
#' automatic covariate (y-variable) type based univariate statistical test selection.
#' @description function determines whether a co-variate is two sample, continuous or up to
#' n distinct classes (three or more sample) and selects the statistical method to apply accordingly.
#' @param peakTable either a data.frame, full file path as a character string to a  .csv file of a peak table in the form observation (samples) in columns and
#' variables (Mass spectral signals) in rows. If argument is not supplied a GUI file selection window will open and a .csv file can be selected.
#' @param obsNames character vector of observation (i.e. sample/ QC/ Blank) names to identify appropriate observation (sample) columns.
#' @param  coVariate numeric, character or factor vector of covariates (y-variables).
#' @param continuous default = TRUE, if TRUE continuous variables are treated as
#'   such and correlation analysis is selected (spearman or pearson is selected
#'   based on whether the data is log-transformed or not see Logged argument).
#'   if FALSE continuous variables are split into a two sample variable.
#' @param minSampPerClass default =3, minimum number of samples for a unique class
#'   else multiple class samples will be considered as continuous variables.
#'  (N.B. at least 5 for Mann-Whitney-U)
#' @param Logged default = TRUE, has the data already been log transformed, if TRUE
#'   parametric methods will be selected (i.e. t-test (two sample), ANOVA
#'   (three or more sample), pearson correlation) if FALSE then non-parametric methods
#'   will be selected (i.e. t-test (two sample), ANOVA (three or more sample), pearson
#'   correlation). NB. if residuals from \code{\link{batchAdj}} contain negative
#'   values then the negatives will be shifted to the right with a constant value
#'    with the smallest lowest value equal to one prior to fold change calculation.
#' @param base numeric this will be used to exponentiate log transformed data
#' for mean/ median fold change calculation.
#' @param MTC Multiple Testing Correction default is "none", see \code{\link{p.adjust.methods}} for
#'   details of options. ("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")
#' @return a named list (according to stat method selected) containing the 5 followning
#'     named elements :
#'     varType = type of variable identified.
#'     method = statistical method applied (either parametric or non-parametric
#'     according to whether data log transformed).
#'     MTC = multiple testing correction method applied
#'     coVariate = the co-variate supplied, if continuous is False the high/low two sample
#'     variable created for any continuous variables will appear here.
#'     result = depending on type of variable supplied the result element will contain
#'     the following:
#'       1. "Continuous" 4 column data frame of:
#'                      i. adjusted/ multiple testing corrected p-/q-values
#'                         (dependent on MTC method)
#'                      ii. raw p.value (from cor.test function)
#'                      iii. estimated correlation coefficient (from cor.test function)
#'                      iv. mean or median fold change value (dependent on whether
#'                          parametric or non-parametric method used). In the case
#'                          of continuous variables a two sample high-/low- variable
#'                          is created (using the cut function)
#'       2. "two sample" 3 column data frame of:
#'                     i. adjusted/ multiple testing corrected p-/q-values
#'                        (dependent on MTC method)
#'                     ii. raw p.value (from either t.test or wilcox.test function)
#'                     iii. mean or median fold change value (dependent on whether
#'                         parametric or non-parametric method used).
#'       3. "three or more sample" variable column (dependent on number of comparisons)
#'            data frame of:
#'                     i. adjusted/ multiple testing corrected p-/q-values
#'                     (dependent on MTC method).
#'                     ii. raw p.value (from either ANOVA or wilcox.test function).
#'                     iii - number pairwise class comparisons.
#'                           mean or median fold change columns.
#'                           All pairwise class comparisons of fold change are carried out.
#'                           (dependent on whether parametric or non-parametric method used).
#'   raw p.values/ multiple testing corrected p-/q-values (dependent on method)
#'   and fold changes (if applicable).
#'   A class must contain a minimum number of samples to be considered.
#'   if continuous equals true continuous variables
#' @export
coVarTypeStat <- function(peakTable=NULL, obsNames=NULL, coVariate=NULL, continuous=T,
                          nMaxClasses=3, minSampPerClass=3, Logged=T, base=2,
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  #error handling
  if(length(obsNames) != length(coVariate)){
    stop("the obsNames and coVariate vector lengths are different")
  # error handling or read from csv function
  peakTable <- tableCheckRead(peakTable, stringsAsFactors=F)

    stop("argument coVariate is missing with no default")

  # convert to factor
  coVariate <- as.factor(coVariate)
  # n levels factor
  valueFreq <- table(coVariate)
  # test if only one factor level
  if(length(valueFreq) == 1){
  stop("argument coVariate contains only 1 value and therefore 1 class")

    # match obsNames to peak table colnames
    obsIndx <- match(obsNames, colnames(peakTable))
    # if less than all matched then stop
    if(length(obsIndx) < length(obsNames)){
      stop(length(obsIndx), " of ", length(obsNames),
           " observation names were matched in the peakTable column names, check the obsNames and peakTable column names")
    # subset table
    obsTable <- peakTable[, obsIndx]
    # check if any zeros or NAs
    if(any(is.na(obsTable) | obsTable == 0)){
      stop("peakTable observations contain NAs or zeros unable to log transform, use the ?zeroFill function")
    # convert chars to numeric
    obsTable <- apply(obsTable, 2, as.numeric)

    # select coVariate type
    varType <- ifelse(length(valueFreq) == 2, "two sample", "three or more sample")
    varType <- ifelse(varType == "three or more sample" &
                        min(valueFreq) >= minSampPerClass  &
                        length(valueFreq) <= nMaxClasses, varType, "Continuous")

    # continuous variables first if continuous is False then change to two sample
    if(varType == "Continuous"){
      # if Continuous False then create two sample variable from continuous
      varType <- ifelse(continuous == F, "two sample", varType)
      # high low two sample using cut
      binom.cont <- as.numeric(cut(as.numeric(as.character(coVariate)), 2))
      # if still Continuous  then do correlation
      if(varType == "Continuous"){
        coVariate <- as.numeric(as.character(coVariate))
        # if parametric pearson else if non-parametric spearman
        method.tmp <- ifelse(Logged == T, "pearson", "spearman")
        # apply correlation coeff and calc FC
        testCoVar <- as.data.frame(t(apply(obsTable, 1, function(Var){
          # cor.test then extract pvalue and estimate corr coef
          cor.tmp <- cor.test(Var, coVariate, method = method.tmp)
          cor.tmp <- as.numeric(cor.tmp[c("p.value", "estimate")])
          # scale residuals for example if any values are negative for fold
          # change calculation by adding a constant
          if(any(Var <0)){
          Var <- Var + (abs(min(Var)) + 1)
          # fold change
          if(Logged == T){
            # if parametric mean fold change

            FC <- unique(ave(base ^ Var, binom.cont))
            FC <- FC[1]/ FC[2]
            } else {
            # if non-parametric median fold change
            FC <- unique(ave(Var, coVariate, FUN=median))
            FC <- FC[1]/ FC[2]
          return(c(cor.tmp, FC))
        # add column names
        colnames(testCoVar) <- c("p.value", "corrCoeff", paste0("FoldChange ",
        testCoVar <- data.frame(Adj.p.value = p.adjust(testCoVar$p.value,
                                                       method = MTC) , testCoVar)
        # return list of method and result
        testCoVar <- list(varType = varType,
                          method = method.tmp,
                          MTC = MTC,
                          coVariate = coVariate,
                          result = testCoVar)
      } else {
        coVariate <- binom.cont
        valueFreq <- table(coVariate)

    # decide univariate test
    if(varType == "two sample"){
      # test
      testCoVar <- as.data.frame(t(apply(obsTable, 1, function(Var){
        if(Logged == T){
          # parametric
          p.value.tmp <- try(t.test(Var ~ coVariate)$p.value, silent=T)
          # catch error
          if(class(p.value.tmp) == 'try-error'){
          p.value.tmp <- 1
          # scale residuals for example if any values are negative for fold
          # change calculation by adding a constant
          if(any(Var < 0)){
            Var <- Var + (abs(min(Var)) + 1)
          # if parametric exponentiate mean fold change
          FC <- unique(ave(base ^ Var, coVariate))
          FC <- FC[1]/ FC[2]
        } else {
          # non-parametric
          P.value.tmp <- try(wilcox.test(Var ~ coVariate)[["p.value"]], silent=T)
          # catch error
          if(class(p.value.tmp) == 'try-error'){
            p.value.tmp <- 1
          # scale residuals for example if any values are negative for fold
          # change calculation by adding a constant
          if(any(Var <0)){
            Var <- Var + (abs(min(Var)) + 1)
          # if non-parametric median fold change
          FC <- unique(ave(Var, coVariate, FUN=median))
          FC <- FC[1]/ FC[2]

        return(c(p.value.tmp, FC))
      # add colnames
      colnames(testCoVar) <- c("p.value", paste0("FoldChange ",
      testCoVar <- data.frame(Adj.p.value = p.adjust(testCoVar$p.value,
                                                     method = MTC) , testCoVar)
      # return list of method and result
      testCoVar <- list(varType = varType,
                        method = ifelse(Logged == T, "t.test", "wilcox.test"),
                        MTC = MTC,
                        coVariate = coVariate,
                        result = testCoVar)
      # if three or more sample ANOVA if parametric Mann-Whitney U if non-parametric
      # fold change is all comparisons
    } else if (varType == "three or more sample"){

      # indx for fold change all classes by expand grid
      indx <- expand.grid(1:length(valueFreq), 1:length(valueFreq))
      indx <- indx[indx[, 2] >= indx[, 1], , drop = F] # remove duplicates
      indx <- indx[indx[, 2] - indx[, 1]!=0, , drop = F]

      # test
      testCoVar <- as.data.frame(t(apply(obsTable, 1, function(Var){
        if(Logged == T){
          # parametric
          p.value.tmp <- try(aov(Var ~ coVariate), silent=T)
        # catch error
        if(class(p.value.tmp) == 'try-error'){
          p.value.tmp <- 1
        } else {
          # extract p.value summary aov
          p.value.tmp <- summary(p.value.tmp)[[1]][1, 5]
        } else {
          # non-parametric Mann-Whitney U
          P.value.tmp <- try(wilcox.test(Var, coVariate)[["p.value"]], silent=T)
        # catch error
        if(class(p.value.tmp) == 'try-error'){
          p.value.tmp <- 1
        # fold change each class comparison
        FC <- sapply(1:nrow(indx), function(classComp){
          name1.tmp <- names(valueFreq)[indx[classComp, 1]]
          name2.tmp <- names(valueFreq)[indx[classComp, 2]]
          if(Logged == T){
            # scale residuals for example if any values are negative for fold
            # change calculation by adding a constant
            if(any(Var < 0)){
              Var <- Var + (abs(min(Var)) + 1)
            # if parametric mean fold change
            FC.tmp <- mean(base ^ Var[which(coVariate == name1.tmp)])/
              mean(base ^ Var[which(coVariate == name2.tmp)])
          } else {
            # scale residuals for example if any values are negative for fold
            # change calculation by adding a constant
            if(any(Var <0)){
              Var <- Var + (abs(min(Var)) + 1)
            # if non-parametric median fold change
            FC.tmp <- median(Var[which(coVariate == name1.tmp)])/
              median(Var[which(coVariate == name2.tmp)])
        return(c(p.value.tmp, FC))
      # Fold change comparison names
      FC.names <- paste0("FoldChange_Class_", names(valueFreq)[indx[, 1]],
                         "_vs_", names(valueFreq)[indx[, 2]])
      # add colnames
      colnames(testCoVar) <- c("p.value", FC.names)
      # mult testing correction
      testCoVar <- data.frame(Adj.p.value = p.adjust(testCoVar$p.value,
                                                     method = MTC) , testCoVar)
      # return list of method and result
      testCoVar <- list(varType = varType,
                        method = paste0(length(valueFreq), "_way_",
                                        ifelse(Logged == T, "ANOVA",
                        MTC = MTC,
                        coVariate = coVariate,
                        result = testCoVar)
} # end function
WMBEdmands/MetMSLine documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:03 p.m.