
#' Define the trait architecture
#' @description 
#' Adds QTL to a genome. SNPs are assigned (randomly or by the user) to become
#' QTL. Effects are then assigned to the QTL (from various distributions). All 
#' QTL have additive effects, and some, all, or none can have dominance effects.
#' @param genome The list of hypred genomes.
#' @param n.QTL The number of SNPs to become QTL.
#' @param qtl.index A list of SNP indices per chromosome to become QTL. If NULL, 
#' indices are randomly sampled.
#' @param qtl.dom.index A list of QTL indices per chromosome to have dominance 
#' effects.
#' @param qtl.perf.index A list of QTL indices per chromosome to be perfect
#' markers (i.e. the observed SNP is the QTL).
#' @param qtl.add.eff A vector of length \code{n.QTL} of additive effects of QTL.
#' The vector is interpreted as such: the ith element in the vector will be the
#' additive effect assigned to the ith QTL. Can also be \code{"normal"} to draw 
#' effects from a standard normal distribution or \code{"geometric"} to draw
#' effects from a geometric series.
#' @param qtl.dom.eff A vector of length \code{n.QTL} of dominance effects of QTL.
#' The vector is interpreted as such: the ith element in the vector will be the
#' dominance effect assigned to the ith QTL.
#' @return 
#' A list of hypred genomes with assigned trait architecture.
#' @import hypred
#' @export
trait.architecture <- function(genome, n.QTL, qtl.index = NULL, 
                               qtl.dom.index = NULL, qtl.perf.index = NULL, 
                               qtl.add.eff = "normal", qtl.dom.eff = NULL) {
  # Deal with input
  # Find the number of chromosomes
  n.chr <- length(genome)
  # If the qtl.ids are NULL, randomly sample the loci
  if (is.null(qtl.index)) {
    # Create a list to determine the number of qtl for each chromosome. This will
    # randomize the number of QTL per chromosome
    qtl.per.chr <- sapply(X = split(x = seq(n.QTL), f = sample(x = n.chr, size = n.QTL, replace = T)), FUN = length)
    # Iterate over chromosomes
    qtl.index.per.chr <- mapply(qtl.per.chr, genome, FUN = function(n.qtl.p, chr) {
      # Pull out the number of loci on the chromsome and create an index
      loci.index.p <- seq(chr@num.snp.chr)
      # Sample the index and add to the list
      sort(sample(x = loci.index.p, size = n.qtl.p)) })
    # If the list is specified, check it
  } else {
    if (length(qtl.index) != n.chr) stop("The length of the qtl.index list is not the same as the number of chromosomes.")
    # Rename it
    qtl.index.per.chr <- qtl.index
    # Figure out the QTL per chromosomes
    qtl.per.chr <- sapply(X = qtl.index.per.chr, FUN = length)
  # QTL dominance IDs
  if (is.null(qtl.dom.index)) {
    # Create a list of NULLs
    qtl.dom.index.per.chr <- vector("list", n.chr)
  } else { # Otherwise check the list
    if (length(qtl.dom.index) != n.chr) stop("The length of the qtl.dom.index list is not the same as the number of chromsomes.")
    # Rename it
    qtl.dom.index.per.chr <- qtl.dom.index
  # Perfect QTL IDs
  if (is.null(qtl.perf.index)) {
    # Create a list of NULLs
    qtl.perf.index.per.chr <- vector("list", n.chr)
  } else { # Otherwise check the list
    if (length(qtl.perf.index) != n.chr) stop("The length of the qtl.perf.index list is not the same as the number of chromosomes.")
    # Rename it
    qtl.perf.index.per.chr <- qtl.perf.index
  # Assign qtl effects
  if (is.character(qtl.add.eff)) {
    # Draw from standard normal
    if (qtl.add.eff == "normal") {
      qtl.add.eff <- abs(rnorm(n = n.QTL, mean = 0, sd = 1))
      # Randomly assign negative values to the qtl effects - this corresponds to the value of the 1 allele
      qtl.add.eff <- qtl.add.eff * sample(c(1,-1), n.QTL, replace = T)
    } else { # Draw from geometric series
      if (qtl.add.eff == "geometric") {
        a = (n.QTL - 1) / (n.QTL + 1)
        qtl.add.eff <- sample(a^(1:n.QTL))
        # Randomly assign negative values to the qtl effects - this corresponds to the value of the 1 allele
        qtl.add.eff <- qtl.add.eff * sample(c(1,-1), n.QTL, replace = T)
        # Break up the effects into chromosomes with the same number of elements
        ## as QTL on those chromosomes
        qtl.add.eff.per.chr <- split(qtl.add.eff, rep(seq(n.chr), qtl.per.chr))
      } else {
        # Otherwise, make sure the length of the additive effects is the same as the number of chr
        if (length(qtl.add.eff) != n.chr) stop("The length of the QTL effects is not the same as the number of chromosomes")
  # Dominance effects
  if (is.null(qtl.dom.eff)) {
    # Create a list of NULLs
    qtl.dom.eff.per.chr <- vector("list", n.chr)
  } else { # Otherwise check it
    if (length(qtl.dom.eff) != n.chr) stop("The length of the qtl.dom.eff list is not the same as the number of chromosomes.")
    # Make sure each element in the qtl.dom.eff list is the same as the qtl.dom.index.per.chr list
    dom.elements.same <- sapply(X = 1:n.chr, FUN = function(i) length(qtl.dom.eff[[i]]) == length(qtl.dom.index.per.chr[[i]]) )
    if (!all(dom.elements.same)) stop("One or more of the elements in the qtl.dom.eff list are not the same length as the corresponding qtl.dom.index list.")
  # Iterate over the chromosomes and qtl indices, effects, etc
  genome1 <- mapply(genome, qtl.index.per.chr, qtl.dom.index.per.chr, 
                    qtl.perf.index.per.chr, qtl.add.eff.per.chr, 
                    qtl.dom.eff.per.chr, FUN = function(chr, a.i, d.i, p.i, a, d) {

                      chr <- hypredNewQTL(chr,
                                          new.id.add = a.i,
                                          new.id.dom = d.i,
                                          new.id.per.mar = p.i,
                                          new.eff.add = a,
                                          new.eff.dom = d ) })
  # Return the new genome
} # Close the function
UMN-BarleyOatSilphium/GSSimTPUpdate documentation built on May 9, 2019, 7:40 p.m.