Man pages for alexvpickering/crossmeta
Cross Platform Meta-Analysis of Microarray Data

add_adjustedAdd expression data adjusted for pairs/surrogate variables
addContrastInputAdd contrast input
add_sourcesAdd sample source information for meta-analysis.
add_vsdAdd VST normalized assay data element to expression set
bulkAnnotLogic for downloading and uploading bulk annotation
bulkAnnotInputUI for Bulk Data annotation upload/download
bulkFormLogic for Bulk Data form
bulkFormInputInput form for Bulk Data page
bulkPageLogic for Select Contrasts Interface
bulkPageUIUI for Select Contrasts Interface
bulkTableLogic for pdata table
bulkTableOuputTables for datasets page
ch2_subsetSubset for Paired Two-Channel ExpressionSet
clean_yAdjusts expression data for surrogate variables.
delContrastsInputDelete contrasts input
diff_exprDifferential expression analysis of esets.
es_metaEffect size combination meta analysis.
exprs.MAExtract Log-Expression Matrix from MAList
filter_genesFilter genes in RNA-seq ExpressionSet
fit_ebayesFit ebayes model
fit_lmRun limma analysis.
fix_illum_headersAttempts to fix Illumina raw data header
format_dl_annotFormat downloaded annotation
format_up_annotFormat uploaded annotation
get_ch2_modGet design matrix for two-channel array
get_group_levelsGet group levels for bulk data plots
get_paletteGet a Pallete to Distinguish Groups
get_rawDownload and unpack microarray supplementary files from GEO.
get_sva_modsGet model matrices for surrogate variable analysis
get_top_tableGet top table
get_vsdGet variance stabilized data for exploratory data analysis
gslistKEGG human pathway genes.
gs.namesMap between KEGG pathway numbers and names.
ilmn.nnumCount numeric columns in raw Illumina data files
iqr_replicatesRemoves features with replicated annotation.
is_invertibleCheck uploaded bulk pdata to make sure the study design is...
load_agil_platLoad Agilent raw data
load_diffLoad previous differential expression analyses.
load_illum_platIllumina loader utility for load_plat.
load_platLoad and pre-process raw Affymetrix, Illumina, and Agilent...
load_rawLoad and annotate raw data downloaded from GEO.
makeExampleCountsEsetMake example ExpressionSet
match_prev_esetReuse contrast selections from previous analysis.
open_raw_illumOpen raw Illumina microarray files.
phenoData.ch2Construct AnnotatedDataFrame from Two-Channel ExpressionSet
prefix_illum_headersRun prefix on Illumina raw data files
query_refGet correlation between query and reference signatures.
remove_autonamedRemove columns that are autonamed by data.table
run_limmaLinear model fitting of eset with limma.
run_limma_setupSetup ExpressionSet for running limma analysis
run_lmfitPerform lmFit analysis from limma.
run_select_contrastsShiny gadget to upload groups and select contrasts
run_svaRun surrogate variable analysis
setup_prevSetup selections when many samples.
symbol_annotAdd hgnc symbol to expression set.
to_esetConvert limma object to ExpressionSet
to_maCovert expression values to MAList
validate_up_annotValidate uploaded bulk annotation
which_max_iqrGet row indices of maximum IQR within annotation groups
xls_to_txtCovert .xls files to .txt
alexvpickering/crossmeta documentation built on May 23, 2024, 5:06 a.m.