
Defines functions amh_plot

## File Name: amh_plot.R
## File Version: 0.342

#*** plot results of objects of class amh
amh_plot <- function( x, conflevel=.95, digits=3, lag.max=.1, col.smooth="red",
    lwd.smooth=2, col.split="blue", lwd.split=2, lty.split=1,
    col.ci="orange", cex.summ=1, ask=FALSE, ... )

    object <- x    # rename x into object
    mcmcobj <- object$mcmcobj
    lag.max <- round( nrow(mcmcobj) * lag.max )
    round.summ <- digits

    # mcmcobj <- (object$mcmcobj)[[1]]
    lag.max <- min( nrow(mcmcobj), lag.max )
    # index vector
    a1 <- attr(mcmcobj,'mcpar')
    iterindex <- seq(a1[1], a1[2], a1[3] )

    # smcmcobj <- object$summary.mcmcobj
    smcmcobj <- object$amh_summary
    VV <- ncol(mcmcobj)
    ci.quant <- - stats::qnorm( (1-conflevel)/2 )
    graphics::par( mfrow=c(2,2))

    for (vv in 1L:VV){
        x.vv <- as.vector( mcmcobj[,vv] )
        parm.vv <- colnames(mcmcobj)[vv]
        sparm.vv <- smcmcobj[ smcmcobj$parameter==parm.vv, ]

        #*** traceplot
        graphics::plot( iterindex, x.vv, type='l',
                            main=paste0( 'Traceplot of ', parm.vv ),
                            xlab='Iterations', ylab='', ... )
        x1 <- as.numeric( x.vv )
        xmin <- min(x1)
        xmax <- max(x1)

        # 3 splits for chain
        NX <- length(x.vv)
        NS <- NX / 3
        g1 <- round(seq( 0, NX, length=4 ))

        for (ii in 1L:3){
            i1 <- seq(g1[ii]+1, g1[ii+1] )
            m1 <- mean( x1[ i1 ] )
            graphics::lines( iterindex[ i1 ], rep( m1, length(i1) ), col=col.split,
                                lwd=lwd.split, lty=lty.split )
        # include moving average here!!
        l1 <- sirt_moving_average(x1, B=round( lag.max / 2 ), fill=FALSE)
        graphics::lines( iterindex, l1, col=col.smooth, lwd=lwd.smooth )

        #*** density estimate
        graphics::plot( stats::density( x.vv ), main=paste0( 'Density of ', parm.vv ) )

        c1 <- stats::quantile( x1, ( 1 - conflevel  ) / 2 )
        c2 <- stats::quantile( x1, 1 - ( 1 - conflevel  ) / 2 )
        graphics::lines( c(c1,c2), c(0,0), col=col.ci, lwd=3 )
        graphics::points( sparm.vv$Mean, 0, pch=17, col=col.ci, cex=1.5)

        #*** plot autocorrelation function
        mtitle <- paste0( 'Autocorrelation of ', parm.vv )
        m1 <- stats::acf( x.vv, lag.max=lag.max, plot=FALSE)
        acf1 <- m1$acf[,1,1]
        thin_lag <- round( mean( diff(iterindex) ) )
        iter_vv <- seq( 0, lag.max )*thin_lag
        # blue dashed line at
        bd <- .05
        ylim <- c( min( acf1, - bd), 1 )
        graphics::plot( iter_vv, acf1, xlab='Lag', ylab='ACF',
                            main=mtitle, type='n', ylim=ylim)
        NL <- length(iter_vv)
        for (hh in 1L:NL){
            graphics::lines( rep( iter_vv[hh],2), c(0, acf1[hh]) )
        graphics::abline( h=bd, col='blue', lty=2)
        graphics::abline( h=-bd, col='blue', lty=2)

        # numerical summary
        graphics::plot( c(0,1), c(0,1), axes=FALSE, xlab='', ylab='',
                    main=paste0( 'Summary of ', parm.vv ), type='n', ...)
        x0 <- 0
        y0 <- 0
        heights.summ <- c( .05,  .15, .25,  .35, .45, .55, .65, .75)
        graphics::text( x0 + .0015, y0 + heights.summ[8], 'Posterior Mean=',
                                cex=cex.summ, pos=4)
        graphics::text( x0 + .5, y0 + heights.summ[8],
                paste0( sirt_format_numb( x=mean( x1 ), digits=round.summ) ), pos=4 )
        hvv <- heights.summ[7]
        graphics::text( x0 + .0015, y0 + hvv, 'Posterior Mode=', cex=cex.summ, pos=4)
        graphics::text( x0 + .5, y0 + hvv,
                paste0( sirt_format_numb( x=sparm.vv$MAP, digits=round.summ) ), pos=4 )

        graphics::text( x0 + .0015, y0 + heights.summ[6], 'Posterior SD=',
                            cex=cex.summ, pos=4)
        graphics::text( x0 + .5, y0 + heights.summ[6],
                paste0( sirt_format_numb( x=stats::sd( x1 ), digits=round.summ) ), pos=4 )

        hvv <- heights.summ[5]
        graphics::text( x0 + .0015, y0 + hvv,
                        paste( round(100*conflevel ), '% Credibility Interval=',sep=''),
                        cex=cex.summ, pos=4 )

        hvv <- heights.summ[4]
        ci.lower <- sirt_format_numb( stats::quantile( x1, ( 1 - conflevel  ) / 2 ),
                                            digits=round.summ )
        ci.upper <- sirt_format_numb( stats::quantile( x1, 1-( 1 - conflevel  ) / 2 ),
                                            digits=round.summ )
        graphics::text( x0 + .25, y0 + hvv,
                            paste( '[', ci.lower,    ',', ci.upper, ']',  sep=''),
                            cex=cex.summ, pos=4)
        hvv <- heights.summ[3]
        graphics::text( x0 + .0015, y0 + hvv, 'Rhat=', cex=cex.summ, pos=4)
        graphics::text( x0 + .5, y0 + hvv,
                paste0( sirt_format_numb( x=sparm.vv$Rhat, digits=3)  ), pos=4 )
        hvv <- heights.summ[2]
        graphics::text( x0 + .0015, y0 + hvv, 'SERatio=', cex=cex.summ, pos=4)
        graphics::text( x0 + .5, y0 + hvv,
                        paste0( sirt_format_numb( x=sparm.vv$SERatio, digits=3)), pos=4 )

        hvv <- heights.summ[1]
        graphics::text( x0 + .0015, y0 + hvv, 'Effective Sample Size=',
                        cex=cex.summ, pos=4)
        graphics::text( x0 + .705, y0 + hvv,
                        paste0( sirt_format_numb( x=sparm.vv$effSize, digits=1)), pos=4 )
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 2:45 a.m.