#' Generating enrichment plot
#' @param data Data file (with header line, the first column is not the rowname, tab seperated).
#' @param xvariable One of column names used as the variable for horizontal axis.
#' @param yvariable One of column names used as the variable for vertical axis.
#' @param yvariable_width Default 60. Normally yvariable would be terms. This is used to set
#' the max-allowed term length. Terms with length larger than given value will be wrap
#' to new line.
#' @param xvariable_order The order for horizontal axis. Only woroks if horizontal axis
#' variables are strings. If horizontaol axis are numbers like GeneRatio,
#' this will be treated as shape_variable order. Default alphabetical order,
#' accept a vector like c('SampA_Up','SampB_Up').
#' @param shape_variable One of column names used as the variable for defining point shapes.
#' @param shape_variable_order The order for shape variable. Default alphabetical order,
#' accept a vector like c('SampA_Up','SampB_Up').
#' @param size_variable One of column names used as the variable for defining point sizes.
#' Normally `count`. Default the variable name given to `sqrt_transform_variable`.
#' @param scale_size_min Scale size with minimum value specified
#' @param scale_size_max Scale size with maximum value specified
#' @param title Title of picture. Default empty.
#' @param x_label X-axis title of picture. Default empty.
#' @param y_label Y-axis title of picture. Default empty.
#' @param log10_transform_variable Get log-transformed data for given variable.
#' Default `NULL`, means no log10 transform.
#' Accept a variable like `p_value` to get `(-1) * log10(p_value)`.
#' @param sqrt_transform_variable Get square root-transformed data for given variable.
#' Default `NULL`, means no sqrt transform.
#' Accept a variable like `count` to get `sqrt(count)`.
#' @param color_variable One of column names used as the variable for defining point colors. Default the
#' variable name given to `log10_transform_variable`.
#' @inheritParams sp_ggplot_layout
#' @inheritParams sp_manual_color_ggplot2
#' @param ... Parameters given to `sp_ggplot_layout`
#' @return A ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Not run:
#' enrichment_data <- "enrichment.data"
#' library(YSX)
#' enrichment_data <- "enrichment.data"
#' sp_enrichment(data = enrichment_data, xvariable = "GeneRatio", yvariable = "Description",
#' log10_transform_variable = "Qvalue", sqrt_transform_variable = "Count",
#' shape_variable = "SampleGroup")
#' enrichment_data <- "goeast.enrich.txt"
#' enrichment.data <- sp_readTable(enrichment_data)
#' head(enrichment.data)
#' p <- sp_enrichment(data = enrichment.data, xvariable = "log_odds_ratio",
#' yvariable = "Term", color_variable = "p",
#' log10_transform_variable="p", size_variable = "q",
#' sqrt_transform_variable = "q",
#' shape_variable = "Ontology")
#' ## End(Not run)
sp_enrichment <- function(data,
size_variable = NULL,
color_variable = NULL,
xvariable_order = NULL,
yvariable_order = NULL,
shape_variable_order = NULL,
title = NULL,
x_label = NULL,
y_label = NULL,
scale_size_max = NULL,
scale_size_min = NULL,
yvariable_width = 60,
manual_color_vector = c("green", "red"),
log10_transform_variable = NULL,
sqrt_transform_variable = NULL,
legend.position = "right",
xtics_angle = 0,
shape_variable = NULL,
coordinate_flip = FALSE,
extra_ggplot2_cmd = NULL,
...) {
if (class(data) == "character") {
data <- sp_readTable(data, row.names = NULL)
} else if (class(data) != "data.frame") {
stop("Unknown input format for `data` parameter.")
if (sp.is.null(xvariable) || sp.is.null(yvariable)) {
stop('xvariable or yvariable must be specified!')
data_colnames <- colnames(data)
if (!(xvariable %in% data_colnames &&
yvariable %in% data_colnames)) {
stop(paste(xvariable, 'or', yvariable, 'must be column names of data!'))
xval_type = "string"
if (is.numeric(data[[xvariable]]) || numCheck(data[[xvariable]])) {
xval_type = "numeric"
# When meets unusual numerical type like 2/3, transfer them to numeric
if (!is.numeric(data[[xvariable]])) {
data[[xvariable]] <- mixedToFloat(data[[xvariable]])
if (xval_type == "string") {
# Do not know why add this as default, just comment out 20200705
# if (sp.is.null(shape_variable)) {
# shape_variable = xvariable
# }
data = sp_set_factor_order(data, xvariable, xvariable_order)
if (!sp.is.null(shape_variable)) {
if (shape_variable != xvariable) {
data = sp_set_factor_order(data, shape_variable, shape_variable_order)
} else if (sp.is.null(xvariable_order)) {
if (!sp.is.null(shape_variable_order)) {
data = sp_set_factor_order(data, shape_variable, shape_variable_order)
shape_level <- length(unique(data[[shape_variable]]))
shapes = (1:shape_level) %% 30
shape_variable_en = sym(shape_variable)
# First order by Term, then order by shape_variable
if (!sp.is.null(shape_variable) & xval_type != "numeric") {
data <- data[order(data[[yvariable]], data[[shape_variable]]),]
if (!sp.is.null(color_variable) &&
!is.numeric(data[[color_variable]]) &&
numCheck(data[[color_variable]])) {
data[[color_variable]] = mixedToFloat(data[[color_variable]])
if (!sp.is.null(log10_transform_variable) &&
(sp.is.null(color_variable) ||
color_variable == log10_transform_variable)) {
color_variable = paste0("negLog10_", log10_transform_variable)
if (!sp.is.null(log10_transform_variable)) {
log_name = paste0("negLog10_", log10_transform_variable)
col_name_data <- colnames(data)
col_name_data <- c(col_name_data, log_name)
if (!numCheck(data[[log10_transform_variable]])) {
"column is not numerical column. Please do not set log10 transform on this column."
} else {
if (!is.numeric(data[[log10_transform_variable]])) {
data[[log10_transform_variable]] = mixedToFloat(data[[log10_transform_variable]])
data$log_name <- log10(data[[log10_transform_variable]]) * (-1)
data$log_name[data$log_name == Inf] = max(data$log_name[data$log_name !=
Inf]) + 2
colnames(data) <- col_name_data
if (!sp.is.null(size_variable) &&
numCheck(data[[size_variable]]) &&
!is.numeric(data[[size_variable]])) {
data[[size_variable]] = mixedToFloat(data[[size_variable]])
if (!sp.is.null(sqrt_transform_variable) &&
(sp.is.null(size_variable) ||
size_variable == sqrt_transform_variable)) {
size_variable = paste0("sqrt_", sqrt_transform_variable)
if (!sp.is.null(sqrt_transform_variable)) {
sqrt_name = paste0("sqrt_", sqrt_transform_variable)
col_name_data <- colnames(data)
col_name_data <- c(col_name_data, sqrt_name)
if (!numCheck(data[[sqrt_transform_variable]])) {
"column is not numerical column. Plase do not set sqrt transform on this column."
} else {
if (!is.numeric(data[[sqrt_transform_variable]])) {
data[[sqrt_transform_variable]] = mixedToFloat(data[[sqrt_transform_variable]])
data$sqrt_name <- sqrt(data[[sqrt_transform_variable]])
colnames(data) <- col_name_data
if (sp.is.null(yvariable_order)) {
# Get the count of each unique Term
data_freq <- as.data.frame(table(data[[yvariable]]))
colnames(data_freq) <- c(yvariable, "IDctct")
data2 <- merge(data, data_freq, by = yvariable)
if (!sp.is.null(shape_variable)) {
# Collapse shape_variable for each Term
data_samp <-
aggregate(as.formula(paste(shape_variable, "~", yvariable)),
data2, paste, collapse = "_")
colnames(data_samp) <- c(yvariable, "sam_ct_ct_ct")
data2 <- merge(data2, data_samp, by = yvariable)
if (xval_type != "string") {
data3 <-
} else {
data3 <-
data2[order(data2$IDctct, data2$sam_ct_ct_ct, data2[[shape_variable]],
} else{
if (xval_type != "string") {
data3 <-
data2[order(data2$IDctct, data2[[xvariable]], data2[[color_variable]]),]
} else {
data3 <- data2[order(data2$IDctct, data2[[color_variable]]),]
yvariable_order <- unique(data3[[yvariable]])
rm(data_freq, data2, data3)
data = sp_set_factor_order(data, yvariable, yvariable_order)
xvariable_en = sym(xvariable)
yvariable_en = sym(yvariable)
size_variable_en = sym(size_variable)
color_variable_en = sym(color_variable)
p <-
ggplot(data, aes(x = !!xvariable_en, y = !!yvariable_en)) + geom_point()
if (!sp.is.null(shape_variable)) {
p <- p + aes(shape = !!shape_variable_en)
if (shape_level > 6) {
p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values = shapes)
if (!sp.is.null(size_variable)) {
p <- p + aes(size = !!size_variable_en)
if (!sp.is.null(scale_size_min) && !sp.is.null(scale_size_max)) {
p <- p + scale_size(name = size_variable,
range = range(scale_size_min, scale_size_max))
if (!sp.is.null(color_variable)) {
p <- p + aes(color = !!color_variable_en)
p <-
sp_manual_color_ggplot2(p, data, color_variable, manual_color_vector)
p <- p + scale_y_discrete(
labels = function(x)
str_wrap(x, width = yvariable_width)
p <- sp_ggplot_layout(
xtics_angle = xtics_angle,
legend.position = legend.position,
extra_ggplot2_cmd = extra_ggplot2_cmd,
x_label = x_label,
y_label = y_label,
title = title,
coordinate_flip = coordinate_flip,
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