get_dose_env <- function() {
if (!exists(".DOSEEnv")) {
.initial <- function() {
pos <- 1
envir <- as.environment(pos)
assign(".DOSEEnv", new.env(), envir = envir)
check_gene_id <- function(geneList, geneSets) {
if (all(!names(geneList) %in% unique(unlist(geneSets)))) {
sg <- unlist(geneSets[1:10])
sg <- sample(sg, min(length(sg), 6))
message("--> Expected input gene ID: ", paste0(sg, collapse=','))
message("--> No gene can be mapped....")
## @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
get_organism <- function(OrgDb) {
OrgDb <- load_OrgDb(OrgDb)
## md <- S4Vectors::metadata(OrgDb)
## md[md[,1] == "ORGANISM", 2]
calculate_qvalue <- function(pvals) {
if (length(pvals) == 0)
qobj <- tryCatch(qvalue(pvals, lambda=0.05, pi0.method="bootstrap"), error=function(e) NULL)
# if (class(qobj) == "qvalue") {
if (inherits(qobj, "qvalue")) {
qvalues <- qobj$qvalues
} else {
qvalues <- NA
calculate_qvalue <- function(pvals) {
if (length(pvals) == 0)
qobj <- tryCatch(qvalue(pvals, lambda=0.05, pi0.method="bootstrap"), error=function(e) NULL)
# if (class(qobj) == "qvalue") {
if (inherits(qobj, "qvalue")) {
qvalues <- qobj$qvalues
} else {
qvalues <- NA
##' compute information content
##' @title compute information content
##' @param ont one of "DO", "HPO" and "MPO"
##' @return NULL
##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi toTable
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{}
computeIC <- function(ont="HDO"){
DO2EG <- get_ont2gene(ont)
Offsprings <- GOSemSim:::getOffsprings(ont)
docount <- unlist(lapply(DO2EG, length))
doids <- names(docount)
cnt <- docount[doids] + sapply(doids, function(i) sum(docount[Offsprings[[i]]], na.rm=TRUE))
names(cnt) <- doids
p <- cnt/sum(docount)
## IC of DO terms was quantified as the negative log likelihood.
IC <- -log(p)
##' provide gene ID, this function will convert to the corresponding DO Terms
##' @title convert Gene ID to DO Terms
##' @param gene entrez gene ID
##' @param organism organism
##' @param ont ont
##' @return DO Terms
##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi get
##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi exists
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{}
gene2DO <- function(gene, organism = "hsa", ont = "HDO") {
gene <- as.character(gene)
EG2DO <- get_gene2ont(ont)
DO <- EG2DO[[gene]]
DO <- unlist(DO)
if (is.null(DO)) {
if (sum(! == 0) {
DO <- DO[!]
if (length(DO) == 0) {
process_tcss <- getFromNamespace("process_tcss", "GOSemSim")
##' @importClassesFrom GOSemSim GOSemSimDATA
semdata <- function(processTCSS = FALSE, ont = "HDO") {
IC <- new("GOSemSimDATA",
ont = ont,
IC = computeIC(ont = ont))
if (processTCSS) {
IC@tcssdata <- process_tcss(ont = ont, IC = IC, cutoff = NULL)
semdata2 <- memoise::memoise(semdata)
get_ont2gene <- function(ontology, output = "list") {
gene2ont <- get_gene2ont(ontology, output = "data.frame")
if (output == "data.frame") {
return(gene2ont[, 2:1])
split(as.character(gene2ont[,1]), as.character(gene2ont[,2]))
get_gene2ont <- function(ontology, output = "list") {
ont2gene <- GOSemSim:::get_onto_data(ontology, table = "ont2gene", output = 'data.frame')
anc <- GOSemSim:::getAncestors(ontology)
idx <- ont2gene[,1] %in% names(anc)
ont2gene <- unique(ont2gene[idx, ])
if (output == "data.frame") {
return(ont2gene[, 2:1])
split(as.character(ont2gene[,1]), as.character(ont2gene[,2]))
get_gene2allont <- function(ontology, output = "list") {
GOSemSim:::get_onto_data(ontology, table = "gene2allont", output = output)
get_ont2allgene <- function(ontology, output = "list") {
gene2allont <- GOSemSim:::get_onto_data(ontology, table = "gene2allont", output = "data.frame")
if (output == "data.frame") {
return(gene2allont[, 2:1])
split(as.character(gene2allont[,1]), as.character(gene2allont[,2]))
## ##' get all entrezgene ID of a specific organism
## ##'
## ##'
## ##' @title getALLEG
## ##' @param organism species
## ##' @return entrez gene ID vector
## ##' @export
## ##' @author Yu Guangchuang
## getALLEG <- function(organism) {
## annoDb <- getDb(organism)
## require(annoDb, character.only = TRUE)
## annoDb <- eval(parse(text=annoDb))
## eg=keys(annoDb, keytype="ENTREZID")
## return(eg)
## }
##' mapping gene ID to gene Symbol
##' @title EXTID2NAME
##' @param OrgDb OrgDb
##' @param geneID entrez gene ID
##' @param keytype keytype
##' @return gene symbol
##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi select
##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi keys
##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi columns
##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi keytypes
##' @importFrom GOSemSim load_OrgDb
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{}
EXTID2NAME <- function(OrgDb, geneID, keytype) {
OrgDb <- load_OrgDb(OrgDb)
kt <- keytypes(OrgDb)
if (! keytype %in% kt) {
stop("keytype is not supported...")
gn.df <- suppressMessages(select(OrgDb, keys=geneID, keytype=keytype, columns="SYMBOL"))
gn.df <- unique(gn.df)
colnames(gn.df) <- c("GeneID", "SYMBOL")
unmap_geneID <- geneID[!geneID %in% gn.df$GeneID]
if (length(unmap_geneID) != 0) {
unmap_geneID.df = data.frame(GeneID = unmap_geneID,
SYMBOL = unmap_geneID)
gn.df <- rbind(gn.df, unmap_geneID.df)
gn <- gn.df$SYMBOL
names(gn) <- gn.df$GeneID
## EXTID2NAME <- function(geneID, organism) {
## if (length(geneID) == 0) {
## return("")
## }
## if (organism == "worm") {
## organism = "celegans"
## warning("'worm' is deprecated, please use 'celegans' instead...")
## }
## organism <- organismMapper(organism)
## supported_Org <- getSupported_Org()
## if (organism %in% supported_Org) {
## ## kk <- getALLEG(organism)
## ## unmap_geneID <- geneID[! geneID %in% kk]
## ## map_geneID <- geneID[geneID %in% kk]
## ## if (length(map_geneID) == 0) {
## ## warning("the input geneID is not entrezgeneID, and cannot be mapped")
## ## names(geneID) <- geneID
## ## return (geneID)
## ## }
## annoDb <- getDb(organism)
## require(annoDb, character.only = TRUE)
## annoDb <- eval(parse(text=annoDb))
## if (organism == "yeast" || organism == "malaria") {
## gn.df <- select(annoDb, keys=geneID,keytype="ORF", columns="GENENAME")
## } else if (organism == "arabidopsis") {
## gn.df <- select(annoDb, keys=geneID,keytype="TAIR", columns="SYMBOL")
## } else {
## gn.df <- select(annoDb, keys=geneID,keytype="ENTREZID", columns="SYMBOL")
## }
## gn.df <- unique(gn.df)
## colnames(gn.df) <- c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL")
## unmap_geneID <- geneID[!geneID %in% gn.df$ENTREZID]
## if (length(unmap_geneID) != 0) {
## unmap_geneID.df = data.frame(ENTREZID= unmap_geneID, SYMBOL=unmap_geneID)
## gn.df <- rbind(gn.df, unmap_geneID.df)
## }
## gn <- gn.df$SYMBOL
## names(gn) <- gn.df$ENTREZID
## ##gn <- unique(gn[!])
## } else {
## oldwd <- getwd()
## if(organism == "D39") {
## dir <- system.file("extdata/D39/", package="clusterProfiler")
## setwd(dir)
## }
## if(organism == "M5005") {
## dir <- system.file("extdata/M5005/", package="clusterProfiler")
## setwd(dir)
## }
## if (file.exists("geneTable.rda")) {
## geneTable <- NULL # to satisfy codetools
## load("geneTable.rda")
## idx <- geneTable$GeneID %in% geneID
## <- geneTable[idx, c("GeneID", "GeneName", "Locus")]
##[[,2] == "-",2] <-[[,2] == "-",3]
## <-[,c(1,2)]
## gn <-$GeneName
## names(gn) <- as.character($GeneID)
## setwd(oldwd)
## } else {
## setwd(oldwd)
## warning("Have no annotation found for the input geneID")
## return(geneID)
## }
## }
## return(gn)
## }
is.sorted <- function(x, decreasing=TRUE) {
all( sort(x, decreasing=decreasing) == x )
getGeneSet <- function(USER_DATA) {
if (inherits(USER_DATA, "environment")) {
res <- get("PATHID2EXTID", envir = USER_DATA)
} else if (inherits(USER_DATA, "GSON")) {
gsid2gene <- USER_DATA@gsid2gene
res <- split(gsid2gene$gene, gsid2gene$gsid)
} else {
stop("not supported")
##' @importFrom ggplot2 facet_grid
##' @export
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