## openbugs_fixed.R : FIXED openbugs function from R2WinBUGS package :
## Fixes bug that crashes R when BRugs::samplesMonitors fails
.openbugs.fcs2 <- function (data, inits, parameters.to.save, model.file = "model.txt",
n.chains = 3, n.iter = 2000, n.burnin = floor(n.iter/2),
n.thin = max(1, floor(n.chains * (n.iter - n.burnin)/n.sims)),
n.sims = 1000, DIC = TRUE, bugs.directory = "c:/Program Files/OpenBUGS/",
working.directory = NULL, digits = 5, over.relax = FALSE,
bugs.seed = NULL, fit)
if (!requireNamespace("BRugs", quietly = TRUE))
stop("BRugs is required")
modelFile <- model.file
numChains <- n.chains
nBurnin <- n.burnin
nIter <- n.iter - n.burnin
nThin <- n.thin
if (DIC)
parameters.to.save <- c(parameters.to.save, "deviance")
parametersToSave <- parameters.to.save
if (is.null(working.directory)) {
working.directory <- tempdir()
inTempDir <- TRUE
savedWD <- getwd()
if (inTempDir && basename(model.file) == model.file)
try(file.copy(file.path(savedWD, model.file), model.file,
overwrite = TRUE))
if (!file.exists(modelFile)) {
stop(modelFile, " does not exist")
if (file.info(modelFile)$isdir) {
stop(modelFile, " is a directory, but a file is required")
if (!length(grep("\r\n", readChar(modelFile, 10^3)))) {
message("Carriage returns added to model file ", modelFile)
model <- readLines(modelFile)
try(writeLines(model, modelFile))
if (!(is.vector(data) && is.character(data) && all(file.exists(data)))) {
data <- BRugs::bugsData(data, digits = digits)
if (inTempDir && all(basename(data) == data))
try(file.copy(file.path(savedWD, data), data, overwrite = TRUE))
if (!is.null(bugs.seed))
BRugs::modelSetSeed(newSeed = bugs.seed)
if (missing(inits) || is.null(inits)) {
else {
if (is.list(inits) || is.function(inits) || (is.character(inits) &&
!any(file.exists(inits)))) {
inits <- BRugs::bugsInits(inits = inits, numChains = numChains,
digits = digits)
if (inTempDir && all(basename(inits) == inits))
try(file.copy(file.path(savedWD, inits), inits, overwrite = TRUE))
if (getOption("BRugsVerbose")) {
cat("Sampling has been started ...\n")
BRugs::modelUpdate(nBurnin, overRelax = over.relax)
if (DIC) {
on.exit(BRugs::dicClear(), add = TRUE)
BRugs::modelUpdate(nIter, overRelax = over.relax)
### BUG FIX: avoid call to samplesMonitors as can fail ###
## OLD: params <- sort.name(BRugs::samplesMonitors("*"), parametersToSave)
# extract rw and spatial vars
groupPars <- variable.names.fcs2Fit(fit, r=FALSE, q=FALSE, linear=FALSE, hyperparams=FALSE)
groupPars <- make.names(groupPars) # convert to names
# create new list of pars without these
pars.long <- setdiff(parametersToSave, groupPars) # removed these names
# Now add long versions of rw and spatial terms:
# Random walk terms:
for (var in c(fit$muRW1Vars, fit$muRW2Vars))
pars.long <- c(pars.long, paste(make.names(paste("beta.", var, sep="")),
"[", 1:length(fit$rwBoundaries[[paste("beta", var, sep=".")]]), "]", sep=""))
for (var in c(fit$rhoRW1Vars, fit$rhoRW2Vars))
pars.long <- c(pars.long, paste(make.names(paste("gamma.", var, sep="")),
"[", 1:length(fit$rwBoundaries[[paste("gamma", var, sep=".")]]), "]", sep=""))
# Spatial terms:
if (!is.null(fit$muSpatialVar))
pars.long <- c(pars.long, paste(make.names(paste("beta.", fit$muSpatialVar, sep="")),
"[", 1:length(fit$muAdjacency$num), "]", sep=""))
if (!is.null(fit$rhoSpatialVar))
pars.long <- c(pars.long, paste(make.names(paste("gamma.", fit$rhoSpatialVar, sep="")),
"[", 1:length(fit$rhoAdjacency$num), "]", sep=""))
# create full params list with order or parametersToSave
params <- .sort.name(pars.long, parametersToSave)
### END BUG FIX ###
samples <- sapply(params, BRugs::samplesSample)
n.saved.per.chain <- nrow(samples)/numChains
samples.array <- array(samples, c(n.saved.per.chain, numChains,
dimnames(samples.array)[[3]] <- dimnames(samples)[[2]]
if (DIC) {
DICOutput <- BRugs::dicStats()
else {
DICOutput <- NULL
bugs.output <- as.bugs.array(sims.array = samples.array,
model.file = modelFile, program = "OpenBUGS", DIC = DIC,
DICOutput = DICOutput, n.iter = n.iter, n.burnin = n.burnin,
n.thin = n.thin)
.sort.name <- function(a, b)
bracket.pos <- regexpr("\\[", a)
a.stem <- substr(a, 1, ifelse(bracket.pos > 0, bracket.pos - 1, nchar(a)))
a[order(match(a.stem, b))]
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