
# Authors:
#   Amrit Singh, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
#   Florian Rohart, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
#   Kim-Anh Le Cao, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
# created: 01-04-2015
# last modified: 27-05-2016
# Copyright (C) 2015
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# perf.sgccda - Function to evaluate the performance of the fitted PLS (cross-validation)
#   inputs: object - object obtain from running sgccda or splsda
#           dist - to evaluate the classification performance
#           validation - type of validation
#           folds - number of folds if validation = "Mfold"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

perf.sgccda = function (object,
dist = c("all", "max.dist", "centroids.dist", "mahalanobis.dist"),
validation = c("Mfold", "loo"),
folds = 10,
nrepeat = 1,
    ### Start: Initialization parameters
    X = object$X; level.Y = object$names$colnames$Y;
    J = length(X)
    Y = object$Y#ind.mat; Y = map(Y); Y = factor(Y, labels = level.Y)
    n = nrow(X[[1]]);
    indY = object$indY
    max.iter = object$max.iter
    near.zero.var = !is.null(object$nzv) # if near.zero.var was used, we set it to TRUE. if not used, object$nzv is NULL

    if (any(dist == "all"))
        dist.select = c("max.dist", "centroids.dist", "mahalanobis.dist")
    } else {
        dist.select = dist
    ### End: Initialization parameters
    dist = match.arg(dist.select, choices = c("all", "max.dist", "centroids.dist", "mahalanobis.dist"), several.ok = TRUE)
    ### Start: Check parameter validation / set up sample
    if (length(validation) > 1 )
    validation = validation [1]
    if (!(validation %in% c("Mfold", "loo")))
    stop("Choose 'validation' among the two following possibilities: 'Mfold' or 'loo'")
        if(!is.numeric(cpus) | length(cpus)!=1)
        stop("'cpus' must be a numerical value")
    #-- tells which variables are selected in the blocks --#
    keepX = object$keepX

    error.mat = error.mat.class = Y.all = predict.all = Y.predict = list.features = final.features = weights = crit = list()
    if (length(X) > 1)
    Y.mean = Y.mean.res = Y.weighted.vote = Y.weighted.vote.res = Y.vote = Y.vote.res = Y.WeightedPredict = Y.WeightedPredict.res = list()
    for(nrep in 1:nrepeat)
            folds.save = folds
        } else {
            folds = folds.save
        #-- define the folds --#
        if (validation ==  "Mfold")
            if (is.null(folds) || !is.numeric(folds) || folds < 2 || folds > n)
                stop("Invalid number of folds.")
            } else {
                M = round(folds)
                temp = stratified.subsampling(Y, folds = M)
                folds = temp$SAMPLE
                if(temp$stop > 0) # to show only once
                warning("At least one class is not represented in one fold, which may unbalance the error rate.\n  Consider a number of folds lower than the minimum in table(Y): ", min(table(Y)))
        } else if (validation ==  "loo") {
            folds = split(1:n, rep(1:n, length = n))
            M = n
        } else {
            stop("validation can be only 'Mfold' or 'loo'")
        M = length(folds)
        ### Start: Check parameter validation / set up sample
        ### Start: Training samples (X.training and Y.training) and Test samples (X.test / Y.test)
        X.training = lapply(folds, function(x){out=lapply(1:J, function(y) {X[[y]][-x, ]}); names(out) = names(X); out}) #need to name the block for prediction
        Y.training = lapply(folds, function(x) {Y[-x]});
        X.test = lapply(folds, function(x){out=lapply(1:J, function(y) {X[[y]][x, , drop = FALSE]}); names(out) = names(X); out})#need to name the block for prediction
        Y.test = lapply(folds, function(x) {Y[x]})
        ### End: Training samples (X.training and Y.training) and Test samples (X.test / Y.test)
        ### Estimation models
            model = lapply(1 : M, function(x) {suppressWarnings(block.splsda(X = X.training[[x]], Y = Y.training[[x]], ncomp = max(object$ncomp[-indY]),
                keepX = keepX,
                design = object$design, max.iter = object$max.iter, tol = object$tol, init = object$init, scheme = object$scheme,
                mode = object$mode, near.zero.var=near.zero.var))})
        } else {
            cl <- makeCluster(cpus, type = "SOCK")
            clusterExport(cl, c("block.splsda"))
            model = parLapply(cl, 1 : M, function(x) {suppressWarnings(block.splsda(X = X.training[[x]], Y = Y.training[[x]], ncomp = max(object$ncomp[-indY]),
                keepX = keepX,
                design = object$design, max.iter = object$max.iter, tol = object$tol, init = object$init, scheme = object$scheme,
                mode = object$mode, near.zero.var=near.zero.var ))})
        ### Retrieve convergence criterion
        crit[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : M, function(x){model[[x]]$crit})
        ### Retrieve weights
        weights[[nrep]] = sapply(1 : M, function(x){model[[x]]$weights})
        colnames(weights[[nrep]]) = names(crit[[nrep]]) = paste0("fold",1:M)
        ### Retrieve selected variables per component
        features = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(1 : object$ncomp[x], ### List level / ncomp level
                unlist(lapply(1 : M,  ### Validation level
                    if (is.null(colnames(X[[x]])))
                        paste0("X", which(model[[z]]$loadings[[x]][, y] != 0))
                    } else {
                        if (!is.null(colnames(X[[x]])))
                        colnames(X[[x]])[model[[z]]$loadings[[x]][, y] != 0]
        ### Start: Analysis feature selection
        # Statistics: stability
        list.features[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x){lapply(features[[x]], function(y){(sort(table(factor(y))/M, decreasing = TRUE))})})
        # Statistics: original model (object)
        final.features[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(1 : object$ncomp[x],function(y)
                temp = as.data.frame(object$loadings[[x]][which(object$loadings[[x]][, y] != 0), y, drop = FALSE])
                if (is.null(colnames(X[[x]])))
                    row.names(temp) = paste0("X", which(object$loadings[[x]][, y] != 0))
                } else {
                    if (!is.null(colnames(X[[x]])))
                    row.names(temp) = colnames(X[[x]])[which(object$loadings[[x]][, y] != 0)]
                names(temp) = "value.var"
                return(temp[sort(abs(temp[, 1]), index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)$ix, 1, drop = FALSE])
        list.features[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x){ names(list.features[[nrep]][[x]]) = paste0("comp", 1 : object$ncomp[x])
        final.features[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x){ names(final.features[[nrep]][[x]]) = paste0("comp", 1 : object$ncomp[x])
        ### End: Analysis feature selection
        ### Warning: no near.zero.var applies with sgcca
        ### Start: Prediction (score / class) sample test
        # Prediction model on test dataset
        predict.all[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : M, function(x) {predict.block.spls(model[[x]], X.test[[x]], dist = "all")})
        # Retrieve class prediction
        Y.predict[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : M, function(x) {predict.all[[nrep]][[x]]$class})
        ## Start: retrieve score for each component
        # Keep score values
        Y.all[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : M, function(x) {predict.all[[nrep]][[x]]$predict})
        # Reorganization list Y.all[[nrep]] data / ncomp / folds
        Y.all[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(1 : object$ncomp[x], function(y)
                lapply(1 : M, function(z)
                    Y.all[[nrep]][[z]][[x]][, , y]
        # Merge score
        Y.all[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(1 : object$ncomp[x], function(y)
                do.call(rbind, Y.all[[nrep]][[x]][[y]])
        # Define row.names
        Y.all[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(1 : object$ncomp[x], function(y)
                row.names(Y.all[[nrep]][[x]][[y]]) = row.names(X[[x]])[unlist(folds)]
        # Define colnames
        Y.all[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(1 : object$ncomp[x], function(y)
                colnames(Y.all[[nrep]][[x]][[y]]) = levels(Y)
            names(Y.all[[nrep]][[x]])=paste0("comp", 1:object$ncomp[x])
        ## End: retrieve score for each component
        ## Start: retrieve class for each component
        # Reorganization input data / folds / dist.select
        Y.predict[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(1 : M, function(y)
                lapply(which(c("max.dist", "centroids.dist", "mahalanobis.dist") %in% dist.select), function(z)
        # Define row.names
        Y.predict[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(1 : M, function(y)
                lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(z)
                    if (!is.null(row.names(X[[x]])[folds[[y]]]))
                        row.names(Y.predict[[nrep]][[x]][[y]][[z]]) = row.names(X[[x]])[folds[[y]]]
                    } else {
                        row.names(Y.predict[[nrep]][[x]][[y]][[z]]) = paste0("Ind", unlist(folds))
        # Reorganization list input / dist.select / folds
        Y.predict[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(y)
                lapply(1 : M, function(z)
        # Merge Score
        Y.predict[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(y)
                do.call(rbind, Y.predict[[nrep]][[x]][[y]])
        # Define names
        Y.predict[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            names(Y.predict[[nrep]][[x]]) = dist.select
        ## End: retrieve class for each component
        ### End: Prediction (score / class) sample test
        ### Start: Estimation error rate
        ## Start: Estimation overall error rate
        #Statistics overall error rate
        error.mat[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(dist.select , function(y)
                apply(Y.predict[[nrep]][[x]][[y]], 2, function(z)
                    1 - sum(diag(table(factor(z, levels = levels(Y)), Y[unlist(folds)])))/length(Y)
        # Merge error rate according to dist
        error.mat[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            do.call(cbind, error.mat[[nrep]][[x]])
        # Define name
        error.mat[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            colnames(error.mat[[nrep]][[x]]) = dist.select
        ## End: Estimation overall error rate
        ## Start: Estimation error rate per class
        # Statistics error rate per class
        error.mat.class[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            lapply(dist.select , function(y)
                apply(Y.predict[[nrep]][[x]][[y]], 2, function(z)
                    temp = diag(table(factor(z, levels = levels(Y)), Y[unlist(folds)]))
                    1 - c(temp/summary(Y))#, sum(temp)/length(Y))
        # Define names
        error.mat.class[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : J, function(x)
            names(error.mat.class[[nrep]][[x]]) = dist.select
        ## End: Estimation error rate per class
        ### End: Estimation error rate
        if (!is.null(names(X)))
            names(error.mat[[nrep]]) = names(X); names(error.mat.class[[nrep]]) = names(X)
            names(list.features[[nrep]]) = names(X); names(final.features[[nrep]]) = names(X);
            names(Y.all[[nrep]]) = names(X); names(Y.predict[[nrep]]) = names(X)
        ### Start: Supplementary analysis for sgcca
        if (length(X) > 1)
            ### Start: class of Average prediction
            # Reorganization dist.select / folds
            Y.mean[[nrep]] =lapply(1 : M, function(y)
            # Merge Score
            Y.mean[[nrep]] = do.call(rbind, Y.mean[[nrep]])
            # Sort matrix
            Y.mean[[nrep]] = Y.mean[[nrep]][sort(unlist(folds), index.return = TRUE)$ix, , drop = FALSE]
            # Estimation error.rate
            #Y.mean.res = sapply(1:max(object$ncomp[-(J + 1)]), function(x){temp = diag(table(factor(Y.mean[, x], levels = c(1:nlevels(Y))), Y))
            #                                                              c(temp/summary(Y), sum(temp)/length(Y))})
            Y.mean.res[[nrep]] = sapply(1:max(object$ncomp[-indY]), function(x)
                mat = table(factor(Y.mean[[nrep]][, x], levels = levels(Y)), Y)
                mat2 <- mat
                diag(mat2) <- 0
                err = c(c(colSums(mat2)/summary(Y), sum(mat2)/length(Y)), mean(colSums(mat2)/colSums(mat)))
            #Y.mean.res = t(Y.mean.res)
            colnames(Y.mean.res[[nrep]]) = paste0("comp", 1:max(object$ncomp[-indY]))
            row.names(Y.mean.res[[nrep]]) = c(levels(Y), "Overall.ER", "Overall.BER")
            ### End: Average prediction
            ### Start: class of Weighted prediction
            # Reorganization dist.select / folds
            Y.WeightedPredict[[nrep]] =lapply(1 : M, function(y)
            # Merge Score
            Y.WeightedPredict[[nrep]] = do.call(rbind, Y.WeightedPredict[[nrep]])
            # Sort matrix
            Y.WeightedPredict[[nrep]] = Y.WeightedPredict[[nrep]][sort(unlist(folds), index.return = TRUE)$ix, , drop = FALSE]
            # Estimation error.rate
            #Y.mean.res = sapply(1:max(object$ncomp[-(J + 1)]), function(x){temp = diag(table(factor(Y.mean[, x], levels = c(1:nlevels(Y))), Y))
            #                                                              c(temp/summary(Y), sum(temp)/length(Y))})
            Y.WeightedPredict.res[[nrep]] = sapply(1:max(object$ncomp[-indY]), function(x)
                mat = table(factor(Y.WeightedPredict[[nrep]][, x], levels = levels(Y)), Y)
                mat2 <- mat
                diag(mat2) <- 0
                err = c(c(colSums(mat2)/summary(Y), sum(mat2)/length(Y)), mean(colSums(mat2)/colSums(mat)))
            #Y.mean.res = t(Y.mean.res)
            colnames(Y.WeightedPredict.res[[nrep]]) = paste0("comp", 1:max(object$ncomp[-indY]))
            row.names(Y.WeightedPredict.res[[nrep]]) = c(levels(Y), "Overall.ER", "Overall.BER")
            ### End: Average prediction
            ## Start: retrieve (weighted) vote for each component
            # Reorganization dist.select / folds
            Y.weighted.vote[[nrep]] = lapply(dist.select, function(x)
                lapply(1 : M, function(y)
            # Merge Score
            Y.weighted.vote[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(x)
                do.call(rbind, Y.weighted.vote[[nrep]][[x]])
            # Sort matrix
            Y.weighted.vote[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(x)
                Y.weighted.vote[[nrep]][[x]][sort(unlist(folds), index.return = TRUE)$ix, , drop = FALSE]
            names(Y.weighted.vote[[nrep]]) = dist.select
            ## End: retrieve (weighted) vote for each component
            ### End: Prediction (score / class) sample test
            ## subjects with NA are considered false
            Y.weighted.vote.res[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(x)
                apply(Y.weighted.vote[[nrep]][[x]], 2, function(y)
                    y[is.na(y)] <- nlevels(Y)+5   ## adding a new level for unsure subjects (replacing NA with this level)
                    temp=table(factor(y, levels = c(levels(Y), nlevels(Y)+5)), Y)
                    diag(temp) <- 0
                    err = c(colSums(temp)/summary(Y), sum(temp)/length(Y), mean(colSums(temp)/summary(Y)))
            Y.weighted.vote.res[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(x)
                colnames(Y.weighted.vote.res[[nrep]][[x]]) = paste0("comp", 1:max(object$ncomp[-(J + 1)]))
                row.names(Y.weighted.vote.res[[nrep]][[x]]) = c(levels(Y), "Overall.ER", "Overall.BER")
            names(Y.weighted.vote[[nrep]]) = dist.select; names(Y.weighted.vote.res[[nrep]]) = dist.select
            ## Start: retrieve Majority Vote (non weighted) for each component
            # Reorganization dist.select / folds
            Y.vote[[nrep]] = lapply(dist.select, function(x)
                lapply(1 : M, function(y)
            # Merge Score
            Y.vote[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(x)
                do.call(rbind, Y.vote[[nrep]][[x]])
            # Sort matrix
            Y.vote[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(x)
                Y.vote[[nrep]][[x]][sort(unlist(folds), index.return = TRUE)$ix, , drop = FALSE]
            names(Y.vote[[nrep]]) = dist.select
            ## End: retrieve (weighted) vote for each component
            ### End: Prediction (score / class) sample test
            ## subjects with NA are considered false
            Y.vote.res[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(x)
                apply(Y.vote[[nrep]][[x]], 2, function(y)
                    y[is.na(y)] <- nlevels(Y)+5   ## adding a new level for unsure subjects (replacing NA with this level)
                    temp=table(factor(y, levels = c(levels(Y), nlevels(Y)+5)), Y)
                    diag(temp) <- 0
                    err = c(colSums(temp)/summary(Y), sum(temp)/length(Y), mean(colSums(temp)/summary(Y)))
            Y.vote.res[[nrep]] = lapply(1 : length(dist.select), function(x)
                colnames(Y.vote.res[[nrep]][[x]]) = paste0("comp", 1:max(object$ncomp[-(J + 1)]))
                row.names(Y.vote.res[[nrep]][[x]]) = c(levels(Y), "Overall.ER", "Overall.BER")
            names(Y.vote[[nrep]]) = dist.select; names(Y.vote.res[[nrep]]) = dist.select
            ## End: retrieve non weighted vote for each component
        ### End: Supplementary analysis for sgcca
    } ### end nrepeat
    names(error.mat) = names(error.mat.class) = names(Y.all) = names(predict.all) = names(Y.predict) =
    names(list.features) = names(final.features) = names(crit) = names(weights) = paste0("nrep",1:nrepeat)
    ## we want to average the error per dataset over nrepeat for
    # error.rate, error.rate.per.class, AveragedPredict.error.rate, WeightedPredict.error.rate, MajorityVote.error.rate, WeightedVote.error.rate
    # with each time: error.rate, error.rate.sd, error.rate.all
    if(nrepeat > 1)
        names(Y.mean) = names(Y.mean.res) = names(Y.weighted.vote) = names(Y.weighted.vote.res) = names(Y.vote) =
        names(Y.vote.res) = names(Y.WeightedPredict) = names(Y.WeightedPredict.res) = paste0("nrep",1:nrepeat)
        #### error.rate and error.rate.per.class over nrepeat
        error.rate.all = error.mat
        error.rate = list()
        error.rate.sd = list()
        error.rate.per.class.all = error.mat.class
        error.rate.per.class = relist(0,skeleton = error.mat.class[[1]])
        error.rate.per.class.sd = relist(0,skeleton = error.mat.class[[1]])
        temp.error.rate = array(0, c(dim(error.rate.all[[1]][[1]]), nrepeat))
        temp.error.rate.per.class = array(0, c(dim(error.rate.per.class.all[[1]][[1]][[1]]), nrepeat))
        for(i in 1 : J)
            for(nrep in 1:nrepeat)
            temp.error.rate[, , nrep] = error.rate.all[[nrep]][[i]]
            temp.error.rate.mean = apply(temp.error.rate, c(1,2), mean)
            temp.error.rate.sd = apply(temp.error.rate, c(1,2), sd)
            dimnames(temp.error.rate.mean) =  dimnames(temp.error.rate.sd) = dimnames(error.rate.all[[nrep]][[i]])
            error.rate[[i]] = temp.error.rate.mean
            error.rate.sd[[i]] = temp.error.rate.sd
            for(j in 1 : length(dist.select))
                for(nrep in 1:nrepeat)
                temp.error.rate.per.class[, , nrep] = error.rate.per.class.all[[nrep]][[i]][[j]]
                temp.error.rate.per.class.mean = apply(temp.error.rate.per.class, c(1,2), mean)
                temp.error.rate.per.class.sd = apply(temp.error.rate.per.class, c(1,2), sd)
                dimnames(temp.error.rate.per.class.mean) =  dimnames(temp.error.rate.per.class.sd) = dimnames(error.rate.per.class.all[[nrep]][[i]][[j]])
                error.rate.per.class[[i]][[j]] = temp.error.rate.per.class.mean
                error.rate.per.class.sd[[i]][[j]] = temp.error.rate.per.class.sd
        names(error.rate) = names(error.rate.sd) = names(X)
        #### AveragePredict over nrepeat
        AveragedPredict.error.rate.all = Y.mean.res
        temp.AveragedPredict.error.rate = array(unlist(AveragedPredict.error.rate.all), c(dim(AveragedPredict.error.rate.all[[1]]),nrepeat))
        AveragedPredict.error.rate = apply(temp.AveragedPredict.error.rate, c(1,2), mean)
        AveragedPredict.error.rate.sd = apply(temp.AveragedPredict.error.rate, c(1,2), sd)
        dimnames(AveragedPredict.error.rate) = dimnames(AveragedPredict.error.rate.sd) = dimnames(AveragedPredict.error.rate.all[[1]])
        #### WeightedPredict over nrepeat
        WeightedPredict.error.rate.all = Y.WeightedPredict.res
        temp.WeightedPredict.error.rate = array(unlist(WeightedPredict.error.rate.all), c(dim(WeightedPredict.error.rate.all[[1]]),nrepeat))
        WeightedPredict.error.rate = apply(temp.WeightedPredict.error.rate, c(1,2), mean)
        WeightedPredict.error.rate.sd = apply(temp.WeightedPredict.error.rate, c(1,2), sd)
        dimnames(WeightedPredict.error.rate) = dimnames(WeightedPredict.error.rate.sd) = dimnames(WeightedPredict.error.rate.all[[1]])
        #### MajorityVote.error.rate and WeightedVote.error.rate over nrepeat
        MajorityVote.error.rate.all = Y.vote.res
        MajorityVote.error.rate = relist(0,skeleton = MajorityVote.error.rate.all[[1]])
        MajorityVote.error.rate.sd = relist(0,skeleton = MajorityVote.error.rate.all[[1]])
        WeightedVote.error.rate.all = Y.weighted.vote.res
        WeightedVote.error.rate = relist(0,skeleton = WeightedVote.error.rate.all[[1]])
        WeightedVote.error.rate.sd = relist(0,skeleton = WeightedVote.error.rate.all[[1]])
        temp.MajorityVote.error.rate = array(0, c(dim(MajorityVote.error.rate.all[[1]][[1]]), nrepeat))
        temp.WeightedVote.error.rate = array(0, c(dim(WeightedVote.error.rate.all[[1]][[1]]), nrepeat))
        for(j in 1 : length(dist.select))
            for(nrep in 1:nrepeat)
                temp.MajorityVote.error.rate[, , nrep] = MajorityVote.error.rate.all[[nrep]][[j]]
                temp.WeightedVote.error.rate[, , nrep] = WeightedVote.error.rate.all[[nrep]][[j]]
            # MajorityVote.error.rate
            temp.MajorityVote.error.rate.mean = apply(temp.MajorityVote.error.rate, c(1,2), mean)
            temp.MajorityVote.error.rate.sd = apply(temp.MajorityVote.error.rate, c(1,2), sd)
            dimnames(temp.MajorityVote.error.rate.mean) =  dimnames(temp.MajorityVote.error.rate.sd) = dimnames(MajorityVote.error.rate.all[[nrep]][[j]])
            MajorityVote.error.rate[[j]] = temp.MajorityVote.error.rate.mean
            MajorityVote.error.rate.sd[[j]] = temp.MajorityVote.error.rate.sd
            # WeightedVote.error.rate
            temp.WeightedVote.error.rate.mean = apply(temp.WeightedVote.error.rate, c(1,2), mean)
            temp.WeightedVote.error.rate.sd = apply(temp.WeightedVote.error.rate, c(1,2), sd)
            dimnames(temp.WeightedVote.error.rate.mean) =  dimnames(temp.WeightedVote.error.rate.sd) = dimnames(WeightedVote.error.rate.all[[nrep]][[j]])
            WeightedVote.error.rate[[j]] = temp.WeightedVote.error.rate.mean
            WeightedVote.error.rate.sd[[j]] = temp.WeightedVote.error.rate.sd
    } else {
        error.rate = error.mat[[1]]
        error.rate.per.class = error.mat.class[[1]]
        AveragedPredict.error.rate = Y.mean.res[[1]]
        WeightedPredict.error.rate = Y.WeightedPredict.res[[1]]
        MajorityVote.error.rate = Y.vote.res[[1]]
        WeightedVote.error.rate = Y.weighted.vote.res[[1]]
    result = list()
    result$error.rate = error.rate
        result$error.rate.sd = error.rate.sd
        result$error.rate.all = error.rate.all
    result$error.rate.per.class = error.rate.per.class
        result$error.rate.per.class.sd = error.rate.per.class.sd
        result$error.rate.per.class.all = error.rate.per.class.all
    result$predict = Y.all
    result$class = Y.predict
    result$features$stable = list.features
    #result$features$final = final.features
    if (length(X) > 1)
        result$AveragedPredict.class = Y.mean
        result$AveragedPredict.error.rate = AveragedPredict.error.rate
            result$AveragedPredict.error.rate.sd = AveragedPredict.error.rate.sd
            result$AveragedPredict.error.rate.all = AveragedPredict.error.rate.all
        result$WeightedPredict.class = Y.WeightedPredict
        result$WeightedPredict.error.rate = WeightedPredict.error.rate
            result$WeightedPredict.error.rate.sd = WeightedPredict.error.rate.sd
            result$WeightedPredict.error.rate.all = WeightedPredict.error.rate.all
        result$MajorityVote = Y.vote
        result$MajorityVote.error.rate = MajorityVote.error.rate
            result$MajorityVote.error.rate.sd = MajorityVote.error.rate.sd
            result$MajorityVote.error.rate.all = MajorityVote.error.rate.all
        result$WeightedVote = Y.weighted.vote
        result$WeightedVote.error.rate = WeightedVote.error.rate
            result$WeightedVote.error.rate.sd = WeightedVote.error.rate.sd
            result$WeightedVote.error.rate.all = WeightedVote.error.rate.all
        result$weights = weights

    # calculating the number of optimal component based on t.tests and the error.rate.all, if more than 3 error.rates(repeat>3)
    # one ncomp_opt for each dist, each overall/BER and each prediction framework (AveragePredict, WeightedPredict, MajorityVote, WeightedVote
    measure = c("Overall.ER","Overall.BER") # one of c("overall","BER")
    ncomp_opt = vector("list", length = 4)
    names(ncomp_opt) = c("AveragedPredict", "WeightedPredict", "MajorityVote", "WeightedVote")
    if(nrepeat > 2 & min(object$ncomp) >1)
        for(prediction_framework in names(ncomp_opt))
            if(prediction_framework %in% c("AveragedPredict", "WeightedPredict"))
                ncomp_opt[[prediction_framework]] = matrix(NA, nrow = length(measure), ncol = 1,
                dimnames = list(measure))
                for (measure_i in measure)
                    mat.error.rate = sapply(get(paste0(prediction_framework, ".error.rate.all")), function(x){x[measure_i,]})
                    ncomp_opt[[prediction_framework]][measure_i,] = t.test.process(t(mat.error.rate))

            } else {
                ncomp_opt[[prediction_framework]] = matrix(NA, nrow = length(measure), ncol = length(dist.select),
                dimnames = list(measure, dist.select))

                for (measure_i in measure)
                    for (ijk in dist.select)
                        mat.error.rate = sapply(get(paste0(prediction_framework, ".error.rate.all")), function(x){x[[ijk]][measure_i,]})
                        ncomp_opt[[prediction_framework]][measure_i, ijk] = t.test.process(t(mat.error.rate))

    method = "sgccda.mthd"
    result$meth = "sgccda.mthd"
    class(result) = "perf.sgccda.mthd"
    result$call = match.call()
    result$crit = crit
    result$choice.ncomp = ncomp_opt
ajabadi/mixOmics2 documentation built on Aug. 9, 2019, 1:08 a.m.