
Defines functions CalcRangeSize

Documented in CalcRangeSize

CalcRangeSize <- function(x, method = "eoo_pseudospherical", terrestrial = FALSE, 
    biome = NULL, eco = NULL, convex.reps = 1, convex.repfrac = 1, convex.repsize = NULL, 
    convex.rare = "buffer", convex.buffer.width = 10000, aoo.reps = 3, aoo.proj = NULL, 
    aoo.gridsize = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
    base::match.arg(arg = method, choices = c("eoo_euclidean", "eoo_pseudospherical", 
        "aoo", "maxdist", "qdist", "ecoregion"))
    base::match.arg(arg = convex.rare, choices = c("buffer", "drop"))
    if (!requireNamespace("geosphere", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package 'geosphere' not found. Please install.", call. = FALSE)
    # projection
    wgs84 <- sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
    warning("Assuming lat/long wgs84 coordinates")
    # fix different input data types data.frame
    if (is.data.frame(x)) {
        dat <- x[, c("species", "decimallongitude", "decimallatitude")]
    ## spgeoOUt
    if (is.spgeoOUT(x)) {
        dat <- x$samples[, 1:3]
    if (class(x) == "SpatialPointsDataFrame") {
        dat <- data.frame(species = x@data$species, coordinates(x))
        names(dat) <- c("species", "decimallongitude", "decimallatitude")
    # prepare cropping to landmass
    if (terrestrial) {
        if (!requireNamespace("rgeos", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("Package 'rgeos' not found. Please install.", call. = FALSE)
        # create landmass mask
        pts <- sp::SpatialPoints(dat[, c("decimallongitude", "decimallatitude")])
        cropper <- raster::extent(pts)
        cropper <- cropper + 1
        cropper <- raster::crop(speciesgeocodeR::landmass, cropper)
    # area calculations Euclidean convex hull
    if (method == "eoo_euclidean") {
        # species with less than 3 records
        filt <- dat[!duplicated(dat), ]
        filt <- base::table(filt$species)
        sortout <- filt[filt <= 2]
        filt <- filt[filt > 2]
        dat.filt <- base::droplevels(subset(dat, dat$species %in% as.character(names(filt))))
        # check for species where all lat or long ar identical, to prevent line
        # polygons longitude
        test <- split(dat.filt, f = dat.filt$species)
        test <- sapply(test, function(k) {
        sortout2 <- names(test[test == 1])
        sortout <- c(sortout, sortout2)
        dat.filt <- droplevels(subset(dat.filt, !dat.filt$species %in% sortout))
        # latitude
        test <- split(dat.filt, f = dat.filt$species)
        test <- sapply(test, function(k) {
        sortout2 <- names(test[test == 1])
        sortout <- c(sortout, sortout2)
        dat.filt <- droplevels(subset(dat.filt, !dat.filt$species %in% sortout))
        # test for almost perfect fit
        test2 <- sapply(test, function(k) {
            round(abs(cor(k[, "decimallongitude"], k[, "decimallatitude"])), 
        sortout2 <- names(test2[test2 == 1])
        sortout <- c(sortout, sortout2)
        dat.filt <- droplevels(subset(dat.filt, !dat.filt$species %in% sortout))
        if (length(sortout) > 0) {
            warning("found species with < 3 occurrences:", base::paste("\n", 
        if (nrow(dat.filt) > 0) {
            # split by species
            inp <- split(dat.filt, f = dat.filt$species)
            # test for occurrences spanning > 180 degrees
            test <- lapply(inp, function(k) {
                sp::SpatialPoints(k[, 2:3])
            test <- lapply(test, function(k) raster::extent(k))
            test <- lapply(test, function(k) {
                (k@xmax + 180) - (k@xmin + 180)
            test <- unlist(lapply(test, function(k) {
                k >= 180
            if (base::any(test)) {
                stop("data includes species spanning >180 degrees.")
            # calcualte polygon area
            are <- lapply(inp, ".ConvArea", reps = convex.reps, repfrac = convex.repfrac, 
                repsize = convex.repsize, terrestrial = terrestrial, type = "euclidean", 
                cropper = cropper, biome = biome)
            out <- base::do.call("rbind.data.frame", are)
            rownames(out) <- names(are)
            names(out) <- "range"
        } else {
            warning("no species with more than 2 occurrences found")
            out <- data.frame(range = NA)
    # Pseudospherical
    if (method == "eoo_pseudospherical") {
        # species with less than 3 records
        filt <- dat[!duplicated(dat), ]
        filt <- table(filt$species)
        sortout <- names(filt[filt <= 2])
        filt <- filt[filt > 2]
        dat.filt <- droplevels(subset(dat, dat$species %in% as.character(names(filt))))
        # check for species where all lat or long ar identical, to prevent line
        # polygons longitude
        test <- split(dat.filt, f = dat.filt$species)
        test <- sapply(test, function(k) {
        sortout2 <- names(test[test == 1])
        sortout <- c(sortout, sortout2)
        dat.filt <- droplevels(subset(dat.filt, !dat.filt$species %in% sortout))
        # latitude
        test <- split(dat.filt, f = dat.filt$species)
        test <- sapply(test, function(k) {
        sortout2 <- names(test[test == 1])
        sortout <- c(sortout, sortout2)
        dat.filt <- droplevels(subset(dat.filt, !dat.filt$species %in% sortout))
        # test for almost perfect fit
        test <- split(dat.filt, f = dat.filt$species)
        test2 <- sapply(test, function(k) {
            round(abs(cor(k[, "decimallongitude"], k[, "decimallatitude"])), 
        sortout2 <- names(test2[test2 == 1])
        sortout <- c(sortout, sortout2)
        dat.filt <- droplevels(subset(dat.filt, !dat.filt$species %in% sortout))
        if (length(sortout) > 0) {
            warning("found species with < 3 occurrences:", paste("\n", names(sortout)))
        if (nrow(dat.filt) > 0) {
            # split by species
            inp <- split(dat.filt, f = dat.filt$species)
            # test for occurrences spanning > 180 degrees
            test <- lapply(inp, function(k) {
                SpatialPoints(k[, 2:3])
            test <- lapply(test, function(k) raster::extent(k))
            test <- lapply(test, function(k) {
                (k@xmax + 180) - (k@xmin + 180)
            test <- unlist(lapply(test, function(k) {
                k >= 180
            if (any(test)) {
                stop("data includes species spanning >180 degrees.")
            # calculate polygon area
            are <- lapply(inp, ".ConvArea", reps = convex.reps, repfrac = convex.repfrac, 
                repsize = convex.repsize, terrestrial = terrestrial, type = "pseudospherical", 
                cropper = cropper, biome = biome)
            out <- do.call("rbind.data.frame", are)
            rownames(out) <- names(are)
            names(out) <- "range"
        } else {
            warning("no species with more than 2 occurrences found")
            out <- NULL
    # maxdist
    if (method == "maxdist") {
        # species with less than 3 records
        filt <- table(dat$species)
        sortout <- names(filt[filt <= 2])
        filt <- filt[filt > 2]
        dat.filt <- droplevels(subset(dat, dat$species %in% as.character(names(filt))))
        if (length(sortout) > 0) {
            warning("found species with < 3 occurrences, excluded from output:", 
                paste("\n", names(sortout)))
        if (nrow(dat.filt) == 0) {
            warning("no species with more than 2 occurrences found")
            out <- data.frame(row.names = names(sortout), maxdist = rep("NA", 
        } else {
            if (terrestrial) {
                pts <- SpatialPoints(dat.filt[, c("decimallongitude", "decimallatitude")])
                test <- sp::over(pts, cropper)
                dat.filt <- dat.filt[!is.na(test[, 1]), ]
            # split by species
            inp <- split(dat.filt, f = dat.filt$species)
            # distance calculation
            out <- lapply(inp, function(k) {
                geosphere::distm(x = k[, 2:3], fun = distHaversine)
            out <- data.frame(unlist(lapply(out, "max")))
            names(out) <- "range"
            out <- round(out/1000, 0)
    # quantile distance
    if (method == "qdist") {
        # species with less than 3 records
        filt <- table(dat$species)
        sortout <- names(filt[filt <= 2])
        filt <- filt[filt > 2]
        dat.filt <- droplevels(subset(dat, dat$species %in% as.character(names(filt))))
        if (length(sortout) > 0) {
            warning("found species with < 3 occurrences, excluded from output:", 
                paste("\n", names(sortout)))
        if (nrow(dat.filt) == 0) {
            warning("no species with more than 2 occurrences found")
            out <- data.frame(row.names = names(sortout), qdist25 = rep("NA", 
                length(sortout)), qdist75 = rep("NA", length(sortout)))
        } else {
            if (terrestrial) {
                pts <- SpatialPoints(dat.filt[, c("decimallongitude", "decimallatitude")])
                test <- sp::over(pts, cropper)
                dat.filt <- dat.filt[!is.na(test[, 1]), ]
            # split by species
            inp <- split(dat.filt, f = dat.filt$species)
            # distance calculation
            out <- lapply(inp, function(k) {
                geosphere::distm(x = k[, 2:3], fun = geosphere::distHaversine)
            out.qntd <- lapply(out, function(k) {
                apply(k, 2, "max")
            })  #take the maximum distance per point
            out.qntd <- lapply(out.qntd, function(k) {
                stats::quantile(k, probs = c(0.25, 0.75))
            out <- do.call("rbind.data.frame", out.qntd)
            names(out) <- c("qdist25", "qdist75")
            out <- round(out/1000, 0)
    # AOO
    if (method == "aoo") {
        wgs84 <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
        if (is.null(aoo.proj)) {
            aoo.proj <- CRS("+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371228 +b=6371228 +units=m +no_defs")
            warning("no CRS for AOO calculation found. Using cylindrical equal area")
        if (is.null(aoo.gridsize)) {
            aoo.gridsize <- 4e+06
            warning("aoo.gridsize not found. Set to 4 sqkm")
        if (terrestrial) {
            pts <- SpatialPoints(dat[, c("decimallongitude", "decimallatitude")])
            test <- sp::over(pts, cropper)
            dat <- dat[!is.na(test[, 1]), ]
        # identify secies with only one record
        coun <- table(dat$species)
        occ <- dat[dat$species %in% names(coun[coun > 1]), ]
        occ$species <- as.character(occ$species)
        sings <- dat[dat$species %in% names(coun[coun == 1]), "species"]
        if (nrow(occ) != 0) {
            pts <- sp::SpatialPoints(occ[, 2:3], proj4string = wgs84)
            pts <- sp::spTransform(pts, aoo.proj)
            aoo.extent <- raster::extent(pts)
            aoo.extent <- aoo.extent + (sqrt(aoo.gridsize))
            # create a list of species for which to calculate AOO
            occs <- split(data.frame(species = occ[, 1], coordinates(pts)), 
                f = occ$species)
            aoo.out <- list()
            for (i in 1:aoo.reps) {
                rr <- aoo.extent + (((sqrt(aoo.gridsize))/aoo.reps) * (i - 1))
                rr <- raster::raster(rr)
                res(rr) <- sqrt(aoo.gridsize)
                aoo <- lapply(occs, function(k) {
                  pts <- SpatialPoints(k[, 2:3])
                  uu <- raster::rasterize(pts, rr, fun = "count")
                  uu[uu > 1] <- 1
                  out <- sum(getValues(uu), na.rm = TRUE) * aoo.gridsize
                aoo.out[[i]] <- do.call("rbind.data.frame", aoo)
                names(aoo.out[[i]])[1] <- paste("rep", i, sep = "_")
            # find minimum value and create output object
            aoo.out <- do.call("cbind.data.frame", aoo.out)
            aoo.out <- data.frame(AOO = do.call(pmin, as.data.frame(aoo.out)), 
                row.names = names(occs))
            out <- rbind(aoo.out, data.frame(AOO = rep(aoo.gridsize, length(sings)), 
                row.names = sings))
            out <- round(out/(1000 * 1000), 0)
        } else {
            out <- data.frame(range = rep(round(aoo.gridsize/(1000 * 1000), 
                0), length(sings)), row.names = sings)
        sortout <- NULL
    # ecoregion
    if (method == "ecoregion") {
        if (!requireNamespace("rgeos", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("Package 'rgeos' not found. Please install", call. = FALSE)
        if (is.null(eco)) {
            warning("'eco' not specified. Please download the WWF ecoregions")
        pts <- sp::SpatialPoints(dat[c("decimallongitude", "decimallatitude")])
        eco.calc <- raster::crop(eco, raster::extent(pts))
        if (is.null(eco.calc)) {
            eco.calc <- eco
        # split by species
        inp <- split(dat, f = dat$species)
        out <- lapply(inp, function(k) {
            pts <- SpatialPoints(k[, c("decimallongitude", "decimallatitude")])
            out <- over(pts, eco.calc)
            if (all(is.na(out))) {
                out <- NA
            } else {
                out <- sum(geosphere::areaPolygon(eco[eco$ECO_ID %in% out$ECO_ID, 
        out <- do.call("rbind.data.frame", out)
        names(out) <- "range"
        out <- round(out/(1000 * 1000), 0)
        sortout <- NULL
    # add species with not enought points calculate area based on bufferbuffer
    # if rare == buffer
    if (convex.rare == "buffer" & length(sortout) > 0) {
        cea <- sp::CRS("+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371228 +b=6371228 +units=m +no_defs")
        rar <- sapply(sortout, function(k) {
            sub <- droplevels(subset(dat, dat$species == k))
            rar <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(sub[, c("decimallongitude", "decimallatitude")], 
                data = sub[, "species", drop = FALSE], proj4string = wgs84)
            rar.cea <- sp::spTransform(rar, cea)
            rar.cea <- rgeos::gBuffer(rar.cea, width = convex.buffer.width, 
                byid = TRUE)
            rar.cea <- rgeos::gUnaryUnion(rar.cea)
            rar <- sp::spTransform(rar.cea, wgs84)
        rar.out <- Reduce(raster::bind, rar)
        rar.out <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(rar.out, data = data.frame(species = sortout))
        if (terrestrial) {
            rar2 <- rgeos::gIntersection(rar.out, cropper, byid = TRUE)
            rar.add <- rar.out@data
            rownames(rar.add) <- getSpPPolygonsIDSlots(rar2)
            rar.out <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(rar2, data = rar.add)
        miss <- round(geosphere::areaPolygon(rar.out)/(1000 * 1000), 0)
        miss <- data.frame(range = miss, species = rar.out@data$species)
        miss <- data.frame(range = miss$range, row.names = miss$species)
        if (length(out) == 0) {
            out <- miss
        } else {
            out <- rbind(out, miss)
        warning(sprintf("using buffer based range for species with <3 records, bufferradius = %s", 
    ## Add as NA if convex.rare == drop
    if (convex.rare == "drop" & length(sortout) > 0) {
        warning("species with < 3 records dropped from output")
        miss.area <- rep("NA", length(sortout))
        miss.sp <- base::rownames(sortout)
        miss <- base::data.frame(row.names = miss.sp, range = miss.area)
        out <- base::rbind(out, miss)
azizka/speciesgeocodeR documentation built on Sept. 5, 2023, 3:45 a.m.