
Defines functions run_netMHC run_mhcflurry make_sw_alignment

#' Internal function to Smith-Waterman align two vectors of peptides.
#' @param col1 Character. Vector of sequences to align to col2.
#' @param col2 Character. Vector of sequences to align to col1.
#' @param gap_open Numeric. Cost to open gapped alignment. Default is -11.
#' @param gap_extend Numeric. Cost to extend a gap. Default is -1.
#' @noRd
#' @md
make_sw_alignment <- function(col1,
                              gap_open = -11,
                              gap_extend = -1) {
  al <- Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment(col1, col2,
    substitutionMatrix = "BLOSUM62",
    gapOpening = gap_open,
    gapExtension = gap_extend,
    type = "local",
    scoreOnly = TRUE

  if (length(al) == 0) al <- as.numeric(NA)


#' Internal function to run run_mhcflurry commands.
#' @noRd
#' @md

run_mhcflurry <- function() {
  message("Running mhcflurry in parallel.")

  fn <- list.files(pattern = "mhcflurry_input.*csv")

  fn %>%
    seq_along() %>%
    mclapply(function(x) {
      message(paste0("Input file ", x, " of ", length(fn)))

      paste0("mhcflurry-predict ", fn[x], " --out ", fn[x] %>%
        stringr::str_replace("input", "output"), " 2>>mhcflurry-predict.log") %>%

#' Internal function to run netMHC commands.
#' @param dt Data table of prediction commands to run.
#' @noRd
#' @md

run_netMHC <- function(dt) {
  if (!"command" %chin% (dt %>% names())) {
    stop("dt must contain command column")

  fn <- paste(Sys.time() %>% stringr::str_replace_all("\\ |-|:", ""),
    sep = ""

  scriptn <- fn %>% stringr::str_replace("\\.txt$", ".sh")

  plog <- fn %>% stringr::str_replace("\\.txt$", "_parallel.log")

  # set syntax to avoid invalid internal selfref warning
    j = "outname",
    value = dt[, filename] %>%
      stringr::str_replace("\\.csv$", "_o.csv")

  dt[, command2 := paste(command,
    " > ",
    sep = ""

  # write 10 commands per line sep by ;
  cmdlist <- dt[, .SD %>% unique(), .SDcols = "command2"] %>% split(1:(nrow(.) / 10))

  cmdlist <- lapply(cmdlist, function(i) {
    i %>%
      unlist() %>%
      paste(collapse = ";")
  }) %>%
    unlist() %>%
    unique() %>%

  cmdlist %>% data.table::fwrite(fn, col.names = FALSE)

  message("Running netMHC in parallel.")

  # we write to file via R base cat fxn (echo is bash only)
  # set jobs max value 90% of available CPUs, delay 0.2 on spawning jobs for safety
  # 5000 is a conservative line length to be safe, could go much higher  probably
  # memory is not protected here, user will need to chunk if RAM limited
    paste("parallel -s 5000 --delay 0.1 --no-run-if-empty --joblog ",
      plog, " < ", fn,
      sep = ""
    file = scriptn,
    fill = TRUE

  Sys.chmod(scriptn, mode = "0777")

  # try to run with sh, if sh not present, will let system run default shell
  shpath <- system("which sh", intern = TRUE)

  # replace whitespace if shpath is empty to let default shell run it
  cmd <- paste(shpath, scriptn, sep = " ") %>%
    stringr::str_replace("^\\ ", "./")

  # parallel will run commands with whatever shell script is invoked with
  exstat <- system(cmd, wait = TRUE) %>% unlist()

  outfiles <- dt[, outname]

  logf <- data.table::fread(plog)

  # check all commands exited with 0 from parallel logfile
  if (any(logf[, Exitval != 0])) {
    cmd <- logf[Exitval != 0, Command] %>% paste(collapse = "\n")

    stop(paste("netMHC errored on a command, check MHC syntax with `list_mhc()`",
      "and make sure netMHC is in path. Errored command was:",
      sep = " "

  # check for expected output files from parallel run
  if (!all(file.exists(outfiles))) {
    stop("netMHC did not produce output for all commands.")

  # just in case files get created and parallel logfile doesnt catch error, check here.
  if (exstat != 0) stop("Exit status from running netMHC parallel script is not zero.")




  # generate command/output file list
  esl <- lapply(1:nrow(dt), function(n) {
    return(list(dt[n][, command], dt[n][, outname]))

  dtl <- esl %>% collate_netMHC()


#' Print data directory error
#' @noRd
#' @md

.ag_data_err <- function() {
  err <- paste(
    "Unable to locate antigen.garnish data directory,",
    "or directory contents are missing.",
    "Paths searched are $AG_DATA_DIR, $HOME",
    "and the current working directory.",
    "To set a custom path to the antigen.garnish data folder",
    "set environomental variable AG_DATA_DIR from the shell",
    "or from R using Sys.setenv",
    "Re-download installation data:",
    '$ curl -fsSL "https://s3.amazonaws.com/get.rech.io/antigen.garnish-2.3.0.tar.gz" | tar -xvz',
    sep = "\n"


#' Internal function to configure netMHC suite of tools
#' @param dir Character vector. Path to `antigen.garnish` data directory.
#' @noRd
#' @md

configure_netMHC_tools <- function(dir) {
  owd <- getwd()


  # netMHC parent dir in ag data dir
  npd <- file.path(dir, "netMHC")

  if (!file.exists(npd)) {
    stop(npd, " does not exist; cannot find netMHC tools; see README: https://github.com/andrewrech/antigen.garnish")

  # netMHC package versions are pinned here, in parsing functions for results,
  # in Docker, and in installation instructions due to differences
  # across versions that breaks parsing
  f <- c(

  message("Checking netMHC scripts in antigen.garnish data directory.")
  # sed scripts to correct paths
  # install data from DTU
  lapply(f, function(i) {

    # first check of subdirectory exists
    # if subdirectory does not exist, binary netMHC files have not been downloaded
    # return early and do not attempt to download data
    # assume user has configured netMHC tools

    if (!file.exists(file.path(dir, "/", i))) {
      message(dir, "/", i, " does not exist; cannot configure netMHC tools; see README: https://github.com/andrewrech/antigen.garnish")

    #  check if data has already been extracted
    bkFile <- list.files(pattern = paste0(basename(i), ".bk"), recursive = TRUE) %>% length()
    if (bkFile == 1) {

    if (i == "netMHC/netMHC-4.0/netMHC") {
      link <- "https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/NetMHC-4.0/data.tar.gz"

    if (i == "netMHC/netMHCII-2.3/netMHCII-2.3") {
      link <- "https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/NetMHCII-2.3/data.Linux.tar.gz"

    if (i == "netMHC/netMHCIIpan-4.0/netMHCIIpan") {
      link <- "https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/NetMHCIIpan-4.0/data.tar.gz"

    if (i == "netMHC/netMHCpan-4.1/netMHCpan") {
      link <- "https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/NetMHCpan-4.1/data.tar.gz"

    cmd <- paste("curl -fsSL", link, ">", "dtu.tar.gz")

    message(paste("Downloading data for", dirname(i)))

      curl_status <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)

    if (
      !file.exists("dtu.tar.gz") ||
        file.info("dtu.tar.gz")$size == 0 ||
        !(curl_status %>% length()) == 0
    ) {
      stop(paste("Unable to download netMHC data tar from DTU."))

    # move it into the right folder and untar
    dtar <- file.path(dirname(i) %>% basename(), "dtu.tar.gz")

    file.rename("dtu.tar.gz", dtar)

    setwd(dirname(i) %>% basename())

    system(paste("tar -xzvf", basename(dtar)))

    line <- file.path(dir, "netMHC", dirname(i)%>% basename())

    # properly escape for sed call
    line <- paste("setenv NMHOME ", line %>% stringr::str_replace_all("/", "\\\\/"), sep = "")
    line2 <- paste("setenv TMPDIR ", "$HOME", sep = "")

    # versionless backup file

    file <- basename(i)
    bk <- paste0(file, ".bk")

    if (!file.exists(bk)) {
      file.rename(file, bk)

    # configure netMHC scripts
    cmd <- paste("cat ", bk, " | ",
      # place holders for variable references
      "sed 's/\\$NMHOME/placeholderxxx/' | ",
      "sed 's/\\$TMPDIR/placeholderyyy/' | ",
      "sed 's/setenv.*NMHOME.*$/", line, "/' | ",
      # reset placeholder
      "sed 's/placeholderxxx/$NMHOME/' | ",
      "sed 's/setenv.*TMPDIR.*$/", line2, "/' | ",
      # reset placeholder
      "sed 's/placeholderyyy/$TMPDIR/' > ", file,
      sep = ""


    system(paste("chmod u+x", file))


  }) %>% unlist()


#' Internal function to check for netMHC tools and mhcflurry
#' @param ag_dirs Character vector. Directories to check for `antigen.garnish` data directory.
#' @noRd
#' @md
check_pred_tools <- function(ag_dirs = c(
                             )) {

  # vector of directories to look in for data

  if (Sys.getenv("AG_DATA_DIR") == "") {
    message("Environmental variable AG_DATA_DIR for the antigen.garnish data directory is unset. Checking standard directories.")

  if (!Sys.getenv("AG_DATA_DIR") == "") {
    if (!Sys.getenv("AG_DATA_DIR") %>% dir.exists()) {
      message(Sys.getenv("AG_DATA_DIR"), " does not exist.")

  if (Sys.getenv("AG_DATA_DIR") %>% dir.exists()) {
    ag_dir <- Sys.getenv("AG_DATA_DIR")

  if (Sys.getenv("AG_DATA_DIR") == "") {
    for (i in ag_dirs) {
      if (i %>% dir.exists()) {
        ag_dir <- i

    Sys.setenv(AG_DATA_DIR = ag_dir)


  default_path <- paste0(
        list.files(file.path(ag_dir, "netMHC"))
  ) %>%
    normalizePath() %>%
    paste(collapse = ":")

  tool_status <- list(
    mhcflurry      = TRUE,
    netMHC         = TRUE,
    "netMHCII-2.3" = TRUE,
    netMHCIIpan    = TRUE,
    netMHCpan      = TRUE,
    blastp         = TRUE

  # conditional to prevent infinitely growing path when running in long loops
  if (!grepl(pattern = default_path, x = Sys.getenv("PATH"), fixed = TRUE)) {
    Sys.setenv(PATH = paste0(default_path, ":", Sys.getenv("PATH")))

  if (suppressWarnings(system("which mhcflurry-predict 2> /dev/null", intern = TRUE)) %>%
    length() == 0) {
    message("mhcflurry-predict is not in PATH\n       Download: https://github.com/hammerlab/mhcflurry")
    tool_status$mhcflurry <- FALSE

  if (suppressWarnings(system("which blastp 2> /dev/null", intern = TRUE)) %>%
    length() == 0) {
    message("blastp is not in PATH\n       Download: https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi")
    tool_status$blastp <- FALSE

  netMHCTools <- c("netMHC", "netMHCII-2.3", "netMHCIIpan", "netMHCpan")

  for (i in netMHCTools) {
    if (suppressWarnings(system(paste("which", i, "2> /dev/null"), intern = TRUE)) %>%
      length() == 0) {
      message(paste(i, " is not in PATH\n       Download: https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/"), sep = "")
      tool_status[[i]] <- FALSE


#' Convenience inflix operator to return vector elements matching a regular expression.
#' @param vector Vector.
#' @param pattern Pattern.
#' @return A vector of elements in \code{vector} matching \code{pattern}.
#' @noRd
#' @md

`%include%` <- function(vector, pattern) {
  lv <- stringr::str_detect(vector, pattern)

#' Convenience inflix operator to return vector elements excluding those matching a regular expression.
#' @param vector Vector.
#' @param pattern Pattern.
#' @return A vector of elements in \code{vector} not matching \code{pattern}.
#' @noRd
#' @md

`%exclude%` <- function(vector, pattern) {
  lv <- stringr::str_detect(vector, pattern)
andrewrech/antigen.garnish documentation built on July 8, 2022, 5:19 p.m.