#' Generate Euler diagrams (proposional)
#' When `format` is `items`, `data` examples are
#' ```
#' Items Group
#' g1 Set1
#' g2 Set1
#' a1 Set3
#' a3 Set1
#' b4 Set1
#' g1 Set2
#' h1 Set4
#' ```
#' When `format` is `counts`, `data` examples are
#' ```
#' Intersection Count
#' Set1&Set2 2
#' Set1&Set3&Set4&Set5 1
#' Set3&Set5 2
#' Set1 1
#' Set2&Set4 1
#' Set2&Set3&Set4 1
#' Set2&Set5 1
#' Set3 1
#' Set5 1
#' Set4&Set5 1
#' Set4 2
#' ```
#' @param data One filename or dataframe containing data in specified formats with header line.
#' @param format `items` or `counts` with format specified above.
#' @param intersection_variable Only used when `format=counts` to specify which column
#' contains different types of interactions. For example data, first column name `Intersection`
#' should be given here. Color should be specified for the appearance order of each set.
#' @param count_variable Only used when `format=counts` to specify which column
#' contains computed counts for different types of interactions. For example data,
#' first column name `Count` should be given here.
#' @param item_variable Only used when `format=items` to specify which column
#' contains all items like genes or OTUs or species. For example data, first column
#' name `Items` should be given here.
#' @param set_variable Only used when `format=items` to specify which column
#' contains group information of items. For example data, second column
#' name `Group` should be given here. Color should be specified for the alphabetial
#' order of each set.
#' @param type Show `percent` or `counts` in the plot. Default `counts`.
#' @param shape Use `circle` or `ellipse` in the plot. Default `circle`.
#' @inheritParams generate_color_list
#' @inheritParams sp_ggplot_layout
#' @param font_quantities Font size for numbers in Euler plot. Default `1`.
#' @param lty Line type of circle or ellipse edges from `1` to `6` represents `solid`,
#' `dashed`, `dotted`, `dotdash`, `longdash` and `twodash` separately. Default `1`.
#' @param labels_font Font size for labels in Euler plot. Default `1`.
#' @inheritParams base_plot_save
#' @param ... Other parameters given to base_plot_save
#' @return a grid object
#' @export
#' @examples
sp_EulerDiagrams <- function (data,
format = "items", # items or counts
intersection_variable = NULL,
count_variable = NULL,
item_variable = NULL,
set_variable = NULL,
type = c("counts"), #percent
shape = "circle", #ellipse
manual_color_vector = NULL,
alpha = 1,
legend.position = "right",
font_quantities = 1,
lty = 1,
labels_font = 1,
saveplot = NULL,
saveppt = FALSE,
...) {
# library(eulerr)
# 最基本的输入格式判断不能落下
if (class(data) == "character") {
data <- sp_readTable(data, row.names = NULL, header=T)
} else if (class(data) != "data.frame") {
stop("Unknown input format for `data` parameter.")
if(format == "items"){
if(sp.is.null(item_variable) || sp.is.null(set_variable)){
stop(paste(item_variable,"and",set_variable,"are required for <items> format data."))
data <- unique(data[c(item_variable, set_variable)])
data = split(data[,1], data[,2])
setname = names(data)
} else if (format == "counts"){
if(sp.is.null(intersection_variable) || sp.is.null(count_variable)){
stop(paste(intersection_variable,"and",count_variable,"are required for <items> format data."))
#data <- sort(data)
setname = unique(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(data[[intersection_variable]]),'&')))
intersection_count <- data[[count_variable]]
names(intersection_count) = data[[intersection_variable]]
data = intersection_count
# print(data)
} else {
stop("Only <items> or <counts> format allowed!")
setnumber <- length(setname)
Euler <- euler(data, shape = shape)
if (!sp.is.null(manual_color_vector)) {
fill_color <- generate_color_list(manual_color_vector, setnumber,
alpha = alpha)
# fill color would be the appearance order of sets in file
#names(fill_color) <- sort(setname)
#fill_color <- as.list(fill_color)
} else {
fill_color = list()
# print(sort(setname))
# print(fill_color)
# plot.euler
a <- plot(
quantities = list(type = type, font = font_quantities),
fill = fill_color,
legend = list(side = legend.position),
edges = list(lty = lty),
labels = list(font = labels_font)
if (!is.null(saveplot)) {
base_plot_save(saveplot, ...)
if (saveppt){
quantities = list(type = type, font = font_quantities),
fill = fill_color,
legend = list(side = legend.position),
edges = list(lty = lty),
labels = list(font = labels_font)
eoffice::topptx(p,filename = paste0(saveplot,".pptx"))
# dev.off()
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