
Defines functions solve_ambiguous

Documented in solve_ambiguous

#' @title Methods to deal with ambiguous taxa
#' @description
#' Solve the ambiguous assignment of taxa.
#' @param x Result of `aggregate_taxa()`.
#' @param method Only methods `RPKC` and `MCWP` are currently implemented in `biomonitoR`. See details.
#' @details Taxonomic dataset often contains ambiguous taxa due to the difficulites in identify damaged and juvenile organisms.
#' For instance Chironominae and Chironomidae could be reported in the same sample. Several techniques has been
#' proposed to solve this issue (see Cuffney et al., 2007).
#' Currently `solve_ambiguous()` provides two algorithms to solve the problem of ambiguous assignments.
#' `RPKC` means Remove Parents - Keep Children. It works by removing all the higher taxonomic levels while keeping children.
#' `MCWP` means Merge Children with Parents. It works by assignign the abundances of lower taxonomic levels to those of the higher taxonomic level.
#' @keywords aggregate_taxa
#' @references Cuffney, T. F., Bilger, M. D., & Haigler, A. M. (2007). Ambiguous taxa: effects on the characterization and interpretation of invertebrate assemblages. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 26(2), 286-307.
#' @export
#' @seealso [aggregate_taxa]
#' @examples
#' data(macro_ex)
#' data_bio <- as_biomonitor(macro_ex)
#' data_agr <- aggregate_taxa(data_bio)
#' data_mcwp <- solve_ambiguous(data_agr, method = "MCWP")
#' data_mcwp_bio <- as_biomonitor(data_mcwp)
#' data_mcwp <- aggregate_taxa(data_mcwp_bio)
solve_ambiguous <- function(x, method = "MCWP") {

  # check if the object d is of class "biomonitoR"

  # Extract the taxonomic tree
  tree <- x[["Tree"]]

  # order tree from the rows containing species to the rows containing only Phylum ( if present, obviously )
  # order also alphabetically ( maybe not needed )
  n.tl <- apply(tree[, 1:10], 1, function(x) max(which(x != "")))
  tree <- tree[order(n.tl, decreasing = TRUE), ]

  # Extract the taxa list as charcater and get the position of the column called taxa in the taxonomic tree
  taxa <- as.character(tree$Taxa)
  taxa.pos <- which(names(tree) == "Taxa")

  # intialize the vector that will store the taxa already processed
  # this should speed up the computation time
  taxa.acc <- c()

  # RPKC: basically, for each taxon in the taxonomic list we extract the taxonomic tree from taxlev -1 to Phylum
  # taxlev -1 represents the taxonomic level before the taxonomic level of the working taxon: temp <- temp[ -length( temp ) ]
  # if any of the taxa along the tree from taxlev -1 until Phylum is present in the column taxa we have a problem of
  # ambiguous taxa and we store the results in the taxa.acc vector. The higher taxonomic levels are then deleted from the database.

  if (method == "RPKC") {
    for (i in 1:length(taxa)) {
      temp <- tree[i, 1:(taxa.pos - 1)]
      temp <- temp[temp != ""]
      temp <- temp[-length(temp)]
      if (any(temp %in% taxa)) {
        taxa.acc <- c(taxa.acc, temp[temp %in% taxa])

    # get unique higher taxa names
    taxa.acc <- unique(taxa.acc)

    # make a vector of the same length as the column taxa, set value to TRUE
    # and set ambiguous taxa to FALSE. The orignal taxa list is used
    # instead of the ordered
    taxa.pc <- rep(TRUE, length(taxa))
    taxa.pc[x[["Taxa"]][, "Taxon"] %in% taxa.acc] <- FALSE

    # parents are thus removed from the database
    DF <- x[["Taxa"]][taxa.pc, ]
    names(DF)[1] <- "Taxa"

  # MCWP: basically, the taxonomic tree of each taxon is retrieved. The presence of ambiguos taxa in the taxonomic tree is
  # checked against the Taxa column of the user database. If present we have ambiguous taxa to solve, otherwise no.
  # The taxon name of the i-th row is set to the highest taxonomic level if ambiguous parents are present, otherwise no.

  if (method == "MCWP") {
    for (i in 1:length(taxa)) {
      if (any(taxa[i] %in% taxa.acc)) {
      } else {
        temp <- tree[tree$Taxa %in% taxa[i], -c(taxa.pos:ncol(tree))]
        temp.tax_lev <- names(temp[, temp != ""])
        temp <- temp[temp != ""]
        temp <- temp[-length(temp)]
        if (!any(temp %in% taxa)) {
          taxa.acc <- c(taxa.acc, taxa[i])
        } else {
          t.taxa <- min(which(temp %in% taxa))
          taxa.up <- temp[t.taxa]
          tax_lev.up <- temp.tax_lev[t.taxa]
          taxa[tree[, tax_lev.up] %in% taxa.up] <- taxa.up
          taxa.acc <- c(taxa.acc, taxa.up)

    # build the data.frame and order it as the original
    DF <- data.frame(Taxa = taxa, tree[, (taxa.pos + 1):ncol(tree), drop = FALSE])
    DF <- DF[match(1:nrow(tree), as.numeric(rownames(DF))), ]

  # aggregate to avoid duplicated rownames
  DF <- aggregate(. ~ Taxa, data = DF, FUN = sum)
  DF <- DF[ order(DF$Taxa), ]

  if (inherits(x, "bin")) {
    DF <- to_bin(DF)

alexology/biomonitoR documentation built on April 7, 2024, 10:15 a.m.