
Defines functions .mml.ramsay.est.K .m.step.ramsay .e.step.ramsay sim.qm.ramsay .prob.ramsay

Documented in sim.qm.ramsay

## File Name: rasch.mml.ramsay.R
## File Version: 2.181

# probability ramsay qm
.prob.ramsay <- function( theta, b,  fixed.K=3 + 0*b, pow=1)
    XXT <- matrix( theta, nrow=length(theta), ncol=length(b))
    XXb <- matrix( b, nrow=length(theta), ncol=length(b), byrow=T )
    XX2 <- exp( (exp( XXT ))^pow / exp(XXb) )
    XX2[ XX2 > 10^15 ] <- 10^15
    KM <- matrix( fixed.K, nrow=length(theta), ncol=length(b), byrow=T )
    pm <- XX2 / ( KM + XX2 )
    pm[ pm==Inf ] <- 1

# simulate ramsay quotient model
##NS export(sim.qm.ramsay)
sim.qm.ramsay <- function( theta, b, K  ){
    N <- length(theta)
    I <- length(b)
    p1 <- exp( outer( theta, 1/b ) )
    p1 <- p1 / ( outer( rep(1,length(theta)), K ) + p1 )
    dat <- 1* ( p1 > matrix( stats::runif( N*I ), ncol=I) )
    colnames(dat) <- paste( "I", substring(100+1:I,2), sep="")
    return(dat )

# E Step Ramsay QM
.e.step.ramsay <- function( dat1, dat2, dat2.resp, theta.k, pi.k, I, n, b, fixed.K,
            group, pow.qm, ind.ii.list, pjk=NULL){
    # arrange groups
    if ( is.null(group) ){ group <- rep( 1, nrow(dat1)) }
    G <- length( unique( group) )
    # probabilities of correct item at theta_k
    if ( is.null( pjk )){
        pjk <- .prob.ramsay( theta.k, b,  fixed.K, pow=pow.qm )
    TP <- dim(pjk)[1]

    # array notation of probabilities
#    pjkL <- array( NA, dim=c(2, nrow(pjk), ncol(pjk) ) )
#    pjkL[1,,] <- 1 - pjk
#    pjkL[2,,] <- pjk
#    f.yi.qk <- matrix( 1, nrow(dat2), length(theta.k) )
#    for (ii in 1:ncol(dat2)){
#    #    ii <- 1
#        ind.ii <- ind.ii.list[[ii]]
#        if ( length(ind.ii)==nrow(dat2) ){
#            f.yi.qk <- f.yi.qk * pjkL[ dat2[,ii]+1,,ii]
#                    } else {
#            f.yi.qk[ind.ii,] <- f.yi.qk[ind.ii,] * pjkL[ dat2[ind.ii,ii]+1,,ii]
#                            }
#                    }
        pjkt <- t(pjk)
        pjkL <- array( NA, dim=c( I, 2, TP  ) )
        pjkL[,1,] <- 1 - pjkt
        pjkL[,2,] <- pjkt
        probsM <- matrix( aperm( pjkL, c(2,1,3) ), nrow=I*2, ncol=TP )
        f.yi.qk <- mml_calc_like( dat2=dat2, dat2resp=dat2.resp,
                    probs=probsM )$fyiqk
#cat("   calc likelihood") ; vv1 <- Sys.time(); print(vv1-vv0) ; vv0 <- vv1

    f.qk.yi <- 0 * f.yi.qk
    if ( G==1 ){ pi.k <- matrix( pi.k, ncol=1 ) }
    for ( gg in 1:G){
        f.qk.yi[ group==gg, ] <- f.yi.qk[ group==gg, ] * outer( rep( 1, nrow(dat2[ group==gg,]) ), pi.k[,gg] )
    f.qk.yi <- f.qk.yi / rowSums( f.qk.yi )
    # expected counts at theta.k
    n.k <- matrix( 0, TP, G )
    r.jk <- n.jk <- array( 0, dim=c( ncol(dat2), TP, G) )
    ll <- rep(0,G)
    for (gg in 1:G){
        ind.gg <- which( group==gg )
        res <- mml_raschtype_counts( dat2=dat2[ind.gg,], dat2resp=dat2.resp[ind.gg,],
                    dat1=dat1[ind.gg,2], fqkyi=f.qk.yi[ind.gg,],
                    pik=pi.k[,gg], fyiqk=f.yi.qk[ind.gg,]  )
        n.k[,gg] <- res$nk
        n.jk[,,gg] <- res$njk
        r.jk[,,gg] <- res$rjk
        ll[gg] <- res$ll

    res <- list( "n.k"=n.k, "n.jk"=n.jk, "r.jk"=r.jk, "f.qk.yi"=f.qk.yi, "pjk"=pjk,
            "f.yi.qk"=f.yi.qk, "ll"=sum(ll) )

# M Step Ramsay's quotient model
.m.step.ramsay <- function( theta.k, b, n.k, n, n.jk, r.jk, I, conv1, constraints,
            mitermax, pure.rasch,  trait.weights, fixed.K,
            designmatrix=designmatrix, group=group,
            numdiff.parm=numdiff.parm, pow.qm=1, max.b=NULL){
    abs.change <- 1
    miter <- 0
    # group estimation
    G <- ncol(n.k)
    # number of subjects within groups
    n <- colSums(n.k)
    # update pi.k
    pi.k <- matrix( 0, nrow=length(theta.k), ncol=G)
    for (gg in 1:G){
        if (is.null( trait.weights) | G > 1 ){
                pi.k[,gg] <- n.k[,gg] / n[gg]  } else  {
                pi.k <- sirt_dnorm_discrete( theta.k)
                pi.k <- matrix( pi.k, ncol=1 )
    # begin loop
    eps <- numdiff.parm
    # eps <- .00005
    h <- h1 <- eps
    h2 <- 1 + 2*eps
    while( abs.change > conv1 & miter < mitermax ){
        b0 <- b
            pjk <- .prob.ramsay( theta.k, b, fixed.K, pow=pow.qm )
            pjk <- ( pjk + h1 ) / h2
            pjk.M <- t(pjk)
            qjk.M <- 1 - pjk.M
            pjk1 <- .prob.ramsay( theta.k, b + h, fixed.K, pow=pow.qm )
            pjk1 <- ( pjk1 + h1 ) / h2
            pjk1.M <- t(pjk1)
            qjk1.M <- 1 - pjk1.M
            pjk2 <- .prob.ramsay( theta.k, b - h, fixed.K, pow=pow.qm )
            pjk2 <- ( pjk2 + h1 ) / h2
            pjk2.M <- t(pjk2)
            qjk2.M <- 1 - pjk2.M
            # update item parameter
            # first order derivative
            # f(x+h) - f(x-h)=2* f'(x) * h
            ll0 <- ll1 <- ll2 <- matrix( 0, nrow=nrow(n.jk), ncol=G)
            for ( gg in 1:G){
                ll0[,gg] <- rowSums( r.jk[,,gg] * log( pjk.M ) + ( n.jk[,,gg] - r.jk[,,gg]  ) * log( qjk.M ) )
                ll1[,gg] <- rowSums( r.jk[,,gg] * log( pjk1.M ) + ( n.jk[,,gg] - r.jk[,,gg]  ) * log( qjk1.M ) )
                ll2[,gg] <- rowSums( r.jk[,,gg] * log( pjk2.M ) + ( n.jk[,,gg] - r.jk[,,gg]  ) * log( qjk2.M ) )
            # sum across all groups
            ll0 <- rowSums(ll0)
            ll1 <- rowSums(ll1)
            ll2 <- rowSums(ll2)
            d1 <- ( ll1 - ll2  ) / ( 2 * h )    # negative sign?
            # second order derivative
            # f(x+h)+f(x-h)=2*f(x) + f''(x)*h^2
            d2 <- ( ll1 + ll2 - 2*ll0 ) / h^2
        # change in item difficulty
        eps <- 10^(-15)
        b.change <- - d1 / d2
        b.change[ abs(d2) < eps ] <- 0
        bstep <- .5
        b.change <- ifelse( abs( b.change ) > bstep, sign(b.change)*bstep, b.change )
        b <- b + b.change
        # linear parameter constraints
        if ( ! is.null( designmatrix )){
            mod <- stats::lm( b ~ 0 + designmatrix  )
            b <- stats::fitted(mod)
        # last item is the sum of all other item difficulties
        center <- is.null(constraints)
        if ( !is.null( constraints) ){   b[ constraints[,1] ] <- constraints[,2] }
        if (!is.null(max.b)){
            b <- ifelse(b>max.b, max.b, b)
        abs.change <- max( abs( b0 - b ) )
        miter <- miter+1
        }   #*** end loop
       pjk <- .prob.ramsay( theta.k, b, fixed.K )
        # calculate log likelihood
       ll <- sapply( 1:G, FUN=function(gg){
                    sum( rowSums( r.jk[,,gg]  * t( log( pjk ) ) + ( n.jk[,,gg] - r.jk[,,gg] ) * ( t( log(1 - pjk)) ) ) )
                            } )
       ll <- sum(ll)
       list( "b"=b, "pi.k"=pi.k, "ll"=ll, "miter"=miter, "center"=center, "G"=G,
            "se.b"=sqrt(1/abs(d2)) )
# estimation of K parameter in Ramsay's QM
.mml.ramsay.est.K <- function( theta.k, b, fixed.a, fixed.c, fixed.d,
                    fixed.K, pjk, alpha1, alpha2, h, G, I, r.jk, n.jk, est.K,
                    min.K, max.K, iter, pow.qm ){

                    #.prob.ramsay <- function( theta, b,  fixed.K=3 + 0*b)
                    # kk
                    pjk <- .prob.ramsay( theta.k, b, fixed.K, pow=pow.qm )
                    pjk <- ( pjk + .000000005 ) / 1.00000001
                    pjk.M <- t(pjk) ;  qjk.M <- 1 - pjk.M
                    pjk1 <- .prob.ramsay( theta.k, b, fixed.K+h, pow=pow.qm  )
                    pjk1 <- ( pjk1 + .000000005 ) / 1.00000001
                    pjk1.M <- t(pjk1) ; qjk1.M <- 1 - pjk1.M
                    pjk2 <- .prob.ramsay( theta.k, b, fixed.K-h, pow=pow.qm  )
                    pjk2 <- ( pjk2 + .000000005 ) / 1.00000001
                    pjk2.M <- t(pjk2) ; qjk2.M <- 1 - pjk2.M

                    ll0 <- ll1 <- ll2 <- matrix(0, I, G)
                # was ist hier das G?=> G ist hier Anzahl der Gruppen
                    for (gg in 1:G){
                        ll0[,gg] <- rowSums( r.jk[,,gg] * log( pjk.M ) + ( n.jk[,,gg] - r.jk[,,gg]  ) * log( qjk.M ) )
                        ll1[,gg] <- rowSums( r.jk[,,gg] * log( pjk1.M ) + ( n.jk[,,gg] - r.jk[,,gg]  ) * log( qjk1.M ) )
                        ll2[,gg] <- rowSums( r.jk[,,gg] * log( pjk2.M ) + ( n.jk[,,gg] - r.jk[,,gg]  ) * log( qjk2.M )     )
                    ll0 <- rowSums(ll0)
                    ll1 <- rowSums(ll1)
                    ll2 <- rowSums(ll2)
                    # aggregate with respect to estimation of a
                    a1 <- stats::aggregate( cbind( ll0, ll1, ll2 ), list(est.K), sum, na.rm=T)
                    a1 <- a1[ a1[,1] > 0, ]
                    ll0 <- a1[,2]
                    ll1 <- a1[,3]
                    ll2 <- a1[,4]
                    d1 <- ( ll1 - ll2  ) / ( 2 * h )    # negative sign?
                    # second order derivative
                    # f(x+h)+f(x-h)=2*f(x) + f''(x)*h^2
                    d2 <- ( ll1 + ll2 - 2*ll0 ) / h^2
                    # change in item difficulty
                    K.change <- - d1 / d2
#                    a.change <- ifelse( abs( a.change ) > .2, .2*sign(a.change), a.change )
                    # dampening parameter as in tam
#                    ci <- ceiling( abs(K.change) / ( abs( old_increment.d) + 10^(-10) ) )
                    K.change <- ifelse( abs( K.change) > 1, 1, K.change )
                    K.change <- K.change[ match( est.K, a1[,1] ) ]
                    if ( any( est.K==0 ) ){
                        K.change[ est.K==0 ] <- 0
                    fixed.K <- fixed.K + K.change
                    fixed.K[ fixed.K < min.K ] <- min.K
                    fixed.K[ fixed.K > max.K ] <- max.K
                    res <- list("fixed.K"=fixed.K, "se.K"=sqrt( 1 /abs(d2) ) )
                    return( res )
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on July 18, 2024, 11:16 p.m.