
Defines functions plotPost

Documented in plotPost

#' Histogram of Posterior Distribution
#' @description This is a heavy modification of John Kruchke's function of the same name in the BEST
#' package. This however makes many aesthetic changes and has some different features from the
#' original function.
#' \cr
#' @param fit a stanfit or runjags object. You must specify which parameter you would like to plot. Alternatively, a vector containing the posterior distribution.
#' @param param the name of the parameter in the stanfit or runjags object you want to plot.
#' @param breaks a number, function name, or function.
#' @param col the color scheme. One of "blue", "green" "red", or "purple".
#' @param xlab if desired, a custom x-axis label. If supplying a fit object the label will be
#' the parameter name, but you can override that. If paramSampleVec is supplied without a custom
#' label here, the x-axis will display the Greek theta symbol by default.
#' @param cred.level The credibility level. Defaults to 90\% (.90).
#' @param method Quantile intervals "QI" (the default), or highest density intervals "HDI"
#' @param CItextPlace Adjust the position of the credible interval text if needed.
#' @param est One of "mean" (the default), "median", or "mode". The mode gives the value corresponding to the highest density of
#' a kernel density estimate of the marginal posterior. 
#' @param ROPE If you would like to display a ROPE, enter vector of three numbers, the first being the
#' comparison value, the second being the lower limit of the ROPE and the third being the upper limit of the ROPE.
#' @param ... other arguments to hist()
#' @return
#' a histogram
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotPost()
plotPost <- function(fit = NULL, param = NULL, xlab = NULL, col = "blue", ROPE = NULL, cred.level = 0.90, method = "QI", CItextPlace = 0.7, breaks = "dhist", est = "mean", ...) {

  old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save default, for resetting... 
  on.exit(par(old.par))     #and when we quit the function, restore to original values
  if (!is.vector(fit)){
    if (is.null(param) == TRUE)  {
      stop("please choose a single parameter to plot with the 'param' argument")
    stan <- inherits(fit, "stanfit")
    if (stan == TRUE) {
      paramSampleVec <- as.matrix(fit)
      paramSampleVec = as.vector(paramSampleVec[,which(colnames(paramSampleVec) == param)])
    else if (class(fit) == "runjags") {
      paramSampleVec = as.vector(as.matrix(combine.mcmc(fit, collapse.chains = TRUE, vars = param)))
    param.label <- noquote(param)
  else if (is.vector(fit)){
     paramSampleVec <- fit
    if (is.null(param)){
      param.label <- expression(theta)
    else if (!is.null(param)){
      param.label <- noquote(param)
  if (is.null(xlab) != TRUE){
    param.label <-  noquote(xlab)
  #light, dark, dark, light
  if (col == "blues" || col == "blue"){
    ColorScheme = c("#6495edA6", "#0d2f6dBF", "#0a2556", "#046eff")
  if (col == "purples" || col == "purple"){
    ColorScheme = c("#956bbfA6" , "#1f005eBF", "#360736", "#5400a7")
  if (col == "reds" || col == "red"){
    ColorScheme = c("#e87a7aA6", "#8b1a1aBF", "#910202", "#e80039")
  if (col == "greens" || col == "green"){
    ColorScheme= c("#66cc66A6", "#194d33BF", "#133a26", "#39a636")
  # Get point estimate information for the title
  if (est == "mean" ){
    Param <- round(mean( paramSampleVec ), 2)
    estimate.text = paste("Mean", ":", Param)
  else if (est == "median"){
    Param <- round(median( zapsmall(paramSampleVec, 3) ), 2)
    estimate.text = paste("Median", ":", Param)
  else if (est == "mode"){
    d <- density(zapsmall(round(paramSampleVec,3), 2), from = min(paramSampleVec), to = max(paramSampleVec), n = length(paramSampleVec), kernel = "triangular")
    Param <- round(d$x[which.max(d$y)], 2)
    estimate.text = paste("Mode", ":", Param)
  else if (est == "all"){
    d <- density(zapsmall(round(paramSampleVec, 3), 2) , from = min(paramSampleVec), to = max(paramSampleVec), n = length(paramSampleVec), kernel = "triangular")
    estimate.text <- paste("Mean: ", round(mean( paramSampleVec ), 2), " Median: ", round(median( zapsmall(paramSampleVec, 3) ), 2), " Mode: ", round(d$x[which.max(d$y)], 2))

  # Get HDI information for the title
  if (method == "QI" || method == "ETI") {
    HDI <- round(cred_interval( paramSampleVec, cred.level = cred.level, method = "QI"), 2)
    interval.text = paste(100*cred.level, "% QI", ":", "[", HDI[1], "," ,  HDI[2], "]")
  else if(method == "HDI" || method == "HDP") {
    HDI <- round(cred_interval( paramSampleVec, cred.level = cred.level, method = "HDI"), 2)
    interval.text = paste(100*cred.level, "% HDI", ":", "[", HDI[1], "," , HDI[2], "]")
  main.title = paste(estimate.text, "\n", interval.text)
  # Deal with ... argument:
  dots <- list(...)
  if(length(dots) == 1 && class(dots[[1]]) == "list")
    dots <- dots[[1]]
  defaultArgs <- list(xlab= param.label,
                      yaxt="n", ylab="", main= main.title, cex.lab=1.4, cex.main = 1.2, 
                      cex=1.3, col=ColorScheme[1], border=ColorScheme[2], bty="n", xaxt = "n",
                      family = 'serif',
                      lwd=6, freq=FALSE,
                      xlim = cred_interval(paramSampleVec, cred.level=0.999999, method = method))
  useArgs <- modifyList(defaultArgs, dots)
  breaks <- breaks

  histinfo <- hist(paramSampleVec, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
  histinfo$xname <- useArgs$xlab
  oldpar <- par(xpd=TRUE) ; on.exit(par(oldpar))
  plot.histogram.args.names <- c("freq", "density", "angle", "border",
                                 "main", "sub", "xlab", "ylab", "xlim", "ylim", "axes", "labels",
                                 "add") # plot.histogram not exported, so need to cheat!
  selPlot <- names(useArgs) %in%
    c(plot.histogram.args.names, names(par(no.readonly=TRUE)))
  plotArgs <- useArgs[selPlot]
  plotArgs$lwd <- 1
  plotArgs$x <- histinfo
  do.call(plot, plotArgs, quote=TRUE)
  # Display the HDI.
  if (method == "QI" || method == "ETI") {
    HDI <- cred_interval( paramSampleVec, cred.level = cred.level, method = "QI")
    SE <-  cred_interval( paramSampleVec, cred.level = .682, method = "QI")
    lines(HDI, c(0,0), lwd=4.5, lend='butt', col = ColorScheme[3])
    lines(SE, c(0,0), lwd=5.45, lend='butt', col = ColorScheme[4])
  }  else if(method == "HDI" || method == "HDP") {
    HDI <- cred_interval( paramSampleVec, cred.level = cred.level, method = "HDI")
    SE <-  cred_interval( paramSampleVec, cred.level = .682, method = "QI")
    lines(HDI, c(0,0), lwd=4.5, lend='butt', col = ColorScheme[3])
    lines(SE, c(0,0), lwd=5.45, lend='butt', col = ColorScheme[4])
  if (is.null(ROPE) == FALSE) {
    compVal = ROPE[1]
    ROPE = ROPE[-1]
    ROPEtextHt = 0.55*max(histinfo$density)
    # Display the ROPE.
    lines( c(compVal,compVal) , c(0.96*ROPEtextHt,0) , lty="dashed" , lwd= 2,
           col= "#9bacc9")
    ropeCol = "#19386b"
    pcInROPE = ( sum( paramSampleVec > ROPE[1] & paramSampleVec < ROPE[2] )
                 / length( paramSampleVec ) )
    lines( c(ROPE[1],ROPE[1]) , c(0.96*ROPEtextHt,0) , lty="dotted" , lwd=3 ,
           col=ropeCol )
    lines( c(ROPE[2],ROPE[2]) , c(0.96*ROPEtextHt,0) , lty="dotted" , lwd=3 ,
    text( mean(ROPE) , ROPEtextHt ,
          bquote( .(round(100*pcInROPE))*"% in ROPE" ) ,
          adj=c(.5,0) , cex=1 , col=ropeCol )
  if (est != "all"){
    points(x = Param, y = 0, pch = 18, cex = 1.75)
  axis(1, col = NA, tck = 0, family = 'serif')
abnormally-distributed/Bayezilla documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 1:57 a.m.