
#' Determine EUCAST sensitivity
#' This function given a data.frame with MIC will add a column to this table
#' giving the corresponding EUCAST sensitivity (Sensitive, Intermediate or Resistant)
#' @param MIC.table data.frame having MIC in one column. If multiple MIC are given
#' in one row they must be separated by separator
#' @param separator When multiple MIC are given in one cell they must be separated by
#' separator. Defaults to " - "
#' @param species Species of the studied bacteria, for the moment only "Acinetobacter"
#' is available. Defaults to "Acinetobacter"
#' @param MIC.column ID of the column containing the MIC values in MIC.table. Defaults to 2
#' @param ATB.column ID of the column containing the ATB names in MIC.table. Defaults to 1
#' @keywords placeholder
#' @export
#' @examples
#' eucast_breakpoints()
eucast_breakpoints <-
           separator = " - ",
           species = "Acinetobacter",
           MIC.column = 2,
           ATB.column = 1) {
    if (species == "Acinetobacter")
      EUCAST.sensitivity <- NULL
      result <- MIC.table
      result[, (length(MIC.table) + 1)] <- "a"
      for (i in 1:nrow(MIC.table))
        if (sum(eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[, 1] == MIC.table[i, ATB.column]) == 0)
          result[i, (length(MIC.table) + 1)] <-
            "Antibiotic not found in EUCAST tables"
        else if (is.na(eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[, 1] == MIC.table[i, ATB.column], 2]))
          result[i, (length(MIC.table) + 1)] <- "No cutoff set by EUCAST"
          MIC.value <-
            unlist(strsplit(unlist(MIC.table[i, MIC.column], use.names = F), separator))
          for (j in 1:length(MIC.value))
            if (sum(
              grepl("<=", MIC.value[j]),
              grepl(">", MIC.value[j]),
              grepl("Positive control problem", MIC.value[j]),
              grepl("Negative control problem", MIC.value[j])
            ) > 0)
              EUCAST.sensitivity[j] <- "No MIC value"
            if (sum(
              grepl("<=", MIC.value[j]),
              grepl(">", MIC.value[j]),
              grepl("Positive control problem", MIC.value[j]),
              grepl("Negative control problem", MIC.value[j])
            ) == 0)
              temp.MIC <- 0
              temp.MIC <-
              if (temp.MIC <= eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[(eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[, 1] == MIC.table[i, ATB.column]), 2])
                EUCAST.sensitivity[j] <- "Sensitive"
              else if (temp.MIC > eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[, 1] == MIC.table[i, ATB.column], 3])
                EUCAST.sensitivity[j] <- "Resistant"
              else if (temp.MIC <= eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[, 1] == MIC.table[i, ATB.column], 3] &
                       temp.MIC > eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[eucast.breakpoints.acinetobacter[, 1] == MIC.table[i, ATB.column], 2])
                EUCAST.sensitivity[j] <- "Intermediate"
          result[i, (length(MIC.table) + 1)] <-
            paste0(EUCAST.sensitivity, collapse = separator)
    colnames(result)[(length(MIC.table) + 1)] <-
      "EUCAST Sensitivity"
Vincent-AC/wellexplainer documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:21 p.m.