
Defines functions getRatingShiftsPlotConfig getCorrectionsPlotConfig getMeasuredShiftPlotConfig getGageHeightPlotConfig getEffectiveShiftPlotConfig getDvPlotConfig getReadingsPlotConfig getGwPlotConfig getMeasQPlotConfig getWqPlotConfig getSecondaryPlotConfig getPrimaryPlotConfig sortDataAndSides createSecondaryPlot createPrimaryPlot getSecondaryReportElements getPrimaryReportElements useSecondaryPlot uvhydrographPlot

Documented in createPrimaryPlot createSecondaryPlot getCorrectionsPlotConfig getDvPlotConfig getEffectiveShiftPlotConfig getGageHeightPlotConfig getGwPlotConfig getMeasQPlotConfig getMeasuredShiftPlotConfig getPrimaryPlotConfig getPrimaryReportElements getRatingShiftsPlotConfig getReadingsPlotConfig getSecondaryPlotConfig getSecondaryReportElements getWqPlotConfig sortDataAndSides useSecondaryPlot uvhydrographPlot

#' Create a Unit Values Hydrograph
#' @param reportObject full UV hydro report data structure.
#' @return list of all elements to be individually rendered
uvhydrographPlot <- function(reportObject) {
  options(scipen=8) # less likely to give scientific notation
  timezone <- fetchReportMetadataField(reportObject, "timezone") 
  #default to false if not included in report
  excludeZeroNegativeFlag <- fetchReportMetadataField(reportObject, "excludeZeroNegative") 
  if(isEmptyOrBlank(excludeZeroNegativeFlag)) {
    excludeZeroNegativeFlag <- FALSE
  months <- getMonths(reportObject, timezone)
  renderList <- vector("list", length(months))
  names(renderList) <- months
    for (month in months) {
      primary <- getPrimaryReportElements(reportObject, month, timezone, excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
      if(!is.null(primary[['plot']]) && useSecondaryPlot(reportObject)){
        secondary <- getSecondaryReportElements(reportObject, month, timezone, excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
      } else {
        secondary <- list()
      renderList[[month]] <- list(plot1=primary[['plot']],
  } else {
    renderList[[1]] <- list(plot1=NULL, table1=NULL, plot2=NULL, table2=NULL)

#' Use Secondary Plot
#' @description Determines where or not a report should use a secondary plot 
#' @param reportObject the report to be rendered
#' @return boolean true or false of whether a secondary series is appropriate for report
useSecondaryPlot <- function(reportObject) {
  hasRef <- hasReferenceSeries(reportObject)
  hasUpchain <- hasUpchainSeries(reportObject)
  isDisc <- isPrimaryDischarge(reportObject)
  useSecondaryPlot <- (hasRef && !isDisc) || hasUpchain

#' Get Primary Report Elements
#' @description contructs the gsPlot, a table of correction information, and a status message for data associated with the primary plot
#' @param reportObject UV hydro report
#' @param month the month to plot for all data
#' @param timezone timezone to parse all data into
#' @param excludeZeroNegativeFlag flag to exclude ploting of values <= 0
#' @return named list of report elements (plot, table status_msg)
getPrimaryReportElements <- function(reportObject, month, timezone, excludeZeroNegativeFlag) {
  primary_status_msg <- NULL
  primaryPlot <- NULL
  primaryTable <- NULL
  ratingShiftTable <- NULL
  corrections <- parseCorrectionsByMonth(reportObject, "primarySeriesCorrections", month)
  ratingShifts <- parseRatingShiftsByMonth(reportObject, month)
  primarySeriesList <- parsePrimarySeriesList(reportObject, month, timezone)
  if ((!isEmptyOrBlank(primarySeriesList[['corrected']]) && !isEmptyVar(primarySeriesList[['corrected']][['points']])) || primarySeriesList[['useEstimated']]){ #if primary corrected UV exists
    primaryPlot <- createPrimaryPlot(
        readTimeSeriesUvInfo(reportObject, "primarySeries"),
        readTimeSeriesUvInfo(reportObject, "referenceSeries"),
        readTimeSeriesUvInfo(reportObject, "comparisonSeries"),
        fetchReportMetadataField(reportObject, "comparisonStationId"),
        parsePrimaryDvList(reportObject, month, timezone),
        readUvQMeasurements(reportObject, month),
        readUvWq(reportObject, month),
        readUvGwLevel(reportObject, month),
        readAllUvReadings(reportObject, month, "primaryReadings"),
        readPrimaryUvHydroApprovalBars(reportObject, timezone, month), 
    primaryTable <- parseCorrectionsAsTable(corrections)
    ratingShiftTable <- parseRatingShiftsAsTable(ratingShifts)
  } else {
    primary_status_msg <- paste('Corrected data missing for', fetchReportMetadataField(reportObject, 'primaryParameter'))
  return(list(plot=primaryPlot, table=primaryTable, ratingShiftTable=ratingShiftTable, status_msg=primary_status_msg))

#' Get Secondary Report Elements
#' @description contructs the gsPlot, a table of correction information, and a status message for data associated with the secondary plot
#' @param reportObject UV hydro report
#' @param month the month to plot for all data
#' @param timezone timezone to parse all data into
#' @param excludeZeroNegativeFlag flag to exclude ploting of values <= 0
#' @return named list of report elements (plot, table status_msg)
getSecondaryReportElements <- function(reportObject, month, timezone, excludeZeroNegativeFlag) {
  secondary_status_msg <- NULL
  secondaryPlot <- NULL
  secondaryTable <- NULL
  secondarySeriesList <- parseSecondarySeriesList(reportObject, month, timezone)
  if((!isEmptyOrBlank(secondarySeriesList[['corrected']]) && !isEmptyVar(secondarySeriesList[['corrected']][['points']])) || secondarySeriesList[['useEstimated']]) { #if corrected data exists
    corrections <- parseSecondaryCorrectionsByMonth(reportObject, month)
    secondaryPlot <- createSecondaryPlot( 
        readSecondaryUvHydroApprovalBars(reportObject, timezone), 
        readEffectiveShifts(reportObject, timezone, month),
        readUvMeasurementShifts(reportObject, month),
        readUvGageHeight(reportObject, month),
        readAllUvReadings(reportObject, month, "upchainReadings"),
        tertiary_label=getTimeSeriesLabel(reportObject, "effectiveShifts"))
    secondaryTable <- parseCorrectionsAsTable(corrections)
  } else {
    secondary_status_msg <- paste('Corrected data missing for', fetchReportMetadataField(reportObject, 'secondaryParameter'))
  return(list(plot=secondaryPlot, table=secondaryTable, status_msg=secondary_status_msg))

#' Create Primary Plot
#' Will create and configure gsPlot object using provided data
#' @param uvInfo main timeseries information for the plot
#' @param refInfo timeseries information for reference series
#' @param compInfo timeseries information for comparios series
#' @param comparisonStation station id where comparison info comes from
#' @param primarySeriesList named list of timeseries to be plotted
#' @param dailyValues named list of daily values (lists of points) to be plotted. Each name tells what approval level the DV is at.
#' @param meas_Q Q measurement data to be plotted (list of points)
#' @param water_qual wq measurement data to be plotted (list of points)
#' @param gw_level ground water level measurements data to be plotted (list of points)
#' @param readings named list of different readings series (ref/csg/hwm readings)
#' @param approvals bars to be plotted which show approval level of data
#' @param corrections data correction information be plotted (time/correction pairs)
#' @param ratingShifts rating shift information to be plotted
#' @param isDischarge true if the plot has discharge as it's main corrected series
#' @param timezone timezone to plot/display in
#' @param excludeZeroNegativeFlag flag to exclude ploting of values <= 0
#' @return fully configured gsPlot object ready to be plotted
createPrimaryPlot <- function( 
    uvInfo, refInfo, compInfo, comparisonStation, 
    primarySeriesList, dailyValues, 
    meas_Q, water_qual, gw_level, readings, approvals, corrections, ratingShifts, isDischarge, timezone, excludeZeroNegativeFlag){ 
  # assume everything is NULL unless altered
  plot_object <- NULL
  dataAndSides <- sortDataAndSides(primarySeriesList, uvInfo, refInfo, compInfo)
    primaryLims <- calculateLims(dataAndSides[['data']][['primary']])
    primaryLims[['ylim']] <- bufferLims(primaryLims[['ylim']], primarySeriesList[['uncorrected']][['points']][['value']])
  } else {
    primaryLims <- calculateLims(primarySeriesList[['uncorrected']][['points']])
  referenceLims <- calculateLims(dataAndSides[['data']][['reference']])
  timeInformation <- parseUvTimeInformationFromLims(primaryLims, timezone)
  startDate <- timeInformation[['start']]
  endDate <- timeInformation[['end']]

  plot_object <- gsplot(yaxs = 'r') %>%
    view(xlim = c(startDate, endDate)) %>%
    axis(side = 1, at = timeInformation[['dates']], labels = as.character(timeInformation[['days']])) %>%
    lines(x=0, y=0, side = 2, reverse = primarySeriesList[['inverted']]) %>%
    axis(side = 2, reverse = primarySeriesList[['inverted']], las = 0) %>%
      main = format(timeInformation[['dates']][1], "%B %Y"),
      xlab = paste("UV Series:", paste(primaryLims[['xlim']][1], "through", primaryLims[['xlim']][2]))

  #Don't add the right-side axis if we aren't actually plotting anything onto it
  if((dataAndSides[['sides']][['reference']] == 4) || (dataAndSides[['sides']][['comparison']] == 4)){
     plot_object <- lines(plot_object, x=0, y=0, side = 4, reverse = primarySeriesList[['inverted']]) %>%
        axis(side = 4, las = 0, reverse = primarySeriesList[['inverted']])
  #uncorrected data
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(primarySeriesList[['uncorrected']]) && !isEmptyVar(primarySeriesList[['uncorrected']][['points']])) {
    plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, primarySeriesList[['uncorrected']], "uncorrected", 
                                  timezone, getPrimaryPlotConfig, list(uvInfo[['label']], primaryLims[['ylim']], 
                                                                       dataAndSides[['sides']][['primary']], ylab=paste0(primarySeriesList[['uncorrected']][['type']], " (", primarySeriesList[['uncorrected']][['unit']],")")), excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
  #corrected data
  # primary axis is logged based on corrected data; if no corrected data, should be FALSE
  # gsplot object logged inside of plotTimeSeries >> plotItem
  if (primarySeriesList[['useEstimated']]) {
    # Plot the estimated data in place of the corrected data, but add TS label
    logPrimary <- isLogged(primarySeriesList[['estimated']][['points']], primarySeriesList[['corrected']][['isVolumetricFlow']], excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
    plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, primarySeriesList[['estimated']], "estimatedPrimary", 
                                  timezone, getPrimaryPlotConfig, list(uvInfo[['label']], primaryLims[['ylim']], dataAndSides[['sides']][['primary']], ylab=paste0(primarySeriesList[['estimated']][['type']], " (", primarySeriesList[['estimated']][['unit']],")")), excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
  } else {
    #Plot estimated data as usual when there is also corrected data
    if(!isEmptyOrBlank(primarySeriesList[['estimated']]) && !isEmptyVar(primarySeriesList[['estimated']][['points']])) {
      plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, primarySeriesList[['estimated']], "estimated", 
                                    timezone, getPrimaryPlotConfig, list(uvInfo[['label']], primaryLims[['ylim']], dataAndSides[['sides']][['primary']], ylab=paste0(primarySeriesList[['estimated']][['type']], " (", primarySeriesList[['estimated']][['unit']],")")), excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
    logPrimary <- isLogged(primarySeriesList[['corrected']][['points']], primarySeriesList[['corrected']][['isVolumetricFlow']], excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
    plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, primarySeriesList[['corrected']], "corrected", 
                                timezone, getPrimaryPlotConfig, list(uvInfo[['label']], primaryLims[['ylim']], dataAndSides[['sides']][['primary']], ylab=paste0(primarySeriesList[['corrected']][['type']], " (", primarySeriesList[['corrected']][['unit']],")")), excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(primarySeriesList[['corrected_reference']]) && !isEmptyVar(primarySeriesList[['corrected_reference']][['points']])) {
    plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, primarySeriesList[['corrected_reference']], "corrected_reference", 
        timezone, getPrimaryPlotConfig, list(refInfo[['label']], referenceLims[['ylim']], dataAndSides[['sides']][['reference']], ylab=paste0(primarySeriesList[['corrected_reference']][['type']], " (", primarySeriesList[['corrected_reference']][['unit']], ")")), excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(primarySeriesList[['estimated_reference']]) && !isEmptyVar(primarySeriesList[['estimated_reference']][['points']])) {
    plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, primarySeriesList[['estimated_reference']], "estimated_reference", 
        timezone, getPrimaryPlotConfig, list(refInfo[['label']], referenceLims[['ylim']], dataAndSides[['sides']][['reference']], ylab=paste0(primarySeriesList[['estimated_reference']][['type']], " (", primarySeriesList[['estimated_reference']][['unit']],")")), excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(primarySeriesList[['comparison']]) && !isEmptyVar(primarySeriesList[['comparison']][['points']])) {
    comparisonLims <- calculateLims(dataAndSides[['data']][['comparison']])
    plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, primarySeriesList[['comparison']], "comparison", 
        timezone, getPrimaryPlotConfig, 
        list(paste("Comparison", compInfo[['label']], "@", comparisonStation), comparisonLims[['ylim']], dataAndSides[['sides']][['comparison']], comparisonOnIndependentAxes=dataAndSides[['sides']][['comparison']]==6, ylab=paste0(primarySeriesList[['comparison']][['type']], " (", primarySeriesList[['comparison']][['unit']],")")), 
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(primarySeriesList[['estimated_comparison']]) && !isEmptyVar(primarySeriesList[['estimated_comparison']][['points']])) {
    comparisonLims <- calculateLims(dataAndSides[['data']][['comparison']])
    plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, primarySeriesList[['estimated_comparison']], "estimatedComparison", 
                                  timezone, getPrimaryPlotConfig, 
                                  list(paste("Estimated Comparison", compInfo[['label']], "@", comparisonStation), comparisonLims[['ylim']], dataAndSides[['sides']][['comparison']], comparisonOnIndependentAxes=dataAndSides[['sides']][['comparison']]==6, ylab=paste0(primarySeriesList[['estimated_comparison']][['type']], " (",primarySeriesList[['estimated_comparison']][['unit']],")")), 
  #Remove values from other data that could inhibit logging
    readings[['reference']] <- removeZeroNegative(readings[['reference']])
    readings[['create_stage_gage']] <- removeZeroNegative(readings[['crest_stage_gage']])
    readings[['high_water_mark']] <- removeZeroNegative(readings[['high_water_mark']])
    water_qual <- removeZeroNegative(water_qual)
    meas_Q <- removeZeroNegative(meas_Q)
    gw_level <- removeZeroNegative(gw_level)

  #daily values
  for (i in 1:length(dailyValues)) {
    level <- names(dailyValues[i])
    if(!isEmptyOrBlank(level)) {
      plot_object <-
          addToGsplot(plot_object, getDvPlotConfig(level, dailyValues[[i]]))

  #reference readings
    plot_object <-
      addToGsplot(plot_object, getReadingsPlotConfig("ref", readings[['reference']]))

  #CSG readings
    plot_object <-
      addToGsplot(plot_object, getReadingsPlotConfig("csg",readings[['crest_stage_gage']]))

  #HWM readings
    plot_object <-
      addToGsplot(plot_object, getReadingsPlotConfig("hwm", readings[['high_water_mark']]))
    plot_object <-
        addToGsplot(plot_object, getWqPlotConfig(water_qual))
  #discharge measurements
    meas_Q_true <- meas_Q[which(meas_Q[['publish']]=='TRUE'),]
    meas_Q_false <- meas_Q[which(meas_Q[['publish']]=='FALSE'),]
    if(!isEmptyVar(meas_Q_true)) {
      plot_object <-
          addToGsplot(plot_object, getMeasQPlotConfig(meas_Q_true, "meas_Q_true"))
    if(!isEmptyVar(meas_Q_false)) {
      plot_object <-
        addToGsplot(plot_object, getMeasQPlotConfig(meas_Q_false, "meas_Q_false"))
    plot_object <-
        addToGsplot(plot_object, getGwPlotConfig(gw_level))
  plot_object <- addToGsplot(plot_object, getCorrectionsPlotConfig(corrections, timeInformation[['start']], timeInformation[['end']], 
        uvInfo[['label']], primaryLims))
  plot_object <- addToGsplot(plot_object, getRatingShiftsPlotConfig(ratingShifts, timeInformation[['start']], timeInformation[['end']], 
                                                                   uvInfo[['label']], primaryLims))

  # approval bar styles are applied last, because it makes it easier to align
  # them with the top of the x-axis line
  plot_object <- addToGsplot(plot_object, 
                             getApprovalBarConfig(approvals, ylim=ylim(plot_object, side = 2), ylog=logPrimary))
  plot_object <- rmDuplicateLegendItems(plot_object)
  legend_items <- plot_object[['legend']][['legend.auto']][['legend']]
  ncol <- ifelse(length(legend_items) > 3, 2, 1)
  leg_lines <- ifelse(ncol==2, ceiling((length(legend_items) - 6)/2), 0) 
  legend_offset <- ifelse(ncol==2, 0.3+(0.05*leg_lines), 0.3)
  plot_object <- legend(plot_object, location="below", title="", ncol=ncol, 
                    legend_offset=legend_offset, cex=0.8, y.intersp=1.5) %>% 
    grid(nx=0, ny=NULL, equilogs=FALSE, lty=3, col="gray", where='first') %>%
    abline(v=timeInformation[['dates']], lty=3, col="gray", where='first')
  plot_object <- testCallouts(plot_object, xlimits = xlim(plot_object)[['side.1']])

#' Create Secondary Plot
#' Will create and configure gsPlot object using provided data
#' @param uvInfo main timeseries information for the plot
#' @param secondarySeriesList named list of timeseries to be plotted. Also includes log/invert axis info.
#' @param approvals bars to be plotted which show approval level of data
#' @param effective_shift_pts effective shift data to be plotted (list of points)
#' @param meas_shift measured shift data to be plotted (list of points)
#' @param gage_height measured gage height data to be plotted (list of points)
#' @param readings named list of different readings series (ref/csg/hwm readings)
#' @param corrections data correction information be plotted (time/correction pairs)
#' @param timezone timezone to plot/display in
#' @param excludeZeroNegativeFlag flag to exclude ploting of values <= 0
#' @param tertiary_label label for the 3rd data item plotted
#' @return fully configured gsPlot object ready to be plotted
createSecondaryPlot <- function(uvInfo, secondarySeriesList, 
    approvals, effective_shift_pts, 
    meas_shift, gage_height, readings,
    corrections, timezone, excludeZeroNegativeFlag, tertiary_label=""){
  plot_object <- NULL
  invertPlot <- secondarySeriesList[['inverted']]

  allCorrectedData <- rbind(secondarySeriesList[['corrected']][['points']], secondarySeriesList[['estimated']][['points']])
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(allCorrectedData )){
    lims <- calculateLims(allCorrectedData )
    lims[['ylim']] <- bufferLims(lims[['ylim']], secondarySeriesList[['uncorrected']][['points']][['value']])
  } else {
    lims <- calculateLims(secondarySeriesList[['uncorrected']][['points']])
  timeInformation <- parseUvTimeInformationFromLims(lims, timezone)
  startDate <- timeInformation[['start']]
  endDate <- timeInformation[['end']]
  plot_object <- gsplot(yaxs = 'r') %>%
      xlim = c(startDate, endDate),
      ylim = bufferLims(lims[['ylim']], secondarySeriesList[['uncorrected']][['points']][['value']])
    ) %>%
    axis(side = 1, at = timeInformation[['dates']], labels = as.character(timeInformation[['days']])) %>%
    axis(side = 2, reverse = invertPlot, las = 0) %>%
      main = "",
      xlab = paste("UV Series:", paste(lims[['xlim']][1], "through", lims[['xlim']][2])),
      ylab = uvInfo[['label']]

  #uncorrected data
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(secondarySeriesList[['uncorrected']]) && !isEmptyVar(secondarySeriesList[['uncorrected']][['points']])) {
    plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, secondarySeriesList[['uncorrected']], "uncorrected", 
        timezone, getSecondaryPlotConfig, list(uvInfo[['label']], lims$ylim), excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
  #estimated data
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(secondarySeriesList[['estimated']]) && !isEmptyVar(secondarySeriesList[['estimated']][['points']])) {
    plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, secondarySeriesList[['estimated']], "estimated", 
        timezone, getSecondaryPlotConfig, list(uvInfo[['label']], lims$ylim), excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
  #corrected data
  # primary axis is logged based on corrected data; if no corrected data, should be FALSE
  # gsplot object logged inside of plotTimeSeries >> plotItem
  if (secondarySeriesList[['useEstimated']]) {
    # Plot estimated corrected data, in place of non-estimated corrected data
    doLog <- isLogged(secondarySeriesList[['estimated']][['points']], secondarySeriesList[['estimated']][['isVolumetricFlow']], excludeZeroNegativeFlag)

  } else {
    #Plot estimated data if non-estimated corrected data exists
    doLog <- isLogged(secondarySeriesList[['corrected']][['points']], secondarySeriesList[['corrected']][['isVolumetricFlow']], excludeZeroNegativeFlag)
    plot_object <- plotTimeSeries(plot_object, secondarySeriesList[['corrected']], "corrected", 
        timezone, getSecondaryPlotConfig, list(uvInfo[['label']], lims$ylim), excludeZeroNegativeFlag)

  #effective shift
    plot_object <- 
            getEffectiveShiftPlotConfig(effective_shift_pts, uvInfo[['label']], tertiary_label)
  #Remove values from other data that could inhibit logging
    readings[['reference']] <- removeZeroNegative(readings[['reference']])
    readings[['create_stage_gage']] <- removeZeroNegative(readings[['crest_stage_gage']])
    readings[['high_water_mark']] <- removeZeroNegative(readings[['high_water_mark']])
    gage_height <- removeZeroNegative(gage_height)
    meas_shift <- removeZeroNegative(meas_shift)
    plot_object <- 
    plot_object <- 

  #reference readings
    plot_object <-
      addToGsplot(plot_object, getReadingsPlotConfig("ref", readings[['reference']]))

  #CSG readings
    plot_object <-
      addToGsplot(plot_object, getReadingsPlotConfig("csg",readings[['crest_stage_gage']]))

  #HWM readings
    plot_object <-
      addToGsplot(plot_object, getReadingsPlotConfig("hwm", readings[['high_water_mark']]))
  plot_object <- addToGsplot(plot_object, getCorrectionsPlotConfig(corrections, startDate, endDate, 
          uvInfo[['label']], lims))
  plot_object <- addToGsplot(plot_object, getApprovalBarConfig(approvals, ylim(plot_object, side = 2), ylog=doLog))
  plot_object <- rmDuplicateLegendItems(plot_object)
  legend_items <- plot_object[['legend']][['legend.auto']][['legend']]
  ncol <- ifelse(length(legend_items) > 3, 2, 1)
  leg_lines <- ifelse(ncol==2, ceiling((length(legend_items) - 6)/2), 0) 
  legend_offset <- ifelse(ncol==2, 0.3+(0.05*leg_lines), 0.3)

  plot_object <- legend(plot_object, location="below", title="", ncol=ncol, 
                            legend_offset=legend_offset, cex=0.8, y.intersp=1.5) %>% 
    grid(nx=0, ny=NULL, equilogs=FALSE, lty=3, col="gray") %>% 
    abline(v=timeInformation[['dates']], lty=3, col="gray")
  isShift <- !isEmptyVar(effective_shift_pts)
    yMax = max(effective_shift_pts[['value']])
    yMin = min(effective_shift_pts[['value']])
    y_seq <- pretty(c(yMin, yMax), shrink.sml = 20)
    plot_object <- plot_object %>% 
        mtext(paste0(tertiary_label, " (", uvInfo[['unit']], ")"), 
            side = 4, line = 1.5) %>% 
        axis(side=4, las=0, at=y_seq, reverse = invertPlot)
  plot_object <- testCallouts(plot_object, xlimits = xlim(plot_object)[['side.1']])

#' Sort data and sides
#' @description Depending on the configuration, reference and comparison series will be plotted on different sides. This constructs ylims and what side each series should be on
#' @param primarySeriesList list of timeseries available for reporting
#' @param uvInfo main timeseries information for the plot
#' @param refInfo timeseries information for reference series
#' @param compInfo timeseries information for comparios series
#' @return named list with two items, sides and ylims. Each item has a named list with items for each timeseries. (EG: side for reference would be returnedObject$sides$reference)
sortDataAndSides <- function(primarySeriesList, uvInfo, refInfo, compInfo) {
  referenceExist <- !isEmptyOrBlank(primarySeriesList[['corrected_reference']])
  comparisonExist <- !isEmptyOrBlank(primarySeriesList[['comparison']])
  ylimPrimaryData <- data.frame(time=c(), value=c())
  ylimCorrectedData <- rbind(primarySeriesList[['corrected']][['points']],
  ylimReferenceData <- primarySeriesList[['corrected_reference']][['points']]
  ylimCompData <- rbind(primarySeriesList[['comparison']][['points']],
  primarySide <- 2
  referenceSide <- 4
  comparisonSide <- 6
  ## Setup sides based on TS properties
  # add corrected data
  ylimPrimaryData <- rbind(ylimPrimaryData, ylimCorrectedData)
    if(uvInfo[['type']] == refInfo[['type']]){
      referenceSide <- primarySide
      ylimPrimaryData <- rbind(ylimPrimaryData, ylimReferenceData)
      ylimReferenceData <- ylimPrimaryData
  } else {
    referenceSide <- 0
    if(compInfo[['type']] == uvInfo[['type']]){
      comparisonSide <- primarySide
      ylimPrimaryData <- rbind(ylimPrimaryData, ylimCompData)
      ylimCompData <- ylimPrimaryData
      if(referenceSide == primarySide){
        ylimReferenceData <- ylimPrimaryData
    } else if(referenceExist && compInfo[['type']] == refInfo[['type']]) {
      comparisonSide <- referenceSide
      ylimReferenceData <- rbind(ylimReferenceData, ylimCompData)
      ylimCompData <- ylimReferenceData
    } else if(!referenceExist || referenceSide == primarySide) {
      comparisonSide <- 4
  } else {
    comparisonSide <- 0
  data <- list(primary=ylimPrimaryData, 
  sides <- data.frame(primary=primarySide, reference=referenceSide, comparison=comparisonSide)
  return(list(data=data, sides=sides))

#' Get Primary Plot Config
#' @description Given a list of TS points, some information about the plot to build, will return a named list of gsplot elements to call
#' @param timeseries list of TS points relavant to primary plot
#' @param name name of item being plotted
#' @param label label of time series
#' @param ylim y range that the time series covers
#' @param dataSide optional for reference and comparison series, integer of what side the time series' y value is on
#' @param comparisonOnIndependentAxes set to false if being plotted on the same axes as another
#' @param doLog Whether or not the item should be placed on a logarithmic axis
#' @param ylab the y-axis label (not to be confused with what is used in legend)
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getPrimaryPlotConfig <- function(timeseries, name, label, 
    ylim, dataSide=0, comparisonOnIndependentAxes=TRUE, doLog=FALSE, ylab) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  x <- timeseries[['time']]
  y <- timeseries[['value']]
  compAxes <- TRUE
  compAnnotations <- TRUE
    compAxes <- FALSE
    compAnnotations <- FALSE
    doLog = 'y'
  } else {
    doLog = ''
  plotConfig <- switch(name,
      corrected = list(
          lines = append(list(x=x, y=y, side=2, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, legend.name=paste(styles[['corr_UV_lbl']], label)), styles[['corr_UV_lines']]),
          view = list(side=2, log=doLog)
      estimatedPrimary = list(
          lines = append(list(x=x, y=y, side=2, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, legend.name=paste(styles[['est_UV_lbl']], label)), styles[['est_UV_lines']]),
          view = list(side=2, log=doLog)
      estimated = list(
          lines = append(list(x=x, y=y, side=2, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, legend.name=paste(styles[['est_UV_lbl']], label)), styles[['est_UV_lines']]),
          view = list(side=2, log=doLog)
      uncorrected = list(
          lines = append(list(x=x, y=y, side=2, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, legend.name=paste(styles[['uncorr_UV_lbl']], label)), styles[['uncorr_UV_lines']]),
          view = list(side=2, log=doLog)
      comparison = list(
          lines = append(list(x=x, y=y, ylim=ylim, side=dataSide, axes=compAxes, ylab=ylab, ann=compAnnotations, legend.name=label), styles[['comp_UV_lines']]),
          view = list(side=dataSide, log=doLog)
      estimatedComparison = list(
        lines = append(list(x=x, y=y, ylim=ylim, side=dataSide, axes=compAxes, ylab=ylab, ann=compAnnotations, legend.name=label), styles[['est_comp_UV_lines']]),
        view = list(side=dataSide, log=doLog)
      corrected_reference = list(
          lines = append(list(x=x,y=y, ylim=ylim, side=dataSide, ylab=ylab, legend.name=paste(styles[['corr_UV_Qref_lbl']], label)), styles[['corr_UV_Qref_lines']]),
          view = list(side=dataSide, log=doLog)
      estimated_reference = list(
          lines = append(list(x=x,y=y, side=dataSide, ylab=ylab, legend.name=paste(styles[['est_UV_Qref_lbl']], label)), styles[['est_UV_Qref_lines']]),
          view = list(side=dataSide, log=doLog)
      stop(paste(name, " config not found for primary plot"))

#' Get Secondary Plot Config
#' @description Given a report object, some information about the plot to build, will return a named list of gsplot elements to call
#' @param timeseries the timeseries to be plotted
#' @param name name of style to be applied to given x/y points (corrected, estimated, or uncorrected)
#' @param legend_label label to be applied to points in legend
#' @param ylim The y-axis limits of the item to get the configuration for
#' @param doLog Whether or not the item should be placed on a logarithmic axis (DEFAULT: FALSE)
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getSecondaryPlotConfig <- function(timeseries, name, legend_label, ylim, doLog=FALSE) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  x <- timeseries[['time']]
  y <- timeseries[['value']]
    doLog = 'y'
  } else {
    doLog = ''
  plotConfig <- switch(name,
      corrected = list(
          lines = append(list(x=x,y=y,ylim=ylim, legend.name=paste(styles[['corr_UV_lbl']], legend_label)), styles[['corr_UV2_lines']]),
          view = list(side=2, log=doLog)
      estimated = list(
          lines = append(list(x=x,y=y,ylim=ylim,legend.name=paste(styles[['est_UV_lbl']], legend_label)), styles[['est_UV2_lines']]),
          view = list(side=2, log=doLog)
      uncorrected = list(
          lines = append(list(x=x,y=y,ylim=ylim, legend.name=paste(styles[['uncorr_UV_lbl']], legend_label)), styles[['uncorr_UV_lines']]),
          view = list(side=2, log=doLog)
      stop(paste(name, " config not found for secondary plot"))

#' Get Water Quality Plot Config
#' @description Given a list of wq objects, will return a named list of gsplot elements to call
#' @param water_qual list of water_qual objects 
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getWqPlotConfig <- function(water_qual) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  x <- water_qual[['time']]
  y <- water_qual[['value']]
  plotConfig <-  list(
          points = append(list(x=x, y=y), styles[['water_qual_points']])

#' Get Discharge Measurement Plot Config
#' @description Given a list of discharge measurements, will return a named list of gsplot elements to call
#' @param meas_Q list of discharge measurements
#' @param name the name of the style to be given to the discharge measurements (meas_Q_true or meas_Q_false)
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getMeasQPlotConfig <- function(meas_Q, name) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  x <- meas_Q[['time']]
  y <- meas_Q[['value']]
  plotConfig <- switch(name,
                       meas_Q_true = list(
                         error_bar=append(list(x=x, y=y, offset.down=(y-meas_Q[['minQ']]), offset.up=(meas_Q[['maxQ']]-y)), styles[['meas_Q_error_bars_true']]),
                         points=append(list(x=x, y=y), styles[['meas_Q_points_true']]),
                         callouts=append(list(x=x, y=y, labels = meas_Q[['n']]), styles[['meas_Q_callouts_true']])
                       meas_Q_false = list(
                         error_bar=append(list(x=x, y=y, offset.down=(y-meas_Q[['minQ']]), offset.up=(meas_Q[['maxQ']]-y)), styles[['meas_Q_error_bars_false']]),
                         points=append(list(x=x, y=y), styles[['meas_Q_points_false']]),
                         callouts=append(list(x=x, y=y, labels = meas_Q[['n']]), styles[['meas_Q_callouts_false']])
                       stop(paste(name, " config not found for discharge measurements"))

#' Get GW level Plot Config
#' @description Given a gw level readings, will return a named list of gsplot elements to call
#' @param gw_level list of GW level objects 
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getGwPlotConfig <- function(gw_level) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  x <- gw_level[['time']]
  y <- gw_level[['value']]
  plotConfig <- list(points = append(list(x=x,y=y), styles[['gw_level_points']]))

#' Get Readings Plot Config
#' @description Given a readings list, will pull the desired plotting calls and styling
#' @param reading_type name of reading type to get style for (ref, csg, hwm)
#' @param readings list of readings objects relavant to primary plot
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getReadingsPlotConfig <- function(reading_type, readings) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  x <- readings[['time']]
  y <- readings[['value']]
  plotConfig <- switch(reading_type,
      ref = list(
          points=append(list(x=x, y=y), styles[['ref_readings_points']]), 
          error_bar=append(list(x=x, y=y, offset.down=readings[['uncertainty']], offset.up=readings[['uncertainty']]), styles[['ref_readings_error_bars']])
      csg = list(
          points=append(list(x=x, y=y), styles[['csg_readings_points']]), 
          error_bar=append(list(x=x, y=y, offset.down=readings[['uncertainty']], offset.up=readings[['uncertainty']]), styles[['csg_readings_error_bars']])
      hwm = list(
          points=append(list(x=x, y=y), styles[['hwm_readings_points']]), 
          error_bar=append(list(x=x, y=y, offset.down=readings[['uncertainty']], offset.up=readings[['uncertainty']]), styles[['hwm_readings_error_bars']])
      stop(paste(reading_type, " config not found for reference reading plotting"))

#' Get DV Plot Config
#' @description Given a DV plot item, will return plotting config styled to the given level
#' @param level the appr level label (approved_dv, analyzed_dv, working_dv)
#' @param dvPlotItem list of data objects relavant to primary plot
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getDvPlotConfig <- function(level, dvPlotItem) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  x <- dvPlotItem[['time']]
  y <- dvPlotItem[['value']]
  legend.name <- dvPlotItem[['legend.name']]
  point_type <- dvPlotItem[['point_type']]
  plotConfig <- switch(level,
      approved_dv = list(
          points = append(list(x=x, y=y, pch=point_type, legend.name=legend.name), styles[['approved_dv_points']])
      analyzed_dv = list(
          points = append(list(x=x, y=y, pch=point_type, legend.name=legend.name), styles[['analyzed_dv_points']])
      working_dv = list(
          points = append(list(x=x, y=y, pch=point_type, legend.name=legend.name), styles[['working_dv_points']])
      stop(paste(level, " config not found for DV plot"))

#' Get Effective Shift Plot Config
#' @description Given a report object, some information about the plot to build, will return a named list of gsplot elements to call
#' @param effective_shift list of effective shift points
#' @param secondary_lbl label of secondary time series
#' @param tertiary_lbl label of tertiary time series
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getEffectiveShiftPlotConfig <- function(effective_shift, secondary_lbl, tertiary_lbl) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  x <- effective_shift[['time']]
  y <- effective_shift[['value']]
  effective_shift_config = list(
      lines=append(list(x=x,y=y, legend.name=paste(secondary_lbl, tertiary_lbl)), styles[['effect_shift_lines']]),
      text=append(list(x=x[1], y=y[1]), styles[['effect_shift_text']]) #this is a bit of hack to make sure the right axis appears

#' Get Gage Height Plot Config
#' @description Given a report object, some information about the plot to build, will return a named list of gsplot elements to call
#' @param gage_height list of gage height records
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getGageHeightPlotConfig <- function(gage_height) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  x <- gage_height[['time']]
  y <- gage_height[['value']]
  gage_height_config = list(
      points=append(list(x=x, y=y), styles[['gage_height_points']]),
      callouts=list(x=x, y=y, labels=gage_height[['n']])

#' Get Measured shifts Plot Config
#' @description Given a report object, some information about the plot to build, will return a named list of gsplot elements to call
#' @param meas_shift list of measured shift objects
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getMeasuredShiftPlotConfig <- function(meas_shift) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  x <- meas_shift[['time']]
  y <- meas_shift[['value']]
  meas_shift_config = list(
      points=append(list(x=x, y=y), styles[['meas_shift_points']]),
      error_bar=append(list(x=x, y=y, offset.down=(y-meas_shift[['minShift']]), offset.up=(meas_shift[['maxShift']]-y)), styles[['meas_shift_error_bars']])

#' Get Corrections Plot Config
#' @description Given corrections, some information about the plot to build, will return a named list of gsplot elements to call
#' @param corrections list of data objects relavant to plotting corrections data
#' @param plotStartDate start date of this plot 
#' @param plotEndDate end date of this plot
#' @param label label of that these corrections are associated with
#' @param limits list of lims for all of the data which will be on here
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getCorrectionsPlotConfig <- function(corrections, plotStartDate, plotEndDate, label, 
    limits) {
  if(isEmptyOrBlank(corrections) || nrow(corrections) <= 0) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  corrPositions <- getVerticalFlagPositions(corrections)
  correctionLabels <- parseVerticalFlagLabelSpacing(corrections, limits)
  corrArrows <- getVerticalFlagArrows(correctionLabels)
  plotConfig <- list(
      lines=append(list(x=0, y=0, xlim = c(plotStartDate, plotEndDate)), styles[['corrections_lines']]),
      abline=append(list(v=corrPositions, legend.name=paste(styles[['corrections_correction_lbl']], label)), styles[['corrections_ablines']]),
      arrows=append(list(x0=corrArrows[['xorigin']], x1=corrArrows[['x']], y0=corrArrows[['y']], y1=corrArrows[['y']]), styles[['corrections_arrows']]),
      points=append(list(x=correctionLabels[['x']], y=correctionLabels[['y']], cex=correctionLabels[['r']]), styles[['corrections_points']]),
      text=append(list(x=correctionLabels[['x']], y=correctionLabels[['y']], labels=correctionLabels[['label']]), styles[['corrections_text']])

#' Get Rating Shifts Plot Config
#' @description Given rating shifts, some information about the plot to build, will return a named list of gsplot elements to call
#' @param ratingShifts list of data objects relavant to plotting corrections data
#' @param plotStartDate start date of this plot 
#' @param plotEndDate end date of this plot
#' @param label label of that these corrections are associated with
#' @param limits list of lims for all of the data which will be on here
#' @return named list of gsplot calls. The name is the plotting call to make, and it points to a list of config params for that call
getRatingShiftsPlotConfig <- function(ratingShifts, plotStartDate, plotEndDate, label, 
                                     limits) {
  if(isEmptyOrBlank(ratingShifts) || nrow(ratingShifts) <= 0) {
  styles <- getUvStyles()
  ratingShiftsPositions <- getVerticalFlagPositions(ratingShifts)
  ratingShiftsLabels <- parseVerticalFlagLabelSpacing(ratingShifts, limits)
  ratingShiftsArrows <- getVerticalFlagArrows(ratingShiftsLabels)
  plotConfig <- list(
    lines=append(list(x=0, y=0, xlim = c(plotStartDate, plotEndDate)), styles[['ratingShifts_lines']]),
    abline=append(list(v=ratingShiftsPositions, legend.name=paste(styles[['ratingShifts_lbl']], label)), styles[['ratingShifts_ablines']]),
    arrows=append(list(x0=ratingShiftsArrows[['xorigin']], x1=ratingShiftsArrows[['x']], y0=ratingShiftsArrows[['y']], y1=ratingShiftsArrows[['y']]), styles[['ratingShifts_arrows']]),
    points=append(list(x=ratingShiftsLabels[['x']], y=ratingShiftsLabels[['y']], cex=ratingShiftsLabels[['r']]), styles[['ratingShifts_points']]),
    text=append(list(x=ratingShiftsLabels[['x']], y=ratingShiftsLabels[['y']], labels=ratingShiftsLabels[['label']]), styles[['ratingShifts_text']])
USGS-R/repgen documentation built on April 14, 2021, 2:47 p.m.