
Defines functions find_beta_prior_mode calc_b calc_a find_beta_prior_with_mean find_beta_prior_with_mean_var fit_normal_prior fit_beta_prior inf_mat_prior db dbb_prior density_beta_binom infection_history_prior

Documented in db dbb_prior density_beta_binom find_beta_prior_mode find_beta_prior_with_mean find_beta_prior_with_mean_var fit_beta_prior fit_normal_prior infection_history_prior inf_mat_prior

#' Beta binomial infection history prior
#' Calculates the beta binomial infection history prior for each individual, taking into account the number of years they could be infected.
#' @param pars the named parameter vector with infection_model_prior_shape1 and infection_model_prior_shape2 corresponding to the beta binomial distribution
#' @param infection_history the infection history matrix
#' @param age_mask the age mask, giving the first index of the infection_history matrix that each individual can be exposed to. One entry per individual
#' @return a prior probability for each individual
#' @family priors
#' @export
infection_history_prior <- function(pars, infection_history, age_mask) {
  N <- ncol(infection_history) - age_mask + 1
  a <- pars["infection_model_prior_shape1"]
  b <- pars["infection_model_prior_shape2"]
  priors <- numeric(nrow(infection_history))
  for (i in 1:length(priors)) {
    priors[i] <- log(dbb_prior(sum(infection_history[i, ]), N[i], a, b))

#' Beta binomial density
#' @export
density_beta_binom <- function(x, N, u, v) {
  (beta(x + u, N - x + v) / beta(u, v)) * choose(N, x)

#' Beta binomial prior used here (no choose constant)
#' @export
dbb_prior <- function(x, N, u, v) {
  (beta(x + u, N - x + v) / beta(u, v))

#' Beta prior on an infection
db <- function(x, a, b) {
  x^(a - 1) * (1 - x^(b - 1)) / beta(a, b)

#' Infection history prior R
#' R implementation of the infection history prior assuming common infection risk across individuals in a given year
#' @param infection_history the infection history matrix
#' @param age_mask the age mask, giving the first index of the infection_history matrix that each individual can be exposed to. One entry per individual
#' @param infection_model_prior_shape1 shape1 parameter for the Beta distribution
#' @param infection_model_prior_shape2 shape2 parameter for the Beta distribution
#' @return a prior probability for each individual
#' @family priors
#' @export
inf_mat_prior <- function(infection_history, age_mask, infection_model_prior_shape1, infection_model_prior_shape2) {
  n_alive <- sapply(1:ncol(infection_history), function(x) length(age_mask[age_mask <= x]))
  lk <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(n_alive)) {
    lk <- lk + log(beta(sum(infection_history[, i]) + infection_model_prior_shape1, n_alive[i] - sum(infection_history[, i]) + infection_model_prior_shape2) / beta(infection_model_prior_shape1, infection_model_prior_shape2))

#' Fit beta distribution to MCMC output
#' Attempts to fit a beta distribution to a data frame of MCMC output from a previous run.
#' @param chain_samples the MCMC chain data frame to be fit to
#' @param par_name the column label to fit to
#' @param error_tol = 9999999999999, what's the error tolerance on the fit? Might take some tweaking
#' @param try_attempts = 10 how many fitting attempts to try before giving up
#' @param plot_fit = TRUE, if TRUE, plots the fit to the MCMC chain
#' @return the model fit object as returned by optim
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_normal_prior}}
#' @family priors
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Output from a previous serosolver chain
#' chain <- read.csv("madeup_chain.csv")
#' results <- fit_beta_prior(chain, par_name="sigma1",plot_fit=FALSE)
#' }
fit_beta_prior <- function(chain_samples, par_name = "", error_tol = 999999999, try_attempts = 10, plot_fit = TRUE) {
  data <- density(chain_samples)
  data <- data.frame(x = data$x, y = data$y)
  x <- data$x

  f <- function(pars) {
    shape1 <- pars[1]
    shape2 <- pars[2]
    out <- dbeta(x, shape1, shape2)
    return(sum((out - data$y)^2))
  res <- list(value = error_tol + 1)
  try_no <- 1
  while (res$value > error_tol & try_no < try_attempts) {
    message(cat("Try no: ", try_no))
    res <- optim(runif(2, 1, 100), f, method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(abstol = 1e-8, reltol = 1e-8))
    try_no <- try_no + 1
  if (try_no == try_attempts) {
    message("Fitting did not work - does this distribution make sense?")
    return(list(par = c(NA, NA)))
  if (plot_fit) {
    plot(dbeta(x, res$par[1], res$par[2]) ~ x,
      type = "l", col = "blue",
      main = paste0("Beta dist fit to posterior of ", par_name),
      xlab = "Value",
      ylab = "Density"
    legend(x = x[1], y = max(data$y), box.lty = 0, lty = 1, col = c("blue", "red"), legend = c("Model fit", "Posterior density"))
    lines(data, col = "red")
#' Fit normal distribution to MCMC output
#' Attempts to fit a normal distribution to a data frame of MCMC output from a previous run.
#' @param chain_samples the MCMC chain data frame to be fit to
#' @param par_name the column label to fit to
#' @param error_tol = 9999999999999, what's the error tolerance on the fit? Might take some tweaking
#' @param try_attempts = 10 how many fitting attempts to try before giving up
#' @param plot_fit = TRUE, if TRUE, plots the fit to the MCMC chain
#' @return the model fit object as returned by optim
#' @family priors
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_normal_prior}}
#' #' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Output from a previous serosolver chain
#' chain <- read.csv("madeup_chain.csv")
#' results <- fit_normal_prior(chain, par_name="mu",plot_fit=FALSE)
#' }
fit_normal_prior <- function(chain_samples, par_name = "", error_tol = 999999999, try_attempts = 10, plot_fit = TRUE) {
  data <- density(chain_samples)
  data <- data.frame(x = data$x, y = data$y)
  x <- data$x

  f <- function(pars) {
    shape1 <- pars[1]
    shape2 <- pars[2]
    out <- dnorm(x, mean = shape1, sd = shape2)
    return(sum((out - data$y)^2))
  start_mean <- mean(chain_samples)
  start_sd <- sd(chain_samples)
  res <- list(value = error_tol + 1)
  try_no <- 1
  while (res$value > error_tol & try_no < try_attempts) {
    message(cat("Try no: ", try_no))
    res <- optim(c(start_mean, start_sd), f, method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(abstol = 1e-8, reltol = 1e-8))
    try_no <- try_no + 1
  if (try_no == try_attempts) {
    message("Fitting did not work - does this distribution make sense?")
    return(list(par = c(NA, NA)))
  if (plot_fit) {
    plot(dnorm(x, res$par[1], res$par[2]) ~ x,
      type = "l", col = "blue",
      main = paste0("Normal dist fit to posterior of ", par_name),
      xlab = "Value",
      ylab = "Density"
    legend(x = x[1], y = max(data$y), box.lty = 0, lty = 1, col = c("blue", "red"), legend = c("Model fit", "Posterior density"))
    lines(data, col = "red")

#' Find beta parameters for mean and variance
#' Finds the shape1 and shape2 parameters for a Beta distribution that gives the desired mean and variance
#' @param mean the mean of the beta distribution (between 0 and 1)
#' @param var the variance of the beta distribution (this is likely going to be somewhere less than 0.25)
#' @param make_plot if TRUE, plots the resulting Beta distribution to the R device
#' @return a list with shape1 and shape2
#' @family priors
#' @export
#' @examples
#' find_beta_prior_with_mean_var(0.15,0.1,FALSE)
find_beta_prior_with_mean_var <- function(mean, var, make_plot = FALSE) {
  if (mean < 0 | mean > 1) stop("Mean is outside of bounds (0, 1)")
  if (var < 0 | var > 0.25) stop("Var is outside of bounds (0, 0.25^2)")
  shape1 <- ((1 - mean) / (var) - (1 / mean)) * mean^2
  shape2 <- shape1 * (1 / mean - 1)
  x <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.001)
  y <- dbeta(x, shape1, shape2)
  if (make_plot) plot(y ~ x, type = "l")
  return(list(shape1 = shape1, shape2 = shape2))

#' Find beta parameters with maximum variance
#' Given a desired annual mean attack rate and the number of epochs to consider per year, gives the shape1 and shape2 parameters with the desired mean but maximum variance
#' @param desired_annual_mean the desired ANNUAL mean attack rate
#' @param the number of buckets to split each year into
#' @return a list with shape1 and shape2
#' @family priors
#' @export
#' @examples
#' find_beta_prior_with_mean(0.15, 1)
find_beta_prior_with_mean <- function(desired_annual_mean, buckets) {
  mean1 <- desired_annual_mean / buckets
  max_var <- mean1 * (1 - mean1) - 0.000001
  message(cat("Maximum variance: ", max_var))
  pars <- find_beta_prior_with_mean_var(mean1, max_var)
  shape1 <- pars$shape1
  shape2 <- pars$shape2
  y <- dbeta(seq(0.01, 1 - 0.01, by = 0.01), shape1, shape2, log = FALSE)
  while (!(all(y == cummin(y)))) {
    max_var <- max_var - 0.001
    pars <- find_beta_parameters(mean1, max_var)
    shape1 <- pars$shape1
    shape2 <- pars$shape2
    y <- dbeta(seq(0.01, 1 - 0.01, by = 0.01), shape1, shape2, log = FALSE)

calc_a <- function(mode1, k) {
  mode1 * (k - 2) + 1

calc_b <- function(mode1, k) {
  (1 - mode1) * (k - 2) + 1

#' Find Beta distribution parameters with mode
#' Calculates the necessary parameters for the Beta distribution to give the desired mode and certainty, k
#' @param mode1 the desired mode
#' @param k the desired certainty in the prior, must be at least 2. The higher this number, the "stronger" the prior
#' @return a list with shape1 and shape2 parameters for the Beta distribution
#' @family priors
#' @export
#' @examples
#' find_beta_prior_mode(0.15, 10)
find_beta_prior_mode <- function(mode1, k) {
  if (mode1 < 0 | mode1 > 1) stop("Mode1 is outside of bounds (0, 1)")
  if (k < 2) stop("k is outside of bounds (must be at least 2)")
  a <- calc_a(mode1, k)
  b <- calc_b(mode1, k)
  return(list(shape1 = a, shape2 = b))
adamkucharski/serosolver documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 3:31 a.m.