Man pages for Vitek-Lab/MSstatsConvert
Import Data from Various Mass Spectrometry Signal Processing Tools to MSstats Format output of converters to data.frame output of converters to data.table
DIANNtoMSstatsFormatImport Diann files
DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormatImport DIA-Umpire files
dot-addFractionsAdd a Fraction column to the output of 'MSstatsPreprocess'
dot-adjustIntensitiesFix invalid intensities: infinite to NA, between 0 and 1 to 0
dot-aggregatePSMstoPeptideIonsAggregate multiple PSMs to a single peptide ion.
dot-checkAnnotationCheck if the annotation is valid
dot-checkDDACheck validity of DDA data
dot-checkDuplicatedMeasurementsCheck if there are duplicated measurements within run
dot-checkMSstatsParamsCheck validity of parameters to the 'MSstatsImport' function.
dot-checkMultiRunCheck if fractionation exists
dot-checkOverlappedFeaturesCheck if any features are measured in multiple fractions
dot-cleanByFeaturePerform by-feature operations.
dot-cleanRawDIANNClean raw Diann files
dot-cleanRawDIAUmpireClean raw DIAUmpire files
dot-cleanRawMaxQuantClean raw output from MaxQuant
dot-cleanRawMetamorpheusClean raw Metamorpheus files
dot-cleanRawOpenMSClean raw output from OpenMS
dot-cleanRawOpenSWATHClean raw OpenSWATH files
dot-cleanRawPDClean raw Proteome Discoverer data
dot-cleanRawPDMSstatsClean raw PD output
dot-cleanRawPDTMTClean raw TMT data from Proteome Discoverer
dot-cleanRawPhilosopherClean raw Philosopher files
dot-cleanRawProgenesisClean raw Progenesis output
dot-cleanRawSkylineClean raw data from Skyline
dot-cleanRawSpectroMineTMTClean raw SpectroMine TMT data
dot-cleanRawSpectronautClean raw Spectronaut output.
dot-countCommonFeaturesGet common values from two vectors of features
dot-fillValuesSet column to a single value
dot-filterByPatternHandle filtering by pattern
dot-filterByScoreFilter PSMs / proteins by a given score column.
dot-filterExactFilter out specified symbols.
dot-filterFewMeasurementsRemove features with a small number of (non-missing)...
dot-filterManyColumnsFilter rows that contain specifed symbols in multiple...
dot-filterOverlappedRemove overlapped features
dot-findAvailableSelect an available options from a set of possibilities
dot-fixBasicColumnsRemove underscores from sequences and change intensity type...
dot-fixColumnTypesChange classes of multiple columns
dot-fixMissingValuesChange labels for missing values
dot-getChannelColumnsGet intensity columns from wide-format data
dot-getCorrectFractionGet a name of fraction with the largest number of...
dot-getDataTableRead file from a provided path or convert given data.frame to...
dot-getFullDesignCreate a data.frame of each combination of values for given...
dot-getMissingRunsPerFeatureGet names of missing runs
dot-getOverlappingFeaturesGet features that are overlapped among multiple runs
dot-handleFilteringHandle PSM/proteins scores
dot-handleFractionsCheck if there are overlapping features and remove if needed
dot-handleFractionsLFHandle overlapping features
dot-handleFractionsTMTRemove peptide ions overlapped among multiple fractions of...
dot-handleIsotopicPeaksHandle isotopic peaks
dot-handleSharedPeptidesHandle shared peptides.
dot-handleSingleFeaturePerProteinRemove proteins only identified by a single feature
dot-logConverterOptionsLog information about converter options
dot-logSuccessMake a message about successful data cleaning/importing
dot-makeBalancedDesignFill missing rows to create balanced design
dot-makeExactFilterMessageMake a message about filtering based on fixed values
dot-makeScoreFilterMessageMake a message about filtering based on a score
dot-mergeAnnotationMerge annotation with feature data
dot-MSstatsFormatOutput format for further analysis by MSstats
dot-nullAppenderlog4r appender used not to write messages
dot-onLoadSet default logging object when package is loaded
dot-removeOverlappingFeaturesReplace intensities of overlapped fractions with NA, keeping...
dot-removeSharedPeptidesRemove peptides assigned to more than one protein.
dot-selectMSstatsColumnsSelect columns for MSstats format
dot-sharedParametersAmongConvertersA dummy function to store shared documentation items for...
dot-standardizeColnamesChange column names to match read.table/read.csv/read.delim...
dot-summarizeMultipleMeasurementsSummarize multiple measurements per feature in a single run
dot-summarizeMultiplePSMsPick one PSM from a data.table of several PSMs.
FragPipetoMSstatsFormatImport FragPipe files
getDataTypeGet type of dataset from an MSstatsInputFiles object.
getInputFileGet one of files contained in an instance of...
MaxQtoMSstatsFormatImport MaxQuant files
MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormatImport Metamorpheus files
MSstatsBalancedDesignCreates balanced design by removing overlapping fractions and...
MSstatsCleanClean files generated by a signal processing tools.
MSstatsConvertMSstatsConvert: An R Package to Convert Data from Mass...
MSstatsImportImport files from signal processing tools.
MSstatsInputFilesClass to model files that describe a single MS dataset.
MSstatsLogsSettingsSet how MSstats will log information from data processing
MSstatsMakeAnnotationCreate annotation
MSstatsPreprocessPreprocess outputs from MS signal processing tools for...
MSstatsSaveSessionInfoSave session information
OpenMStoMSstatsFormatImport OpenMS files
OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormatImport OpenSWATH files
PDtoMSstatsFormatImport Proteome Discoverer files
ProgenesistoMSstatsFormatImport Progenesis files
ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormatGenerate MSstatsTMT required input format from Protein...
SkylinetoMSstatsFormatImport Skyline files
SpectronauttoMSstatsFormatImport Spectronaut files
Vitek-Lab/MSstatsConvert documentation built on Jan. 22, 2025, 4:27 a.m.