#' Pairwise Fisher's exact tests
#' \code{pairwise_fisher_test} calculates pairwise comparisons between
#' group levels with corrections for multiple testing.
#' @param dep_var dependent variable, containing the data.
#' @param indep_var independent variable, should be factor or coercible.
#' @param adjmethod method for adjusting p values (see [p.adjust]).
#' @param plevel threshold for significance.
#' @param symbols predefined as b,c, d...; provides footnotes to mark group
#' differences, e.g. b means different from group 2
#' @param ref is the 1st subgroup the reference (like in Dunnett test)?
#' @return
#' A list with elements "methods" (character), "p.value" (matrix),
#' "plevel" (numeric), and "sign_colwise" (vector of length number of levels - 1)
#' @examples
#' # All pairwise comparisons
#' pairwise_fisher_test(dep_var = mtcars$cyl, indep_var = mtcars$gear)
#' # Only comparison against reference gear=3
#' pairwise_fisher_test(dep_var = mtcars$cyl, indep_var = mtcars$gear, ref = TRUE)
#' @export
pairwise_fisher_test <- function(dep_var, indep_var, adjmethod = "fdr", plevel = .05,
symbols = letters[-1], # c('b','c','d','e','f','g'),
ref = FALSE) {
if (!is.factor(indep_var)) {
indep_var <- factor(indep_var)
if (!is.factor(dep_var)) {
dep_var <- factor(dep_var)
if (is.ordered(indep_var)) {
indep_var <- factor(indep_var, ordered = F)
ngroups <- length(levels(indep_var))
pft_data <- data.frame(dep_var, indep_var)
pft_data <- na.omit(pft_data)
# print(pft_data)
p_unadj <- matrix(
nrow = ngroups - 1, ncol = ngroups - 1,
dimnames = list(c(2:ngroups), c(1:(ngroups - 1)))
for (firstgroup in 1:(ngroups - 1)) {
for (secondgroup in (firstgroup + 1):ngroups) {
tempdata <- pft_data[which(
pft_data$indep_var == levels(pft_data$indep_var)[firstgroup] |
pft_data$indep_var == levels(pft_data$indep_var)[secondgroup]
), ]
if (min(dim(table(tempdata))) > 1) {
p_unadj[secondgroup - 1, firstgroup] <-
fisher.test(tempdata$dep_var, tempdata$indep_var,
simulate.p.value = T,B = 10^5)$p.value,
silent = T)
} else {
p_unadj[secondgroup - 1, firstgroup] <- 1
# print(p_unadj)
sign_colwise <- character()
if (!ref) {
p_adj <- matrix(p.adjust(as.vector(p_unadj), method = adjmethod),
byrow = FALSE,
nrow = ngroups - 1, ncol = ngroups - 1,
dimnames = list(c(2:ngroups), c(1:(ngroups - 1)))
for (col_i in 1:ncol(p_adj)) {
temp <- " "
for (row_i in col_i:nrow(p_adj)) {
if (!is.na(p_adj[row_i, col_i]) & p_adj[row_i, col_i] < plevel) {
temp <- paste0(temp, symbols[row_i])
sign_colwise <- c(sign_colwise, temp)
} else {
p_adj <- p.adjust(as.vector(p_unadj[, 1]), method = adjmethod)
sign_colwise <- markSign(p_adj) # sapply(p_adj,markSign)
method = adjmethod,
p.value = p_adj,
plevel = plevel,
sign_colwise = sign_colwise
#' Pairwise comparison for ordinal categories
#' \code{pairwise_ordcat_test} calculates pairwise comparisons for ordinal
#' categories between all group levels with corrections for multiple testing.
#' @param dep_var dependent variable, containing the data
#' @param indep_var independent variable, should be factor
#' @param adjmethod method for adjusting p values (see [p.adjust])
#' @param plevel threshold for significance
#' @param symbols predefined as b,c, d...; provides footnotes to mark group
#' differences, e.g. b means different from group 2
#' @param ref is the 1st subgroup the reference (like in Dunnett test)
#' @param cmh Should Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test ([coin::cmh_test]) be used for
#' testing? If false, the linear-by-linear association test ([coin::lbl_test])
#' is applied.
#' @return
#' A list with elements "methods" (character), "p.value" (matrix),
#' "plevel" (numeric), and "sign_colwise" (vector of length number of levels - 1)
#' @examples
#' # All pairwise comparisons
#' mtcars2 <- dplyr::mutate(mtcars, cyl = factor(cyl, ordered = TRUE))
#' pairwise_ordcat_test(dep_var = mtcars2$cyl, indep_var = mtcars2$gear)
#' # Only comparison against reference gear=3
#' pairwise_ordcat_test(dep_var = mtcars2$cyl, indep_var = mtcars2$gear, ref = TRUE)
#' @export
pairwise_ordcat_test <- function(dep_var, indep_var, adjmethod = "fdr", plevel = .05,
symbols = letters[-1],
ref = FALSE, cmh = TRUE) {
dep_var <- factor(dep_var, ordered = TRUE)
indep_var <- factor(indep_var)
ngroups <- length(levels(indep_var))
pft_data <- data.frame(dep_var, indep_var)
pft_data <- na.omit(pft_data)
p_unadj <- matrix(
nrow = ngroups - 1, ncol = ngroups - 1,
dimnames = list(c(2:ngroups), c(1:(ngroups - 1)))
for (firstgroup in 1:(ngroups - 1)) {
for (secondgroup in (firstgroup + 1):ngroups) {
tempdata <- pft_data[which(
as.numeric(pft_data$indep_var) %in% c(firstgroup, secondgroup)
), ]
if (min(dim(table(tempdata))) > 1) {
if (cmh) {
# print('cmh_test')#(x~group,data=tempdata))
p_unadj[secondgroup - 1, firstgroup] <-
coin::pvalue(coin::cmh_test(dep_var ~ indep_var, data = tempdata))
} else {
# print('lbl_test')#(x~group,data=tempdata))
p_unadj[secondgroup - 1, firstgroup] <-
coin::pvalue(coin::lbl_test(dep_var ~ indep_var, data = tempdata))
} else {
p_unadj[secondgroup - 1, firstgroup] <- 1
sign_colwise <- character()
if (!ref) {
p_adj <- matrix(p.adjust(as.vector(p_unadj), method = adjmethod),
byrow = FALSE,
nrow = ngroups - 1, ncol = ngroups - 1,
dimnames = list(c(2:ngroups), c(1:(ngroups - 1)))
for (col_i in 1:ncol(p_adj)) {
temp <- " "
for (row_i in col_i:nrow(p_adj)) {
if (!is.na(p_adj[row_i, col_i]) & p_adj[row_i, col_i] < plevel) {
temp <- paste0(temp, symbols[row_i])
sign_colwise <- c(sign_colwise, temp)
} else {
p_adj <- p.adjust(as.vector(p_unadj[, 1]), method = adjmethod)
sign_colwise <- sapply(p_adj, markSign)
method = adjmethod,
p.value = p_adj,
plevel = plevel,
sign_colwise = sign_colwise,
test = ifelse(cmh, "cmh", "lbl")
#' Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Test against Normal distribution
#' \code{ksnormal} is a convenience function around \link{ks.test}, testing against
#' Normal distribution.
#' If less than 2 values are provided, NA is returned.
#' @param x Vector of data to test.
#' @param lillie Logical, should the Lilliefors test be used? Defaults to TRUE
#' @return p.value from \link{ks.test}.
#' @examples
#' # original ks.test:
#' ks.test(
#' x = mtcars$wt, pnorm, mean = mean(mtcars$wt, na.rm = TRUE),
#' sd = sd(mtcars$wt, na.rm = TRUE)
#' )
#' # wrapped version:
#' ksnormal(x = mtcars$wt, lillie=FALSE)
#' @export
ksnormal <- function(x, lillie=TRUE) {
names(ksout) <- "p_Normal_Lilliefors"
} else{
ks.test(x, "pnorm", mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
sd(x, na.rm = TRUE),
exact = FALSE
names(ksout) <- "p_Normal_KS"
ksout <- NA
#' Confidence interval for generalized linear models
#' \code{glm_CI} computes and formats CIs for glm.
#' @usage glmCI(model, min = .01, max = 100, cisep = '\U000022ef', ndigit=2)
#' @return A list with coefficient, CIs, and pasted coef(\[CIs\]).
#' @param model Output from \link{glm}.
#' @param min,max Lower and upper limits for CIs, useful for extremely wide CIs.
#' @param cisep Separator between CI values.
#' @param ndigit rounding level.
#' @examples
#' glm_out <- glm(am ~ mpg, family = binomial, data = mtcars)
#' glmCI(glm_out)
#' @export
glmCI <- function(model, min = .01, max = 100, cisep = "\U000022ef", ndigit = 2) {
glmReturn <- list(
coeff = character(0), ci = character(0),
c_ci = NA
pvTmp <- labels(model$terms)
for (pv_i in 1:length(pvTmp))
rows <- grep(pvTmp[pv_i], names(model$coefficients))
coeffTmp <- as.character(as.vector(round(exp(model$coefficients[rows]), ndigit)))
coeffTmp[which(as.numeric(coeffTmp) < min)] <- paste0("<", min)
coeffTmp[which(as.numeric(coeffTmp) > max)] <- paste0(">", max)
glmReturn$coeff <- c(glmReturn$coeff, paste(coeffTmp, collapse = "/"))
ciModel <- as.matrix(exp(confint(model)))
ciTmp <- character(0)
for (row_i in rows)
ciRow <- as.character(as.vector(round(ciModel[row_i, ], ndigit)))
ciRow[which(as.numeric(ciRow) < min)] <- paste0("<", min)
ciRow[which(as.numeric(ciRow) > max)] <- paste0(">", max)
ciTmp <- paste(ciTmp, paste(ciRow, collapse = cisep),
sep = "/"
glmReturn$ci <- c(glmReturn$ci, gsub("^/", "", ciTmp))
glmReturn$c_ci <- paste0(glmReturn$coeff, " (", glmReturn$ci, ")")
#' Correlations with significance
#' \code{cortestR} computes correlations and their significance level
#' based on \link{cor.test}. Coefficients and p-values may be combined or
#' reported separately.
#' @return Depending on parameters split and sign_symbol,
#' either a single data frame with coefficient and p-values or significance symbols
#' or a list with two data frames.
#' @param cordata data frame or matrix with rawdata.
#' @param method as in cor.test.
#' @param digits rounding level for estimate.
#' @param digits_p rounding level for p value.
#' @param sign_symbol If true, use significance indicator instead of p-value.
#' @param split logical, report correlation and p combined (default)
#' or split in list.
#' @param space character to fill empty upper triangle.
#' @examples
#' # with defaults
#' cortestR(mtcars[, c("wt", "mpg", "qsec")], split = FALSE, sign_symbol = TRUE)
#' # separate coefficients and p-values
#' cortestR(mtcars[, c("wt", "mpg", "qsec")], split = TRUE, sign_symbol = FALSE)
#' @export
cortestR <- function(cordata, method = "pearson",
digits = 3, digits_p = 3,
sign_symbol = TRUE,
split = FALSE,
space = "") {
cordata <- as.matrix(cordata)
n <- ncol(cordata)
corout <- as.data.frame(
matrix(space, nrow = n, ncol = n)
colnames(corout) <- colnames(cordata)
rownames(corout) <- colnames(corout)
if (split) {
pout <- corout
for (row_i in 1:n) {
for (col_i in 1:row_i) {
ct <- cor.test(cordata[, row_i], cordata[, col_i],
method = method
corout[row_i, col_i] <-
round(ct$estimate, digits)
if (!split) {
if (row_i != col_i) {
if (sign_symbol) {
corout[row_i, col_i] <- paste0(
corout[row_i, col_i],
} else {
corout[row_i, col_i] <- paste0(
corout[row_i, col_i], " (",
formatP(ct$p.value, ndigits = digits_p),
} else {
if (sign_symbol) {
pout[row_i, col_i] <- markSign(ct$p.value) |> as.character()
} else {
pout[row_i, col_i] <- formatP(ct$p.value)
if (split) {
corout = corout,
pout = pout
} else {
#' Independent sample t-test with test for equal variance
#' \code{t_var_test} tests for equal variance based on \link{var.test}
#' and calls t.test, setting the option var.equal accordingly.
#' @param data Tibble or data_frame.
#' @param formula Formula object with dependent and independent variable.
#' @param cutoff is significance threshold for equal variances.
#' @return
#' A list from \link{t.test}
#' @examples
#' t_var_test(mtcars, wt ~ am)
#' # may be used in pipes:
#' mtcars |> t_var_test(wt ~ am)
#' @export
t_var_test <- function(data, formula, cutoff = .05) {
formula <- as.formula(formula)
t_out <- ""
var.equal <- try(
formula = formula,
data = data
)$p.value > cutoff,
silent = TRUE
if (is.logical(var.equal)) {
t_out <- t.test(
formula = formula, data = data,
var.equal = var.equal
#' Comparison for columns of numbers for 2 groups
#' \code{compare2numvars} computes either \link{t_var_test} or \link{wilcox.test},
#' depending on parameter gaussian. Descriptive statistics, depending on distribution,
#' are reported as well.
#' @param data name of dataset (tibble/data.frame) to analyze.
#' @param dep_vars vector of column names for independent variables.
#' @param indep_var name of grouping variable, has to translate to 2 groups. If more levels are encountered, an error is produced.
#' @param gaussian logical specifying normal or ordinal values.
#' @param round_p level for rounding p-value.
#' @param round_desc number of significant digits for rounding of descriptive stats.
#' @param range include min/max?
#' @param rangesep text between statistics and range or other elements.
#' @param pretext for function [formatP].
#' @param mark for function [formatP].
#' @param n create columns for n per group?
#' @param add_n add n to descriptive statistics?
#' @return
#' A tibble with variable names, descriptive statistics, and p-value,
#' number of rows is number of dep_vars.
#' @examples
#' # Assuming Normal distribution:
#' compare2numvars(
#' data = mtcars, dep_vars = c("wt", "mpg", "qsec"), indep_var = "am",
#' gaussian = TRUE
#' )
#' # Ordinal scale:
#' compare2numvars(
#' data = mtcars, dep_vars = c("wt", "mpg", "qsec"), indep_var = "am",
#' gaussian = FALSE
#' )
#' # If dependent variable has more than 2 levels, consider fct_lump:
#' mtcars |> dplyr::mutate(gear=factor(gear) |> forcats::fct_lump_n(n=1)) |>
#' compare2numvars(dep_vars="wt",indep_var="gear",gaussian=TRUE)
#' @export
compare2numvars <- function(data, dep_vars, indep_var,
gaussian, round_p = 3, round_desc = 2,
range = FALSE,
rangesep = " ",
pretext = FALSE, mark = FALSE,
n = FALSE, add_n = FALSE) {
`.` <- Group <- Value <- Variable <- desc_groups <- NULL
if (gaussian) {
DESC <- meansd
COMP <- t_var_test
} else {
DESC <- median_quart
COMP <- wilcox.test
# descnames <- names(formals(DESC))
# pnames <- names(formals(COMP))
data_l <- data |>
Group = all_of(indep_var),
) |>
mutate(Group = factor(Group) |> fct_drop()) |>
pivot_longer(-Group,names_to = 'Variable',values_to = 'Value') |>
# gather(key = Variable, value = Value, -Group) |>
mutate(Variable = forcats::fct_inorder(Variable)) |>
# na.omit() |>
stop(paste0('Other than 2 groups provided for ',indep_var,': ',
". Look into function compare_n_numvars."))
data_l <- data_l |>
out <- data_l |>
group_by(Variable) |>
.data = .,
n_groups = paste(table(.$Group[which(!is.na(.$Value))]), collapse = ":"),
desc_all = DESC(.$Value,
roundDig = round_desc,
range = range, rangesep = rangesep,
add_n = add_n
desc_groups = paste(try(
x = .$Value, groupvar = .$Group,
roundDig = round_desc, range = range,
rangesep = rangesep, add_n = add_n
silent = TRUE
collapse = ":"
p = formatP(try(
suppressWarnings(COMP(formula = as.formula("Value~Group"), data = .)$p.value),
silent = TRUE
ndigits = round_p, pretext = pretext,
mark = mark
) |> as.character()
)) |>
out$desc_groups[!str_detect(out$desc_groups, ":")] <- " : "
out <- separate(out,
col = desc_groups,
into = glue::glue("{indep_var} {levels(data_l$Group)}"),
sep = ":"
out <- separate(out,
col = n_groups,
into = glue::glue("n {indep_var} {levels(data_l$Group)}"),
sep = ":"
out$n <- apply(out[, 2:3], 1, function(x) {
out <- out |> dplyr::select(1, n, starts_with("n "), everything())
if (n == FALSE) {
out <- dplyr::select(out, -n, -starts_with("n "))
#' Comparison for columns of factors for 2 groups
#' \code{compare2qualvars} computes \link{fisher.test} with simulated p-value and
#' descriptive statistics for a group of categorical dependent variables.
#' @param data name of data set (tibble/data.frame) to analyze.
#' @param dep_vars vector of column names for dependent variables.
#' @param indep_var name of grouping variable, has to translate to 2 groups.
#' @param round_p level for rounding p-value.
#' @param round_desc number of significant digits for rounding of descriptive stats.
#' @param pretext for function [formatP].
#' @param mark for function [formatP].
#' @param singleline Put all group levels in a single line?
#' @param spacer Text element to indent levels and fill empty cells,
#' defaults to " ".
#' @param linebreak place holder for newline.
#' @param p_subgroups test subgroups by recoding other levels into other, default is not to do this.
#' @return
#' A tibble with variable names, descriptive statistics, and p-value,
#' number of rows is number of dep_vars.
#' @examples
#' compare2qualvars(
#' data = mtcars, dep_vars = c("gear", "cyl", "carb"), indep_var = "am",
#' spacer = " "
#' )
#' compare2qualvars(
#' data = mtcars, dep_vars = c("gear", "cyl", "carb"), indep_var = "am",
#' spacer = " ", singleline = TRUE
#' )
#' compare2qualvars(
#' data = mtcars, dep_vars = c("gear", "cyl", "carb"), indep_var = "am",
#' spacer = " ", p_subgroups = TRUE
#' )
#' @export
compare2qualvars <- function(data, dep_vars, indep_var,
round_p = 3, round_desc = 2,
pretext = FALSE, mark = FALSE,
singleline = FALSE,
# newline=TRUE,
spacer = " ",
linebreak = "\n",
p_subgroups = FALSE) {
indentor <- paste0(rep(spacer, 5), collapse = "")
if (!(is.factor(data |> pull(indep_var)))) {
data <- data |> mutate(!!indep_var := factor(!!sym(indep_var)))
if(data |> pull(indep_var) |> nlevels() !=2){
stop(paste("Independent variable",indep_var,
"has",data |> pull(indep_var) |> nlevels(),
"levels but must have exactly 2.",
"Look into function compare_n_qualvars."))
for(var_i in dep_vars){
if (!(is.factor(data |> pull(var_i)))) {
data <- data |> mutate(!!var_i := factor(!!sym(var_i)))
freq <-
.f = function(x) {
return_level = FALSE, singleline = singleline,
ndigit = round_desc
) |>
levels <-
.f = function(x) {
singleline = singleline
) |>
freqBYgroup <-
.f = function(x) {
groupvar = data[[indep_var]],
return_level = FALSE,
ndigit = round_desc,
singleline = singleline
p <-
purrr::map2(data[dep_vars], data[indep_var],
.f = function(x, y) {
x = x, y = y,
simulate.p.value = TRUE,
B = 10^5
silent = TRUE
mark = mark, pretext = pretext
),silent=TRUE) |>
) |>
purrr::map(~case_when(str_detect(.,'.\\d+') ~ .,TRUE~''))
for(var_i in dep_vars){
freqBYgroup[[var_i]]$p <- NA_character_
subgroups=data |> pull(var_i) |> levels()
for(sg_i in seq_along(subgroups)){
testdata <-
data |>
select(all_of(c(indep_var,var_i))) |>
other_level = 'other')) |>
select(all_of(indep_var),'testvar') |> table()
if(ncol(testdata)>1) {
p_sg <- fisher.test(testdata,
simulate.p.value = TRUE,
B = 10^5)$p.value |>
formatP(mark = mark, pretext = pretext)
} else{
p_sg <- ''
freqBYgroup[[var_i]]$p <-
paste(na.omit(freqBYgroup[[var_i]]$p),p_sg) |>
str_squish()} else {
freqBYgroup[[var_i]]$p[sg_i] <- p_sg
out <- tibble(
Variable = character(), desc_all = character(),
g1 = character(), g2 = character(), p = character()
out$pSubgroup <- NA_character_
for (var_i in seq_along(dep_vars)) {
if (!singleline) {
out_tmp <- add_row(out[0,],
Variable = c(
desc_all = c(spacer, freq[[var_i]][[1]]),
g1 = c(spacer, freqBYgroup[[var_i]][[1]]),
g2 = c(spacer, freqBYgroup[[var_i]][[2]]),
p = c(
rep(spacer, nrow(freqBYgroup[[var_i]]))
out_tmp$pSubgroup <- c(spacer,freqBYgroup[[var_i]]$p)
out <- rbind(out,out_tmp)
} else {
out_tmp <- add_row(out[0,],
Variable = paste(
# rep(spacer,
# nrow(freqBYgroup[[var_i]])-1)),
desc_all = freq[[var_i]][[1]],
g1 = freqBYgroup[[var_i]][[1]],
g2 = freqBYgroup[[var_i]][[2]],
p = p[[var_i]][[1]]
out_tmp$pSubgroup <- freqBYgroup[[var_i]]$p
out <- rbind(out,out_tmp)
colnames(out) <- colnames(out) |> str_replace_all(
"g1" = paste(
data |> pull(indep_var) |> levels() |> first()
"g2" = paste(
data |> pull(indep_var) |> levels() |> last()
#' Comparison for columns of factors for more than 2 groups with post-hoc
#' @param data name of data set (tibble/data.frame) to analyze.
#' @param dep_vars vector of column names.
#' @param indep_var name of grouping variable.
#' @param round_p level for rounding p-value.
#' @param round_desc number of significant digits for rounding of descriptive stats
#' @param pretext for function [formatP]
#' @param mark for function [formatP]
#' @param singleline Put all group levels in a single line?
#' @param spacer Text element to indent levels, defaults to " ".
#' @param linebreak place holder for newline.
#' @param prettynum Apply prettyNum to results?
#' @return
#' A tibble with variable names, descriptive statistics, and p-value of \link{fisher.test}
#' and \link{pairwise_fisher_test}, number of rows is number of dep_vars.
#' @examples
#' # Separate lines for each factor level:
#' compare_n_qualvars(
#' data = mtcars, dep_vars = c("am", "cyl", "carb"), indep_var = "gear",
#' spacer = " "
#' )
#' # All levels in one row but with linebreaks:
#' compare_n_qualvars(
#' data = mtcars, dep_vars = c("am", "cyl", "carb"), indep_var = "gear",
#' singleline = TRUE
#' )
#' # All levels in one row, separateted by ";":
#' compare_n_qualvars(
#' data = mtcars, dep_vars = c("am", "cyl", "carb"), indep_var = "gear",
#' singleline = TRUE, linebreak = "; "
#' )
#' @export
compare_n_qualvars <- function(data, dep_vars, indep_var,
round_p = 3, round_desc = 2,
pretext = FALSE, mark = FALSE,
singleline = FALSE,
# newline=TRUE,
spacer = " ",
linebreak = "\n",
prettynum = FALSE) {
indentor <- paste0(rep(spacer, 5), collapse = "")
if (!(is.factor(data |> pull(indep_var)))) {
data <- data |> mutate(!!indep_var := factor(!!sym(indep_var)))
# groups <- levels(data[[indep_var]])
freq <-
.f = function(x) {
return_level = FALSE, singleline = singleline,
ndigit = round_desc, separator = linebreak,
prettynum = prettynum
) |>
levels <-
.f = function(x) {
singleline = singleline,
separator = linebreak
) |>
freqBYgroup <-
.f = function(x) {
groupvar = data[[indep_var]],
return_level = FALSE,
ndigit = round_desc,
singleline = singleline,
separator = linebreak,
prettynum = prettynum
p <-
purrr::map2(data[dep_vars], data[indep_var],
.f = function(x, y) {
x = x, y = y, simulate.p.value = TRUE,
B = 10^4
silent = TRUE
mark = mark, pretext = pretext),
silent=T) |>
out <- tibble(Variable = character(), desc_all = character()) |>
left_join(freqBYgroup[[1]] |> slice(0), by = character()) |>
mutate(p = character())
out_template <- out
groupcols <- 3:(ncol(out) - 1)
for (var_i in seq_along(dep_vars)) {
testdata <- data |>
dplyr::select(all_of(c(indep_var, dep_vars[var_i]))) |>
pairwise_p <-
pairwise_fisher_test(testdata[[2]], testdata[[1]])$sign_colwise |>
str_replace("^ $", spacer)
if (!singleline) {
out_tmp <- add_row(out_template,
Variable = c(
desc_all = c(spacer, freq[[var_i]][[1]])
out_tmp[1, groupcols] <- c(pairwise_p, spacer) |> as.list()
out_tmp[-1, groupcols] <- freqBYgroup[[var_i]]
out_tmp["p"] <- c(
rep(spacer, nrow(freqBYgroup[[var_i]]))
} else {
out_tmp <- add_row(out_template,
Variable = paste(
# rep(spacer,
# nrow(freqBYgroup[[var_i]])-1),
desc_all = freq[[var_i]][[1]]
out_tmp[1, groupcols] <- paste(freqBYgroup[[var_i]], c(pairwise_p, spacer)) |>
out_tmp["p"] <- p[[var_i]]
out <- out |> rbind(out_tmp)
#' Pairwise Wilcoxon tests
#' \code{pairwise_wilcox_test} calculates pairwise comparisons on ordinal data
#' between all group levels with corrections for multiple testing based on
#' \link{wilcox_test} from package 'coin'.
#' @param dep_var dependent variable, containing the data.
#' @param indep_var independent variable, should be factor.
#' @param strat_var optional factor for stratification.
#' @param adjmethod method for adjusting p values (see [p.adjust])
#' @param distr Computation of p-values, see \link{wilcox_test}.
#' @param plevel threshold for significance.
#' @param symbols predefined as b,c, d...; provides footnotes to mark group
#' differences, e.g. b means different from group 2.
#' @param sep text between statistics and range or other elements.
#' @return
#' A list with matrix of adjusted p-values and character vector with significance indicators.
#' @examples
#' pairwise_wilcox_test(dep_var = mtcars$wt, indep_var = mtcars$cyl)
#' @export
pairwise_wilcox_test <-
function(dep_var, indep_var, strat_var = NA,
adjmethod = "fdr", distr = "exact", plevel = .05,
symbols = letters[-1],
sep = "") {
# if (!is.factor(indep_var))
# {
indep_var <- factor(indep_var)
# }
ngroups <- length(levels(indep_var))
if (length(strat_var) == 1) {
strat_var <- rep(1, length(dep_var))
if (!is.factor(strat_var)) {
strat_var <- factor(strat_var)
pwt_data <- tibble(dep_var,
indep_var = as.numeric(indep_var),
p_unadj <- matrix(
nrow = ngroups - 1, ncol = ngroups - 1,
dimnames = list(c(2:ngroups), c(1:(ngroups - 1)))
for (firstgroup in 1:(ngroups - 1)) {
for (secondgroup in (firstgroup + 1):ngroups) {
tempdata <- pwt_data[c(
which(pwt_data$indep_var == firstgroup),
which(pwt_data$indep_var == secondgroup)
), ]
tempdata$indep_var <- factor(tempdata$indep_var)
# print(tempdata)
if (length(levels(as.factor(tempdata$dep_var))) > 1) {
p_unadj[secondgroup - 1, firstgroup] <-
coin::pvalue(coin::wilcox_test(tempdata$dep_var ~ tempdata$indep_var |
distribution = distr
else {
p_unadj[secondgroup - 1, firstgroup] <- 1
p_adj <- matrix(p.adjust(as.vector(p_unadj), method = adjmethod),
byrow = FALSE,
nrow = ngroups - 1, ncol = ngroups - 1,
dimnames = list(
group2 = levels(indep_var)[-1],
group1 = levels(indep_var)[-ngroups]
sign_colwise <- character()
for (col_i in 1:ncol(p_adj)) {
temp <- " "
for (row_i in col_i:nrow(p_adj)) {
if (!is.na(p_adj[row_i, col_i]) &
p_adj[row_i, col_i] < plevel) {
temp <- paste(temp, symbols[row_i], sep = sep)
sign_colwise <- c(sign_colwise, temp)
p_adj = p_adj,
sign_colwise = sign_colwise
#' Extended pairwise t-test
#' \code{pairwise_t_test}calculate pairwise comparisons between group levels
#' with corrections for multiple testing based on \link{pairwise.t.test}
#' @param dep_var dependent variable, containing the data
#' @param indep_var independent variable, should be factor
#' @param adjmethod method for adjusting p values (see [p.adjust])
#' @param plevel threshold for significance
#' @param symbols predefined as b,c, d...; provides footnotes to mark group
#' differences, e.g. b means different from group 2
#' @return
#' A list with method output of pairwise.t.test,
#' matrix of p-values, and character vector with significance indicators.
#' @examples
#' pairwise_t_test(dep_var = mtcars$wt, indep_var = mtcars$cyl)
#' @export
pairwise_t_test <- function(dep_var, indep_var, adjmethod = "fdr", plevel = .05,
symbols = letters[-1]) {
t_out <- pairwise.t.test(x = dep_var, g = indep_var, p.adjust.method = adjmethod)
p_colwise <- t_out$p.value
sign_colwise <- character()
for (col_i in 1:ncol(p_colwise)) {
temp <- " "
for (row_i in col_i:nrow(p_colwise)) {
if (!is.na(p_colwise[row_i, col_i]) &
p_colwise[row_i, col_i] < plevel) {
temp <- paste0(temp, symbols[row_i])
sign_colwise <- c(sign_colwise, temp)
method = t_out$method,
p.value = t_out$p.value,
plevel = plevel,
sign_colwise = sign_colwise
#' Comparison for columns of Gaussian or ordinal measures for n groups
#' @description Some names were changed in August 2022, to reflect the update of the function to handle ordinal data using non-parametric equivalents.
#' @param .data name of dataset (tibble/data.frame) to analyze, defaults to rawdata.
#' @param dep_vars vector of column names.
#' @param indep_var name of grouping variable.
#' @param gaussian Logical specifying normal or ordinal indep_var (and chooses comparison tests accordingly)
#' @param round_p level for rounding p-value.
#' @param round_desc number of significant digits for rounding of descriptive stats.
#' @param range include min/max?
#' @param rangesep text between statistics and range or other elements.
#' @param pretext,mark for function formatP.
#' @param add_n add n to descriptive statistics?
#' @return
#' A list with elements "results": tibble with descriptive statistics,
#' p-value from ANOVA/Kruskal-Wallis test, p-values for pairwise comparisons, significance
#' indicators, and descriptives pasted with significance.
#' "raw": nested list with output from all underlying analyses.
#' @examples
#' # Usually,only the result table is relevant:
#' compare_n_numvars(
#' .data = mtcars, dep_vars = c("wt", "mpg", "hp"),
#' indep_var = "cyl",
#' gaussian = TRUE
#' )$results
#' # For a report, result columns may be filtered as needed:
#' compare_n_numvars(
#' .data = mtcars, dep_vars = c("wt", "mpg", "hp"),
#' indep_var = "cyl",
#' gaussian = FALSE
#' )$results |>
#' dplyr::select(Variable, `cyl 4 fn`:`cyl 8 fn`, multivar_p)
#' @export
compare_n_numvars <- function(.data = rawdata,
dep_vars, indep_var, gaussian,
round_desc = 2, range = FALSE,
rangesep = " ",
pretext = FALSE, mark = FALSE, round_p = 3,
add_n = FALSE) {
value <- Variable <- lm_out <- p_tout <- pANOVA <- NULL
desc_fun <- wrappedtools::meansd
grptest <- stats::lm
} else {
desc_fun <- wrappedtools::median_quart
grptest <- stats::kruskal.test
# if (gaussian) {
if (!is.factor(.data[[indep_var]]) |
is.ordered(.data[[indep_var]])) {
.data[[indep_var]] <- factor(.data[[indep_var]],
ordered = FALSE
glevel <- forcats::fct_inorder(levels(.data[[indep_var]]))
.data <- dplyr::select(
.data, all_of(dep_vars),
t <- .data |>
cols = all_of(dep_vars),
values_to = "value", names_to = "Variable"
) |>
nest(data = c(all_of(indep_var), value)) |>
Variable = forcats::fct_inorder(as.factor(Variable)),
desc_tab = purrr::map_chr(data, ~ desc_fun(.$value,
roundDig = round_desc,
range = range,
rangesep = rangesep,
add_n = add_n
desc_grp = purrr::map(data, ~ desc_fun(.$value,
groupvar = .[indep_var],
roundDig = round_desc,
range = range,
rangesep = rangesep,
add_n = add_n
)) |>
purrr::map(~ set_names(
lm_out = if (gaussian) {
purrr::map(data, ~ stats::lm(value ~ !!sym(indep_var), data = .x))},
anova_out= if (gaussian){purrr::map(lm_out, anova)} else {
purrr::map(data, ~ stats::kruskal.test(value ~ !!sym(indep_var), data = .x))
`p_wcox/t_out` = if (gaussian) {
purrr::map(data, ~ pairwise.t.test(.x[["value"]],
g = .x[[indep_var]],
pool.sd = TRUE,
p.adjust.method = "none"
)$p.value)} else {
purrr::map(data, ~ pairwise.wilcox.test(.x[["value"]],
g = .x[[indep_var]],
p.adjust.method= "none",
exact = FALSE)$p.value)
p_wcox_t_out = if (gaussian) {
purrr::map(data, ~ pairwise_t_test(
)$sign_colwise)} else {
purrr::map(data, ~ pairwise_wilcox_test(
distr = "as"
p_wcox_t_out = purrr::map(p_wcox_t_out, ~ c(.x,
"")) #add empty string for last column
) |>
purrr::map(~ set_names(.x, dep_vars))
p_results <- NULL
if (gaussian) {
p_results <- "Pr(>F)"
} else {
p_results <- "p.value"
multivar_p <- NULL
if (gaussian) {
multivar_p <- "pANOVA"
} else {
multivar_p <- "pKW"
results <- NULL
results <- tibble(Variable = forcats::fct_inorder(dep_vars), all = t$desc_tab) |>
full_join(purrr::reduce(t$desc_grp, rbind) |>
matrix(nrow = length(dep_vars), byrow = FALSE) |>
as_tibble(.name_repair = "unique") |>
mutate(Variable = dep_vars) |>
dplyr::select(Variable, everything()) |>
paste(indep_var, glevel)
))) |>
full_join(purrr::map_df(t$anova_out, p_results) |> slice(1) |>
pivot_longer(everything(),names_to = 'Variable',
values_to = 'multivar_p') |>
# gather(key = "Variable", value = multivar_p)|>
mutate(Variable = forcats::fct_inorder(Variable)) |>
mutate(multivar_p = formatP(multivar_p,
ndigits = round_p,
pretext = pretext,
mark = mark))) |> #as.vector()|>
full_join(purrr::map_df(t$`p_wcox/t_out`, ~ paste(formatP(
p.adjust(.x[lower.tri(.x, TRUE)], method = "fdr")),
collapse = ";")) |>
pivot_longer(everything(),names_to = 'Variable',
values_to = 'p between groups')) |>
# gather(key = "Variable", value = "p between groups")) |>
full_join(purrr::reduce(t$p_wcox_t_out, rbind) |>
matrix(nrow = length(dep_vars), byrow = FALSE) |>
as_tibble(.name_repair = "unique") |>
mutate(Variable = dep_vars) |>
set_names(c(paste("sign", glevel), "Variable"))) |>
full_join(purrr::map_df(t$`p_wcox/t_out`, ~ paste(formatP(p.adjust(.x[, 1],
method = "fdr"
collapse = ";"
)) |>
pivot_longer(everything(),names_to = 'Variable',
values_to = 'p vs.ref'))
# gather(key = "Variable", value = "p vs.ref"))
results <- cbind(
.x = dplyr::select(results, starts_with(indep_var)),
.y = dplyr::select(results, starts_with("sign")),
.f = ~paste(.x, .y, sep = " ") |> str_squish()
) |>
rename_all(paste, "fn")
) |>
as_tibble(.name_repair = "unique")
# todo: p vs. ref symbol
list(results = results,
raw = t))
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