
Defines functions find.nearest.mask scale.closure calc.ela list.to.vector get.bias get.mce scaled.log.link inv.scaled.logit.link inv.logit scaled.logit.link logit.link log.link p.dot erf get.traps get.mask get.capt get.par read.ascr allocate.calls make.acoustic.captures animalIDvec trapvec

Documented in get.bias get.capt get.mask get.mce get.par get.traps make.acoustic.captures p.dot

## Returns capture trap numbers.
trapvec <- function(capthist){
    x <- apply(capthist, 3, function(x) sum(x > 0))
    rep(1:length(x), times = x)

## Returns capture animal ID numbers.
animalIDvec <- function(capthist){
    x <- c(apply(capthist, 3, function(x) which(x > 0)), recursive = TRUE)
    names(x) <- NULL

#' Assigning ID numbers to sounds
#' Identifies recaptures and assigns ID numbers to sounds recorded for
#' an SECR model.
#' Detected sounds are assumed to come from the same animal if times
#' of arrival at different microphones are closer together than the
#' time it would take for sound to travel between these microphones.
#' @param mics a matrix containing the coordinates of trap locations.
#' @param dets a data frame containing (at least): (i) \code{$toa},
#'     the precise time of arrival of the received sound, and (ii)
#'     \code{$trap} the trap at which the sound was recorded.
#' @param sound.speed the speed of sound in metres per second.
#' @return A data frame. Specifically, the \code{dets} dataframe, now
#'     with a new variable, \code{ID}.
#' @author David Borchers
#' @export
make.acoustic.captures <- function(mics, dets, sound.speed){
    mics <- as.matrix(mics)
    dists <- distances(mics, mics)
    dt <- dists/sound.speed
    K <- dim(mics)[1]
    captures <- dets
    ct <- rep(-Inf, K)
    ID <- 1
    ct[dets$trap[1]] <- dets$toa[1]
    new <- FALSE
    ndets <- length(dets$toa)
    for (i in 2:ndets){
        if (ct[dets$trap[i]] > -Inf){
            nd <- length(which(ct > -Inf))
            captures$ID[(i - nd):(i - 1)] <- ID
            ct <- rep(-Inf, K)
            ct[dets$trap[i]] <- dets$toa[i]
            ID <- ID + 1
            if(i == ndets) captures$ID[i] <- ID
        else {
            ct[dets$trap[i]] <- dets$toa[i]
            ctset <- which(ct > -Inf)
            dts <- dt[ctset, dets$trap[i]]
            cts <- -(ct[ctset] - dets$toa[i])
            if (any((cts - dts) > 0)) new <- TRUE
            if (new) {
                nd <- length(which(ct > -Inf)) - 1
                captures$ID[(i - nd):(i - 1)] <- ID
                ct <- rep(-Inf, K)
                ct[dets$trap[i]] <- dets$toa[i]
                ID <- ID + 1
                new <- FALSE
                if (i == ndets) captures$ID[i] <- ID
            } else if(i == ndets){
                nd <- length(which(ct > -Inf))
                captures$ID[(i - nd + 1):i] <- ID

allocate.calls <- function(mics, dets, sound.speed){
    mics <- as.matrix(mics)
    trap.dists <- distances(mics, mics)
    n.dets <- nrow(dets)
    ## Allocating pairwise plausibility of common cue sources.
    dist.mat <- detection_dists(trap.dists, dets$trap)
    timediff.mat <- detection_timediffs(dets$toa, dets$trap)
    maxtime.mat <- dist.mat/sound.speed
    match.mat <- timediff.mat <= maxtime.mat
    ## Finding blocks of multiple cues with possible common sources.
    incomplete.blocks <- find_incomplete_blocks(match.mat)
    n.blocks <- max(incomplete.blocks)
    complete.block <- logical(n.blocks)
    final.mat <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = n.dets, ncol = n.dets)
    ## Allocating possible common cues to sources.
    reqss.mat <- dist.mat/timediff.mat
    for (i in 1:max(incomplete.blocks)){
        ## Grabbing a block.
        block <- match.mat[incomplete.blocks == i, incomplete.blocks == i]
        reqss <- reqss.mat[incomplete.blocks == i, incomplete.blocks == i]
        ## Working out if there is any possible ambiguity.
        is.complete <- all(block)
        ## If ambiguity, resolve it.
        if (!is.complete){
            block <- blockify(block, reqss)
        final.mat[incomplete.blocks == i, incomplete.blocks == i] <- block

## Adapted from R2admb.
read.ascr <- function(fn, verbose = FALSE, checkterm = TRUE){
    if (verbose)
        cat("reading output ...\n")
    parfn <- paste(fn, "par", sep = ".")
    if (!file.exists(parfn))
        stop("couldn't find parameter file ", parfn)
    L <- c(list(fn = fn), read_pars(fn))
    if (checkterm) {
        v <- with(L, vcov[seq(npar), seq(npar)])
        ev <- try(eigen(solve(v))$value, silent = TRUE)
        L$eratio <- if (inherits(ev, "try-error"))
        else min(ev)/max(ev)
    class(L) <- "admb"

#' Extract estimated or fixed parameter values from an \code{ascr} model fit
#' Extracts estimated, derived, and fitted parameters from a model
#' fitted using \link{fit.ascr}.
#' This is a similar function to \link{coef.ascr}, however
#' \code{get.par} also allows for extraction of parameters that have
#' been fixed using \code{fit.ascr}'s \code{fix} argument.
#' @param pars A character vector containing names of parameter values
#'     to be extracted. Alternatively, the character string
#'     \code{"all"} will extract all parameters, fixed or otherwise,
#'     and the character string \code{"fitted"} extracts only fitted
#'     parameters (i.e., not the effective survey area). See the
#'     'Details' section for the \link{fit.ascr} function's
#'     documentation for information on the parameters that are
#'     fitted.
#' @param cutoff Logical, if \code{TRUE}, the cutoff value for an
#'     acoustic fit is included.
#' @param as.list Logical, if \code{TRUE}, each parameter value is
#'     returned as the component of a list, where component names give
#'     the parameter names. In this case, the returned object is
#'     suitable as the argument of a variety of functions (e.g.,
#'     \code{sv} or \code{fix} for the \link{fit.ascr} function, or
#'     \code{pars} for the \link{sim.capt} function). If \code{FALSE},
#'     parameter values are returned as part of a named vector.
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @return See above information about the argument \code{as.list}. If
#'     \code{as.list} is \code{TRUE}, then a list is returned. If
#'     \code{as.list} is \code{FALSE}, then a named character vector
#'     is returned.
#' @examples
#' get.par(fit = example.data$fits$simple.hn, pars = "all")
#' get.par(fit = example.data$fits$bearing.hn, pars = c("D", "kappa", "esa"), as.list = TRUE)
#' @export
get.par <- function(fit, pars = "all", cutoff = FALSE, as.list = FALSE){
    esa.names <- paste("esa", 1:fit$n.sessions, sep = ".")
    pars.D <- any((pars == "D" | pars == "all" | pars == "fitted") & !fit$fit.ihd)
    if (pars.D){
        pars[pars == "D"] <- "D.(Intercept)"
    allpar.names <- c(fit$D.betapars, fit$detpars, fit$suppars, esa.names)
    if (length(pars) == 1){
        if (pars == "all"){
            pars <- allpar.names
        } else if (pars == "fitted"){
            pars <- allpar.names[substr(allpar.names, 1, 3) != "esa"]
    if (any(pars == "esa")){
        pars <- pars[-which(pars == "esa")]
        pars <- c(pars, esa.names)
    ## Error checking.
    legal.names <- pars %in% c("D"[pars.D], allpar.names)
    if (!all(legal.names)){
        illegal.pars <- pars[!legal.names]
        if (sum(!legal.names) == 1){
            msg <- paste(illegal.pars, "is not a parameter in the model provided.")
        } else if (sum(!legal.names) == 2){
            msg <- paste(paste(illegal.pars, collapse = " and "),
                         "are not parameters in the model provided.")
        } else if (sum(!legal.names) > 2){
            n.illegal <- length(illegal.pars)
            msg <- paste(paste(illegal.pars[-n.illegal], collapse = ", "),
                         ", and", illegal.pars[n.illegal],
                         "are not parameters in the model provided.")
    if (!fit$fit.types["ss"] & cutoff){
        warning("The cutoff is not being provided as 'fit' does not use signal strength information.")
        cutoff <- FALSE
    out <- numeric(length(pars))
    names(out) <- pars
    det.index <- which(fit$detpars %in% pars)
    supp.index <- which(fit$suppars %in% pars)
    ## Logical vector indicating parameters that weren't estimated.
    phases <- fit$phases
    phases[esa.names] <- 0
    fixed.pars <- phases[pars] == -1
    ## Putting in fixed parameter values.
    if (sum(fixed.pars) > 0){
        out[fixed.pars] <- c(fit$args$sv[pars[fixed.pars]], recursive = TRUE)
    ## Working out parameter groups for parameters in 'pars'.
    det.index <- which(pars %in% fit$detpars)
    supp.index <- which(pars %in% fit$suppars)
    admb.pars <- pars
    ## Putting in estimated parameter values.
    out[!fixed.pars] <- fit$coefficients[admb.pars[!fixed.pars]]
    ## Adding the cutoff if necessary.
    if (cutoff){
        out <- c(out, fit$args$ss.opts$cutoff)
        names(out) <- c(pars, "cutoff")
    if (pars.D){
        names(out)[names(out) == "D.(Intercept)"] <- "D"
        out["D"] <- exp(out["D"])
    if (as.list){
        out.vec <- out
        out <- vector("list", length = length(out.vec))
        names(out) <- names(out.vec)
        names(out.vec) <- NULL
        for (i in 1:length(out.vec)){
            out[[i]] <- out.vec[i]

#' Extracting the capture histories
#' Extracts the capture histories from an ascr fit.
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @param session The session from which to extract the capture
#'     histories.
#' @return A capture histories object.
#' @export
get.capt <- function(fit, session = NULL){
    if (fit$n.sessions == 1){
        session <- 1
    if (is.null(session) | !is.list(fit$args$capt)){
        out <- fit$args$capt
    } else {
        out <- fit$args$capt[[session]]

#' Extracting mask point locations
#' Extracts the mask used in an ascr fit.
#' @inheritParams get.traps
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @return A mask object.
#' @export
get.mask <- function(fit, session = NULL, as.list = NULL){
    if (length(session) == 1){
        if (session == "all"){
            session <- 1:fit$n.sessions
    if (fit$n.sessions == 1){
        session <- 1
    if (is.null(session) | !is.list(fit$args$mask)){
        out <- fit$args$mask
    } else {
        out <- fit$args$mask[session]
    if (is.null(as.list)){
        as.list <- length(out) > 1
    if (length(session) > 1){
        if (!as.list){
            out <- do.call("rbind", out)
    } else {
        if (!as.list){
            out <- out[[1]]

#' Extracting trap locations
#' Extracts the trap locations used in an ascr fit.
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @param session The session from which to extract the trap
#'     locations. If a vector, the function selects masks from
#'     multiple sessions, and \code{"all"} will use all sessions.
#' @param as.list If \code{TRUE}, then a list is returned, with each
#'     component being a matrix of trap locations. If \code{FALSE},
#'     all locations are combined into a single matrix.
#' @return A traps object.
#' @export
get.traps <- function(fit, session = NULL, as.list = NULL){
    if (length(session) == 1){
        if (session == "all"){
            session <- 1:fit$n.sessions
    if (fit$n.sessions == 1){
        session <- 1
    if (is.null(session) | !is.list(fit$args$traps)){
        out <- fit$args$traps
    } else {
        out <- fit$args$traps[session]
    if (is.null(as.list)){
        as.list <- length(out) > 1
    if (!as.list){
        out <- do.call("rbind", out)

## Error function.
erf <- function(x){
    2*pnorm(x*sqrt(2)) - 1

#' Calculating detection probabilities
#' Calculates the probability of detection by at least one detector
#' for specific locations in the survey area.
#' @param fit A fitted model from \link{fit.ascr}.
#' @param session For multisession models, the session from which the
#'     trap locations should be taken.
#' @param esa Logical, if \code{TRUE} the effective sampling area is
#'     returned instead of capture probabilities.
#' @param points A matrix with two columns. Each row provides
#'     Cartesian coordinates for the location of a point at which a
#'     capture probability should be returned.
#' @param traps A matrix with two columns. Each row provides Cartesian
#'     coordinates for the location of a trap (or detector). Ignored
#'     if \code{fit} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param detfn A character string specifying the detection function
#'     to be used. One of "hn" (halfnormal), "hr" (hazard rate), "th"
#'     (threshold), "lth" (log-link threshold), or "ss" (signal
#'     strength). Ignored if \code{fit} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param ss.link A character string, either \code{"identity"},
#'     \code{"log"}, or \code{"spherical"}, which specifies the
#'     relationship between the expected received signal strength and
#'     distance from the microphone. See the documentation for
#'     \link{fit.ascr} for further details. Ignored if \code{fit} is
#'     not \code{NULL}.
#' @param pars A named list. Component names are parameter names, and
#'     each component is a value for the associated parameter. Ignored
#'     if \code{fit} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param n.quadpoints An integer, giving the number of quadrature
#'     points used for numerical integration over the possible call
#'     directions.
#' @return A vector containing detection probabilities for each
#'     location in \code{points}.
#' @export
p.dot <- function(fit = NULL, session = 1, esa = FALSE, points = get.mask(fit, session),
                  traps = NULL, detfn = NULL, ss.link = NULL, pars = NULL, n.quadpoints = 8){
    if (!is.null(fit)){
        if (is.null(traps)){
            traps <- get.traps(fit, session)
        detfn <- fit$args$detfn
        pars <- get.par(fit, fit$detpars, cutoff = fit$fit.types["ss"], as.list = TRUE)
        ss.link <- fit$args$ss.opts$ss.link
        re.detfn <- fit$re.detfn
    } else {
        re.detfn <- FALSE
        if (detfn == "ss"){
            if (pars$b2.ss != 0 | pars$sigma.b0.ss != 0){
                re.detfn <- TRUE
    dists <- distances(traps, points)
    ## Calculating probabilities of detection when random effects are
    ## in detection function. Detections at traps no longer
    ## independent.
    if (re.detfn){
        if (!is.null(pars$sigma.b0.ss)){
            if (pars$sigma.b0.ss != 0){
                stop("Function p.dot() has not yet been implemented for models with heterogeneous source strengths.")
        n.traps <- nrow(traps)
        n.points <- nrow(points)
        dirs <- (0:(n.quadpoints - 1))*2*pi/n.quadpoints
        probs <- numeric(n.points)
        ## Integrating over all possible directions.
        ## TODO: Write all this in C++.
        for (i in 1:n.quadpoints){
            dir <- dirs[i]
            bearings <- bearings(traps, points)
            orientations <- abs(dir - bearings)
            for (j in 1:n.points){
                ## Probabilities of detection given orientation.
                o.prob <- numeric(n.traps)
                for (k in 1:n.traps){
                    o.prob[k] <- calc.detfn(dists[k, j], detfn, pars, ss.link,
                                            orientations[k, j])
                probs[j] <- probs[j] + (1/n.quadpoints)*(1 - prod(1 - o.prob))
        out <- probs
    } else {
        probs <- calc.detfn(dists, detfn, pars, ss.link)
        out <- aaply(probs, 2, function(x) 1 - prod(1 - x))
    if (esa){
        A <- attr(points, "area")
        if (is.null(A)){
            stop("The argument 'points' must be a mask object if ESA is to be calculated.")
        out <- A*sum(out)

## Link functions for fit.ascr() function.
log.link <- function(x){
    x <- pmax(x, .Machine$double.eps)

logit.link <- function(x){
    x <- pmax(x, .Machine$double.eps)
    x <- pmin(x, 1 - .Machine$double.neg.eps)
    log(x/(1 - x))

scaled.logit.link <- function(x){

inv.logit <- function(x){
    exp(x)/(exp(x) + 1)

inv.scaled.logit.link <- function(x){
    x <- inv.logit(x)
    2*1e8*x - 1e8

scaled.log.link <- function(x){
    x <- x + 1e8

#' Extracting Monte Carlo error
#' Extracts calculated Monte Carlo errors from a bootstrap procedure
#' carried out by \link{boot.ascr}.
#' @param estimate A character string, either \code{"bias"} or
#'     \code{"se"}, which determines whether Monte Carlo errors for
#'     bias estimates or standard errors are reported.
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @seealso \link{boot.ascr} for the bootstrap procedure.
#' @seealso \link{stdEr.ascr.boot} for standard errors.
#' @seealso \link{get.bias} for estimated biases.
#' @export
get.mce <- function(fit, estimate){
    if (estimate == "bias"){
        out <- fit$boot$bias.mce
    } else if (estimate == "se"){
        out <- fit$boot$se.mce
    } else {
        stop("The argument 'estimate' must be either \"bias\" or \"se\"")

#' Extracting estimated biases
#' Extracts bias in parameter estimates, calculated using the
#' bootstrap procedure carried out by \link{boot.ascr}.
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @inheritParams coef.ascr
#' @inheritParams stdEr.ascr.boot
#' @seealso \link{boot.ascr} for the bootstrap procedure.
#' @seealso \link{get.mce} for Monte Carlo error the biases are
#'     subject to.
#' @export
get.bias <- function(fit, pars = "fitted", mce = FALSE){
    if ("all" %in% pars){
        pars <- c("fitted", "derived", "linked")
    if (any(pars == "esa")){
        pars <- pars[-which(pars == "esa")]
        pars <- c(pars, paste("esa", 1:fit$n.sessions, sep = "."))
    par.names <- names(fit$coefficients)
    if (!all(pars %in% c("fitted", "derived", "linked", par.names))){
        stop("Argument 'pars' must either contain a vector of parameter names, or a subset of \"fitted\", \"derived\", \"linked\", and \"all\".")
    mces <- get.mce(fit, estimate = "bias")
    if (any(c("fitted", "derived", "linked") %in% pars)){
        which.linked <- grep("_link", par.names)
        linked <- fit$boot$bias[which.linked]
        which.derived <- which(substr(par.names, 1, 3) == "esa" | par.names == "Da")
        derived <- fit$boot$bias[which.derived]
        fitted <- fit$boot$bias[-c(which.linked, which.derived)]
        out <- mget(pars)
        names(out) <- NULL
        out <- c(out, recursive = TRUE)
        if (!fit$fit.ihd){
            out <- out[c("D", names(out)[!(names(out) %in% c("D.(Intercept)", "D"))])]
    } else {
        out <- fit$boot$bias[pars]
    if (mce){
        out.vec <- out
        out <- cbind(out.vec, mces[names(out)])
        rownames(out) <- names(out.vec)
        colnames(out) <- c("Bias", "MCE")

## Helper function for passing lists as 3D arrays to ADMB.
list.to.vector <- function(x){
    c(lapply(x, function(m) c(t(m))), recursive = TRUE)

## Calculates the `effective listening area', assuming perfect
## detection within some fixed radius of the traps.
calc.ela <- function(traps, radius, mask = NULL, ...){
    if (is.null(mask)){
        mask <- create.mask(traps, buffer = 1.1*radius, ...)
    a <- attr(mask, "area")
    in.area <- apply(distances(mask, as.matrix(traps)), 1, function(x) min(x) < radius)

## A closure for scaling covariates.
scale.closure <- function(covariates, scale){
    n.cov <- ncol(covariates)
    numeric.cov <- sapply(covariates, is.numeric)
    mean.cov <- numeric(n.cov)
    sd.cov <- numeric(n.cov)
    mean.cov[!numeric.cov] <- NA
    sd.cov[!numeric.cov] <- NA
    mean.cov[numeric.cov] <- sapply(covariates[, numeric.cov, drop = FALSE], mean)
    sd.cov[numeric.cov] <- sapply(covariates[, numeric.cov, drop = FALSE], sd)
    cov.names <- names(covariates)
    out.fun <- function(covariates){
        cov.names.new <- names(covariates)
        out <- covariates
        for (i in 1:n.cov){
            if ((scale & numeric.cov[i]) & (cov.names[i] %in% cov.names.new)){
                out[, cov.names[i]] <- (out[, cov.names[i]] - mean.cov[i])/sd.cov[i]

## Finding nearest mask point to an observed MRDS location.
find.nearest.mask <- function(locs, mask){
    dists <- distances(locs, mask)
    as.list(apply(dists, 1, function(x) which(x == min(x))[1]))
b-steve/ascr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 2:38 p.m.