
Defines functions prediction_score_rand var_prediction_score p_prediction_score d_prediction_score plot.aphylo_prediction_score blue print.aphylo_prediction_score predict_random prediction_score.aphylo_estimates prediction_score_backend prediction_score.default prediction_score.list prediction_score.matrix prediction_score

Documented in plot.aphylo_prediction_score prediction_score prediction_score.aphylo_estimates print.aphylo_prediction_score

#' Calculate prediction score (quality of prediction)
#' @param x An object of class [aphylo_estimates] or other numeric vector-like
#' object (see details).
#' @param expected Numeric vector-like object length \eqn{n} (see details).
#' Expected values (either 0 or 1).
#' @param alpha0,alpha1 Probability of observing a zero an a one, respectively.
#' @param W A square matrix. Must have as many rows as genes in `expected`.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to [predict.aphylo_estimates]
#' @export
#' @details In the case of `prediction_score`, `...` are passed to
#' `predict.aphylo_estimates`.
#' The function will accept `x` as a numeric vector, list of vectors, or matrix.
#' Otherwise, it will try to coerce it to a matrix. If it fails, it will throw
#' an error.
#' @returns 
#' A list of class `aphylo_prediction_score`:
#' -  obs       : Observed 1 - MAE.
#' -  obs_raw   : Unnormalized (raw) scores.
#' -  random_raw: Unnormalized (raw) scores.
#' -  worse_raw : Unnormalized (raw) scores.
#' -  pval      : Computed p-value.
#' -  worse     : Reference of worse case.
#' -  predicted : Numeric matrix with observed predictions.
#' -  expected  : Integer matrix with expected annotations.
#' -  random    : Random score (null).
#' -  alpha0    : The passed alpha parameters.
#' -  alpha1    : The passed alpha parameters.
#' -  auc       : An object of class `aphylo_auc`.
#' -  obs.ids   : Indices of the ids.
#' -  leaf.ids  : IDs of the leafs (if present).
#' -  tree      : Of class `phylo`.
#' @examples 
#' # Example with prediction_score ---------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(11552)
#' ap  <- raphylo(
#'   50, P = 1,
#'   Pi   = 0,
#'   mu_d = c(.8,.2),
#'   mu_s = c(0.1,0.1),
#'   psi  = c(0,0)
#'   )
#' ans <- aphylo_mcmc(
#'   ap ~ mu_d + mu_s + Pi,
#'   control = list(nsteps=2e3, thin=20, burnin = 500),
#'   priors = bprior(c(9, 1, 1, 1, 5), c(1, 9, 9, 9, 5))
#'   )
#' (pr <- prediction_score(ans, loo = TRUE))
#' plot(pr)
prediction_score <- function(
  alpha0 = NULL,
  alpha1 = NULL,
  W = NULL,
  ) UseMethod("prediction_score")

#' @export
prediction_score.matrix <- function(
  alpha0 = NULL,
  alpha1 = NULL,
  W = NULL,
) {

  # Both x and expected should be numeric
  if (!is.numeric(x) || !is.numeric(expected))
    stop("`x` and `expected` must be numeric.", call.=FALSE)

  # Checking that it has a single column
  if (ncol(x) != 1L || ncol(expected) != 1L)
    stop("`x` and `y` must have a single column.", call.=FALSE)

  # Checking dimensions
  if (any(dim(x) != dim(expected)))
    stop("`x` and `expected` differ in length. These must match.", call.=FALSE)

  # Vectorizing
  x        <- as.vector(x)
  expected <- as.vector(expected)

  # Passing to default method
    x        = matrix(x, ncol = 1),
    expected = matrix(expected, ncol = 1),
    alpha0   = alpha0,
    alpha1   = alpha1,
    W        = W,

#' @export
prediction_score.list <- function(
  alpha0 = NULL,
  alpha1 = NULL,
  W = NULL,
) {

  # Passing to default method
    x        = do.call(rbind, x),
    expected = do.call(rbind, expected),
    alpha0   = alpha0,
    alpha1   = alpha1,
    W        = W,

#' @export
prediction_score.default <- function(
  alpha0 = NULL,
  alpha1 = NULL,
  W      = NULL,
  ) {

  x        <- tryCatch(as.matrix(x), error = function(e) e)
  expected <- tryCatch(as.matrix(expected), error = function(e) e)

  if (inherits(x, "error") || inherits(expected, "error"))
    stop("If not list or matrix, `x` and `expected` must be numeric.", call.=FALSE)

    x        = x,
    expected = expected,
    alpha0   = alpha0,
    alpha1   = alpha1,
    W        = W,


prediction_score_backend <- function(
  alpha0 = NULL,
  alpha1 = NULL,
  W      = NULL,
  ) {

  # Checking dimensions
  if (length(x) != length(expected))
    stop("`x` and `expected` differ in length. These must match.", call.=FALSE)
  # Counting complete cases
  N <- 1:nrow(expected)
  ids <- expected[cbind(N, max.col(expected))]
  ids <- which(ids %in% c(1L, 0L) & x[cbind(N, max.col(x))] != 9.0)
  if (length(ids) != nrow(expected)) {
    expected <- expected[ids, , drop=FALSE]
    x        <- x[ids, , drop=FALSE]
  # Computing the expected value of 1s. We will use this to compute the random
  # score.
  if (!length(alpha0))
    alpha0 <- 1 - mean(expected)
  if (!length(alpha1))
    alpha1 <- 1 - alpha0
  if (is.null(W))
    W <- diag(length(ids))
    W <- W[ids, ids, drop=FALSE]
  # obs <- rowSums(x - expected)
  # obs <- NULL
  # for (p in 1:ncol(x))
  #   obs <- cbind(obs, ifelse(expected == 1, 1 - x, x))
  obs <- sum(abs(x - expected))
  # obs <- sum(obs)
  # obs <- t(obs) %*% W %*% obs
  # Best case
  best <- 0
  # Worst case
  worse <- sum(W)*ncol(x)
  # Random case
  rand  <- prediction_score_rand(expected, W, alpha0, alpha1)

  # Hypothesis testing ---------------------------------------------------------
  pval <- p_prediction_score(
    alpha0 = alpha0,
    alpha1 = alpha1,
    n0     = sum(expected == 0),
    n1     = sum(expected == 1)
      obs        = 1.0 - obs/worse,
      obs_raw    = obs,
      random_raw = rand,
      worse_raw  = worse,
      pval       = pval,
      worse      = 0.0,
      predicted  = x,
      expected   = expected,
      random     = 1.0 - rand/worse,
      alpha0     = alpha0,
      alpha1     = alpha1,
      auc        = auc(x, expected),
      obs.ids    = NULL,
      leaf.ids   = NULL,
      tree       = NULL
    ), class = "aphylo_prediction_score"

#' @export
#' @template loo
#' @rdname prediction_score
#' @details In the case of the method for aphylo estimates, the function takes as
#' a reference using alpha equal to the proportion of observed tip annotations that
#' are equal to 1, this is:
#' ```
#' mean(x$dat$tip.annotation[x$dat$tip.annotation != 9L], na.rm = TRUE)
#' ```
prediction_score.aphylo_estimates <- function(
  expected = NULL,
  alpha0   = NULL,
  alpha1   = NULL,
  W        = NULL,
  loo      = TRUE,
  ) {
  # If null, then we take the true (observed) proportion of ones to compare
  if (any(class(x$dat) %in% c("multiAphylo"))) {
    # Setting up for prediction
    x_tmp <- x
    res   <- vector("list", Ntrees(x_tmp))
    if (is.null(expected)) expected <- res
    if (is.null(W))        W        <- res
    if (length(alpha0) == 1L)  alpha0 <- rep(alpha0, Ntrees(x))
    if (length(alpha1) == 1L)  alpha1 <- rep(alpha1, Ntrees(x))
    for (i in seq_along(res)) {
      # Preparing data
      x_tmp$dat <- x$dat[[i]]
      res[[i]] <- prediction_score.aphylo_estimates(
        expected = expected[[i]],
        alpha0   = alpha0[i],
        alpha1   = alpha1[i],
        W        = W[[i]],
        loo      = loo,
  # Finding relevant ids
  if (is.null(expected)) {
    expected <- with(x$dat, rbind(tip.annotation, node.annotation))
    dimnames(expected) <- with(x$dat, list(c(tree$tip.label, tree$node.label), colnames(tip.annotation)))
  } else {
    test <- all(dim(expected) == dim(with(x$dat, rbind(tip.annotation, node.annotation))))
    if (!test) 
        "`expected` must be a matrix of size ",
        length(with(x$dat$tree, c(tip.label, node.label))), "x",
        Nann(x$dat), call. = FALSE)

  # We will only focuse on those that we can actually asses
  ids <- which(apply(expected, 1L, function(x) all(x != 9L)))
  # And furthermore, only on the leafs
  ids <- intersect(ids, 1L:Ntip(x$dat))

  # Prediction
  pred <- predict.aphylo_estimates(
    ids    = list(ids),
    loo    = loo,
  # Inverse of Geodesic distances
  if (!length(W)) {
    G_inv <- diag(length(ids))
  } else {
    G_inv <- W
    if (!all(dim(W) == rep(length(ids), 2)))
      stop(sprintf("-W- must have be of dimmension dim(W) == c(%i, %1$i)", length(ids)))
  # Adjusting alphas according to loo logic. To make the benchmark fair, we need
  # to exclude one annotation from each type for the loo
  n <- length(ids)
  if (!length(alpha0) && loo) {
    alpha0 <- max(sum(expected[ids,] == 0) - ncol(expected), 0)
    alpha0 <- alpha0/((nrow(expected[ids,]) - 1) * ncol(expected))
  if (!length(alpha1) && loo) {
    alpha1 <- max(sum(expected[ids,]) - ncol(expected), 0)
    alpha1 <- alpha1/((nrow(expected[ids,]) - 1) * ncol(expected))
  ans <- prediction_score_backend(
    x        = pred[ids,,drop=FALSE],
    expected = expected[ids,,drop = FALSE],
    alpha0   = alpha0,
    alpha1   = alpha1,
    W        = G_inv
  # Adding missing info
  ans$obs.ids   <- c(x$dat$tree$tip.label,x$dat$tree$node.label)[ids]
  ans$tree      <- x$dat$tree
  ans$predicted <- pred
  ans$expected  <- expected

#' Calculates the ramdon prediction score by simulationss
#' @param P Number of functions
#' @param A Observed annotations
#' @param G_inv Weighting matrix
#' @noRd
predict_random <- function(P, A, G_inv, alpha0, alpha1, R = 1e4L) {
  is0 <- which(A == 0)
  is1 <- which(A == 1)
  n0  <- length(is0)
  n1  <- length(is1)
  n   <- n0 + n1
  A_sorted <- matrix(c(rep(0, n0), rep(1, n1)), ncol = 1)
  S <- array(
    as.integer(runif(P*n*R) < c(rep(1 - alpha0, n0), rep(alpha1, n1))),
    dim = c(n, P, R)
  # S <- array(
  #   sample(c(0,1), size = P*n*R, replace = TRUE, prob = c(alpha0, alpha1)),
  #   dim = c(n, P, R)
  #   )
  sapply(1:R, function(x) {
    # obs   <- sqrt(rowSums((A_sorted - S[,,x])^2))
    # t(obs) %*% G_inv %*% obs
    sum((A_sorted - S[,,x])^2)

# predict_random2 <- function(P, A, G_inv, alpha0=NULL, alpha1=NULL, beta=NULL, R = 1e4L) {
#   n <- nrow(G_inv)
#   # By default, if not specified, we use the MoM estimators
#   if (is.null(alpha) | is.null(beta)) {
#     m     <- mean(A)
#     v     <- var(A)/2
#     const <- (m * (1 - m) / v - 1)
#     if (is.null(alpha))
#       alpha <- const * m
#     if (is.null(beta))
#       beta  <- const * (1 - m)
#   }
#   B <- array(rbeta(n * P * R, alpha, beta), dim = c(n, P, R))
#   sapply(1:R, function(r) {
#     obs   <- sqrt(rowSums((A - B[,,r,drop=TRUE])^2))
#     t(obs) %*% G_inv %*% obs
#   })
# }

#' @export
#' @rdname prediction_score
print.aphylo_prediction_score <- function(x, ...) {
  significance <- with(x, {
    if (pval < .01) "***"
    else if (pval < .05) "**"
    else if (pval < .1) "*"
    else ""
  with(x, cat(
    "Prediction score (H0: Observed = Random)\n", 
    sprintf(" N obs.      : %-d", nrow(expected)),
    sprintf(" alpha(0, 1) : %-.2f, %-.2f", alpha0, alpha1),
    sprintf(" Observed    : %-.2f %s", obs, significance),
    sprintf(" Random      : %-.2f ", random),
    sprintf(" P(<t)       : %-.4f", pval),
    paste0(rep("-", getOption("width")), collapse=""),
    "Values scaled to range between 0 and 1, 1 being best.",
    "\nSignificance levels: *** p < .01, ** p < .05, * p < .10",
    sprintf("AUC %-.2f.", auc$auc),
    sprintf("MAE %-.2f.", 1 - obs),
    sep ="\n"

# Function to color the absence/presence of function
blue <- function(x) {
  x[is.na(x)] <- 9
  ans <- colorRamp2(.aphyloColors)(x)
  ans <- grDevices::rgb(ans, alpha = 255, maxColorValue = 255)
  ifelse(x == 9, "black", ans)

#' Visualize predictions
#' @export
#' @param x An object of class `aphylo_prediction_score`.
#' @param ... Ignored
#' @param y Ignored.
#' @param main Passed to `title`.
#' @param which.fun Integer vector. Which function to plot.
#' @param include.labels Logical scalar. When `TRUE`, draws nice labels
#' at each slice which by default are specified as the rownames of `x$expected`.
#' This is mostly useful when the number of predictions is small.
#' @param labels.col Character scalar. Color of the labels.
#' @param main.colorkey Character scalar. Title of the colorkey (optional).
#' @param leafs_only Logical. When `TRUE` (default) only plots the leaf nodes.
#' @details
#' If `include.labels = NULL` and `ncol(x$expected) > 40`,
#' then `include.labels=FALSE` by default.
#' @returns 
#' NULL (invisible) Generates a plot of the predictions.
#' @aliases plot-prediction
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(8783)
#' atree  <- raphylo(29)
#' ans    <- aphylo_mle(atree ~ mu_d + mu_s + Pi)
#' pred_s <- prediction_score(ans)
#' pred_s
#' plot(pred_s)
plot.aphylo_prediction_score <- function(
  y              = NULL, 
  main           = "Prediction Accuracy: Observed versus predicted values",
  main.colorkey  = "Probability of Functional Annotation",
  which.fun      = seq_len(ncol(x$expected)),
  include.labels = NULL,
  labels.col     = "black",
  leafs_only     = TRUE,
  ) {
  if (is.null(x$tree))
    stop("This method is only available for trees.", call. = FALSE)
  # Should we plot only the leafs?
  if (leafs_only) {
    idx <- x$tree$tip.label
  } else
    idx <- 1:nrow(x$predicted)
  predicted <- x$predicted[idx, , drop=FALSE]
  expected  <- x$expected[idx, , drop=FALSE]
  k <- length(which.fun)
  y <- rep(1L, nrow(predicted))
  # Should we draw the labels?
  if (!length(include.labels)) {
    if (nrow(predicted) > 40) include.labels <- FALSE
    else include.labels <- TRUE
  # Getting the order
  grDevices::pdf(file = NULL);ape::plot.phylo(x$tree, plot=FALSE);grDevices::dev.off()
  plot_pars <- utils::getFromNamespace(".PlotPhyloEnv", "ape")
  ord  <- order(predicted[,1])#order(plot_pars$last_plot.phylo$yy[idx])
  oldpar <- graphics::par(mar=c(3,0,3,0))
  for (i in 1:k) {
    # Sorting accordingly to predicted
    # ord <- 1L:length(predicted[,i]) 

    # Outer polygon
      y, border="transparent", col = "transparent", lwd=2,
      radius = 1.5,
      doughnut = .5, skip.plot.slices = TRUE
    graphics::polygon(circle(0,0,1.5), border="gray", lwd = 1.5, col = "lightgray")
    graphics::polygon(circle(0,0,0.5), border="gray", lwd = 1.5, col="white")
    # Outer pie
    opie <- piechart(
      radius    = 1,
      doughnut  = .755,
      add       = TRUE,
      col       = blue(predicted[ord,i]),
      border    = blue(predicted[ord,i]), 
      lwd       = .5,
      slice.off = ifelse(
        expected[ord, i] == 9L,.25,
        abs(predicted[ord, i] - expected[ord, i])/2
    # Inner pie
    ipie <- piechart(
      doughnut  = 0.5,
      radius    = .745,
      add       = TRUE,
      col       = blue(expected[ord,i]),
      border    = blue(expected[ord,i]),
      lwd       = .5,
      density   = ifelse(expected[ord,i] == 9L, 10, NA),
      slice.off = ifelse(
        expected[ord, i] == 9L,.25,
        abs(predicted[ord, i] - expected[ord, i])/2
    # Labels
    if (include.labels) {
      deg <- 1:length(y)
      deg <- c(deg[1], deg[-1] + deg[-length(y)])/length(y)/2*360
        radius    = .5,
        add       = TRUE,
        border    = NA,
        labels    = rownames(expected)[ord],
        text.args = list(
          srt  = ifelse(deg > 270, deg,
                        ifelse(deg > 90, deg + 180, deg)),
          col  = labels.col, #c("white", "darkgray"),
          cex  = .7 - (1 - 1/k)*.5,
          xpd  = TRUE
        tick.len  = 0,
        segments.args = list(col="transparent"),
        skip.plot.slices = TRUE
    # Extra annotations
      x0 = 0.1, y0 = 1.6, x1 = 1.75, y1 = 1.6, col="black", 
      lty=2, lwd=2
    graphics::segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 1.5, x1 = .1, y1 = 1.6, lwd=2)
    graphics::text(1.75,1.6, labels = "Perfect miss", pos = 3)
      x0 = 0.1, y0 = 0.6, x1 = 1.75, y1 = 0.6, col="black", 
      lty=2, lwd=2)
    graphics::segments(x0 = 0, y0 = .5, x1 = .1, y1 = .6, lwd=2)
    graphics::text(1.75,0.6, labels = "Perfect\nprediction", pos = 3)
    # Adding more notes
    slice2annotate <- which.min(opie$textcoords[,1])
    opie <- colMeans(opie$slices[[slice2annotate]])
    ipie <- colMeans(ipie$slices[[slice2annotate]])
    graphics::text(-1.76, .7, labels = "Observed\nannotation", pos=3)
    graphics::segments(-1.76, .7, ipie[1], ipie[2], lty=2, lwd=2)
    graphics::text(-1.76, -.7, labels = "Predicted\nannotation", pos=1)
    graphics::segments(-1.76, -.7, opie[1], opie[2], lty=2, lwd=2)
    graphics::text(0, 0, label=colnames(expected)[i], font=2)
    # Drawing color key
    oldmar <- graphics::par(mar = rep(0, 4), new = FALSE, xpd=NA)
    # graphics::par(mfrow=c(1,1), xpd=NA)
      x0 = .10, y0=0, x1=.90, y1=.1, 
      label.from = 'No function',
      label.to = "Function",
      cols = blue(seq(0,1,length.out = 3)), 
      tick.range = c(0,1),
      tick.marks = c(0,.25,.5,.75,1),
      nlevels = 200,
      main = main.colorkey
      main= main, font.main=1

d_prediction_score <- function(k, alpha0, alpha1, n0, n1) {
  l <- 0:k
  sum(stats::dbinom(l, n1, alpha0) * 
    stats::dbinom(k - l, n0, alpha1))

p_prediction_score <- function(k, alpha0, alpha1, n0, n1) {
  if (length(k) > 1)
        X      = k,
        FUN    = p_prediction_score,
        alpha0 = alpha0,
        alpha1 = alpha1,
        n0     = n0,
        n1     = n1
      X   = 0:k,
      FUN = d_prediction_score,
      alpha0 = alpha0,
      alpha1 = alpha1,
      n0     = n0,
      n1     = n1

#' Exact variance under the null for the prediction score
#' @noRd
var_prediction_score <- function(alpha, n0, n1) {
  n0 * (n0 - 1) * alpha ^ 2 +
    n1 * (n1 - 1) * (1 - alpha) ^ 2 +
    2 * n0 * n1 * alpha * (1 - alpha) +
    n0 * alpha + n1 * (1 - alpha) - 
    (n0 * alpha + n1 * (1 - alpha)) ^ 2

# d <- seq(from = .01, to = .99, length.out = 10)
# # y <- var_prediction_score(d, 15, 7)
# # plot(y, x =, type = "l")
# P<-1
# set.seed(1231)
# A<-cbind(sample(c(0,1), 20, replace=TRUE))
# samp1 <- predict_random(P = 1, A = A, G_inv = diag(20), alpha = .5)
# samp2 <- predict_random2(P = 1, A = A, G_inv = diag(20))
# mean(samp2)
# mean(samp1)
# # Comparing the range of the scores
# plot(1 - sapply(d, function(d.) aphylo:::prediction_score_rand(A, diag(20), d.))/20, type = "l")
# dat. <- lapply(d, function(d.) {
#   1 - predict_random(P = 1, A = A, G_inv = diag(20), alpha = d.)/20
# })
# dat. <- do.call(cbind, dat.)
# colnames(dat.) <- sprintf("%.2f",d)
# boxplot(dat., outline = FALSE)
# set.seed(22223)
# n <- 25
# A <- cbind(c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 20)))
# # A_hat <- cbind(rbeta(n, (1-A)*5 + .1, 1))
# # A_hat <- cbind(rep(.5, n))
# A_hat <- cbind(rep(.5, n) + ifelse(A == 1, .01, -.01))

# Generating the alternative (experiment)
# experiment <- replicate(10000, {
#   1-sum((A - (runif(n) < A_hat))^2)/n
# })
# mean(experiment)
# 1 - (sum(A_hat[A==0]) + sum(1 - A_hat[A==1]))/n
# prediction_score(x=A_hat, expected=A)
# aphylo:::p_prediction_score(
#   (sum(A_hat[A==0]) + sum(1 - A_hat[A==1])),
#   alpha = .8, n0 = sum(A == 0), n1 = sum(A == 1)
# )
# randp <- aphylo:::predict_random(1, A, diag(n), .8)
# boxplot(
#   cbind(
#     experiment,
#     1 - randp/n
#   )
# )

prediction_score_rand <- function(A, W, alpha0, alpha1) {
  obs <- NULL
  for (p in 1:ncol(A))
    obs <- cbind(obs, ifelse(A[,p] == 1, 1 - alpha1, 1 - alpha0))
USCbiostats/aphylo documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 7:22 a.m.