| Convert output of converters to data.frame | | Convert output of converters to data.table |
DIANNtoMSstatsFormat | Import Diann files |
DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat | Import DIA-Umpire files |
dot-addFractions | Add a Fraction column to the output of 'MSstatsPreprocess' |
dot-adjustIntensities | Fix invalid intensities: infinite to NA, between 0 and 1 to 0 |
dot-aggregatePSMstoPeptideIons | Aggregate multiple PSMs to a single peptide ion. |
dot-checkAnnotation | Check if the annotation is valid |
dot-checkDDA | Check validity of DDA data |
dot-checkDuplicatedMeasurements | Check if there are duplicated measurements within run |
dot-checkMSstatsParams | Check validity of parameters to the 'MSstatsImport' function. |
dot-checkMultiRun | Check if fractionation exists |
dot-checkOverlappedFeatures | Check if any features are measured in multiple fractions |
dot-cleanByFeature | Perform by-feature operations. |
dot-cleanRawDIANN | Clean raw Diann files |
dot-cleanRawDIAUmpire | Clean raw DIAUmpire files |
dot-cleanRawMaxQuant | Clean raw output from MaxQuant |
dot-cleanRawMetamorpheus | Clean raw Metamorpheus files |
dot-cleanRawOpenMS | Clean raw output from OpenMS |
dot-cleanRawOpenSWATH | Clean raw OpenSWATH files |
dot-cleanRawPD | Clean raw Proteome Discoverer data |
dot-cleanRawPDMSstats | Clean raw PD output |
dot-cleanRawPDTMT | Clean raw TMT data from Proteome Discoverer |
dot-cleanRawPhilosopher | Clean raw Philosopher files |
dot-cleanRawProgenesis | Clean raw Progenesis output |
dot-cleanRawSkyline | Clean raw data from Skyline |
dot-cleanRawSpectroMineTMT | Clean raw SpectroMine TMT data |
dot-cleanRawSpectronaut | Clean raw Spectronaut output. |
dot-countCommonFeatures | Get common values from two vectors of features |
dot-fillValues | Set column to a single value |
dot-filterByPattern | Handle filtering by pattern |
dot-filterByScore | Filter PSMs / proteins by a given score column. |
dot-filterExact | Filter out specified symbols. |
dot-filterFewMeasurements | Remove features with a small number of (non-missing)... |
dot-filterManyColumns | Filter rows that contain specifed symbols in multiple... |
dot-filterOverlapped | Remove overlapped features |
dot-findAvailable | Select an available options from a set of possibilities |
dot-fixBasicColumns | Remove underscores from sequences and change intensity type... |
dot-fixColumnTypes | Change classes of multiple columns |
dot-fixMissingValues | Change labels for missing values |
dot-getChannelColumns | Get intensity columns from wide-format data |
dot-getCorrectFraction | Get a name of fraction with the largest number of... |
dot-getDataTable | Read file from a provided path or convert given data.frame to... |
dot-getFullDesign | Create a data.frame of each combination of values for given... |
dot-getMissingRunsPerFeature | Get names of missing runs |
dot-getOverlappingFeatures | Get features that are overlapped among multiple runs |
dot-handleFiltering | Handle PSM/proteins scores |
dot-handleFractions | Check if there are overlapping features and remove if needed |
dot-handleFractionsLF | Handle overlapping features |
dot-handleFractionsTMT | Remove peptide ions overlapped among multiple fractions of... |
dot-handleIsotopicPeaks | Handle isotopic peaks |
dot-handleSharedPeptides | Handle shared peptides. |
dot-handleSingleFeaturePerProtein | Remove proteins only identified by a single feature |
dot-logConverterOptions | Log information about converter options |
dot-logSuccess | Make a message about successful data cleaning/importing |
dot-makeBalancedDesign | Fill missing rows to create balanced design |
dot-makeExactFilterMessage | Make a message about filtering based on fixed values |
dot-makeScoreFilterMessage | Make a message about filtering based on a score |
dot-mergeAnnotation | Merge annotation with feature data |
dot-MSstatsFormat | Output format for further analysis by MSstats |
dot-nullAppender | log4r appender used not to write messages |
dot-onLoad | Set default logging object when package is loaded |
dot-removeOverlappingFeatures | Replace intensities of overlapped fractions with NA, keeping... |
dot-removeSharedPeptides | Remove peptides assigned to more than one protein. |
dot-selectMSstatsColumns | Select columns for MSstats format |
dot-sharedParametersAmongConverters | A dummy function to store shared documentation items for... |
dot-standardizeColnames | Change column names to match read.table/read.csv/read.delim... |
dot-summarizeMultipleMeasurements | Summarize multiple measurements per feature in a single run |
dot-summarizeMultiplePSMs | Pick one PSM from a data.table of several PSMs. |
FragPipetoMSstatsFormat | Import FragPipe files |
getDataType | Get type of dataset from an MSstatsInputFiles object. |
getInputFile | Get one of files contained in an instance of... |
MaxQtoMSstatsFormat | Import MaxQuant files |
MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat | Import Metamorpheus files |
MSstatsBalancedDesign | Creates balanced design by removing overlapping fractions and... |
MSstatsClean | Clean files generated by a signal processing tools. |
MSstatsConvert | MSstatsConvert: An R Package to Convert Data from Mass... |
MSstatsImport | Import files from signal processing tools. |
MSstatsInputFiles | Class to model files that describe a single MS dataset. |
MSstatsLogsSettings | Set how MSstats will log information from data processing |
MSstatsMakeAnnotation | Create annotation |
MSstatsPreprocess | Preprocess outputs from MS signal processing tools for... |
MSstatsSaveSessionInfo | Save session information |
OpenMStoMSstatsFormat | Import OpenMS files |
OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat | Import OpenSWATH files |
PDtoMSstatsFormat | Import Proteome Discoverer files |
ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat | Import Progenesis files |
ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat | Generate MSstatsTMT required input format from Protein... |
SkylinetoMSstatsFormat | Import Skyline files |
SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat | Import Spectronaut files |
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