
#' @title Bayes Inferred Genotype Replicate Error Detector (BIGRED)
#' @description Detects outlier(s) among supposed replicate sequence runs of a given genotype
#' @param            L (numeric integer) specifies the number of sites to sample and use for analysis. 
#'                     BIGRED samples a site if each putative replicate has at least one read at that site.
#' @param        chrom (numeric vector) specifies the chromosome(s) from which to sample the
#'                     L sites.
#' @param     mafrange (numeric vector; length 2) a site is sampled if its minor allele has a frequency 
#'                     within this range. The default is set to c(0.0,0.5), i.e. BTRED will sample sites 
#'                     regardless of MAF status. We found that BTRED is most accurate when analyzing sites
#'                     with MAFs in the range (0.4,0.5] in simulation experiments (paper in review). We do not recommend
#'                     sampling sites with rare minor alleles.
#' @param       thinby (numeric interger) specifies the minimum distance (in bp) between any two sampled sites
#' @param        eUSER (numeric float) specifies the fixed sequencing error rate used to calculate 
#'                     genotype likelihoods. This value may range from 0 to 1. 
#'                     For an error rate of 1 percent, enter 0.01.
#' @param      proband (character) specifies the name of the genotype with k putative replicates, where k >1.
#' @param   aliases.fn (character) specifies the name of the alias text file listing the names of the proband's k 
#'                     putative sequence runs. Refer to README.md for a description of an alias text file 
#'                     and formatting requirements.
#' @param        expid (character) only specify an argument for this parameter if you wish to run the function on
#'                     a given proband multiple times, simultaneouly. One potential reason for applying BIGRED 
#'                     on one given proband more than once would be if the user wishes to average the results 
#'                     of multiple runs, rather than relying on the results of one run. If the user executes these 
#'                     runs simultaneously, a different value of this parameter should be used for each run to avoid
#'                     overwriting output files.
#' @param headersuffix (character) BTRED() requires a header file for each chromosome (refer to  
#'                     README.md for a description of this file type and formatting requirements). 
#'                     Each header file must follow the naming format chr[chromosome]_[headersuffix].  
#'                     Enter [headersuffix] as the argument for this parameter. 
#'                     Example: The headersuffix associated with header file chr001_gbsheader is 
#'                     'gbsheader'.
#' @param       ncores (numeric interger) specifies the number of cores to be used while running the function 
#'                     (only portions of the function are parallelized). 
#' @param    outprefix (character) specifies the output filename prefix. Results are saved as Rds files. 
#'                     If no filename prefix is supplied, the function will generate a prefix following the format 
#'                     ${proband}_chrom${chromosome}_L${L or number of sites available for sampling}_maf${mafrange}_thinby${thinby}_BIGRED. 
#'                     Files will be saved in the current working directory. Output filenames end with the suffix '.rds'.
#'                     Example filename: 
#'                     I011206_chrom1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18_L1000_maf0.4,0.5_thinby20000_BIGRED.rds
#' @param   returnwhat (character) specifies what is returned by the function. The user may select one of three options: "pS", "truereplicates", or "all".
#'                     Selecting "pS" returns the posterior probability of each identity vector.
#'                     Selecting "truereplicates" returns the ID of replicates determined by the algorithm to originate from the proband. 
#'                     The user must also supply an arguement for the parameter ${threshold} if selecting this option. Refer to (14) for 
#'                     a description of ${threshold}.
#'                     **NOTE** The algorithm selects the source that has a clear majority. As an example, when Pr( S=(1,1,2) | X ) > threshold, 
#'                     the algorithm returns the IDs of putative replicates d=1 and d=2 (source 1). For the case where there is no clear 
#'                     majority, the algorithm randomly selects a source to return. As an example, when Pr( S=(1,1,2,2) | X ) > threshold, 
#'                     the algorithm returns the IDs of either replicates d=1 and d=2 (source 1) or d=3 and d=4 (source 2). As another example, 
#'                     when Pr( S=(1,2,3) | X) > threshold, the algorithm returns the ID of either d=1 (source 1), d=2 (source 2), or d=3 (source 3).
#'                     Selecting "all" returns a list of four elements:
#'                          (1) replicatenames: (named list) the sample IDs of the k putative replicates associated with the proband
#'                          (2)             pS: (numeric vector) the posterior probability of each identity vector
#'                          (3)     statistics: (numeric vector) the mean read depth across the thinned set of sites for each sample
#'                          (4)      sitenames: (character vector) the sites sampled by the algorithm listed using the notation 
#'                                              ${chromosome}_${physical position}
#' @param    threshold (numeric float) only specify an argument for this parameter if returnwhat="truereplicates" (see parameter (13)); 
#'                     value must fall in the range (0.5,1]
#'     Information regarding warning messages: 
#'     If L exceeds the number of available sites, the function will return a warning message informing the user
#'     of how many sites were available given the ${thinby} and ${mafrange} criteria. The function will continue to estimate
#'     the posterior probability of each identity vector regardless of this warning message. The prefix of the output filename 
#'     will specify how many sites were available for sampling (see outprefix parameter description above).
#' @return The function _outputs_ an Rds file storing a list with two elements: 'results' (class: list) and 'runtime' (class: proc_time).    
#'            results (list; length 4):
#'                (1) replicatenames: (list) the sample IDs of the k putative replicates associated with the proband
#'                (2) pS: (numeric vector) the posterior probability of each identity vector
#'                (3) statistics: (numeric vector) the mean read depth across the thinned set of sites for each sample
#'                (4) sitenames: (character vector) the sites sampled by the algorithm listed using the notation 
#'                               ${chromosome}_${physical position}
#'            runtime: specifies how much real and CPU time (in seconds) required to run the function
#'         The function _returns_ one of three possible objects depending on the ${returnwhat} parameter (refer to the parameter description for ${returnwhat}).
#'         (check this) The function outputs a log file indicating when the number of sites satisfying [mafrange] and missingness criteria 
#'         is less than L.
#' @author Ariel W Chan, \email{ac2278@@cornell.edu}
#' @export
BIGRED = function(L, chrom, mafrange, thinby, eUSER, proband, aliases.fn, expid, headersuffix, ncores, outprefix, returnwhat, threshold){
  require(gtools); require(stringr)
  importdata = function(mafrange, chrompad, proband, set, thinby, expid, headersuffix){
    header.fn <- paste("chr", chrompad, "_", headersuffix, sep="")
    header <- read.table(header.fn, stringsAsFactors=F, header=T);
    proband.fn <- paste("chr", chrompad, "_", proband, ".AD.FORMAT", sep="")
    data <- read.delim(proband.fn, header=T, quote="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=F)
    data <- as.matrix(data[,!colnames(data) %in% c("CHROM", "POS")])
    nastatus <- apply(data, 1, function(row){ x <- length(grep("^0,0$", row)); ifelse(x>0, "EXCLUDE", "INCLUDE")} )
    # procedure to find sites on chromosome <chrompad> whose maf resides in
    # (lowerbound, upperbound] defined by mafrange argument
    frq <- header$REF_FREQ                          # extract list of REF allele frequency estimates
    maf <- ifelse(frq>0.5, 1-frq, frq)                                       # compute maf at each site
    names(maf) <- header$POS
    maf[grep("EXCLUDE", nastatus)] <- NA 
    maf <- maf[!is.na(maf)]
    if(missing(mafrange)){ samplespaceL <- names(maf) } else 
      samplespaceL <- names(maf[maf>mafrange[1] & maf<=mafrange[2]])         # set of sites with specified maf (function arguement: mafrange) 
    mode(samplespaceL) <- "numeric"
    # procedure to sample sites from chromosome <chrompad>, such that 
    # no two sites reside within <thinby> bp of one another
    thinned <- thin(samplespaceL, thinby)
    iteration <- 0
    while(iteration<5){    # iterate the sampling procedure 5 times
      nremaining <- length(samplespaceL[!samplespaceL %in% thinned])
      position <- sample(samplespaceL[!samplespaceL %in% thinned], nremaining, replace=F)
      position <- sort(c(thinned, position), decreasing=F)
      thinned <- thin(x=position, distance=thinby)
      iteration <- iteration+1
    # procedure to extract data for proband at the sampled 
    # sites and import into R
    filter <- as.matrix(c("TRUESTATUS", header$POS %in% thinned))                    # create filter to extract L sites (chr0xx_expidset.filter) 
    filter.fn <- paste("chr", chrompad, "_", expid, set, ".filter", sep="")          # filter file name
    write.table(filter, filter.fn, row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")      # save filter file
    output.fn <- paste("chr", chrompad, "_", expid, set, ".tempdata", sep="")        # define name of temporary file (output.fn) 
    command <- paste("paste", filter.fn, header.fn,                                  # paste filter, header, and genotype columns and output to file (chr0xx_expidset.tempdata) 
                     proband.fn, "| grep 'TRUE' >", output.fn, sep=" ")     
    data <- read.delim(output.fn, quote="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=F)   # import tempdata into R
    command <- paste("rm", filter.fn, output.fn, sep=" "); system(command)           # delete filter and tempdata file from working directory
  detect = function(replicatenames, distance, datafile, eSEQ, AF, uniform){
    ## Import the data for the k (supposed) replicates.
    sample <- unlist(replicatenames, use.names=F)
    if(class(datafile)=="character"){ require(limma); X <- read.columns(datafile,  required.col=c("CHROM","POS", sample), sep="\t")
                                      rownames(X) <- paste(X$CHROM, X$POS, sep="_"); 
                                      X <- X[,-(1:2)] } else X <- datafile
    k <- ncol(X)
    L <- nrow(X)
    ## Remove sites where we observe "0,0" among all k replicates (i.e. complete missing case)
    completeNA <- ifelse(apply(X, 1, function(x){ length(grep("^0,0$", x)) })==k, T, F)
    X <- X[!completeNA,]
    ## We assume that sites are independent.
    ## We thin sites such that no two sites are within <distance> bp from one another. 
    if(distance>0){ sitenames <- thin(rownames(X), distance) } else 
      sitenames <- rownames(X)
    sitenames <- intersect(names(AF), sitenames)
    X <- as.matrix(X[sitenames, ])
    ## Compute the mean read depth and the proportion of missing data
    ## across the set of thinned sites for each sample.
    # statistics <- apply(X, 2, function(x){ y <- unlist(strsplit(x, ",")); mode(y) <- "numeric";
    #                                        return(c("meanDP"=mean(y), "percentNA"=length(grep("^0,0$",x))/length(x))) })
    ## Compute the mean read depth. The proportion of missing data across the thinned set of sites will be zero since 
    ## a site is sampled if >0 reads were observed at that site for EACH of the k samples.
    statistics <- apply(X, 2, function(x){ y <- unlist(strsplit(x, ",")); mode(y) <- "numeric";
                                           return(c("meanDP"=mean(y))) })
    ## Initialize the algorithm by defining a prior on I, such that
    ## P(I=i) = 1/k for i = {1,2,...,k}, where i denotes the total number
    ## of unique individuals from which the k (supposed) replicates derived.
    ## When assuming a uniform prior over I, we induce a prior on S.

    I <- enumerateS(k)
    reference <- enumerateG_revised(k, I)
    S <- names(reference[["P(G|S)"]])          # list all consistent source vectors
    nI <- sapply(paste("i=",1:k,sep=""), function(i){ nrow(do.call(rbind, I[[i]])) })
    if(uniform=="onI"){ prior <- setNames(rep((1/k)/nI, nI), S) }
    if(uniform=="onS"){ prior <- setNames(rep((1/length(S)), length(S)), S) }
    ## Compute P(X(v)|G(v)=g), where g={AA,AB,BB} for all v and store these
    ## values in memory, eliminating the need to recompute P(X(v)|G(v)) at
    ## each iteration of the algorithm.
    likelihood <- apply(X, 1, function(x){ memory <- sapply(setNames(1:k, paste("d=",1:k,sep="")),
                                                            function(d){ L <- normGL(x[d],eSEQ,coding="character");
                                                                         aa <- gsub("AA", L["AA"], reference[["G"]][,d]);
                                                                         ab <- gsub("AB", L["AB"], aa);
                                                                         bb <- gsub("BB", L["BB"], ab);
                                                                         mode(bb) <- "numeric"; return(bb) });
                                           apply(memory, 1, prod) })
    ## Define P(G(v)|S) as a function of (estimated) ALT frequency at site v.
    ## P(G(v)|S) is defined as the probability that the k samples have
    ## the labeled genotype vector G(v) = ( G(v)_1, G(v)_2, ..., G(v)_k )
    ## given that the k samples originate from source vector S.
    #print("Define P(G(v)|S) as a function of (user-supplied) ALT frequency at site v.")
    step1 <- sapply(reference[["G|S"]], function(x) do.call(rbind, strsplit(x, ",")))
    step2 <- rapply(strsplit(gsub("S=","",S), ","), duplicated, how="list")
    step3 <- mapply(function(x,y){ y <- ifelse(y==F,T,F);
                                   z <- as.matrix(x[,y]); return(z) }, x=step1, y=step2)
    pB <- AF[sitenames]
    pB <- ifelse(pB==0, pB+0.001, pB)       # Add a small perturbation (+0.001) when ALT frequency is equal to 0.
    pB <- ifelse(pB==1, pB-0.001, pB)       # Add a small perturbation (-0.001) when ALT frequency is equal to 1.
    extension6 <- sapply(pB, simplify=F, function(v){ memory <- sapply(step3, function(i){ i[grep("AA", i)] <- (1-v)^2;
                                                                                           i[grep("AB", i)] <- 2*(1-v)*v;
                                                                                           i[grep("BB", i)] <- v^2;
                                                                                           mode(i) <- "numeric"; i <- apply(i, 1, prod);
                                                                                           return(i) });
                                                      memory <- mapply(function(x,y){names(x) <- y; return(x)}, x=memory, y=reference[["G|S"]]);
                                                      return(memory) })
    # likelihood stores P(X(v) | G(v))  
    # extension6 stores P(G(v) | S)
    ## Calculate the posterior probability of each identity vector.
    p <- prior
    logp <- log(p)
    a <- sapply(S, function(s){ sapply(sitenames, function(v){ sum(likelihood[names(extension6[[v]][[s]]), v]*extension6[[v]][[s]]) }) }) 
    b <- apply(a, 2, log)
    c <- apply(b, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm=T))
    # calculate in log space to avoid underflow
    lognum <- logden <- sapply(names(c), function(i){ c[i]+logp[i] }, USE.NAMES=F)
    #   sum of log probabilities: a + log(1+exp(b-a)) --OR-- a + log1p(exp(b-a))
      previous <- sample(logden, 2, replace=F)
      # a should be the larger (least negative) of the two operands
      a <- max(previous)
      b <- min(previous)
      updated <- a + log1p(exp(b-a)) 
      logden <- c(setdiff(logden, previous), updated)
    p <- exp(lognum-logden)
    output <- list("replicatenames"=replicatenames, "pS"=p, "statistics"=statistics, "sitenames"=sitenames)
  # (1) import the names of the proband's k putative replicates
  chrompad <- str_pad(string=chrom, width=3, side="left", pad=0) 
  set <- proband
  if(missing(expid)){ expid <- "" }
  replicates <- unlist(read.table(aliases.fn, quote="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
  k <- length(replicates)  
  # (2) randomly sample L sites that satisfy ${chom}, ${mafrange}, 
  #     and ${thinby}; import the AD data for these sites into R
  data <- mclapply(str_pad(chrom, 3, "left", "0"), function(chrompad){ importdata(mafrange, chrompad, proband, set, thinby, expid, headersuffix) },
  data <- do.call(rbind, data)
  if(nrow(data)>L){ data <- data[sample(1:nrow(data), L, replace=F),] } else 
    print(paste("Warning: L exceeds the number of available sites (", nrow(data), "). Decrease 'thinby' value or remove sample(s) with a large proportion(s) of missing data.", sep=""))
  af <- data$REF_FREQ; names(af) <- paste(data$CHROM, data$POS, sep="_")  # extract allele frequency information at sampled sites 
  data <- data[replicates]
  dimnames(data) <- list(names(af), gsub("[.]", ":", colnames(data)))
  # (3) run the error detection algorithm and save and return 
  #     results
  replicatenames <- list(); replicatenames[[proband]] <- colnames(data)
  start <- proc.time()
  results <- detect(replicatenames, distance=0, datafile=data,   # we set distance equal to zero because we thinned the sites in a previous step above
                    eSEQ=eUSER, AF=af, uniform="onS")
  end <- proc.time()-start
    results.fn <- paste(proband, "_chrom", paste(chrom, collapse=","), "_L", nrow(data), "_maf", paste(mafrange, collapse=","), "_thinby", thinby, "_BIGRED.rds", sep="")
  } else results.fn <- paste(outprefix, ".rds", sep="")
  print(paste("Results are saved in Rds file ", results.fn, sep=""))
  saveRDS(list("results"=results, "runtime"=end), results.fn)
  if(returnwhat=="all"){ return(list("results"=results, "runtime"=end)) }
  if(returnwhat=="pS"){ return(results$pS) }
    if(threshold < 1/length(results$pS) | threshold == 1/length(results$pS)){
      print("The user-defined threshold causes the algorithm to return results for more than one source vector. Please specify a higher threshold.")
    if(threshold > 1/length(results$pS)){
      ihat <- names(results$pS[grep(T, results$pS >threshold)])
        ihat <- sub("S=", "", ihat)
        isource <- paste("source", unlist(strsplit(ihat, ",")), sep="_")
        names(isource) <- replicates
        census <- table(isource)
          truek <- names(grep(names(which.max(census)), isource, value=T))         # selects source that has clear majority
        } else truek <- names(grep(sample(names(census), 1), isource, value=T))    # randomly selects a source when no clear majority
ac2278/BIGRED documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:22 p.m.