#' Sex Ratio Analysis.
#' Given two objects of class \code{comoRbidity}, one for each sex, the sex
#' ratio estimation is performed.
#' @param female A \code{comoRbidity} object, containing the comorbidity data for
#' female patients.
#' @param male A \code{comoRbidity} object, containing the comorbidity data for
#' male patients.
#' @param fisherTest By default the fisher test is not performed. The fisherTest
#' default argument is set to \code{0}. It can be changed to 1 in order to perform
#' the fisher test to each common comorbidity present in male and female.
#' @param fisherCutOff by default \code{0.05}. The value of the argument can be changed
#' to any other numeric variable, according to the range of the fisher value.
#' @param verbose By default \code{FALSE}. Change it to \code{TRUE} to get a
#' on-time log from the function.
#' @param warnings By default \code{TRUE}. Change it to \code{FALSE} to don't see
#' the warnings.
#' @return A dataframe with the sex ratio estimation is obtained
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata", "comorMale.RData", package="comoRbidity"))
#' load(system.file("extdata", "comorFemale.RData", package="comoRbidity"))
#' srEstimation <- sexRatio( female = comorFemale,
#' male = comorMale,
#' fisherTest = 0
#' )
#' @export sexRatio
sexRatio <- function (female, male, fisherTest = 0, fisherCutOff=0.05, verbose = FALSE, warnings = TRUE){
#check if the input object is of class molecularComorbidity
message("Checking the input objects")
checkClass1 <- class(female)[1]
checkClass2 <- class(male)[1]
if(checkClass1 != "cAnalysis" | checkClass2 != "cAnalysis" ){
message("Check the input objects. Remember that these
objects must be obtained after applying the comorbidityAnalysis
function to your input file. The input object class must
fdep <- female@tpatients
mdep <- male@tpatients
female <- female@result
female$pairs <- NA
for(i in 1:nrow(female)){
pairDisF <- sort(c(female[i,"disAcode"],female[i,"disBcode"]))
female$pairs[i] <- paste(pairDisF[1], pairDisF[2], sep="-")
female <- female[,c("disAcode", "disBcode", "pairs", "AB")]
male <- male@result
male$pairs <- NA
for(i in 1:nrow(male)){
pairDisM <- sort(c(male[i,"disAcode"], male[i,"disBcode"]))
male$pairs[i] <- paste(pairDisM[1], pairDisM[2], sep="-")
male <- male[,c("disAcode", "disBcode", "pairs", "AB")]
maleFilter <- male[ male$pairs %in% female$pairs, ]
femaleFilter <- female[ female$pairs %in% male$pairs, ]
stop("There are no pairs in common")
fisherResults <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol=3))
for(i in 1:nrow(femaleFilter)){
ff <- as.numeric(femaleFilter[i,4])
mm <- as.numeric(maleFilter[maleFilter$pairs==femaleFilter[i,3],4])
group1AB <- ff
group2AB <- mm
group1AnotB <- fdep - ff
group2AnotB <- mdep - mm
mtrx <- matrix( c( group1AB, group1AnotB, group2AB, group2AnotB), nrow = 2 )
tryCatch( {ff <- fisher.test( mtrx )}, error=function(msg) {
message("code1:", femaleFilter[i,1], " - code2:", femaleFilter[i,2])
fisherResults[i,] <- rbind( c(femaleFilter[i,1], femaleFilter[i,2], ff$p.value ))
fisherResults <- fisherResults[fisherResults$V3 < fisherCutOff,]
fisherResults$pairs <- paste(fisherResults[,1],fisherResults[,2], sep="-")
maleFilter <- maleFilter[ maleFilter$pairs %in% fisherResults$pairs, ]
femaleFilter <- femaleFilter[ femaleFilter$pairs %in% fisherResults$pairs, ]
sexRatio <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol=3))
for(i in 1:nrow(femaleFilter)){
pairf <- as.numeric(femaleFilter[i,4])
pairm <- as.numeric(maleFilter[maleFilter$pairs==femaleFilter[i,3],4])
num <- 1+(mdep/pairm)
den <- 1+(fdep/pairf)
sr <- log(num/den)
sexRatio[i,] <- rbind( c(femaleFilter[i,1], femaleFilter[i,2], round(sr,3)))
colnames(sexRatio) <- c("disA", "disB", "SR")
sexRatio <- sexRatio[with(sexRatio, order(SR)),]
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