
Defines functions read_background id_column_name distance_column_name match_cells ensure_distance_columns nearest_neighbor_map

Documented in nearest_neighbor_map

# Helpers for the spatial map viewer app

# Suppress CMD CHECK notes for things that look like global vars
  c('Cell X Position.nearest', 'Cell Y Position.nearest'))

#' Make a nearest neighbor map for a single field
#' The phenotype definitions may be NA, in which case the base field will be
#' shown with any available phenotype.
#' @param csd Cell seg data with distance columns
#' @param field_name Sample Name or Annotation ID to map
#' @param view_number Image index within the composite data
#' @param export_path Path to a directory containing composite and component
#'   image files from inForm
#' @param phenos Named list of phenotype definitions. Must have length 2.
#' @param color1,color2 Colors to draw the phenotype dots
#' @param show_as Which nearest neighbors should be shown?
#' @param dot_size Size of the dots used to show phenotypes
#' @param add_logo Show the Akoya logo in the image?
#' @return Returns a `list` containing two items:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`plot`}{The plot, a \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} object.}
#'   \item{`data`}{A \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} containing the data
#'   used to create the line
#'   segments in the plot, or `NULL` if `show_as` is `"none"`.}
#' }
#' @export
nearest_neighbor_map =
  function(csd, field_name, view_number, export_path,
           phenos, color1, color2,
           show_as=c('from_to', 'to_from', 'mutual', 'none'),
           dot_size=3, add_logo=TRUE) {
  stopifnot(is.list(phenos) &&length(phenos) == 2)

  # Get the phenotype definitions
  phenos = phenoptr::validate_phenotypes(phenos, csd)
  pheno1 = phenos[[1]]
  have_pheno1 = !any(is.na(pheno1))
  pheno_name1 = names(phenos)[[1]]

  pheno2 = phenos[[2]]
  have_pheno2 = !any(is.na(pheno2))
  pheno_name2 = names(phenos)[[2]]

  # Subset csd to just the cells of interest
  field_data = csd[csd[[phenoptr::field_column(csd)]]==field_name, ]
  selected_cells = phenoptr::select_rows(field_data, pheno1) |
    phenoptr::select_rows(field_data, pheno2)
  field_data = field_data[selected_cells, ]

  # Make sure we have the necessary distance columns
  if (show_as != 'none' && have_pheno1 && have_pheno2)
    field_data = ensure_distance_columns(field_data, phenos)

  # Get spatial reference info from the component image
  field_info = phenoptr::read_field_info(field_name, export_path)
  if (is.null(field_info)) {
    warning('No component image available for ', field_name, ', skipping.')

  field_data = phenoptr:::correct_for_pixel_data(field_data, field_info)

  # Filter to just relevant from & to phenotypes
  pheno1_cells = if (!have_pheno1) NULL else field_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(phenoptr::select_rows(field_data, pheno1))

  pheno2_cells = if (!have_pheno2) NULL else field_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(phenoptr::select_rows(field_data, pheno2))

  # Start making the plot
  background = read_background(field_name, view_number, export_path)

  # Make a base plot

  colors = c(color1, color2) %>%
    rlang::set_names(c(pheno_name1, pheno_name2))

  base_plot = ggplot2::ggplot(mapping=ggplot2::aes(x=`Cell X Position`,
                                 y=`Cell Y Position`)) %>%
    phenoptr:::add_scales_and_background(background, xlim, ylim,
                                         scale_color='white') +
    ggplot2::labs(x='Cell X Position', y='Cell Y Position') +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual('Phenotype', values=colors)

  p = base_plot

  if (add_logo) {
    # Add the Akoya logo beneath the scale bar
    # We will do this twice. The first time is solid white, drawn over
    # the background and under the dots. The second time will be
    # over the dots and partly transparent.
    logo_path = system.file('etc',
    logo = png::readPNG(logo_path)

    add_logo_to_plot = function(p, logo) {
      # The logo aspect ratio is very close to 4:1. This puts it below
      # the scale bar with a size of 160 X 40.
      p +
                                   xlim[2]-50-160, xlim[2]-50,
                                   -(ylim[2]-65), -(ylim[2]-25))
    p = add_logo_to_plot(p, logo)

  # Get matching cells and add line segments to the plot as requested
  # Showing nearest neighbors requires two phenotypes
  if (have_pheno1 && have_pheno2) {
    if (show_as=='from_to') {
      # For each pheno1 cell, join with the data for the nearest pheno2 cell
      matching_cells = match_cells(pheno1_cells, pheno2_cells, pheno_name2)

      # Add lines
      p = p + ggplot2::geom_segment(data=matching_cells,
                          ggplot2::aes(xend=`Cell X Position.nearest`,
                                       yend=`Cell Y Position.nearest`),
                                       color='white') +
          title=paste0(field_name, ' - Nearest ',
                       pheno_name2, ' to each ', pheno_name1))
    else if (show_as=='to_from') {
      # for each pheno2 cell, find the nearest pheno1 cell
      matching_cells = match_cells(pheno2_cells, pheno1_cells, pheno_name1)

      p = p +
            ggplot2::aes(xend=`Cell X Position.nearest`,
                         yend=`Cell Y Position.nearest`),
                         color='white') +
          title=paste0(field_name, ' - Nearest ',
                       pheno_name1, ' to each ', pheno_name2))
    else if (show_as=='mutual') {
      # Mutual nearest neighbors
      # Mutual nearest neighbors are cells which have each other as nearest
      # neighbors; i.e. cells where the nearest neighbor of the nearest neighbor
      # is the starting cell.

      matching_cells = match_cells(pheno1_cells, pheno2_cells,
                                   pheno_name2, pheno_name1)
      match_col = id_column_name(pheno_name1) %>% rlang::sym()
      matching_cells = matching_cells %>%
        dplyr::filter(`Cell ID`==!!match_col) %>%

      p = p +
            ggplot2::aes(xend=`Cell X Position.nearest`,
                         yend=`Cell Y Position.nearest`),
                         size=1, color='white') +
        ggplot2::labs(title=paste0(field_name, ' - Mutual nearest neighbors - ',
                          pheno_name1, ' and ', pheno_name2))
    } else {
      # Don't show nearest neighbors, just cells
      matching_cells = NULL
      p = p +
        ggplot2::labs(title=paste0(field_name, ' - ',
                                   pheno_name1, ' and ', pheno_name2))
  } else {
    # One or both phenotypes are missing, just show the field name as title
    matching_cells = NULL
    p = p + ggplot2::labs(title=field_name)

  # Add circles for the cells
  # We want the circles on top of the lines, so add them last
  if (have_pheno1 && nrow(pheno1_cells) > 0)
    p = p + ggplot2::geom_point(data=pheno1_cells,
                                ggplot2::aes(color=pheno_name1), size=dot_size)
  if (have_pheno2 && nrow(pheno2_cells) > 0)
    p = p + ggplot2::geom_point(data=pheno2_cells,
                                ggplot2::aes(color=pheno_name2), size=dot_size)

  # Add the scale and logo again with transparency so the dots show through
  overlay_alpha = 0.7
  p = phenoptr:::add_scale_line(p, xlim, ylim,
                               scale_color='white', scale_alpha=overlay_alpha)

  if (add_logo) {
    logo[, , 4] = logo[, , 4] * overlay_alpha
    p = add_logo_to_plot(p, logo)

  # A little theming
  p = p + ggplot2::theme(
            legend.key = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "white"),
            legend.position='bottom') +
      color = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5)))

  # Cleanup of matching_cells
  if (!is.null(matching_cells)) {
    if (show_as == 'to_from') {
      from_name = pheno_name2
      nearest_name = pheno_name1
    } else {
      from_name = pheno_name1
      nearest_name = pheno_name2

    # Brute force renaming
    matching_cells = matching_cells %>%

      # Add from_name as a suffix to from columns
        .vars=dplyr::vars(-dplyr::contains('Slide ID'),
       .funs=~paste0(.x, '.', from_name)) %>%

      # Change 'neighbor' to neighbor_name in neighbor columns
                       ~stringr::str_replace(.x, 'nearest', nearest_name)) %>%

      # Change 'Cell ID <nearest_name>' to 'Cell ID.<nearest name>'
      # for consistency with the other 'nearest_name' columns
      dplyr::rename_at(dplyr::vars(dplyr::starts_with('Cell ID ')),
                       ~stringr::str_replace(.x, 'Cell ID ', 'Cell ID.')) %>%

      # Re-order a little
      dplyr::select(dplyr::contains('Slide ID'),
                    dplyr::starts_with('Distance to '),
  list(plot=p, data=matching_cells)

# Make sure field_data has distance columns for both phenotypes
# @param field_data Cell seg data for a (subset of) a single field
# @param phenos Named list of (two) phenotypes
# @return field_data with `Distance to <pheno>` and `Cell ID <pheno>`
# columns.
ensure_distance_columns = function(field_data, phenos) {
  pheno_names = unique(names(phenos))
  required_columns = c(distance_column_name(pheno_names),

  if (!all(required_columns %in% names(field_data))) {
    distance_columns = phenoptr::find_nearest_distance(field_data, phenos)
    # Remove any computed fields that are already there so we don't duplicate
    distance_columns = distance_columns[, setdiff(names(distance_columns),
    field_data = dplyr::bind_cols(field_data, distance_columns)

# Join from_cells and to_cells by nearest neighbor cell ID
# and subset to the columns we want to export
# `from_name`, if provided, allows keeping the column needed for mutual matching
match_cells = function(from_cells, to_cells, to_name, from_name='.none.') {
  to_distance_col = distance_column_name(to_name)
  to_id_col = id_column_name(to_name) # Column with to_name IDs
  from_id_col = id_column_name(from_name)
  # Subset to interesting & necessary columns
  from_cells = from_cells %>%
      dplyr::contains('Slide ID'),
      `Cell ID`,
      dplyr::matches('Cell . Position'),
      dplyr::contains('Tissue Category'),

  to_cells = to_cells %>%
      `Cell ID`,
      dplyr::matches('Cell . Position'),
      dplyr::contains('Tissue Category'),

  by = rlang::set_names('Cell ID', to_id_col)
  matched = from_cells %>%
    dplyr::left_join(to_cells, by=by, suffix=c('', '.nearest'))

  # We don't really need 11 decimal places in the location & distance columns
  matched = matched %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(dplyr::matches('Cell . Position|Distance to')),
                     ~round(., 2))

distance_column_name = function(pheno_names) {
  paste('Distance to', pheno_names)

id_column_name = function(pheno_names) {
  paste('Cell ID', pheno_names)

# Try to read a composite image for a field as a nativeRaster
read_background = function(field, view_number, export_path) {
  # Field can be an Annotation ID or Sample Name
  # If it is a sample name, remove the .im3 suffix
  field_base = stringr::str_remove(field, '\\.im3')

  # Look for a composite image
  image_endings = c(

  for (ending in image_endings) {
    background_path =
      list.files(export_path, full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE,
                 pattern=paste0('\\Q', field_base, ending, '\\E'))[1]
    if (!is.na(background_path) && file.exists(background_path)) break

  # Read the image as a nativeRaster
  if (file.exists(background_path)) {
    if (grepl('jpg$', background_path))
      background = jpeg::readJPEG(background_path, native=TRUE)
    else {
      # Read all and subset to avoid "Warning: stack imbalance"
      # https://github.com/s-u/tiff/issues/10
      background =
        tiff::readTIFF(background_path, native=TRUE, all=TRUE)[[view_number]]
  } else {
    background = NULL
akoyabio/phenoptrReports documentation built on Jan. 17, 2022, 6:22 p.m.