
Defines functions magnitude.breakpointsfull magnitude df.residual.breakpointsfull vcov.breakpointsfull residuals.breakpointsfull fitted.breakpointsfull coef.breakpointsfull lines.confint.breakpoints print.confint.breakpoints breakdates.confint.breakpoints confint.breakpointsfull pargmaxV LWZ.breakpoints LWZ.breakpointsfull LWZ AIC.breakpointsfull logLik.breakpointsfull logLik.breakpoints plot.summary.breakpointsfull plot.breakpointsfull print.summary.breakpointsfull summary.breakpointsfull summary.breakpoints lines.breakpoints breakfactor breakdates.breakpoints breakdates print.breakpoints breakpoints.breakpointsfull breakpoints.matrix breakpoints.formula breakpoints.Fstats breakpoints

Documented in AIC.breakpointsfull breakdates breakdates.breakpoints breakdates.confint.breakpoints breakfactor breakpoints breakpoints.breakpointsfull breakpoints.formula breakpoints.Fstats breakpoints.matrix coef.breakpointsfull confint.breakpointsfull df.residual.breakpointsfull fitted.breakpointsfull lines.breakpoints lines.confint.breakpoints logLik.breakpoints logLik.breakpointsfull LWZ LWZ.breakpoints LWZ.breakpointsfull magnitude magnitude.breakpointsfull pargmaxV plot.breakpointsfull plot.summary.breakpointsfull print.breakpoints print.confint.breakpoints print.summary.breakpointsfull residuals.breakpointsfull summary.breakpoints summary.breakpointsfull vcov.breakpointsfull

utils::globalVariables(c("i", "%dopar%"))

breakpoints <- function(obj, ...)

breakpoints.Fstats <- function(obj, ...)
  RVAL <- list(breakpoints = obj$breakpoint,
               RSS = obj$RSS,
               nobs = obj$nobs,
               nreg = obj$nreg,
               call = match.call(),
               datatsp = obj$datatsp)
  class(RVAL) <- "breakpoints"

breakpoints.formula <- function(formula, h = 0.15, breaks = c("BIC", "LWZ", "RSS", "all"),
                                data = list(), hpc = c("none", "foreach"), ...)
  mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
  y <- model.response(mf)
  modelterms <- terms(formula, data = data)
  X <- model.matrix(modelterms, data = data)
  RVAL <- breakpoints.matrix(X, y, h = h, breaks = breaks, hpc = hpc, ...)
  n <- nrow(X)
  # Not sure if this is any different from what the object returned already, but just in case...
  if(is.ts(data)) {
    if(NROW(data) == n) datatsp <- tsp(data)
    else datatsp <- c(1/n, 1, n)      
  } else {
    env <- environment(formula)
    if(missing(data)) data <- env
    orig.y <- eval(attr(terms(formula), "variables")[[2]], data, env)
    if(is.ts(orig.y) & (NROW(orig.y) == n)) datatsp <- tsp(orig.y)
    else datatsp <- c(1/n, 1, n)
  RVAL$datatsp <- datatsp

breakpoints.matrix <- function(obj, y, h = 0.15, breaks = c("BIC", "LWZ", "RSS", "all"), hpc = c("none", "foreach"), ...)
  X <- obj
  n <- nrow(X)
  k <- ncol(X)
  breakstat <- NULL
  intercept_only <- isTRUE(all.equal(as.vector(X), rep(1L, n)))
  if(is.null(h)) h <- k + 1
  if(h < 1) h <- floor(n*h)
  if(h <= k)
    stop("minimum segment size must be greater than the number of regressors")
  if(h > floor(n/2))
    stop("minimum segment size must be smaller than half the number of observations")
  if (!is.numeric(breaks))
    breakstat <- match.arg(breaks)
    breaks <- ceiling(n/h) - 2
  } else {
    if (length(breaks) > 1)
      stop("Argument 'breaks' takes a single number or method for optimal break estimation")
    if (breaks %% 1 != 0)
      stop("Please enter an integer number of breaks")
    if(breaks < 1) {
      breaks <- 1
      warning("number of breaks must be at least 1")
    if(breaks > ceiling(n/h) - 2) {
      breaks0 <- breaks
      breaks <- ceiling(n/h) - 2
      warning(sprintf("requested number of breaks = %i too large, changed to %i", breaks0, breaks))

  hpc <- match.arg(hpc)
  if(hpc == "foreach") {
    if(requireNamespace("foreach")) {
      `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
    } else {
      warning("High perfomance computing (hpc) support with 'foreach' package is not available, foreach is not installed.")    
      hpc <- "none"

  ## compute ith row of the RSS diagonal matrix, i.e,
  ## the recursive residuals for segments starting at i = 1:(n-h+1)
  if (getOption("strucchange.use_armadillo", FALSE)) {
    res = .sc_cpp_construct_rss_table(y,X,n,h,breaks,intercept_only,sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)/ncol(X),getOption("strucchange.armadillo_rcond_min",sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
    RSS.table = res$RSS.table
    dimnames(RSS.table) = list(as.character(h:(n-h)), 
                               as.vector(rbind(paste("break", 1:breaks, sep = ""),paste("RSS", 1:breaks, sep = ""))))
    RSS.triang = res$RSS.triang
    RSS <- function(i, j) .sc_cpp_rss(RSS.triang, i, j)
    extend.RSS.table <- function(RSS.table, breaks) {
      if (2*breaks > ncol(RSS.table)) {
        RSS.table = .sc_cpp_extend_rss_table(rss_table = RSS.table, rss_triang = RSS.triang, n = n, h=h, breaks = breaks)
        dimnames(RSS.table) = list(as.character(h:(n-h)), as.vector(rbind(paste("break", 1:breaks, sep = ""),paste("RSS", 1:breaks, sep = ""))))
  else {

    RSSi <- function(i)
      ssr <- if(intercept_only) {
        (y[i:n] - cumsum(y[i:n])/(1L:(n-i+1L)))[-1L] * sqrt(1L + 1L/(1L:(n-i)))
      } else {
      recresid(X[i:n,,drop = FALSE],y[i:n], ...)
      c(rep(NA, k), cumsum(ssr^2))
    ## employ HPC support if available/selected
    RSS.triang <- if(hpc == "none") sapply(1:(n-h+1), RSSi) else foreach::foreach(i = 1:(n-h+1)) %dopar% RSSi(i)
    ## function to extract the RSS(i,j) from RSS.triang
    RSS <- function(i,j) RSS.triang[[i]][j - i + 1]
    ## compute optimal previous partner if observation i is the mth break
    ## store results together with RSSs in RSS.table
    ## breaks = 1
    index <- h:(n-h)
    break.RSS <- sapply(index, function(i) RSS(1,i))
    RSS.table <- cbind(index, break.RSS)
    rownames(RSS.table) <- as.character(index)
    ## breaks >= 2
    extend.RSS.table <- function(RSS.table, breaks)
      if((breaks*2) > ncol(RSS.table)) {
        for(m in (ncol(RSS.table)/2 + 1):breaks)
          my.index <- (m*h):(n-h)
          my.RSS.table <- RSS.table[,c((m-1)*2 - 1, (m-1)*2)]
          my.RSS.table <- cbind(my.RSS.table, NA, NA)
          for(i in my.index)
            pot.index <- ((m-1)*h):(i - h)
            break.RSS <- sapply(pot.index, function(j) my.RSS.table[as.character(j), 2] + RSS(j+1,i))
            opt <- which.min(break.RSS)
            my.RSS.table[as.character(i), 3:4] <- c(pot.index[opt], break.RSS[opt])
          RSS.table <- cbind(RSS.table, my.RSS.table[,3:4])
        colnames(RSS.table) <- as.vector(rbind(paste("break", 1:breaks, sep = ""),
                                               paste("RSS", 1:breaks, sep = "")))
    RSS.table <- extend.RSS.table(RSS.table, breaks)
  ## extract optimal breaks

  extract.breaks <- function(RSS.table, breaks)
    if((breaks*2) > ncol(RSS.table)) stop("compute RSS.table with enough breaks before")
    index <- RSS.table[, 1, drop = TRUE]
    break.RSS <- sapply(index, function(i) RSS.table[as.character(i),breaks*2] + RSS(i + 1, n))
    opt <- index[which.min(break.RSS)]
    if(breaks > 1) {
      for(i in ((breaks:2)*2 - 1))
        opt <- c(RSS.table[as.character(opt[1]),i], opt)
    names(opt) <- NULL

  opt <- extract.breaks(RSS.table, breaks)
  if(is.ts(y) && NROW(y) == n)
    datatsp <- tsp(y)
  } else {
    datatsp <- c(1/n, 1, n)

  RVAL <- list(breakpoints = opt,
               RSS.table = RSS.table,
               RSS.triang = RSS.triang,
               RSS = RSS,
               extract.breaks = extract.breaks,
               extend.RSS.table = extend.RSS.table,
               nobs = n,
               nreg = k, y = y, X = X,
               call = match.call(),
               datatsp = datatsp)
  class(RVAL) <- c("breakpointsfull", "breakpoints")
  RVAL$breakpoints <- breakpoints(RVAL, breaks=breakstat)$breakpoints

breakpoints.breakpointsfull <- function(obj, breaks = c("BIC", "LWZ", "RSS", "all"), ...)
  if (is.numeric(breaks))
    if (length(breaks) > 1)
      stop("This function is for extracting a single break")
    if (breaks %% 1 != 0)
      stop("Please enter an integer number of breaks")
  } else
    breakstat <- match.arg(breaks)
    sbp <- summary(obj)
    # Select optimal number of breaks by minimising a given statistic
    # Note: we might want to handle cases where the difference is < 2
    if (breakstat == "all")
      breaks <- ncol(sbp$breakpoints)
      breaks <- which.min(sbp$RSS[breakstat,]) - 1
  if(breaks < 1)
    breakpoints <- NA
    RSS <- obj$RSS(1, obj$nobs)
  } else {
    RSS.tab <- obj$extend.RSS.table(obj$RSS.table, breaks)
    breakpoints <- obj$extract.breaks(RSS.tab, breaks)
    bp <- c(0, breakpoints, obj$nobs)
    RSS <- sum(apply(cbind(bp[-length(bp)]+1,bp[-1]), 1,
                     function(x) obj$RSS(x[1], x[2])))
  fvals = fitted(obj, breaks=breaks, bp=breakpoints)
  mss = sum((fvals - mean(fvals))^2)
  r.squared = mss/(mss + RSS)
  RVAL <- list(breakpoints = breakpoints,
               RSS = RSS,
               nobs = obj$nobs,
               nreg = obj$nreg,
               call = match.call(),
               datatsp = obj$datatsp,
               r.squared = r.squared,
               MSS = mss)
  class(RVAL) <- "breakpoints"

print.breakpoints <- function(x, format.times = NULL, ...)
  if(is.null(format.times)) format.times <- ((x$datatsp[3] > 1) & (x$datatsp[3] < x$nobs))
  if(any(is.na(x$breakpoints))) lbp <- 0
    else lbp <- length(x$breakpoints)
  cat(paste("\n\t Optimal ", lbp + 1, "-segment partition: \n\n", sep = ""))
  cat("\nBreakpoints at observation number:\n")
  cat("\nCorresponding to breakdates:\n")
  cat(breakdates(x, format.times = format.times),"\n")

breakdates <- function(obj, format.times = FALSE, ...)

breakdates.breakpoints <- function(obj, format.times = FALSE, breaks = NULL, ...)
  if(inherits(obj, "breakpointsfull") && !is.null(breaks)) obj <- breakpoints(obj, breaks = breaks)
  if(is.null(format.times)) format.times <- ((obj$datatsp[3] > 1) & (obj$datatsp[3] < obj$nobs))

  format.time <- function(timevec, freq)
    first <- floor(timevec + .001)
    second <- floor(freq * (timevec - first) + 1 + .5 + .001)
    RVAL <- cbind(first, second)
    dummy <- function(x) paste(x[1], "(", x[2], ")", sep = "")
    RVAL <- apply(RVAL, 1, dummy)

    breakdates <- NA
  else {
    breakdates <- (obj$breakpoints - 1)/obj$datatsp[3] + obj$datatsp[1]
    if(format.times) breakdates <- format.time(breakdates, obj$datatsp[3])


breakfactor <- function(obj, breaks = NULL, labels = NULL, ...)
  if("breakpointsfull" %in% class(obj)) obj <- breakpoints(obj, breaks = breaks)
  breaks <- obj$breakpoints
  if(all(is.na(breaks))) return(factor(rep("segment1", obj$nobs)))
  nbreaks <- length(breaks)
  fac <- rep(1:(nbreaks + 1), c(breaks[1], diff(c(breaks, obj$nobs))))
  if(is.null(labels)) labels <- paste("segment", 1:(nbreaks+1), sep = "")
  fac <- factor(fac, labels = labels, ...)

lines.breakpoints <- function(x, breaks = NULL, lty = 2, ...)
  if("breakpointsfull" %in% class(x)) x <- breakpoints(x, breaks = breaks)
  abline(v = breakdates(x), lty = lty, ...)

summary.breakpoints <- function(object, ...)
  cat(paste("\nRSS:", format(object$RSS),"MSS:", format(object$MSS), "\n"))
  cat(paste("Multiple R-squared:", format(object$r.squared),"\n"))

summary.breakpointsfull <- function(object, breaks = NULL,
  sort = TRUE, format.times = NULL, ...)
  if(is.null(format.times)) format.times <- ((object$datatsp[3] > 1) & (object$datatsp[3] < object$nobs))
  if(is.null(breaks)) breaks <- ncol(object$RSS.table)/2
  n <- object$nobs
  RSS <- c(object$RSS(1, n), rep(NA, breaks))
  R.sq <- c(breakpoints(object, breaks = 0)$r.squared, rep(NA, breaks))
  BIC <- c(n * (log(RSS[1]) + 1 - log(n) + log(2*pi)) + log(n) * (object$nreg + 1),
           rep(NA, breaks))
  names(RSS) <- as.character(0:breaks)
  bp <- breakpoints(object, breaks = breaks)
  bd <- breakdates(bp, format.times = format.times, breaks=breaks)
  RSS[breaks + 1] <- bp$RSS
  R.sq[breaks + 1] <- bp$r.squared
  BIC[breaks + 1] <- AIC(bp, k = log(n))
  bp <- bp$breakpoints
  if(breaks > 1) {
  for(m in (breaks-1):1)
    bp <- rbind(NA, bp)
    bd <- rbind(NA, bd)
    bpm <- breakpoints(object, breaks = m)
    if(sort) {
      pos <- apply(outer(bpm$breakpoints, bp[nrow(bp),],
                   FUN = function(x,y) abs(x - y)), 1, which.min)
      if(length(pos) > unique(length(pos))) {
        warning("sorting not possible", call. = FALSE)
	sort <- FALSE
    if(!sort) pos <- 1:m
    bp[1,pos] <- bpm$breakpoints
    bd[1,pos] <- breakdates(bpm, format.times = format.times)
    RSS[m+1] <- bpm$RSS
    R.sq[m+1] <- bpm$r.squared
    BIC[m+1] <- AIC(bpm, k = log(n))
  }} else {
    bp <- as.matrix(bp)
    bd <- as.matrix(bd)
  rownames(bp) <- as.character(1:breaks)
  colnames(bp) <- rep("", breaks)
  rownames(bd) <- as.character(1:breaks)
  colnames(bd) <- rep("", breaks)
  LWZ = LWZ.breakpointsfull(object)
  RSS <- rbind(RSS, BIC, LWZ, R.sq)
  rownames(RSS) <- c("RSS", "BIC", "LWZ", "R.sq")
  RVAL <- list(breakpoints = bp,
               breakdates = bd,
	       RSS = RSS,
	       call = object$call)
  class(RVAL) <- "summary.breakpointsfull"

print.summary.breakpointsfull <- function(x, digits = max(2, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
  bp <- x$breakpoints
  breaks <- ncol(bp)
  bd <- x$breakdates
  RSS <- x$RSS
  bp[is.na(bp)] <- ""
  bd[is.na(bd)] <- ""
  rownames(bp) <- paste("m = ", rownames(bp), "  ", sep = "")
  rownames(bd) <- paste("m = ", rownames(bd), "  ", sep = "")
  RSS <- rbind(0:(ncol(RSS) - 1), format(RSS, digits = digits))
  rownames(RSS) <- c("m","RSS", "BIC", "LWZ", "R.sq")
  colnames(RSS) <- rep("", breaks + 1)

  cat("\n\t Optimal (m+1)-segment partition: \n\n")
  cat("\nBreakpoints at observation number:\n")
  print(bp, quote = FALSE)
  cat("\nCorresponding to breakdates:\n")
  print(bd, quote = FALSE)
  print(RSS, quote = FALSE)

plot.breakpointsfull <- function(x, breaks = NULL, ...)
  rval <- summary(x, breaks = breaks)
  plot(rval, ...)

plot.summary.breakpointsfull <- function(x, type = "b", col = c(1,4,5), legend = TRUE,
  xlab = "Number of breakpoints", ylab = "", main = "BIC, LWZ and Residual Sum of Squares", ...)
  breaks <- as.numeric(colnames(x$RSS))
  RSS <- x$RSS["RSS",]
  BIC <- x$RSS["BIC",]
  LWZ <- x$RSS["LWZ",]
  plot(breaks, BIC, ylab = "", ylim=c(min(c(BIC, LWZ)), max(c(BIC, LWZ))), xlab = xlab, main = main, type = type, col = col[1], ...)
  points(breaks, LWZ, col=col[3], type=type)
  onew <- getOption("new")
  par(new = TRUE)
  plot(breaks, RSS, type = type, axes = FALSE, col = col[2], xlab = "", ylab = "")
  if(legend) legend("topright", c("BIC", "RSS", "LWZ"), lty = rep(1, 2), col = col, bty = "n")
  par(new = onew)

logLik.breakpoints <- function(object, ...)
  n <- object$nobs
  df <- (object$nreg + 1) * (length(object$breakpoints[!is.na(object$breakpoints)]) + 1)
  logL <- -0.5 * n * (log(object$RSS) + 1 - log(n) + log(2 * pi))
  attr(logL, "df") <- df
  class(logL) <- "logLik"

logLik.breakpointsfull <- function(object, breaks = NULL, ...)
  bp <- breakpoints(object, breaks = breaks)
  logL <- logLik(bp)

AIC.breakpointsfull <- function(object, breaks = NULL, ..., k = 2)
  if(is.null(breaks)) breaks <- 0:(ncol(object$RSS.table)/2)
  for(m in breaks)
    RVAL <- c(RVAL, AIC(breakpoints(object, breaks = m), k = k))
  names(RVAL) <- breaks

LWZ <- function(object, ...)

LWZ.breakpointsfull <- function(object, ...)
    return(AIC.breakpointsfull(object, ..., k=0.299 * log(object$nobs)^2.1))

LWZ.breakpoints <- function(object, ...)
    return(AIC(object, k = 0.299 * log(object$nobs)^2.1))

pargmaxV <- function(x, xi = 1, phi1 = 1, phi2 = 1)
  phi <- xi * (phi2/phi1)^2

  G1 <- function(x, xi = 1, phi = 1)
    x <- abs(x)
    frac <- xi/phi
    rval <- - exp(log(x)/2 - x/8 - log(2*pi)/2) -
              (phi/xi * (phi + 2*xi)/(phi+xi)) * exp((frac * (1 + frac) * x/2) + pnorm(-(0.5 + frac) * sqrt(x), log.p = TRUE)) +
	      exp(log(x/2 - 2 + ((phi + 2 * xi)^2)/((phi + xi)*xi)) + pnorm(-sqrt(x)/2, log.p = TRUE))

  G2 <- function(x, xi = 1, phi = 1)
    x <- abs(x)
    frac <- xi^2/phi
    rval <- 1 + sqrt(frac) * exp(log(x)/2 - (frac*x)/8  - log(2*pi)/2) +
            (xi/phi * (2*phi + xi)/(phi + xi)) * exp(((phi + xi) * x/2) + pnorm(-(phi + xi/2)/sqrt(phi) * sqrt(x), log.p = TRUE)) -
	    exp(log(((2*phi + xi)^2)/((phi+xi)*phi) - 2 + frac*x/2) + pnorm(-sqrt(frac) * sqrt(x)/2 , log.p = TRUE))

  ifelse(x < 0, G1(x, xi = xi, phi = phi), G2(x, xi = xi, phi = phi))

confint.breakpointsfull <- function(object, parm = NULL, level = 0.95, breaks = NULL,
                                    het.reg = TRUE, het.err = TRUE, vcov. = NULL, sandwich = TRUE, ...)
  X <- object$X
  y <- object$y
  n <- object$nobs
  a2 <- (1 - level)/2
  if(!is.null(parm) & !is.null(breaks))
    warning("`parm' and `breaks' are both specified: `breaks' is used")
    if(!is.null(parm)) breaks <- parm

  myfun <- function(x, level = 0.975, xi = 1, phi1 = 1, phi2 = 1)
    (pargmaxV(x, xi = xi, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2) - level)

  myprod <- function(delta, mat) as.vector(crossprod(delta, mat) %*% delta)

  bp <- breakpoints(object, breaks = breaks)$breakpoints
  if(any(is.na(bp))) stop("cannot compute confidence interval when `breaks = 0'")
  nbp <- length(bp)
  upper <- rep(0, nbp)
  lower <- rep(0, nbp)
  bp <- c(0, bp, n)

  res <- residuals(object, breaks = breaks)
  sigma1 <- sigma2 <- sum(res^2)/n
  Q1 <- Q2 <- crossprod(X)/n

    Omega1 <- Omega2 <- sigma1 * Q1
  else {
    y.nb <- rowSums(X) + res
    fm <- lm(y.nb ~ 0 + X)
    if(sandwich) {
      Omega1 <- Omega2 <- n * crossprod(Q1, vcov.(fm)) %*% Q1
    } else {
      Omega1 <- Omega2 <- vcov.(fm)

  xi <- 1

  X2 <- X[(bp[1]+1):bp[2],,drop = FALSE]
  y2 <- y[(bp[1]+1):bp[2]]
  fm2 <- lm(y2 ~ 0+ X2) 
  beta2 <- coef(fm2)
  if(het.reg) Q2 <- crossprod(X2)/nrow(X2)
  if(het.err) {
    sigma2 <- sum(residuals(fm2)^2)/nrow(X2)
      Omega2 <- sigma2 * Q2
    else {
      if(sandwich) Omega2 <- nrow(X2) * crossprod(Q2, vcov.(fm2)) %*% Q2
        else Omega2 <- vcov.(fm2)

  for(i in 2:(nbp+1))
    X1 <- X2
    y1 <- y2
    beta1 <- beta2
    sigma1 <- sigma2
    Q1 <- Q2
    Omega1 <- Omega2

    X2 <- X[(bp[i]+1):bp[i+1],,drop = FALSE]
    y2 <- y[(bp[i]+1):bp[i+1]]
    fm2 <- lm(y2 ~ 0 + X2) 
    beta2 <- coef(fm2)
    delta <- beta2 - beta1

    if(het.reg) Q2 <- crossprod(X2)/nrow(X2)
    if(het.err) {
      sigma2 <- sum(residuals(fm2)^2)/nrow(X2)
        Omega2 <- sigma2 * Q2
      else {
        if(sandwich) Omega2 <- nrow(X2) * crossprod(Q2, vcov.(fm2)) %*% Q2
          else Omega2 <- vcov.(fm2)
    Oprod1 <- myprod(delta, Omega1)
    Oprod2 <- myprod(delta, Omega2)
    Qprod1 <- myprod(delta, Q1)
    Qprod2 <- myprod(delta, Q2)

    if(het.reg) xi <- Qprod2/Qprod1
    if(!is.null(vcov.)) phi1 <- sqrt(Oprod1/Qprod1)
      else phi1 <- sqrt(sigma1)
    if(!is.null(vcov.)) phi2 <- sqrt(Oprod2/Qprod2)
      else phi2 <- sqrt(sigma2)
    p0 <- pargmaxV(0, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2, xi = xi)
    if(is.nan(p0) || p0 < a2 || p0 > (1-a2)) {
      warning(paste("Confidence interval", as.integer(i-1),
        "cannot be computed: P(argmax V <= 0) =", round(p0, digits = 4)))
      upper[i-1] <- NA
      lower[i-1] <- NA
    } else {
      ub <- lb <- 0
      while(pargmaxV(ub, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2, xi = xi) < (1 - a2)) ub <- ub + 1000
      while(pargmaxV(lb, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2, xi = xi) > a2) lb <- lb - 1000

      upper[i-1] <- uniroot(myfun, c(0, ub), level = (1-a2), xi = xi, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2)$root
      lower[i-1] <- uniroot(myfun, c(lb, 0), level = a2, xi = xi, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2)$root
      upper[i-1] <- upper[i-1] * phi1^2 / Qprod1
      lower[i-1] <- lower[i-1] * phi1^2 / Qprod1
  bp <- bp[-c(1, nbp+2)]
  bp <- cbind(bp - ceiling(upper), bp, bp - floor(lower))
  #V.BP# bp <- cbind(floor(bp - upper) - 1, bp, floor(bp - lower) + 1)
  a2 <- round(a2 * 100, digits = 1)
  colnames(bp) <- c(paste(a2, "%"), "breakpoints", paste(100 - a2, "%"))
  rownames(bp) <- 1:nbp
  RVAL <- list(confint = bp,
               nobs = object$nobs,
	       nreg = object$nreg,
	       call = match.call(),
               datatsp = object$datatsp)
  class(RVAL) <- "confint.breakpoints"

breakdates.confint.breakpoints <- function(obj, format.times = FALSE, ...)
  bp <- list(breakpoints = NA, nobs = obj$nobs, datatsp = obj$datatsp)
  class(bp) <- "breakpoints"
  RVAL <- obj$confint
  for(i in 1:3) {
    bp$breakpoints <- obj$confint[,i]
    RVAL[,i] <- breakdates(bp, format.times = format.times, ...)

  bp$breakpoints <- c(1, obj$nobs)
  startend <- breakdates(bp, format.times = NULL, ...)
  nbp <- nrow(obj$confint)
  if(any(obj$confint < 1) | any(obj$confint > obj$nobs))
    warning(paste("Confidence intervals outside data time interval\n\t from ",
            startend[1], " to ", startend[2], " (", obj$nobs, " observations)", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
  if(any(obj$confint[-1,1] < obj$confint[-nbp,3]))
    warning("Overlapping confidence intervals", call. = FALSE)


print.confint.breakpoints <- function(x, format.times = NULL, ...)
  if(is.null(format.times)) format.times <- ((x$datatsp[3] > 1) & (x$datatsp[3] < x$nobs))
  nbp <- nrow(x$confint)
  cat("\n\t Confidence intervals for breakpoints")
  cat(paste("\n\t of optimal ", nbp + 1, "-segment partition: \n\n", sep = ""))
  cat("\nBreakpoints at observation number:\n")
  print(x$confint, quote = FALSE)
  cat("\nCorresponding to breakdates:\n")
  print(breakdates(x, format.times = format.times, ...), quote = FALSE)

lines.confint.breakpoints <- function(x, col = 2, angle = 90, length = 0.05,
  code = 3, at = NULL, breakpoints = TRUE, ...)
  nbp <- nrow(x$confint)
  x <- breakdates(x)
  if(breakpoints) abline(v = x[,2], lty = 2)
  if(is.null(at)) {
    at <- par("usr")[3:4]
    at <- diff(at)/1.08 * 0.02 + at[1]
  if(length(at) < nbp) at <- rep(at, length.out = nbp)
  arrows(x[,1], at, x[,3], at, col = col, angle = angle, length = length, code = code, ...)

coef.breakpointsfull <- function(object, breaks = NULL, names = NULL, ...)
  X <- object$X
  y <- object$y
  n <- object$nobs
  bp <- obp <- breakpoints(object, breaks = breaks)$breakpoints
  if(any(is.na(bp))) {
    nbp <- 0
    bp <- c(0, n)
  } else {
    nbp <- length(bp)
    bp <- c(0, bp, n)
  if(!is.null(names)) {
    if(length(names) == 1) names <- paste(names, 1:(nbp+1))
      else if(length(names) != (nbp+1)) names <- NULL
  if(is.null(names)) {
    bd1 <- structure(list(breakpoints = bp[-(nbp+2)] + 1, nobs = n, datatsp = object$datatsp),
                    class = "breakpoints")
    bd2 <- structure(list(breakpoints = bp[-1], nobs = n, datatsp = object$datatsp),
                    class = "breakpoints")
    bd1 <- breakdates(bd1, format.times = NULL)
    bd2 <- breakdates(bd2, format.times = NULL)
    names <- paste(bd1, "-", bd2) 
  rval <- NULL

  for(i in 1:(nbp+1))
    X2 <- X[(bp[i]+1):bp[i+1],,drop = FALSE]
    y2 <- y[(bp[i]+1):bp[i+1]]
    rval <- rbind(rval, lm.fit(X2, y2)$coef)
  rownames(rval) <- names

fitted.breakpointsfull <- function(object, breaks = NULL, bp=NULL, ...)
  X <- object$X
  y <- object$y
  n <- object$nobs
  if (is.null(bp))
    bp <- obp <- breakpoints(object, breaks = breaks)$breakpoints
  else obp <- bp
  if(any(is.na(bp))) {
    nbp <- 0
    bp <- c(0, n)
  } else {
    nbp <- length(bp)
    bp <- c(0, bp, n)
  rval <- NULL

  for(i in 1:(nbp+1))
    X2 <- X[(bp[i]+1):bp[i+1],,drop = FALSE]
    y2 <- y[(bp[i]+1):bp[i+1]]
    rval <- c(rval, lm.fit(X2, y2)$fitted.values)
  rval <- ts(as.vector(rval))
  tsp(rval) <- object$datatsp

residuals.breakpointsfull <- function(object, breaks = NULL, ...)
  X <- object$X
  y <- object$y
  n <- object$nobs
  bp <- obp <- breakpoints(object, breaks = breaks)$breakpoints
  if(any(is.na(bp))) {
    nbp <- 0
    bp <- c(0, n)
  } else {
    nbp <- length(bp)
    bp <- c(0, bp, n)
  rval <- NULL

  for(i in 1:(nbp+1))
    X2 <- X[(bp[i]+1):bp[i+1],,drop = FALSE]
    y2 <- y[(bp[i]+1):bp[i+1]]
    rval <- c(rval, lm.fit(X2, y2)$residuals)
  rval <- ts(as.vector(rval))
  tsp(rval) <- object$datatsp

vcov.breakpointsfull <- function(object, breaks = NULL, names = NULL, het.reg = TRUE,
                                 het.err = TRUE, vcov. = NULL, sandwich = TRUE, ...)
  X <- object$X
  y <- object$y
  n <- object$nobs

  bp <- breakpoints(object, breaks = breaks)$breakpoints
  if(any(is.na(bp))) {
    nbp <- 0
    bp <- c(0, n)
  } else {
    nbp <- length(bp)
    bp <- c(0, bp, n)

  if(!is.null(names)) {
    if(length(names) == 1) names <- paste(names, 1:(nbp+1))
      else if(length(names) != (nbp+1)) names <- NULL
  if(is.null(names)) {
    bd1 <- structure(list(breakpoints = bp[-(nbp+2)] + 1, nobs = n, datatsp = object$datatsp),
                    class = "breakpoints")
    bd2 <- structure(list(breakpoints = bp[-1], nobs = n, datatsp = object$datatsp),
                    class = "breakpoints")
    bd1 <- breakdates(bd1, format.times = NULL)
    bd2 <- breakdates(bd2, format.times = NULL)
    names <- paste(bd1, "-", bd2) 
  res <- residuals(object, breaks = breaks)
  sigma2 <- sum(res^2)/n
  Q2 <- crossprod(X)/n

    Omega2 <- sigma2 * solve(Q2) / n
  else {
    y.nb <- rowSums(X) + res
    fm <- lm(y.nb ~ 0 + X)
    if(sandwich) {
      Omega2 <- vcov.(fm)
    } else {
      modelv <- summary(fm)$cov.unscaled
      Omega2 <- n * modelv %*% vcov.(fm) %*% modelv
  rownames(Omega2) <- colnames(Omega2) <- colnames(X)

  rval <- list()

  for(i in 1:(nbp+1))
    X2 <- X[(bp[i]+1):bp[i+1],,drop = FALSE]
    y2 <- y[(bp[i]+1):bp[i+1]]
    fm2 <- lm(y2 ~ 0 + X2) 

    if(het.reg) Q2 <- crossprod(X2)/nrow(X2)
    if(het.err) {
      sigma2 <- sum(residuals(fm2)^2)/nrow(X2)
        Omega2 <- sigma2 * solve(Q2) / nrow(X2)
      else {
        if(sandwich) {
          Omega2 <- vcov.(fm2)
        } else {
          modelv <- summary(fm2)$cov.unscaled
          Omega2 <- n * modelv %*% vcov.(fm2) %*% modelv
      rownames(Omega2) <- colnames(Omega2) <- colnames(X)
    rval[[i]] <- Omega2
  names(rval) <- names

df.residual.breakpointsfull <- function(object, ...)
  rval <- table(breakfactor(object, ...)) - object$nreg
  names(rval) <- rownames(coef(object, ...))

magnitude <- function(object, ...)

# Returns a vector of magnitudes of change
magnitude.breakpointsfull <- function(object, interval = 0.1, breaks = NULL, component = "trend", ...)
    X <- object$X[,!colnames(object$X) %in% "(Intercept)", drop=FALSE] # Do not take intercept
    y <- object$y
    # Also filter out the intercept from the components, in case users are lazy and put in all model names()
    component <- component[!component %in% "(Intercept)"]
    if (interval <= 0 || interval > length(y))
        stop("Requested interval for magnitude computation out of valid range")
    if (interval < 1)
        interval <- floor(length(y)*interval) # Convert to number of samples #TODO: Add handling of time
    bp <- breakpoints(object, breaks=breaks)$breakpoints
    nrbp <- length(bp)
    if (nrbp < 2 && is.na(bp))
        stop("There are no breakpoints to calculate magnitudes for!")
    if (!any(colnames(object$X) %in% component))
        stop(paste("The specified component", component, "is missing"))
    co  <- coef(object, breaks=breaks)
    Mag <- matrix(NA, nrbp, 6)
    for (i in 1:nrbp) {
        interval_start <- max(bp[i]-interval, 1)
        interval_end   <- min(bp[i]+interval, nrow(X))
        # Fitted components over the interval range from the breakpoint
        fit_prev <- co[i,   "(Intercept)"]
        fit_next <- co[i+1, "(Intercept)"]
        for (comp in component) {
            fit_prev <- X[interval_start:interval_end,comp] * co[i,   comp] + fit_prev
            fit_next <- X[interval_start:interval_end,comp] * co[i+1, comp] + fit_next
        # First fitted values before and after the break; for legacy reasons
        Mag[i, 1] <- co[i,   "(Intercept)"]
        Mag[i, 2] <- co[i+1, "(Intercept)"]
        for (comp in component) {
            Mag[i, 1] <- X[bp[i],  comp] * co[i,   comp] + Mag[i, 1]
            Mag[i, 2] <- X[bp[i]+1,comp] * co[i+1, comp] + Mag[i, 2]
        Mag[i, 3] <- Mag[i, 2] - Mag[i, 1]
        Mag[i, 4] <- sqrt(mean((fit_next - fit_prev)^2))
        Mag[i, 5] <- mean(abs(fit_next - fit_prev))
        Mag[i, 6] <- mean(fit_next - fit_prev)
        colnames(Mag) = c("before", "after", "diff", "RMSD", "MAD", "MD")
    index <- which.max(abs(Mag[, 3]))
    m.x <- rep(bp[index], 2)
    m.y <- c(Mag[index, 1], Mag[index, 2]) #Magnitude position
    Magnitude <- Mag[index, 3] # Magnitude of biggest change
    Time <- bp[index]
    Result <- list(Mag=Mag, m.x=m.x, m.y=m.y, Magnitude=Magnitude, Time=Time)
    class(Result) <- "magnitude"
appelmar/strucchange documentation built on Nov. 27, 2021, 8:55 a.m.