
Defines functions dness

Documented in dness

#' dness
#' @description
#' \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{ lifecycle::badge("experimental") }
#' This function calculates the taxonomic diversity, taxonomic distinctness and variation of taxonomic distinctness.
#' @param x Result of `aggregate_taxa()`.
#' @param complete If `TRUE` unassigned taxon are removed from the taxonomic list of the desired taxonomic level set with `tax_lev`.
#' @param tax_lev Taxonomic level from which the indices have to be calculated.
#' @param method Available methods are delta (taxonomic diversity), delta.st (taxonomic distinctness) and delta.bin (variation in taxonomic distinctness).
#' @param taxa_tree If `TRUE` `dness()` return a list where the first element is the taxonomic diversity, taxonomic distinctness or variation of taxonomic distinctness and the second elemnt the taxonomic tree
#' @details These indeces take into account the taxonomic relatedness of the species in each sample. According to Clarke and Warwick (1998, 2001),
#' taxonomic diversity is the average taxonomic ‘distance’ between any two organisms chosen at random from the sample,
#' taxonomic distinctness is the average path length between any two randomly chosen individuals conditional on them being from different species and
#' variation in taxonomic distinctness is the variance of the path length through the taxonomic tree connecting every pair of species in the list and
#' reflects the unevenness of the taxonomic tree.
#' @references Clarke, K. R., & Warwick, R. M. (1998). A taxonomic distinctness index and its statistical properties. Journal of applied ecology, 35(4), 523-531.
#' @references Clarke, K. R., & Warwick, R. M. (2001). A further biodiversity index applicable to species lists: variation in taxonomic distinctness. Marine ecology Progress series, 216, 265-278.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{aggregatoR}}
#' @examples
#' data(oglio)
#' data_bio <- as_biomonitor(oglio, group = "mf")
#' data_agr <- aggregate_taxa(data_bio)
#' dness(data_agr, complete = TRUE)
dness <- function(x, complete = FALSE, tax_lev = "Genus", method = "delta", taxa_tree = FALSE) {

  # check if the object x is of class "biomonitoR"

  # check if there are unassigned taxon in the taxonomic tree
  # if present stop the function, unless the user specify unassigned = T

  df <- x[[tax_lev]]

  # check if the selected taxonomic level contains a least one taxa
  if (nrow(df) == 1 & df[1, 1] == "unassigned") {
    stop("The selected taxonomic level is empty")
  if (tax_lev == "Taxa") {
    stop("tax_lev cannot be equal to Taxa")

  st.names <- names(df[, -which(names(df) %in% c(tax_lev)), drop = FALSE]) # sites name
  tax <- df[, tax_lev] # taxa names at the desired taxonomic level tax_lev
  che.ck <- "unassigned" %in% tax # check if unassigned is present at the desired taxonomic level
  tree.c <- x[["Tree"]]
  # exclude taxonomic levels with missing information. This feature could be improved in the next future
  exclude <- -which(names(tree.c) %in% c("Taxa", "Subclass", "Subfamily", "Tribus", "Subspecies"))
  tree <- tree.c[, exclude, drop = FALSE]
  # taxonomic levels to retain
  tax.pos <- names(tree[, 1:which(names(tree) == tax_lev)])
  # ref.c <- tree.c[ , c(which(names(tree.c) %in%  c( tax.pos, "Taxa" ) ))]
  ref.c <- tree.c[, c(which(names(tree.c) %in% tax.pos))]
  # remove duplicated rows
  ref.c <- ref.c[!duplicated(ref.c), ]

  if (complete == FALSE & che.ck == TRUE) {
    stop("Unassigned taxon at the desired taxonomic level")
  if (complete == FALSE & che.ck == FALSE) {
    # retain only the taxonomic levels from order to tax_lev and sites
    taxtree <- merge(ref.c, df, by = tax_lev, all = FALSE)
    taxtree <- taxtree[, c(tax.pos, st.names), drop = FALSE]

  if (complete == TRUE & che.ck == TRUE) {
    df <- df[-which(df[, tax_lev] == "unassigned"), ]
    taxtree <- merge(ref.c, df, by = tax_lev, all = FALSE)
    taxtree <- taxtree[, c(tax.pos, st.names), drop = FALSE]

  if (complete == TRUE & che.ck == FALSE) {
    taxtree <- merge(ref.c, df, by = tax_lev, all = FALSE)
    taxtree <- taxtree[, c(tax.pos, st.names), drop = FALSE]

  # remove empty columns (maybe is not a necessary step)
  temp <- taxtree[, which(names(taxtree) %in% c(tax.pos)), drop = FALSE]
  temptf <- temp != ""
  # remove columns with at least 1 empty cell
  check.col <- apply(temptf, 2, sum) / nrow(temptf)
  if (sum(check.col) != length(temp)) {
    taxtree <- taxtree[, -which(check.col != 1), drop = FALSE]

  # remove columns distinct for all species or with the same taxa name for all the rows (excluding tax_lev)
  # -1 is to eclude tax_lev from this computation
  tax.pos2 <- 1:(which(names(taxtree) == tax_lev) - 1)
  tax.uniq <- apply(taxtree[, tax.pos2, drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) (length(unique(x))))
  col.rm <- -which(tax.uniq == 1 | tax.uniq == nrow(taxtree))
  if (length(col.rm) != 0) (taxtree <- taxtree[, col.rm, drop = FALSE])

  if (ncol(taxtree[, -which(names(taxtree) %in% c(st.names)), drop = FALSE]) == 1) {
    stop("Reference database has not enough taxonomic levels to perform the analysis")

  # calculating taxonomic distance
  tax.dis <- ddis(taxtree, st.names = st.names)
  sites <- taxtree[, which(names(taxtree) %in% st.names), drop = FALSE]
  sites.bin <- sites
  sites.bin[sites.bin > 0] <- 1

  if (method == "delta") {
    res <- apply(sites, 2, function(x) (delta(x, dis = tax.dis)))
  if (method == "delta.bin") {
    res <- apply(sites.bin, 2, function(x) (delta(x, dis = tax.dis)))
  if (method == "delta.st") {
    res <- apply(sites, 2, function(x) (delta.st(x, dis = tax.dis)))

  if (taxa_tree == FALSE) {
  if (taxa_tree == TRUE) {
    return(list(res, taxtree))
alexology/biomonitoR documentation built on April 7, 2024, 10:15 a.m.