supplementaries/BFP/survival competitors.R


# get data
data <- read.csv(unz('',
                 header = TRUE)

# load R libraries:
# - mfp: original fractional polynomial
# install.packages('mfp')
# note, bfp does not have the option to perform survival analysis


time <- data$rectime
cens <- data$censrec
X <- data[, c(2:4, 6:8, 10:12)]
data <- cbind(time, cens, X)

trainAndTest <- function(id, data)
  # split in training and test set
  train <- c(sample((1:nrow(data))[data$cens == 1], sum(data$cens)*2/3), # split separately events
             sample((1:nrow(data))[data$cens == 0], sum(!data$cens)*2/3)) # and censored observations
  # fit the model
  model <- mfp(formula = Surv(time, cens) ~ fp(age, df = 4, select = 0.05) + fp(size, df = 4, select = 0.05) +
                 fp(nodes, df = 4, select = 0.05) + fp(pgr, df = 4, select = 0.05) + fp(er, df = 4, select = 0.05) +
                 fp(meno, df = 4, select = 0.05) + fp(gradd1, df = 4, select = 0.05) + fp(gradd2, df = 4, select = 0.05) +
                 fp(hormon, df = 4, select = 0.05), data = data[train, ], family = 'cox')
  # change the variables otherwise pec does not work
  selected <- rownames(model$powers)[apply(!$powers), 1, sum) > 0]
  # TBD: make this faster
  X.mod <- NULL
  for(i in colnames(X))
    if(!$powers[i, 1]))
      x.rescaled <- ((X[, i] + model$scale[i, 1])/model$scale[i, 2])
      tmp <- x.rescaled^model$powers[i, 1]
      if(model$powers[i, 1] == 0) tmp <- log(x.rescaled)
      if(!$powers[i, 2]))
        if(model$powers[i, 2] == model$powers[i, 1])
          tmp <- cbind(tmp, x.rescaled^model$powers[i, 2] * log(x.rescaled))
          if(model$powers[i, 2] == 0) tmp[, 2] <- log(x.rescaled)*log(x.rescaled)
        if(model$powers[i, 2] != model$powers[i, 1])
          tmp <- cbind(tmp, x.rescaled^model$powers[i, 2])
          if(model$powers[i, 2] == 0) tmp[, 2] <- log(x.rescaled)
      X.mod <- cbind(X.mod, tmp)
      colnames(X.mod)[ncol(X.mod)] <- paste0(i, '.1')
      if(!$powers[i, 2])) colnames(X.mod)[(ncol(X.mod) - 1):ncol(X.mod)] <- paste0(i, c('.1', '.2'))
  data.mod <-, cens, X.mod))
  # to use pec, fit a Cox model with the edited columns
  model.cox <- coxph(Surv(time, cens) ~ ., data = data.mod[train, ], x = TRUE)
  pred_fp <- pec(model.cox, model.cox$formula, data = data.mod[-train, ], traindata = data.mod[train, ], cens.model = 'cox')
  ibs_fp <- ibs(pred_fp, times = min(max(data$time[train]), max(data$time[-train])))
  cindex_fp <- cindex(model.cox, model.cox$formula, data = data.mod[-train, ], cens.model = 'cox')$AppCindex
  # model linear effects
  mod.cox <- cph(Surv(time, cens) ~ age + size + nodes + pgr + er + meno + gradd1 + gradd2 + hormon, data = data[train,])
  selected <- fastbw(mod.cox, rule = 'p')$names.kept
  model.lin <- coxph(Surv(time, cens) ~ ., data = data[train, c('time', 'cens', selected)], x = TRUE)
  cindex_lin <- cindex(model.lin, model.lin$formula, data = data[-train, ], cens.model = 'cox')$AppCindex
  pred_lin <- pec(model.lin, model.lin$formula, data = data[-train, ], traindata = data[train, ], cens.model = 'cox')
  ibs_lin <- ibs(pred_lin, times = min(max(data$time[train]), max(data$time[-train])))
  rbind(model$power, as.vector(ibs_fp), as.vector(ibs_lin), c(cindex_fp, cindex_lin))

res <- sapply(c(1:906, 908:975, 977:1002), trainAndTest, data = data, simplify = 'array')
save(res, file = "results_gbsg.Rdata")

p <- ncol(X)
FP_form <- res[1:p, , ]
tmp <- apply(FP_form, c(1, 3), function(x) {x <- unlist(x); x[] <- 9; x[1] + 0.01 * x[2]})
recognise_FP <- function(x)
  if($power1)) return('not selected')
    if(x$power1 == 1) return('linear')
    if(x$power1 != 1) return(paste0('FP_1(',x$power1,')'))
tmp <- apply(FP_form, c(1, 3), recognise_FP)
FP <- apply(tmp, 1, table)

cindex_lin <- mean(unlist(res[p + 3, 1, ])) # res[p + 2, 2, ] should be always around 0.5
cindex_fp <- mean(unlist(res[p + 3, 2, ])) # res[p + 2, 2, ] should be always around 0.5
ibs_null <- mean(unlist(res[p + 1, 1, ], res[p + 1, 2, ])) #temporary, try to understand why I get two different values
ibs_mfp <- mean(unlist(res[p + 1, 2, ]))
ibs_lin <- mean(unlist(res[p + 2, 2, ]))

c(cindex_lin, cindex_fp, ibs_lin, ibs_mfp, ibs_null)
aliaksah/EMJMCMC2016 documentation built on July 27, 2023, 5:48 a.m.