
# load dependencies

### GCT class and method definitions ###

             mat = "matrix",
             rid = "vector",
             cid = "vector",
             rdesc = "data.frame",
             cdesc = "data.frame",
             version = "character",
             src = "character"

#### define some helper methods for parsing gctx files ###

# helper function to set all the row and column annotations to the correct data type
fix.datatypes <- function(meta) {
    # turn all warnings to errors so we can use the try statement to grab strings
    options(warn = 2)
    for ( in names(meta)) {
        # get the field
        field = meta[[]]
        # check if it's numeric
        try({field = as.numeric(field)}, silent = TRUE)
        if (is.numeric(field)) {
            #check if it's an integer
            int.field = NULL
            try({int.field = as.integer(field)}, silent = TRUE)
            if ( ! is.null(int.field) && identical(int.field, field) )
                field = int.field
        # insert back into the annotations
        meta[[]] = field
    options(warn = 0)

# helper function for parsing row or column metadata
read.gctx.meta <- function(gctx_path, dimension="row", ids=NULL, set_annot_rownames=T) {
  if (!(dimension %in% c("row", "col"))) {
    stop("dimension can be either row or col")
  if (dimension == "row") {
    name <- "0/META/ROW"
  } else {
    name <- "0/META/COL"
  raw_annots <- h5read(gctx_path, name=name) # returns a list
  fields <- names(raw_annots)
  # define an empty data frame of the correct dimensions
  annots <-  data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(raw_annots[[fields[1]]]), ncol=length(fields)))
  names(annots) <-  fields
  # loop through each field and fill the annots data.frame
  for (i in 1:length(fields)) {
    field <- fields[i]
    # remove any trailing spaces
    annots[,i] <- gsub("\\s*$", "", raw_annots[[field]], perl=T)
  annots <- fix.datatypes(annots)
  # subset to the provided set of ids, if given
  if (is.null(ids)) {
    ids <- as.character(annots$id)
  } else {
    ids <- ids
  # make sure annots row ordering matches that of ids
  annots <- subset_to_ids(annots, ids)
  # use the id field to set the rownames
  if (set_annot_rownames) {
    rownames(annots) <- as.character(annots$id)

# helper function for reading gctx row/col ids
read.gctx.ids <- function(gctx_path, dimension="row") {
  if (!(dimension %in% c("row", "col"))) {
    stop("dimension can be either row or col")
  if (dimension == "row") {
    name <- "0/META/ROW/id"
  } else {
    name <- "0/META/COL/id"
  # remove any spaces
  ids <- gsub("\\s*$", "", h5read(gctx_path, name=name), perl=T)

subset_to_ids <- function(df, ids) {
  # helper function to do a robust df subset
  check_colnames("id", df)
  newdf <- data.frame(df[match(ids, df$id), ])
  names(newdf) <- names(df)

check_colnames <- function(test_names, df, throw_error=T) {
  # check whether test_names are valid names in df
  # throw error if specified
  diffs <- setdiff(test_names, names(df))
  if (length(diffs) > 0) {
    if (throw_error) {
      stop(paste("the following column names are not found in", deparse(substitute(df)), ":",
        paste(diffs, collapse=" "), "\n"))
    } else {
  } else {

# define the initialization method for the class
          signature = "GCT",
          definition = function(.Object, src, rid = NULL, cid = NULL, set_annot_rownames = T) {
              # check to make sure it's either .gct or .gctx
              if (! (grepl(".gct$", src) || grepl(".gctx$", src) ))
                  stop("Either a .gct or .gctx file must be given")
              if (grepl(".gct$", src)) {
                  if ( ! is.null(rid) || !is.null(cid) )
                      stop("rid and cid values may only be given for .gctx files, not .gct files")
                  # parse the .gct
                  .Object@src = src
                  # get the .gct version by reading first line
                  .Object@version = scan(src, what = "", nlines = 1, sep = "\t", quiet = TRUE)[1]
                  # get matrix dimensions by reading second line
                  dimensions = scan(src, what = double(0), nlines = 1, skip = 1, sep = "\t", quiet = TRUE)
                  nrmat = dimensions[1]
                  ncmat = dimensions[2]
                  if (length(dimensions)==4) {
                    # a #1.3 file
                    message("parsing as GCT v1.3")
                    nrhd <- dimensions[3]
                    nchd <- dimensions[4]
                  } else {
                    # a #1.2 file
                    message("parsing as GCT v1.2")
                    nrhd <- 0
                    nchd <- 0
                  message(paste(src, nrmat, "rows,", ncmat, "cols,", nrhd, "row descriptors,", nchd, "col descriptors"))
                  # read in header line
                  header = scan(src, what = "", nlines = 1, skip = 2, sep = "\t", quote = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
                  # construct row header and column id's from the header line
                  if ( nrhd > 0 ) {
                      rhd <- header[2:(nrhd+1)]
                      cid <- header[-(nrhd+1):-1]
                      col_offset <- 1
                  else {
                      if ("Description" %in% header) {
                        # check for presence of description column in v1.2 files
                        col_offset <- 2
                      rhd = NULL
                      cid = header[(1+col_offset):length(header)]
                  # read in the next set of headers (column annotations) and shape into a matrix
                  if ( nchd > 0 ) {
                      header = scan(src, what = "", nlines = nchd, skip = 3, sep = "\t", 
                                    quote = NULL, quiet = TRUE)		
                      header = matrix(header, nrow = nchd, 
                                      ncol = ncmat + nrhd + 1, byrow = TRUE)
                      # extract the column header and column descriptions
                      chd = header[,1]
                      cdesc = header[,-(nrhd+1):-1]
                      # need to transpose in the case where there's only one column annotation
                      if ( nchd == 1 )
                          cdesc = t(cdesc)
                  else {
                      chd = NULL
                      cdesc = data.frame()
                  # read in the data matrix and row descriptions, shape into a matrix
                  mat = scan(src, what = "", nlines = nrmat, 
                             skip = 3 + nchd, sep = "\t", quote = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
                  mat = matrix(mat, nrow = nrmat, ncol = ncmat + nrhd + col_offset, 
                               byrow = TRUE)
                  # message(paste(dim(mat), collapse="\t"))
                  # Extract the row id's row descriptions, and the data matrix
                  rid = mat[,1]
                  if ( nrhd > 0 ) {
                      # need as.matrix for the case where there's only one row annotation
                      rdesc = as.matrix(mat[,2:(nrhd + 1)])
                      mat = matrix(as.numeric(mat[,-(nrhd + 1):-1]),
                                   nrow = nrmat, ncol = ncmat)
                  else {
                      rdesc = data.frame()
                      mat = matrix(as.numeric(mat[, (1+col_offset):ncol(mat)]), nrow = nrmat, ncol = ncmat)
                  # assign names to the data matrix and the row and column descriptions
                  # message(paste(dim(mat), collapse="\t"))
                  dimnames(mat) = list(rid, cid)
                  if ( nrhd > 0 ) {
                      dimnames(rdesc) = list(rid,rhd)
                      rdesc =, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                  if ( nchd > 0 ) {
                      cdesc = t(cdesc)
                      dimnames(cdesc) = list(cid,chd)
                      cdesc =, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                  # assign to the GCT slots
                  .Object@mat = mat
                  .Object@rid = rownames(mat)
                  .Object@cid = colnames(mat)
                  .Object@rdesc = fix.datatypes(rdesc)
                  .Object@cdesc = fix.datatypes(cdesc)
                  # add id columns to rdesc and cdesc
                  .Object@rdesc$id <- rownames(.Object@rdesc)
                  .Object@cdesc$id <- rownames(.Object@cdesc)                  
              else { 
                  # parse the .gctx
                  message(paste("reading", src))
                  .Object@src = src
                  # if the rid's or column id's are .grp files, read them in
                  if ( length(rid) == 1 && grepl(".grp$", rid) )
                      rid <- parse.grp(rid)
                  if ( length(cid) == 1 && grepl(".grp$", cid) )
                      cid <- parse.grp(cid)
                  # get the row and column ids
                  all_rid <- read.gctx.ids(src, dimension="row")
                  all_cid <- read.gctx.ids(src, dimension="col")
                  # if rid or cid specified, read only those rows/columns
                  # if already numeric, use as is
                  # else convert to numeric indices
                  if (!is.null(rid)) {
                    if (is.numeric(rid)) {
                      ridx <- rid
                    } else {
                        ridx <- match(rid, all_rid)
                  } else {
                    ridx <- seq_along(all_rid)
                  if (!is.null(cid)) {
                    if (is.numeric(cid)) {
                      cidx <- cid
                    } else {
                      cidx <- match(cid, all_cid)
                  } else {
                    cidx <- seq_along(all_cid)
                  # subset the character ids to the ones we want
                  rid_keep <- all_rid[ridx]
                  cid_keep <- all_cid[cidx]
                  # read the data matrix
                  .Object@mat <- h5read(src, name="0/DATA/0/matrix", index=list(ridx, cidx))
                  # set the row and column ids
                  .Object@rid <- rid_keep
                  .Object@cid <- cid_keep
                  colnames(.Object@mat) <- all_cid[cidx]
                  rownames(.Object@mat) <- all_rid[ridx]
                  # get the meta data
                  .Object@rdesc <- read.gctx.meta(src, dimension="row", ids=rid_keep, set_annot_rownames=set_annot_rownames)
                  .Object@cdesc <- read.gctx.meta(src, dimension="col", ids=cid_keep, set_annot_rownames=set_annot_rownames)
                  # close any open handles and return the object

# function to parse a GCT(X)
# just instantiates a new GCT object
parse.gctx <- function(fname, rid = NULL, cid = NULL, set_annot_rownames = T) {
    ds <- new("GCT", src = fname, rid = rid, cid = cid, set_annot_rownames = set_annot_rownames)

append.dim <- function(ofile, mat, extension="gct") {
  nc <- ncol(mat)
  nr <- nrow(mat)
  outFile <- basename(ofile)
  filename <- strsplit(outFile,'.',fixed=T)[[1]][1]
  ofile <- file.path(dirname(ofile),
                            nc, nr, extension))

# write a gct file to disk
write.gct <- function(ds, ofile, precision=4, appenddim=T, ver=3) {
  # gct must contain the following fields
  #          mat: Numeric data matrix [RxC]
  #          rid: Cell array of row ids
  #          rdesc: Cell array of row annotations
  #          cid: Cell array of column ids
  #          cdesc: Cell array of column annotations
  #          version: GCT version string
  #          src: Source filename
  # append the dimensions of the data set, if desired
  if (appenddim) ofile <- append.dim(ofile, ds@mat, extension="gct")
  precision = floor(precision)
  cat(sprintf('Saving file to %s\n',ofile))
  nr <- nrow(ds@mat)
  nc <- ncol(ds@mat)
  cat(sprintf('Dimensions of matrix: [%dx%d]\n',nr,nc))
  cat(sprintf('Setting precision to %d\n',precision))
  # open file      
  if (ver==3) {
    nrdesc = dim(ds@rdesc)[2]
    ncdesc = dim(ds@cdesc)[2]
    colkeys = colnames(ds@cdesc)
    # append header
    cat(sprintf('#1.%d\n%d\t%d\t%d\t%d', ver, nr, nc, nrdesc, ncdesc),
    # line 3: sample row desc keys and sample names
    # line 4 + ncdesc: sample desc
    filler = 'na'
    for (ii in 1:ncdesc) {
      if (is.numeric(ds@cdesc[,ii])) {
      } else {

    for (ii in 1:nr) {    
      # print rows
  } else {
    # assume ver 1.2 and below, ignore descriptors
    # append header
    cat(sprintf('#1.%d\n%d\t%d', ver, nr, nc),
    # line 3: sample row desc keys and sample names

    for (ii in 1:nr) {    
      # print rows
                  ds@rdesc[ii, 2],


# write a GCTX object
write.gctx <- function(ds, ofile, appenddim=T, compression_level=6, matrix_only=F) {
  if (appenddim) ofile <- append.dim(ofile, ds@mat, extension="gctx")
  # check if the file already exists
  if (file.exists(ofile)) {
    message(paste(ofile, "exists, removing"))
  message(paste("writing", ofile))
  # start the file object
  # create all the necessary groups
  h5createGroup(ofile, "0")
  h5createGroup(ofile, "0/DATA")
  h5createGroup(ofile, "0/DATA/0")
  h5createGroup(ofile, "0/META")
  h5createGroup(ofile, "0/META/COL")
  h5createGroup(ofile, "0/META/ROW")

  # H5Gcreate(fid, "0")
  # H5Gcreate(fid, "0/DATA")
  # H5Gcreate(fid, "0/DATA/0")
  # H5Gcreate(fid, "0/META")
  # H5Gcreate(fid, "0/META/COL")
  # H5Gcreate(fid, "0/META/ROW")
  # create and write matrix data, using
  # chunking if dimensions exceed 1000
  # assume values are 32 bit (4 bytes each), so we can fit 1024 / 4 = 256 values in 1 KB (1024 bytes)
  row_chunk_size <- min(nrow(ds@mat), 1000)
  # column chunk, such that row * col <= 1024
  # should play with these values
  col_chunk_size <- min(floor(1024 / row_chunk_size), ncol(ds@mat))
  chunking <- c(row_chunk_size, col_chunk_size) 
  message(paste(c("chunk sizes:", chunking), collapse="\t"))
  h5createDataset(ofile, "0/DATA/0/matrix", dim(ds@mat), chunk=chunking, level=compression_level)
  h5write(ds@mat, ofile, "0/DATA/0/matrix")
  # write annotations
  h5write(ds@rid, ofile, "0/META/ROW/id")
  h5write(ds@cid, ofile, "0/META/COL/id")
  if (!matrix_only) {
    write.meta(ofile, ds@cdesc, dimension="column")
    write.meta(ofile, ds@rdesc, dimension="row")

  # close any open handles

  # add the version annotation and close
  fid <- H5Fopen(ofile)
  h5writeAttribute("GCTX1.0", fid, "version")


# helper function to write a data.frame of meta data to gctx object
# makes an HDF5 entry for each column of the data.frame
write.meta <- function(ofile, df, dimension="row") {
  path <- if ((dimension=="row")) "0/META/ROW/" else "0/META/COL/"
  # loop through all columns
  fields <- names(df)
  if (length(fields) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(fields)) {
      field <- fields[i]
      v <- df[, i]
      # convert factors to character
      if(class(v) == "factor" || class(v) == "AsIs") {
        v <- as.character(v)
      h5write(v, ofile, paste(path, field, sep=""))

### functions for other CMap file types ###

### function to read a .grp file and return a vector ###
parse.grp <- function(fname) {
    grp <- scan(fname, what = "", quote = NULL, quiet = TRUE)

### function to write a .grp file
write.grp <- function(vals, fname) {
  if (is.list(vals)) vals <- unlist(vals)
  if (!is.vector(vals)) vals <- as.vector(vals)
  write(vals, fname, ncolumns=1)

### function to read a .gmx file and return a list ### <- function(fname) {
    tmp <- read.table(fname, sep = "\t", 
                     header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # preallocate a list for the gmx
    L <- list()
    # loop over the first row of the .gmx
    for ( n in names(tmp) ) {
        # get all the values; remove empties at the end
        values <- tmp[[n]][-1]
        remove.idx <- values == ""
        values <- values[!remove.idx]
        # put in a list
        L[[n]] <- list(head = n,
                      desc = tmp[[n]][1], 
                      len = length(values), 
                      entry = values)

### function to read a .gmt file and return a a list ###
parse.gmt <- function(fname) {
    gmt.lines <- scan(fname, what = "", sep = "\n",
                     quote = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
    tmp <- lapply(gmt.lines, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "\t")))
    mk.gmt.entry <- function(x) {
        L <- list()
        L[["head"]] <- x[1]
        L[["desc"]] <- x[2]
        l.entry <- x[-c(1:2)]
        idx <- l.entry != ""
        L[["entry"]] <- l.entry[idx]
        L[["len"]] <- length(L[["entry"]])
    L <- lapply(tmp, function(x) mk.gmt.entry(x))
    names(L) <- unlist(lapply(L, function(x) x$head))

### function for writing nested list objects as gmt files
write.gmt <- function(lst, fname) {
  # assumes that each element of the list will have the fields
  # head, desc, entry
  if (file.exists(fname)) {
    message(paste(fname, "exists, deleting..."))
  for (i in 1:length(lst)) {
    el <- lst[[i]]
    ncolumns <- 2 + length(el$entry)
    write(c(el$head, el$desc, el$entry), file=fname, sep="\t", append=T, ncolumns=ncolumns)

### Other Misc. utility functions ######

### function to write tab-delimited text files ###
write.tbl <- function(tbl, ofile, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE) {
    write.table(tbl, file = ofile, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, 
                col.names = col.names, row.names = row.names)

# for backwards compatibility
mktbl <- write.tbl
alexvpickering/ccdata documentation built on Oct. 2, 2020, 7:20 a.m.