
                          width.cutoff = 500L,
                          backtick = TRUE,
                          nlines = 1L,
                          control = NULL)

  setup <- meta_setup(grp_id = dplyr::cur_group_id(),
                      dep_call = deparse_call,
                      par_frame = parent.frame(),
                      setup_fn = "crossover_setup",
                      cols = rlang::enquo(.xcols),
                      y1 = .y,
                      fns = .fns,
                      names = .names,
                      names_fn = .names_fn)

  vars <- setup$vars
  y <- setup$y

  if (length(vars) == 0L) {
    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(), nrow = 1L))

  fns <- setup$fns
  names <- setup$names

  if (setup$each) {
    data <- data[unique(vars)]
    data_ls <- as.list(data)[vars]
    data <- tibble::new_tibble(data_ls, nrow = nrow(data))
  } else {
    data <- data[vars]

  n_cols <- length(data)
  n_fns <- length(fns)
  seq_n_cols <- seq_len(n_cols)
  seq_fns <- seq_len(n_fns)

  k <- 1L

  if (setup$each) {
  out <- vector("list", n_cols * n_fns)

  for (i in seq_n_cols) {
    col <- data[[i]]
    yi <- y[[i]]
    for (j in seq_fns) {
      fn <- fns[[j]]
      out[[k]] <- fn(col, yi, ...)
      k <- k + 1L

  } else {
    n_y <- length(y)
    seq_n_y <- seq_len(n_y)
    out <- vector("list", n_cols * n_y * n_fns)

    for (i in seq_n_cols) {
      col <- data[[i]]
      for(l in seq_n_y) {
        yl <- y[[l]]
        for (j in seq_fns) {
          fn <- fns[[j]]
          out[[k]] <- fn(col, yl, ...)
          k <- k + 1L

  size <- vctrs::vec_size_common(!!!out)
  out <- vctrs::vec_recycle_common(!!!out, .size = size)
  names(out) <- names
  tibble::new_tibble(out, nrow = size)

crossover_setup <- function(cols, y1, fns, names, names_fn, each = FALSE) {

  # setup: cols
  data <- dplyr::cur_data()
  cols <- rlang::quo_set_env(cols,
                                           recursive = FALSE,
                                           inherit = TRUE))
  vars <- tidyselect::eval_select(cols, data)
  vars <- init_vars <- names(vars)

  # setup: .y

  # if .y is function:
  if (is.function(y1) || rlang::is_formula(y1)) {

    if (length(dplyr::cur_group()) > 0) {
      rlang::abort(c("Problem with `crossover()` input `.y`.",
                     i = "If `.y` is a function the underlying data must not be grouped.",
                     x = "`crossover()` was used on a grouped data.frame."))

    # set flag `each`
    each <- TRUE

    # expand vars
    y1 <- rlang::as_function(y1)
    y1 <- purrr::map(dplyr::select(data, !! cols), y1) # replace with: data[[, vars]]
    vars <- unlist(purrr::imap(y1, ~ rep(.y, length(.x))))
    y1 <- unlist(y1, recursive = FALSE)

    if (!is.list(y1)) y1 <- unname(y1)

  y1_nm <- names(y1)
  y1_idx <- as.character(seq_along(y1))
  y1_val <- if (is.data.frame(y1) && nrow(y1) != 1) {
  } else if (is.list(y1) && is.vector(y1) &&
             any(purrr::map_lgl(y1, ~ length(.x) != 1))) {
  } else {

  # apply `.names` smart default
  if (is.function(fns) || rlang::is_formula(fns)) {
    names <- names %||% "{xcol}_{y}"
    fns <- list(`1` = fns)
  } else {
    names <- names %||% "{xcol}_{y}_{fn}"

  if (!is.list(fns)) {
    rlang::abort(c("Problem with `crossover()` input `.fns`.",
                   i = "Input `.fns` must be a function, a formula, or a list of functions/formulas."))

  # use index for unnamed lists
  if (is.list(y1) && !rlang::is_named(y1)) {
    names(y1) <- y1_idx

  # TODO: Default needed when function in .y returns values?

  # handle formulas
  fns <- purrr::map(fns, rlang::as_function)

  # make sure fns has names, use number to replace unnamed
  if (is.null(names(fns))) {
    names_fns <- seq_along(fns)
  } else {
    names_fns <- names(fns)
    empties <- which(names_fns == "")
    if (length(empties)) {
      names_fns[empties] <- empties

  # setup control flow:
  vars_no <- length(y1) * length(fns) * if (!each) length(y1) else 1
  maybe_glue <- any(grepl("{.*}", names, perl = TRUE))
  is_glue <- any(grepl("{(xcol|y|y_val|y_nm|y_idx|fn)}", names, perl = TRUE))

  # if .names use glue syntax:
  if (is_glue) {

    if (length(names) > 1) {
      rlang::abort(c("Problem with `crossover()` input `.names`.",
                     i = "Glue specification must be a character vector of length == 1.",
                     x = paste0("`.names` is of length: ", length(names), ".")))

    # warn that default values are used if conditions not met
    if (is.null(y1_val) && grepl("{y_val}", names, perl = TRUE)) {
      rlang::warn("in `crossover()` `.names`: used 'y_idx' instead of 'y_val'. The latter only works with lists if all elements are length 1.")

    if (is.null(y1_nm) && grepl("{y_nm}", names, perl = TRUE)) {
      rlang::warn("in `crossover()` `.names`: used 'y_idx' instead of 'y_nm', since the input object is unnamed.")

    if (each) {
    names <- vctrs::vec_as_names(glue::glue(names,
                                            xcol = rep(vars, each = length(fns)),
                                            y = rep(names(y1) %||% y1, each = length(fns)),
                                            y_val = rep(y1_val %||% y1_idx, each = length(fns)),
                                            y_nm = rep(y1_nm %||% y1_idx, each = length(fns)),
                                            y_idx = rep(y1_idx, each = length(fns)),
                                            fn = rep(names_fns, length(y1))),
                                 repair = "check_unique")
    } else {
      n_cols <- length(vars)
      n_y1 <- length(y1)
      n_nm_fns <- length(names_fns)
      seq_n_col <- seq_len(n_cols)
      seq_n_y1 <- seq_len(n_y1)
      seq_nm_fns <- seq_len(n_nm_fns)
      k <- 1L
      out <- vector("character", n_cols* n_y1 * n_nm_fns)

      for (i in seq_n_col) {
        for(l in seq_n_y1) {
          for (j in seq_nm_fns) {
            out[[k]] <- glue::glue(names,
                                   xcol = vars[[i]],
                                   y = names(y1)[[l]] %||% y1[[l]],
                                   y_val = y1_val[[l]] %||% y1_idx[[l]],
                                   y_nm = y1_nm[[l]] %||% y1_idx[[l]],
                                   y_idx = y1_idx[[l]],
                                   fn = names_fns[[j]])
            k <- k + 1L
      names <- vctrs::vec_as_names(out, repair = "check_unique")

    # no correct glue syntax detected
  } else {
    # glue syntax might be wrong
    if (maybe_glue && length(names) == 1 && vars_no > 1) {
      rlang::abort(c("Problem with `crossover()`  input `.names`.",
                     x = "Unrecognized glue specification `{...}` detected in `.names`.",
                     i = "`.names` only supports the following expressions: '{xcol}'. '{y}', '{y_val}', '{y_nm}', '{y_idx}' or '{fn}'."
    # check if non-glue names are unique
    vctrs::vec_as_names(names, repair = "check_unique")
    # check number of names
    if (length(names) !=  vars_no) {
      rlang::abort(c("Problem with `crossover()`  input `.names`.",
                     i = "The number of elements in `.names` must equal the number of new columns.",
                     x = paste0(length(names), " elements provided to `.names`, but the number of new columns is ", vars_no, ".")

  # apply names_fn
  if (!is.null(names_fn)) {
    nm_f <- rlang::as_function(names_fn)
    names <- purrr::map_chr(names, nm_f)

  value <- list(vars = vars, y = y1, fns = fns, names = names, each = each)
TimTeaFan/dplyover documentation built on Sept. 27, 2021, 3:14 p.m.