
Defines functions capitalize readDatafileMeta writeDatafileMeta getFileUpdateTimefromDataCommons loadStateIODataFile findLatestStateIODatainLocalDirectory downloadStateIODatafromDataCommons checkFileonDataCommons findLatestStateIODataonDataCommons getRegistryonDataCommons getFlowsaData getTwoRegionDataFileName getBEASectorCodeLocation loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMapping mapFIPS5toLocationNames getStateAbbreviation getFinalDemandCodes getVectorOfCodes joinStringswithSlashes readCSV loadDatafromUSEEIOR startLogging

Documented in capitalize checkFileonDataCommons downloadStateIODatafromDataCommons findLatestStateIODatainLocalDirectory findLatestStateIODataonDataCommons getBEASectorCodeLocation getFileUpdateTimefromDataCommons getFinalDemandCodes getFlowsaData getRegistryonDataCommons getStateAbbreviation getTwoRegionDataFileName getVectorOfCodes joinStringswithSlashes loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMapping loadDatafromUSEEIOR loadStateIODataFile mapFIPS5toLocationNames readCSV readDatafileMeta startLogging writeDatafileMeta

#' Start logging 
startLogging <- function() {

#' Load data from useeior using flexible dataset name
#' @param dataset A string specifying name of the data to load
#' @return The data loaded from useeior
loadDatafromUSEEIOR <- function(dataset) {
  utils::data(package = "useeior", list = dataset)
  df <- get(dataset)

#' Read csv files using read.table function from utils package
#' set header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, and check.names = FALSE
#' @param filename A string specifying name of the csv file
#' @param fill logical. If TRUE then in case the rows have unequal length,
#' blank fields are implicitly added.
#' @return The data read
readCSV <- function(filename, fill = FALSE) {
  df <- utils::read.table(filename, sep = ",", header = TRUE,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE,
                          fill = fill, fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM")

#' Join strings with slashes
#' @param ... text string
joinStringswithSlashes <- function(...) {
  items <- list(...)
  str <- sapply(items, paste, collapse = '/')

#' Extract desired columns from SchemaInfo, return vectors with strings of codes.
#' @param iolevel Level of detail, can be "Sector", "Summary, "Detail".
#' @param colName A text value specifying desired column name.
#' @return A vector of codes.
#' @export
getVectorOfCodes <- function(iolevel, colName) {
  SchemaInfo <- readCSV(system.file("extdata",
                                    paste0("2012_", iolevel, "_Schema_Info.csv"),
                                    package = "stateior"))
  return(as.vector(stats::na.omit(SchemaInfo[, c("Code", colName)])[, "Code"]))

#' Get codes of final demand.
#' @param iolevel Level of detail, can be "Sector", "Summary, "Detail".
#' @return A vector of final demand codes.
getFinalDemandCodes <- function(iolevel) {
  FinalDemandCodes <- unlist(sapply(list("HouseholdDemand", "InvestmentDemand",
                                         "ChangeInventories", "Export", "Import",
                                    getVectorOfCodes, iolevel = iolevel))

#' This function converts US state name, for example "Alabama",
#' to a two-character state abbreviation "AL". Can take "District of Columbia".
#' @param state A string character specifying the full name of a US state.
#' @return two-character abbreviation of a US state.
getStateAbbreviation <- function(state) {
  state_abb <- ifelse(state == "District of Columbia", "DC",
                      state.abb[state.name == state])

#' Maps a vector of 5-digit FIPS codes to location names
#' @param fipscodes A vector of 5 digit FIPS codes
#' @param fipssystem A text value specifying FIPS System, can be FIPS_2015
#' @return A vector of location names where matches are found
mapFIPS5toLocationNames <- function(fipscodes, fipssystem) {
  mapping_file <- "Crosswalk_FIPS.csv"
  mapping <- utils::read.table(system.file("extdata", mapping_file, package = "stateior"),
                               sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                               check.names = FALSE, quote = "")
  # Add leading zeros to FIPS codes if necessary
  if (!fipssystem %in% colnames(mapping)) {
    fipssystem <- max(which(startsWith(colnames(mapping), "FIPS")))
  mapping[, fipssystem] <- formatC(mapping[, fipssystem], width = 5, format = "d", flag = "0")
  mapping <- mapping[mapping[, fipssystem] %in% fipscodes, ]
  # Get locations based on fip scodes
  locations <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = fipscodes,
                                        pattern = setNames(as.vector(mapping$State),
                                                           mapping[, fipssystem]))

#' Load BEA State data (GVA and Employment) to BEA Summary mapping table
#' @param dataname A string specifying name of the BEA state data
#' @return The mapping table
loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMapping <- function(dataname) {
  filename <- paste0("Crosswalk_State", dataname, "toBEASummaryIO2012Schema.csv")
  mapping <- readCSV(system.file("extdata", filename, package = "stateior"))

#' Combine sector code and location to the form of code/location.
#' @param sector_type A text value specifying desired sector type,
#' can be "Commodity", "Industry", "FinalDemand", or "ValueAdded".
#' @param location A text value specifying desired location,
#' can be state name like "Georgia" or "RoUS" representing Rest of US.
#' @param iolevel Level of detail, can be "Sector", "Summary, "Detail".
#' @return A text value in the format of code/location.
getBEASectorCodeLocation <- function(sector_type, location, iolevel) {
  # Get code
  if (sector_type != "FinalDemand") {
    if (sector_type == "InternationalTradeAdjustment") {
      code <- ifelse(iolevel == "Detail", "F05100", "F051")
    } else {
      code <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, sector_type)
  } else {
    code <- getFinalDemandCodes(iolevel)
  # Get code_loc
  if (location != "RoUS") {
    state_abb <- getStateAbbreviation(location)
    code_loc <- apply(cbind(code, paste0("US-", state_abb)), 1,
                      FUN = joinStringswithSlashes)
  } else {
    code_loc <- apply(cbind(code, "RoUS"), 1, FUN = joinStringswithSlashes)

#' Generate two-region data filename with .rds as suffix.
#' @description Generate two-region data filename with .rds as suffix.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @param dataname Name of desired IO data, can be "Make", "Use", "DomesticUse",
#' "CommodityOutput, and "IndustryOutput".
#' @return A string of two-region data filename with .rds as suffix.
getTwoRegionDataFileName <- function(year, iolevel, dataname) {
  filename <- paste("TwoRegion", iolevel, dataname, year, sep = "_")

#' Load flowsa FlowByActivity or FlowBySector data from Data Commons
#' @param dataname A string specifying data name, can be "NOAA_FisheryLandings".
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state data from FLOWSA.
getFlowsaData <- function(dataname, year) {
  if (is.null(model_ver)) {
    model_ver <- "NULL"
  # Load metadata
  if (dataname == "Employment") {
    meta <- configr::read.config(system.file("extdata/", "FlowBySector_metadata.yml",
                                             package = "stateior"))
    if ("Extension" %in% names(meta[[dataname]][[model_ver]])) {
      file_extesion <- meta[[dataname]][[model_ver]]
    } else {
      file_extesion <- meta[[dataname]][[model_ver]][[as.character(year)]]
    filename <- paste(dataname, "state", year, file_extesion, sep = "_")
    subdirectory <- "flowsa/FlowBySector"
  } else {
    meta <- configr::read.config(system.file("extdata/", "FlowByActivity_metadata.yml",
                                             package = "stateior"))
    if ("Extension" %in% names(meta[[dataname]][[model_ver]])) {
      file_extesion <- meta[[dataname]][[model_ver]]
    } else {
      file_extesion <- meta[[dataname]][[model_ver]][[as.character(year)]]
    filename <- paste(dataname, year, file_extesion, sep = "_")
    subdirectory <- "flowsa/FlowByActivity"
  # Define file directory
  directory <- file.path(rappdirs::user_data_dir(), subdirectory)
  if (!file.exists(file.path(directory, filename))) {
    url <- paste0("https://dmap-data-commons-ord.s3.amazonaws.com/", subdirectory)
    logging::loginfo(paste0("file not found, downloading from ", url))
    # Check for and create directory if necessary
    if (!file.exists(directory)) {
      dir.create(directory, recursive = TRUE)
    # Download file
    utils::download.file(file.path(url, filename),
                         file.path(directory, filename), mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)
  # Load data
  df <- as.data.frame(arrow::read_parquet(file.path(directory, filename)))
  # Keep state-level data, including 50 states and D.C.
  df <- df[substr(df$Location, 1, 2) <= 56 & substr(df$Location, 3, 5) == "000", ]

#' Get data registry on Data Commons.
#' @param data_group A string specifying name of data group that is used as the
#' subdirectory in Data Commons, can be "stateio", "flowsa/FlowBySector", or
#' "flowsa/FlowByActivity".
#' @return A dataframe of StateIO data registry on Data Commons.
getRegistryonDataCommons <- function(data_group = "stateio") {
  registry_ls <- aws.s3::get_bucket(bucket = "dmap-data-commons-ord",
                                    prefix = data_group)
  registry <- cbind.data.frame(basename(sapply(registry_ls, `[[`, "Key")),
                               sapply(registry_ls, `[[`, "LastModified"),
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(registry) <- c("Key", "LastModified")

#' Find the latest StateIO data on Data Commons.
#' @param filename A string specifying filename, e.g. "State_Summary_Use_2017".
#' @return File name of the latest StateIO data on Data Commons.
findLatestStateIODataonDataCommons <- function(filename) {
  registry <- getRegistryonDataCommons(data_group = "stateio")
  f <- registry[startsWith(registry$Key, filename) &
                  endsWith(registry$Key, ".rds"), ]
  f$version <- sub(paste0(filename, "_"), "", f$Key)
  f$version <- sub(".[^.]*$", "", f$version)
  # sort so latest version on top in case of duplicate LastModified dates
  f <- f[order(f$version, decreasing=TRUE), ]
  f <- basename(f[which.max(as.Date(f$LastModified)), "Key"])
  if (length(f) == 0) {
    stop(paste(filename, "not avaialble on Data Commons."))

#' Check if file is available on Data Commons. Stop function execution if not.
#' @param file A string specifying file, e.g. "State_Summary_Use_2017_v0.1.0_rds".
checkFileonDataCommons <- function(file) {
  registry <- getRegistryonDataCommons(data_group = "stateio")
  f <- basename(registry[startsWith(registry$Key, file) &
                           endsWith(registry$Key, ".rds"),
  if (length(f) == 0) {
    stop(paste(file, "not avaialble on Data Commons."))

#' Download StateIO data file from Data Commons and stores in a local data directory.
#' @param filename A string specifying filename, e.g. "State_Summary_Use_2017".
#' @param ver A string specifying version of the data, default is NULL, can be "v0.1.0".
#' @return An .rds data file downloaded from Data Commons and stored in local directory.
downloadStateIODatafromDataCommons <- function(filename, ver = NULL) {
  # Define local directory
  directory <- file.path(rappdirs::user_data_dir(), "stateio")
  if (!file.exists(directory)) {
    dir.create(directory, recursive = TRUE)
  # Define file name
  if (is.null(ver)) {
    # Look for the latest file
    f <- findLatestStateIODataonDataCommons(filename)
  } else {
    # Look for file under specific version
    f <- paste0(paste(filename, ver, sep = "_"), ".rds")
  # Download file
  url <- "https://dmap-data-commons-ord.s3.amazonaws.com/stateio"
  utils::download.file(file.path(url, f),
                       file.path(directory, f), mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)

#' Find the latest StateIO data in local data directory.
#' @param filename A string specifying filename, e.g. "State_Summary_Use_2017".
#' @return File name of the latest StateIO data in local data directory.
findLatestStateIODatainLocalDirectory <- function(filename) {
  files <- list.files(path = file.path(rappdirs::user_data_dir(), "stateio"),
                      pattern = paste0(filename, ".*\\.rds"),
                      full.names = TRUE)
  f <- basename(files[which.max(as.Date(file.mtime(files)))])
  if (length(f) == 0) {
    stop(paste(filename, "not avaialble in local data directory."))

#' Load StateIO data file from Data Commons or local data directory.
#' @param filename A string specifying filename, e.g. "State_Summary_Use_2017".
#' @param ver A string specifying version of the data, default is NULL, can be "v0.1.0".
#' @return A StateIO data product (usually a list of dataframes).
#' @export
loadStateIODataFile <- function(filename, ver = NULL) {
  # Define file name
  if (is.null(ver)) {
    # Look for the latest file in Data Commons first.
      expr = {
        f <- findLatestStateIODataonDataCommons(filename)
      error = function(e) {
        logging::logwarn(paste(filename, "not found on Data Commons.",
                               "Looking in local data directory now..."))
        # If filename not found in Data Commons, look for it in local data directory.
          expr = {
            f <<- findLatestStateIODatainLocalDirectory(filename)
          error = function(e) {
                                   "not found in local data directory, either."))
            message("Please confirm ", filename, " is correctly spelled. ",
                    "You should be able to find the correctly spelled file on ",
                    "https://dmap-data-commons-ord.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html?prefix=stateio/. ",
                    "If it's not found there, please open an issue at ",
                    "https://github.com/USEPA/stateior/issues/new ",
                    "and inform package maintainers.\n",
                    "Process terminated.")
            opt <- options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
  } else {
    # Look for file under specific version
    f <- paste0(paste(filename, ver, sep = "_"), ".rds")
  # Download file from Data Commons, or load file from local folder
  if (!file.exists(file.path(rappdirs::user_data_dir(), "stateio", f))) {
    logging::loginfo(paste(f, "not found in local folder, downloading from Data Commons..."))
    downloadStateIODatafromDataCommons(filename, ver = ver)
  } else {
    logging::loginfo(paste("Loading", f, "from local folder..."))
  df <- readRDS(file.path(rappdirs::user_data_dir(), "stateio", f))

#' Get a datetime object for desired data file on the DataCommons server.
#' @description Get a datetime object for desired data file on the DataCommons server.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @param dataname Name of desired IO data, can be "Make", "Use", "DomesticUse",
#' "CommodityOutput, and "IndustryOutput".
#' @return A datetime object for desired data file on the DataCommons server.
getFileUpdateTimefromDataCommons <- function(year, iolevel, dataname) {
  datafile <- getTwoRegionDataFileName(year, iolevel, dataname)
  base_url <- "https://xri9ebky5b.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/api/?"
  url <- paste0(base_url, "searchvalue=", datafile, "&place=&searchfields=filename")
  date_str <- jsonlite::fromJSON(url)[, "LastModified"]
  file_upload_datetime <- as.POSIXct(date_str)

#' Write a datetime object for desired data file to local folder.
#' @description Get a datetime object for desired data file to local folder.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @param dataname Name of desired IO data, can be "Make", "Use", "DomesticUse",
#' "CommodityOutput, and "IndustryOutput".
#' @param path User-defined local path.
#' @return A datetime object for desired data file to local folder. 
writeDatafileMeta <- function(year, iolevel, dataname, path) {
  datafile <- getTwoRegionDataFileName(year, iolevel, dataname)
  file_upload_dt <- getFileUpdateTimefromDataCommons(year, iolevel, dataname)
  write(jsonlite::toJSON(file_upload_dt), paste0(path, "/", datafile, "_metadata.json"))

#' Load a datetime object for desired data file from local folder.
#' @description Load a datetime object for desired data file from local folder.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @param dataname Name of desired IO data, can be "Make", "Use", "DomesticUse",
#' "CommodityOutput, and "IndustryOutput".
#' @param path User-defined local path.
#' @return A datetime object for desired data file from local folder.
readDatafileMeta <- function(year, iolevel, dataname, path) {
  datafile <- getTwoRegionDataFileName(year, iolevel, dataname)
  if (file.exists(datafile)) {
    metadata <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(path, "/", datafile, "_metadata.json"))
  } else {
    logging::logerror(paste("Local metadata file for", datafile, "is missing."))

#' Capitalize a string.
#' @param string A string
#' @return A capitalized string.
capitalize <- function(string) {
  substr(string, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(string, 1, 1))

### All functions below are archived and need modification ###

#' #' getCountyFIPS (MODIFIED)
#' #' 
#' #' This function is to return a dataframe containing name and fips of each county in 
#' #' selected state in support of later data wrangling operations
#' #' 
#' #' @param state A string character specifying the state of interest 'Georgia' 
#' #' @return A data frame contains all 159 names and FIPS for all counties in specified state
#' getCountyFIPS = function(state) {
#'   CountyCodes = readr::read_csv('inst/extdata/CountyFIPS.csv') %>% 
#'     dplyr::filter(State == getStateAbbreviation(state)) %>% 
#'     dplyr::select(fips, Name) %>% stats::na.omit() %>% 
#'     dplyr::arrange(Name)
#'   return(CountyCodes)
#' } 
#' #' getCrossWalk (MODIFIED)
#' #' 
#' #' This function is to return a dataframe containing the crosswalk of two different industry
#' #' classification system ('bea_sector', 'bea_summary', 'bea_detail', 'naics2007', 'naics2012', 'naics2017')
#' #' 
#' #' @param start A string character specifying the start point 
#' #' @param end A string character specifying the end point 
#' #' @return A data frame contains the croswalk table
#' getCrossWalk = function(start, end) {
#'   CW = useeior::MasterCrosswalk2012
#'   start_switch = switch (start,
#'                          'bea_sector' = 1,
#'                          'bea_summary' = 2,
#'                          'bea_detail' = 3,
#'                          'naics2012' = 4,
#'                          'naics2007' = 5,
#'                          'naics2017' = 6
#'   )
#'   end_switch = switch (end,
#'                        'bea_sector' = 1,
#'                        'bea_summary' = 2,
#'                        'bea_detail' = 3,
#'                        'naics2012' = 4,
#'                        'naics2007' = 5,
#'                        'naics2017' = 6
#'   )
#'   CW = unique(CW[, c(start_switch, end_switch)])
#'   return(CW)
#' }
#' #' calculateRowColumnDiffernce (MODIFIED)
#' #' 
#' #' This function is to return a list containing row difference and column difference of a 
#' #' matrix with NA
#' #' 
#' #' @param matrix Matrix, matrix to be processed
#' #' @param t_cs Vector, true column sum
#' #' @param t_rs Vector, true row sum
#' #' @return a list containing row difference and column difference
#' calculateRowColumnDiffernce = function(matrix, t_cs, t_rs) {
#'   matrix[is.na(matrix)] = 0
#'   row_difference = t_rs - rowSums(matrix)
#'   column_difference = t_cs - colSums(matrix)
#'   return(list(rowdiff = row_difference, coldiff = column_difference))
#' }
#' #' fillNAwithRatioMatrix (MODIFIED)
#' #' 
#' #' This function is to fill a matrix with NAs by another ratio matrix to neutralize
#' #' row difference
#' #' 
#' #' @param matrix_to_fill Matrix, matrix to be processed
#' #' @param ratio_matrix Matrix, ratio matrix
#' #' @param row_difference Vector, row difference
#' #' @return a matrix whose row sums equal trus row sum
#' fillNAwithRatioMatrix = function(matrix_to_fill, ratio_matrix, row_difference) {
#'   matrixKEY = is.na(matrix_to_fill)
#'   for (row in (1:nrow(matrix_to_fill))) {
#'     key = which(is.na(matrix_to_fill[row,]))
#'     if (length(key) != 0 && sum(ratio_matrix[row,key]) != 0) {
#'       ratio = ratio_matrix[row,key] / sum(ratio_matrix[row,key])
#'       matrix_to_fill[row,key] = ratio * row_difference[row]
#'     } else if (length(key) != 0 && sum(ratio_matrix[row,key]) == 0) {
#'       matrix_to_fill[row,key] = row_difference[row] / length(key)
#'     }
#'   }
#'   return(matrix_to_fill)
#' }
#' #' createMatrixForRASM0 (MODIFIED)
#' #' 
#' #' This function is to create a matrix that with 0 value at positions with all known value
#' #' and retains estimated value at positions with NA (M0 for RAS method)
#' #' 
#' #' @param matrix Matrix, matrix to be processed
#' #' @param matrixKEY Matrix, a boolean matrix = is.na(matrix)
#' #' @return a matrix M0 for RAS
#' createMatrixForRASM0 = function(matrixKEY, matrix) {
#'   for (row in (1:nrow(matrix))) {
#'     for (col in (1:ncol(matrix))) {
#'       if (matrixKEY[row,col] == TRUE) {
#'         matrix[row,col] = matrix[row,col]
#'       } else if (matrixKEY[row,col] == FALSE){
#'         matrix[row,col] = 0
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }
#'   return(matrix)
#' }
USEPA/stateio documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 6:41 a.m.