
checkparam = getFromNamespace('checkparam', 'fitdistrplus')

mledistMod = function (data, distr, start = NULL, fix.arg = NULL, optim.method = "default", 
          lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, custom.optim = NULL, weights = NULL, 
          silent = TRUE, gradient = NULL, ...) 
  if (!is.character(distr)) 
    stop("distr must be a character string naming a distribution")
  else distname <- distr
  ddistname <- paste("d", distname, sep = "")
  if (!exists(ddistname, mode = "function")) 
    stop(paste("The ", ddistname, " function must be defined"))
  if (is.null(custom.optim)) 
    optim.method <- match.arg(optim.method, c("default", 
                                              "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", 
  start.arg <- start
  if (is.vector(start.arg)) 
    start.arg <- as.list(start.arg)
  txt1 <- "data must be a numeric vector of length greater than 1 for non censored data"
  txt2 <- "or a dataframe with two columns named left and right and more than one line for censored data"
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (any(weights < 0)) 
      stop("weights should be a vector of integers greater than 0")
    # if (!is.allint.w(weights)) 
    #   stop("weights should be a vector of (strictly) positive integers")
    if (length(weights) != NROW(data)) 
      stop("weights should be a vector with a length equal to the observation number")
    # warning("weights are not taken into account in the default initial values")
  if (is.vector(data)) {
    cens <- FALSE
    if (!(is.numeric(data) & length(data) > 1)) 
      stop(paste(txt1, txt2))
  else {
    cens <- TRUE
    censdata <- data
    if (!(is.vector(censdata$left) & is.vector(censdata$right) & 
          length(censdata[, 1]) > 1)) 
      stop(paste(txt1, txt2))
    pdistname <- paste("p", distname, sep = "")
    if (!exists(pdistname, mode = "function")) 
      stop(paste("The ", pdistname, " function must be defined to apply maximum likelihood to censored data"))
  if (cens) {
    irow.lcens <- is.na(censdata$left)
    lcens <- censdata[irow.lcens, ]$right
    if (any(is.na(lcens))) 
      stop("An observation cannot be both right and left censored, coded with two NA values")
    irow.rcens <- is.na(censdata$right)
    rcens <- censdata[irow.rcens, ]$left
    irow.ncens <- censdata$left == censdata$right & !is.na(censdata$left) & 
    ncens <- censdata[irow.ncens, ]$left
    irow.icens <- censdata$left != censdata$right & !is.na(censdata$left) & 
    icens <- censdata[irow.icens, ]
    data <- c(rcens, lcens, ncens, (icens$left + icens$right)/2)
  argddistname <- names(formals(ddistname))
  chfixstt <- checkparam(start.arg = start.arg, fix.arg = fix.arg, 
                         argdistname = argddistname, errtxt = NULL, data10 = head(data, 
                                                                                  10), distname = distname)
  if (!chfixstt$ok) 
  if (is.function(chfixstt$start.arg)) 
    vstart <- unlist(chfixstt$start.arg(data))
  else vstart <- unlist(chfixstt$start.arg)
  if (is.function(fix.arg)) {
    fix.arg.fun <- fix.arg
    fix.arg <- fix.arg(data)
  else fix.arg.fun <- NULL
  if (distname == "unif") {
    par <- c(min = min(data), max = max(data))
    res <- list(estimate = par[!names(par) %in% names(fix.arg)], 
                convergence = 0, loglik = NA, hessian = NA, optim.function = NA, 
                fix.arg = fix.arg)
  if (!cens && is.null(weights)) {
    if ("log" %in% argddistname) {
      fnobj <- function(par, fix.arg, obs, ddistnam) {
        -sum(do.call(ddistnam, c(list(obs), as.list(par), 
                                 as.list(fix.arg), log = TRUE)))
    else {
      fnobj <- function(par, fix.arg, obs, ddistnam) {
        -sum(log(do.call(ddistnam, c(list(obs), as.list(par), 
  else if (cens && is.null(weights)) {
    argpdistname <- names(formals(pdistname))
    if (("log" %in% argddistname) & ("log.p" %in% argpdistname)) 
      fnobjcens <- function(par, fix.arg, rcens, lcens, 
                            icens, ncens, ddistnam, pdistnam) -sum(do.call(ddistnam, 
                                                                           c(list(x = ncens), as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg), 
                                                                             list(log = TRUE)))) - sum(do.call(pdistnam, 
                                                                                                               c(list(q = lcens), as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg), 
                                                                                                                 list(log = TRUE)))) - sum(do.call(pdistnam, 
                                                                                                                                                   c(list(q = rcens), as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg), 
                                                                                                                                                     list(lower.tail = FALSE), list(log = TRUE)))) - 
        sum(log(do.call(pdistnam, c(list(q = icens$right), 
                                    as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg))) - do.call(pdistnam, 
                                                                               c(list(q = icens$left), as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg)))))
    else fnobjcens <- function(par, fix.arg, rcens, lcens, 
                               icens, ncens, ddistnam, pdistnam) -sum(log(do.call(ddistnam, 
                                                                                  c(list(x = ncens), as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg))))) - 
        sum(log(do.call(pdistnam, c(list(q = lcens), as.list(par), 
                                    as.list(fix.arg))))) - sum(log(1 - do.call(pdistnam, 
                                                                               c(list(q = rcens), as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg))))) - 
        sum(log(do.call(pdistnam, c(list(q = icens$right), 
                                    as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg))) - do.call(pdistnam, 
                                                                               c(list(q = icens$left), as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg)))))
  else if (!cens && !is.null(weights)) {
    fnobj <- function(par, fix.arg, obs, ddistnam) {
      -sum(weights * log(do.call(ddistnam, c(list(obs), 
                                             as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg)))))
  else if (cens && !is.null(weights)) {
    fnobjcens <- function(par, fix.arg, rcens, lcens, icens, 
                          ncens, ddistnam, pdistnam) {
      p1 <- log(do.call(ddistnam, c(list(x = ncens), as.list(par), 
      p2 <- log(do.call(pdistnam, c(list(q = lcens), as.list(par), 
      p3 <- log(1 - do.call(pdistnam, c(list(q = rcens), 
                                        as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg))))
      p4 <- log(do.call(pdistnam, c(list(q = icens$right), 
                                    as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg))) - do.call(pdistnam, 
                                                                               c(list(q = icens$left), as.list(par), as.list(fix.arg))))
      -sum(weights[irow.ncens] * p1) - sum(weights[irow.lcens] * 
                                             p2) - sum(weights[irow.rcens] * p3) - sum(weights[irow.icens] * 
  owarn <- getOption("warn")
  if (is.null(custom.optim)) {
    hasbound <- any(is.finite(lower) | is.finite(upper))
    if (optim.method == "default") {
      meth <- ifelse(length(vstart) > 1, "Nelder-Mead", 
    else meth <- optim.method
    if (meth == "BFGS" && hasbound && is.null(gradient)) {
      meth <- "L-BFGS-B"
      txt1 <- "The BFGS method cannot be used with bounds without provided the gradient."
      txt2 <- "The method is changed to L-BFGS-B."
      warning(paste(txt1, txt2))
    options(warn = ifelse(silent, -1, 0))
    if (hasbound) {
      if (!is.null(gradient)) {
        opt.fun <- "constrOptim"
      else {
        if (meth == "Nelder-Mead") 
          opt.fun <- "constrOptim"
        else if (meth %in% c("L-BFGS-B", "Brent")) 
          opt.fun <- "optim"
        else {
          txt1 <- paste("The method", meth, "cannot be used by constrOptim() nor optim() without gradient and bounds.")
          txt2 <- "Only optimization methods L-BFGS-B, Brent and Nelder-Mead can be used in such case."
          stop(paste(txt1, txt2))
      if (opt.fun == "constrOptim") {
        npar <- length(vstart)
        lower <- as.double(rep_len(lower, npar))
        upper <- as.double(rep_len(upper, npar))
        haslow <- is.finite(lower)
        Mat <- diag(npar)[haslow, ]
        hasupp <- is.finite(upper)
        Mat <- rbind(Mat, -diag(npar)[hasupp, ])
        colnames(Mat) <- names(vstart)
        rownames(Mat) <- paste0("constr", 1:NROW(Mat))
        Bnd <- c(lower[is.finite(lower)], -upper[is.finite(upper)])
        names(Bnd) <- paste0("constr", 1:length(Bnd))
        initconstr <- Mat %*% vstart - Bnd
        if (any(initconstr < 0)) 
          stop("Starting values must be in the feasible region.")
        if (!cens) {
          opttryerror <- try(opt <- constrOptim(theta = vstart, 
                                                f = fnobj, ui = Mat, ci = Bnd, grad = gradient, 
                                                fix.arg = fix.arg, obs = data, ddistnam = ddistname, 
                                                hessian = !is.null(gradient), method = meth, 
                                                ...), silent = TRUE)
        else opttryerror <- try(opt <- constrOptim(theta = vstart, 
                                                   f = fnobjcens, ui = Mat, ci = Bnd, grad = gradient, 
                                                   ddistnam = ddistname, rcens = rcens, lcens = lcens, 
                                                   icens = icens, ncens = ncens, pdistnam = pdistname, 
                                                   fix.arg = fix.arg, obs = data, hessian = !is.null(gradient), 
                                                   method = meth, ...), silent = TRUE)
        if (!inherits(opttryerror, "try-error")) 
          if (length(opt$counts) == 1) 
            opt$counts <- c(opt$counts, NA)
      else {
        if (!cens) 
          opttryerror <- try(opt <- optim(par = vstart, 
                                          fn = fnobj, fix.arg = fix.arg, obs = data, 
                                          gr = gradient, ddistnam = ddistname, hessian = TRUE, 
                                          method = meth, lower = lower, upper = upper, 
                                          ...), silent = TRUE)
        else opttryerror <- try(opt <- optim(par = vstart, 
                                             fn = fnobjcens, fix.arg = fix.arg, gr = gradient, 
                                             rcens = rcens, lcens = lcens, icens = icens, 
                                             ncens = ncens, ddistnam = ddistname, pdistnam = pdistname, 
                                             hessian = TRUE, method = meth, lower = lower, 
                                             upper = upper, ...), silent = TRUE)
    else {
      opt.fun <- "optim"
      if (!cens) 
        opttryerror <- try(opt <- optim(par = vstart, 
                                        fn = fnobj, fix.arg = fix.arg, obs = data, 
                                        gr = gradient, ddistnam = ddistname, hessian = TRUE, 
                                        method = meth, lower = lower, upper = upper, 
                                        ...), silent = TRUE)
      else opttryerror <- try(opt <- optim(par = vstart, 
                                           fn = fnobjcens, fix.arg = fix.arg, gr = gradient, 
                                           rcens = rcens, lcens = lcens, icens = icens, 
                                           ncens = ncens, ddistnam = ddistname, pdistnam = pdistname, 
                                           hessian = TRUE, method = meth, lower = lower, 
                                           upper = upper, ...), silent = TRUE)
    options(warn = owarn)
    if (inherits(opttryerror, "try-error")) {
      warnings("The function optim encountered an error and stopped.")
      if (getOption("show.error.messages")) 
        print(attr(opttryerror, "condition"))
      return(list(estimate = rep(NA, length(vstart)), convergence = 100, 
                  loglik = NA, hessian = NA, optim.function = opt.fun, 
                  fix.arg = fix.arg, optim.method = meth, fix.arg.fun = fix.arg.fun, 
                  counts = c(NA, NA)))
    if (opt$convergence > 0) {
      warnings("The function optim failed to converge, with the error code ", 
    if (is.null(names(opt$par))) 
      names(opt$par) <- names(vstart)
    res <- list(estimate = opt$par, convergence = opt$convergence, 
                loglik = -opt$value, hessian = opt$hessian, optim.function = opt.fun, 
                fix.arg = fix.arg, optim.method = meth, fix.arg.fun = fix.arg.fun, 
                weights = weights, counts = opt$counts, optim.message = opt$message)
  else {
    options(warn = ifelse(silent, -1, 0))
    if (!cens) 
      opttryerror <- try(opt <- custom.optim(fn = fnobj, 
                                             fix.arg = fix.arg, obs = data, ddistnam = ddistname, 
                                             par = vstart, ...), silent = TRUE)
    else opttryerror <- try(opt <- custom.optim(fn = fnobjcens, 
                                                fix.arg = fix.arg, rcens = rcens, lcens = lcens, 
                                                icens = icens, ncens = ncens, ddistnam = ddistname, 
                                                pdistnam = pdistname, par = vstart, ...), silent = TRUE)
    options(warn = owarn)
    if (inherits(opttryerror, "try-error")) {
      warnings("The customized optimization function encountered an error and stopped.")
      if (getOption("show.error.messages")) 
        print(attr(opttryerror, "condition"))
      return(list(estimate = rep(NA, length(vstart)), convergence = 100, 
                  loglik = NA, hessian = NA, optim.function = custom.optim, 
                  fix.arg = fix.arg, fix.arg.fun = fix.arg.fun, 
                  counts = c(NA, NA)))
    if (opt$convergence > 0) {
      warnings("The customized optimization function failed to converge, with the error code ", 
    argdot <- list(...)
    method.cust <- argdot[argdot == "method"]
    if (length(method.cust) == 0) {
      method.cust <- NULL
    if (is.null(names(opt$par))) 
      names(opt$par) <- names(vstart)
    res <- list(estimate = opt$par, convergence = opt$convergence, 
                loglik = -opt$value, hessian = opt$hessian, optim.function = custom.optim, 
                fix.arg = fix.arg, method = method.cust, fix.arg.fun = fix.arg.fun, 
                weights = weights, counts = opt$counts, optim.message = opt$message)

fitdistMod = function (data, distr, method = c("mle", "mme", "qme", "mge"), 
                    start = NULL, fix.arg = NULL, discrete, keepdata = TRUE, 
                    keepdata.nb = 100, ...) 
  if (!is.character(distr)) 
    distname <- substring(as.character(match.call()$distr), 
  else distname <- distr
  ddistname <- paste("d", distname, sep = "")
  if (!exists(ddistname, mode = "function")) 
    stop(paste("The ", ddistname, " function must be defined"))
  pdistname <- paste("p", distname, sep = "")
  if (!exists(pdistname, mode = "function")) 
    stop(paste("The ", pdistname, " function must be defined"))
  if (missing(discrete)) {
    if (is.element(distname, c("binom", "nbinom", "geom", 
                               "hyper", "pois"))) 
      discrete <- TRUE
    else discrete <- FALSE
  if (!is.logical(discrete)) 
    stop("wrong argument 'discrete'.")
  if (!is.logical(keepdata) || !is.numeric(keepdata.nb) || 
      keepdata.nb < 2) 
    stop("wrong arguments 'keepdata' and 'keepdata.nb'")
  if (any(method == "mom")) 
    warning("the name \"mom\" for matching moments is NO MORE used and is replaced by \"mme\"")
  method <- match.arg(method, c("mle", "mme", "qme", "mge"))
  if (!(is.vector(data) & is.numeric(data) & length(data) > 
    stop("data must be a numeric vector of length greater than 1")
  my3dots <- list(...)
  if (length(my3dots) == 0) 
    my3dots <- NULL
  n <- length(data)
  if (method == "mme") {
    if (!is.element(distname, c("norm", "lnorm", "pois", 
                                "exp", "gamma", "nbinom", "geom", "beta", "unif", 
      if (!"order" %in% names(my3dots)) 
        stop("moment matching estimation needs an 'order' argument")
    mme <- mmedist(data, distname, start = start, fix.arg = fix.arg, 
    sd <- NULL
    correl <- varcovar <- NULL
    estimate <- mme$estimate
    loglik <- mme$loglik
    npar <- length(estimate)
    aic <- -2 * loglik + 2 * npar
    bic <- -2 * loglik + log(n) * npar
    convergence <- mme$convergence
    fix.arg <- mme$fix.arg
    fix.arg.fun <- NULL
    weights <- mme$weights
  else if (method == "mle") {
    mle <- mledistMod(data, distname, start, fix.arg, ...)
    if (mle$convergence > 0) 
      stop("the function mle failed to estimate the parameters, \n                with the error code ", 
           mle$convergence, "\n")
    estimate <- mle$estimate
    if (!is.null(mle$hessian)) {
      if (all(!is.na(mle$hessian)) && qr(mle$hessian)$rank == 
          NCOL(mle$hessian)) {
        varcovar <- solve(mle$hessian)
        sd <- sqrt(diag(varcovar))
        correl <- cov2cor(varcovar)
      else {
        varcovar <- NA
        sd <- NA
        correl <- NA
    else {
      varcovar <- NA
      sd <- NA
      correl <- NA
    loglik <- mle$loglik
    npar <- length(estimate)
    aic <- -2 * loglik + 2 * npar
    bic <- -2 * loglik + log(n) * npar
    convergence <- mle$convergence
    fix.arg <- mle$fix.arg
    fix.arg.fun <- mle$fix.arg.fun
    weights <- mle$weights
  else if (method == "qme") {
    if (!"probs" %in% names(my3dots)) 
      stop("quantile matching estimation needs an 'probs' argument")
    qme <- qmedist(data, distname, start, fix.arg, ...)
    estimate <- qme$estimate
    sd <- NULL
    loglik <- qme$loglik
    npar <- length(estimate)
    aic <- -2 * loglik + 2 * npar
    bic <- -2 * loglik + log(n) * npar
    correl <- varcovar <- NULL
    convergence <- qme$convergence
    fix.arg <- qme$fix.arg
    fix.arg.fun <- qme$fix.arg.fun
    weights <- qme$weights
  else if (method == "mge") {
    if (!"gof" %in% names(my3dots)) 
      warning("maximum GOF estimation has a default 'gof' argument set to 'CvM'")
    mge <- mgedist(data, distname, start, fix.arg, ...)
    estimate <- mge$estimate
    sd <- NULL
    loglik <- mge$loglik
    npar <- length(estimate)
    aic <- -2 * loglik + 2 * npar
    bic <- -2 * loglik + log(n) * npar
    correl <- varcovar <- NULL
    convergence <- mge$convergence
    fix.arg <- mge$fix.arg
    fix.arg.fun <- mge$fix.arg.fun
    weights <- NULL
  else {
    stop("match.arg() does not work correctly")
  if (!is.null(fix.arg)) 
    fix.arg <- as.list(fix.arg)
  if (keepdata) {
    reslist <- list(estimate = estimate, method = method, 
                    sd = sd, cor = correl, vcov = varcovar, loglik = loglik, 
                    aic = aic, bic = bic, n = n, data = data, distname = distname, 
                    fix.arg = fix.arg, fix.arg.fun = fix.arg.fun, dots = my3dots, 
                    convergence = convergence, discrete = discrete, weights = weights)
  else {
    n2keep <- min(keepdata.nb, n) - 2
    imin <- which.min(data)
    imax <- which.max(data)
    subdata <- data[sample((1:n)[-c(imin, imax)], size = n2keep, 
                           replace = FALSE)]
    subdata <- c(subdata, data[c(imin, imax)])
    reslist <- list(estimate = estimate, method = method, 
                    sd = sd, cor = correl, vcov = varcovar, loglik = loglik, 
                    aic = aic, bic = bic, n = n, data = subdata, distname = distname, 
                    fix.arg = fix.arg, fix.arg.fun = fix.arg.fun, dots = my3dots, 
                    convergence = convergence, discrete = discrete, weights = weights)
  return(structure(reslist, class = "fitdist"))
andrewGhazi/bayesianMPRA documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:56 p.m.