
Defines functions convert.raven convert.pamguard convert.capt.to.secr convert.capt.to.ascr convert.mask convert.traps create.capt create.mask

Documented in convert.capt.to.ascr convert.capt.to.secr convert.mask convert.pamguard convert.raven convert.traps create.capt create.mask

#' Create mask object
#' Creates a mask object to use with the function
#' \code{\link{fit.ascr}}.
#' @param buffer The minimum distance between trap locations and the
#'     edge of the generated mask.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to \link{make.mask}.
#' @inheritParams fit.ascr
#' @return An object of class \code{mask}. The object has two useful attributes: \code{area} which gives the area of each grid cell in hectares and \code{buffer} which gives the value of \code{buffer} supplied to this function.
#' @seealso \link{convert.mask} to convert a mask compatible with the
#'     \link{secr} package.
#' @examples
#' mask <- create.mask(traps = example.data$traps, buffer = 20)
#' # calculate the area of the mask (in hectares)
#' mask_area <- attr(mask, "area") * nrow(mask)
#' @export
create.mask <- function(traps, buffer, ...){
    ## Changing data frame to matrix to avoid is.list() issues.
    if (is.data.frame(traps)){
        traps <- as.matrix(traps)
    if (is.list(traps)){
        ## Calling create.mask() on each session separately.
        n.sessions <- length(traps)
        mask <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.sessions)
        for (i in 1:n.sessions){
            mask[[i]] <- create.mask(traps[[i]], buffer = buffer, ...)
    } else {
        ## Creating mask for a single session.
        traps <- convert.traps(traps)
        mask <- make.mask(traps, buffer = buffer, type = "trapbuffer", ...)
        A <- attr(mask, "area")
        mask <- as.matrix(mask)
        attr(mask, "area") <- A
        attr(mask, "buffer") <- buffer

#' Creating capture history object.
#' Creates a capture history object to use with the function
#' \code{\link{fit.ascr}}.
#' The \code{captures} argument to this function is intended to be of
#' a similar format to the \code{captures} argument to
#' \link{make.capthist} in the \link{secr} package. That is, users can
#' use the same \code{captures} data frame with \code{create.capt} and
#' \code{make.capthist}, which generate capture histories for use with
#' the \code{ascr} and \link{secr} packages respectively.
#' As such, the first, second, and fourth columns should provide the
#' session, the identification number of the detected animal or sound,
#' and the trap number of the trap which made the detection (where the
#' trap number is the row number of the corresponding trap in the
#' matrix of trap locations), respectively. Note that, for the
#' \link{secr} package, the third column of the \code{captures} data
#' frame provides the 'occassion' of the detection for
#' \link{make.capthist}.  However, the ascr package does not presently
#' have the capabilities to deal with multi-occassion data, so the
#' third column is ignored by \code{create.capt}.
#' Additional columns can specify the auxiliary information
#' collected over the course of the survey:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item A column named \code{bearing}, containing estimated bearings
#'         (in radians) from the detector to each detected animal or sound.
#'   \item A column named \code{dist}, containing the estimated
#'         distance between the detected animal or sound.
#'   \item A column named \code{ss} containing the measured signal
#'         strengh of the detected sound.
#'   \item A column named \code{toa} containing the measured time of
#'         arrival (in seconds) since the start of the survey (or some
#'         other reference time) of the detected sound (only
#'         possible when the detectors are microphones).
#' }
#' If animal or sound locations are known exactly, then a
#' mark-recapture distance sampling (MRDS) model can be fitted. In
#' this case, for single-session models the \code{mrds.loc} argument
#' should be a matrix, where each row corresponds to the known x- and
#' y-coordiates of an animal. The row number should match with the
#' individual's ID number in the captures data frame, so for example
#' the animal with an ID of 5 should have their location's x- and
#' y-coordinates in the fifth row of \code{mrds.locs}. For multi-session
#' models, the \code{mrds.loc} argument should be a list of such
#' matrices, where each component is associated with one of the
#' sessions.
#' @param captures A data frame of capture records, see 'Details' for
#'     the correct format.
#' @param n.traps The number of traps deployed on each session. If the
#'     number of traps varies between sessions, then this must be a
#'     vector with the ith element providing the number of traps
#'     deployed on the ith session.
#' @param n.sessions The total number of sessions.
#' @param traps A matrix of trap locations, or a list for
#'     multi-session models (see \link{fit.ascr}). If this argument is
#'     provided, there is no need to specify \code{n.traps} or
#'     \code{n.sessions}.
#' @param mrds.locs A matrix of animal locations, or a list for
#'     multi-session models. See 'Details'.
#' @export
create.capt <- function(captures, n.traps = NULL, n.sessions = NULL, traps = NULL, mrds.locs = NULL){
    if (!missing(n.traps) | !missing(n.sessions)){
        warning("Arguments 'n.traps' and 'n.sessions' are deprecated. Please provide the the 'traps' argument instead.")
    if (missing(traps)){
        warning("Future versions of ascr will require the 'traps' argument to be provided to the 'create.capt()' function.")
    } else {
        if (!is.list(traps)){
            traps <- list(traps)
        n.traps <- sapply(traps, nrow)
        n.sessions <- length(traps)
    is.mrds <- !is.null(mrds.locs)
    if (is.mrds){
        if (!is.list(mrds.locs)){
            mrds.locs <- list(mrds.locs)
        if (length(mrds.locs) != n.sessions){
            stop("The argument 'mrds.locs' must have a component for each session.")
    session.full <- captures[, 1]
    id.full <- captures[, 2]
    trap.full <- captures[, 4]
    if (is.null(n.sessions)){
        n.sessions <- max(session.full)
    } else if (any(session.full > n.sessions)){
        stop("Session ID in arguments 'captures' exceeds 'n.sessions'.")
    if (is.null(n.traps)){
        n.traps <- max(trap.full)
    if (length(n.traps) == 1){
        n.traps <- rep(n.traps, n.sessions)
        if (max(trap.full) > max(n.traps)){
            stop("Trap ID in argument 'captures' exceeds 'n.traps'.")
    } else {
        if (length(n.traps) != n.sessions){
            stop("If provided, the argument 'n.traps' must be of length 1, or of length equal to the total number of sessions.")
    all.types <- c("bearing", "dist", "ss", "toa")
    info.types <- all.types[all.types %in% colnames(captures)]
    if (n.sessions > 1){
        out.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.sessions)
    captures.full <- captures
    for (s in 1:n.sessions){
        captures <- captures.full[session.full == s, ]
        id <- captures[, 2]
        n <- length(unique(id))
        if (is.mrds){
            if (nrow(mrds.locs[[s]]) != n){
                stop("A location must be specified for each detected individual.")
        out <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(info.types) + 1 + as.numeric(is.mrds))
        for (i in 1:length(out)){
            out[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n.traps[s])
        names(out) <- c("bincapt", info.types, "mrds"[is.mrds])
        if (nrow(captures) > 0){
            session <- captures[, 1]
            trap <- captures[, 4]
            rnames <- character(n)
            for (i in 1:n){
                u.id <- unique(id)[i]
                trig <- trap[id == u.id]
                if (length(trig) != length(unique(trig))){
                    msg <- paste("Ignoring that individual", u.id, "was detected by some traps more than once.")
                out[["bincapt"]][i, trig] <- 1
                for (j in info.types){
                    for (k in trig){
                        out[[j]][i, k] <- captures[id == u.id & trap == k, j][1]
                if (is.mrds){
                    out[[length(out)]] <- mrds.locs[[s]]
                rnames[i] <- u.id
            for (i in 1:length(out)){
                rownames(out[[i]]) <- rnames
        if (n.sessions > 1){
            out.list[[s]] <- out
    if (n.sessions > 1){
        out <- out.list

#' Convert traps object
#' Converts an \code{ascr} traps matrix to a \code{secr} traps
#' object.
#' The returned object is suitable for use as the \code{traps}
#' argument of the function \link{make.capthist}.
#' @param ss Logical, set to \code{TRUE} if a signal strength
#'     detection function is to be used.
#' @inheritParams fit.ascr
#' @return An object of class \code{traps} comprising a data frame of
#'     x- and y-coordinates, the detector type ('single', 'multi',
#'     'proximity', 'count', 'polygon' etc.), and possibly other
#'     attributes.
#' @examples
#' traps <- convert.traps(traps = example.data$traps)
#' @export
convert.traps <- function(traps, ss = FALSE){
    if (is.list(traps)){
        stop("The convert.traps() function will only convert single-session trap objects.")
    n.traps <- nrow(traps)
    colnames(traps) <- c("x", "y")
    traps.df <- data.frame(names = 1:n.traps, traps)
    detector <- ifelse(ss, "signal", "proximity")
    read.traps(data = traps.df, detector = detector)

#' Convert mask object
#' Converts an \code{ascr} mask matrix to a \code{secr} mask
#' object.
#' The returned object is suitable for use as the \code{mask}
#' argument of the function \link{secr.fit}.
#' @inheritParams fit.ascr
#' @return An object of class \code{mask}.
#' @examples mask <- convert.mask(mask = example.data$mask)
#' @export
convert.mask <- function(mask){
    if (is.list(mask)){
        stop("The convert.mask() function will only convert single-session mask objects.")
    read.mask(data = as.data.frame(mask))

#' Capture history conversion.
#' These functions convert a capture history object between the
#' structures required for the \code{ascr} and \code{secr}
#' packages.
#' @param capt A \code{secr} capture history object for
#'     \code{convert.capt.to.ascr}, or an \code{ascr} capture
#'     history object for \code{convert.capt.to.secr}.
#' @param capthist Logical, if \code{TRUE}, a \code{capthist} object
#'     is returned. Otherwise a data frame is returned, which is
#'     suitable for the \code{captures} argument to the
#'     \link{make.capthist} function.
#' @param cutoff The signal strength threshold for detection, if
#'     required.
#' @inheritParams fit.ascr
#' @return A capture history object appropriate for analysis using
#'     either the \code{ascr} or the \code{secr} package.
#' @examples capt <- convert.capt.to.secr(capt = example$capt, traps = example$traps, cutoff = example$cutoff)
#' @name convert.capt

#' @rdname convert.capt
#' @export
convert.capt.to.ascr <- function(capt){
    bincapt <- capt[, 1, ]
    nr <- nrow(bincapt)
    nc <- ncol(bincapt)
    out <- list(bincapt = bincapt)
    if (!is.null(attr(capt, "signalframe"))){
        ss.capt <- matrix(attr(capt, "signalframe")[, 1],
                          nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
        out$ss <- ss.capt
    } else {

## Aliasing old convert.capt.to.admbsecr() function name.
#' @rdname convert.capt
#' @export
convert.capt.to.admbsecr <- convert.capt.to.ascr

#' @rdname convert.capt
#' @export
convert.capt.to.secr <- function(capt, traps, capthist = TRUE, cutoff = NULL){
    if (!any(names(capt) == "bincapt")){
        if (length(capt) > 1){
            stop("The convert.capt.to.secr() function will only convert single-session capture history objects.")
        capt <- capt[[1]]
    n <- nrow(capt$bincapt)
    n.dets <- sum(capt$bincapt)
    session <- rep(1, n.dets)
    n.indiv.dets <- apply(capt$bincapt, 1, sum)
    ID <- rep(1:n, times = n.indiv.dets)
    occasion <- rep(1, n.dets)
    trap <- c(apply(capt$bincapt, 1, function(x) which(x == 1)),
              recursive = TRUE)
    names(trap) <- NULL
    out <- data.frame(session = session, ID = ID, occasion = occasion,
                      trap = trap)
    fit.ss <- !is.null(capt$ss)
    if (fit.ss){
        out <- data.frame(out, ss = t(capt$ss)[t(capt$bincapt) == 1])
    for (i in names(capt)[!(names(capt) %in% c("bincapt", "ss"))]){
        out[, i] <- t(capt[[i]])[t(capt$bincapt) == 1]
    if (capthist){
        traps <- convert.traps(traps, ss = fit.ss)
        out <- make.capthist(out, traps, fmt = "trapID", noccasions = 1,
                             cutval = cutoff)

#' Create a capture history object from a PAMGuard output file
#' Converts a PAMGuard output file to a capture history object
#' suitable for use with the \link{fit.ascr} function. This uses
#' \link{make.acoustic.captures} to allocate call identities to
#' detections.
#' @param dets Detection output dataframe from PAMGuard.
#' @param mics A matrix containing the coordinates of microphone
#'     locations.
#' @param time.range A vector of length two, providing a range of
#'     times for which a subset should be taken to create the capture
#'     history.
#' @param sound.speed The speed of sound in metres per second.
#' @param new.allocation Logical, if \code{TRUE}, an improved
#'     call-allocation method is used. The old version is retained so
#'     that older analyses can be replicated.
#' @export
convert.pamguard <- function(dets, mics, time.range = NULL,
                             sound.speed = 330, new.allocation = TRUE){
    mics <- as.matrix(mics)
    toa.info <- dets$startSeconds
    mic.id <- log2(dets$channelMap) + 1
    ss.info <- dets$amplitude
    n <- nrow(dets)
    clicks <- data.frame(session = rep(1, n), ID = 1:n,
                         occasion = rep(1, n), trap = mic.id,
                         ss = ss.info, toa = toa.info)
    if (!is.null(time.range)){
        keep <- toa.info > time.range[1] & toa.info < time.range[2]
        if (!any(keep)){
            stop("No calls were detected within the specified time.range.")
        clicks <- clicks[keep, ]
    ord <- order(clicks$toa)
    clicks <- clicks[ord, ]
    ## Old and new way to allocate IDs below.
    if (new.allocation){
        captures <- clicks
        captures[, 2] <- allocate.calls(mics, clicks, sound.speed)
    } else {
        captures <- make.acoustic.captures(mics, clicks, sound.speed)
    create.capt(captures, traps = mics)

#' Create a capture history object from a Raven output file
#' Converts a Raven output file to a capture history object
#' suitable for use with the \link{fit.ascr} function. This uses
#' \link{make.acoustic.captures} to allocate call identities to
#' detections.
#' @param dets Detection output dataframe from Raven.
#' @inheritParams convert.pamguard
#' @export
convert.raven <- function(dets, mics, time.range = NULL, sound.speed = 330,
                          new.allocation = TRUE){
    mics <- as.matrix(mics)
    toa.info <- dets[, 4]
    mic.id <- log2(dets[, 3]) + 1
    ss.info <- dets[, 8]
    n <- nrow(dets)
    clicks <- data.frame(session = rep(1, n), ID = 1:n,
                         occasion = rep(1, n), trap = mic.id,
                         ss = ss.info, toa = toa.info)
    if (!is.null(time.range)){
        keep <- toa.info > time.range[1] & toa.info < time.range[2]
        if (!any(keep)){
            stop("No calls were detected within the specified time.range.")
        clicks <- clicks[keep, ]
    ord <- order(clicks$toa)
    clicks <- clicks[ord, ]
    ## Old and new way to allocate IDs below.
    if (new.allocation){
        captures <- clicks
        captures[, 2] <- allocate.calls(mics, clicks, sound.speed)
    } else {
        captures <- make.acoustic.captures(mics, clicks, sound.speed)
    create.capt(captures, traps = mics)
b-steve/ascr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 2:38 p.m.