#' Sparse Regression Quantile Fitting with Weights
#' @details A wrapper around the rq.fit.sfn function from the quantreg package,
#' extended to allow for a user-supplied starting value and weights
#' @importFrom quantreg rq.fit.sfn
#' @importFrom quantreg sfn.control
#' @importFrom quantreg sfnMessage
#' @importFrom SparseM as.matrix.csr
#' @importFrom SparseM as.matrix
#' @param X structure of the design matrix X stored in csr format
#' @param y outcome vector
#' @param tau desired quantile
#' @param rhs the right-hand-side of the dual problem; regular users shouldn't need to specify this,
#' but in special cases can be quite usefully altered to meet special needs.
#' See e.g. Section 6.8 of Koenker (2005).
#' @param sv starting value for optimization, useful when bootstrapping
#' @param control control parameters for fitting routines: see [quantreg::sfn.control()]
#' @param weights Optional vector of weights for regression
#' @param lambda ignored
#' @param ... other parameters, ignored
#' @export
rq.fit.sfn_start_val <- function(X,y,tau=.5,
rhs = (1-tau)*c(t(a) %*% rep(1,length(y))),
weights = NULL,
...) {
if(inherits(X, "matrix")) {
X <- denseMatrixToSparse(X)
a <- X
y <- -y
n <- length(y)
m <- a@dimension[2]
if(n != a@dimension[1]) {
stop("Dimensions of design matrix and the response vector not compatible")
# additional syntax to incorporate weights is included here
if (!is.null(weights)){
if(n != dim(as.matrix(weights))[1]){
stop("Dimensions of design matrix and the weight vector not compatible")
# multiplying y by the weights
y <- y * weights
# pre-multiplying the a matrix by a diagonal matrix of weights
#a <- sweep(a,MARGIN=1,weights,`*`)
a <- SparseM::as.matrix.csr(diag(as.vector(weights))) %*% a
u <- rep(1,length=n)
x <- rep((1-tau),length=n)
nnzdmax <- nnza <- a@ia[n+1]-1
iwmax <- 7*m+3
ao <- t(a)
e <- ao %*% a
nnzemax <- e@ia[m+1]-1
ctrl <- quantreg::sfn.control()
if (!missing(control)) {
control <- as.list(control)
ctrl[names(control)] <- control
nsubmax <- ctrl$nsubmax
tmpmax <- ctrl$tmpmax
nnzlmax <- ctrl$nnzlmax
if (is.null(ctrl$nsubmax)) nsubmax <- nnzemax
if (is.null(ctrl$tmpmax)) tmpmax <- 6 * m
if (is.null(ctrl$nnzlmax)) nnzlmax <- 4 * nnzdmax
wwm <- vector("numeric",3*m)
s <- u - x
b1 <- solve(SparseM::as.matrix(e), ao %*% y, tmpmax=tmpmax,nnzlmax=nnzlmax,nsubmax=nsubmax)
else {
# note: LDWS flipped the sign here, since formula above yields OLS coeff * -1
b1 = -sv
r <- y - SparseM::as.matrix(a %*% b1)
z <- ifelse(abs(r)<ctrl$small,(r*(r>0)+ctrl$small),r*(r>0))
w <- z - r
wwn <- matrix(0,n,14)
wwn[,1] <- r
wwn[,2] <- z
wwn[,3] <- w
fit <- .Fortran("srqfn",
n = as.integer(n),
m = as.integer(m),
nnza = as.integer(nnza),
a = as.double(a@ra),
ja = as.integer(a@ja),
ia = as.integer(a@ia),
ao = as.double(ao@ra),
jao = as.integer(ao@ja),
iao = as.integer(ao@ia),
nnzdmax = as.integer(nnzdmax),
d = double(nnzdmax),
jd = integer(nnzdmax),
id = integer(m+1),
dsub = double(nnzemax+1),
jdsub = integer(nnzemax+1),
nnzemax = as.integer(nnzemax),
e = as.double(e@ra),
je = as.integer(e@ja),
ie = as.integer(e@ia),
nsumax = as.integer(nsubmax),
lindx = integer(nsubmax),
xlindx = integer(m+1),
nnzlmax = as.integer(nnzlmax),
lnz = double(nnzlmax),
xlnz = integer(m+1),
iw = integer(m*5),
iwmax = as.integer(iwmax),
iwork = integer(iwmax),
xsuper = integer(m+1),
tmpmax = as.integer(tmpmax),
tmpvec = double(tmpmax),
wwm = as.double(wwm),
wwn = as.double(wwn),
cachsz = as.integer(ctrl$cachsz),
level = as.integer( 8 ),
x = as.double(x),
s = as.double(s),
u = as.double(u),
c = as.double(y),
sol = as.double(b1),
rhs = as.double(rhs),
small = as.double(ctrl$small),
ierr = integer(1),
maxiter = as.integer(ctrl$maxiter),
time = double(7),
PACKAGE = "quantreg")[c("sol","ierr",
ierr <- fit$ierr
if(!(ierr==0) && ctrl$warn.mesg)
coefficients <- -fit$sol
if(any(is.na(coefficients) | is.nan(coefficients))) {
stop("Solution did not converge, coefficients are NA.")
residuals <- -y - a %*% coefficients
if (!is.null(weights)){
residuals <- residuals / weights
list(coefficients = coefficients,
residuals = residuals,
control = ctrl,
ierr = ierr,
it = fit$maxiter,
weights = weights)
#' Version that complies with more general requirements
#' @param X structure of the design matrix X stored in csr format
#' @param y response vector
#' @param tau target quantile
#' @param weights optional vector of weights
#' @param rhs right hand size of dual problem
#' @param control control parameters for fitting routines
#' @param lambda ignored
#' @param ... other arguments, ignored
#' @importFrom quantreg rq.fit.sfn
#' @importFrom SparseM t
#' @export
rq.fit.sfn <- function(X, y, tau = 0.5,
weights = NULL,
rhs = (1-tau)*c(t(X) %*% rep(1,length(y))),
...) {
if(inherits(X, "matrix")) {
X <- denseMatrixToSparse(X)
# additional syntax to incorporate weights is included here
if (!is.null(weights)){
n = nrow(X)
if(n != dim(as.matrix(weights))[1]){
stop("Dimensions of design matrix and the weight vector not compatible")
# multiplying y by the weights
y <- y * weights
# pre-multiplying the a matrix by a diagonal matrix of weights
#a <- sweep(a,MARGIN=1,weights,`*`)
X <- SparseM::as.matrix.csr(diag(as.vector(weights))) %*% X
quantreg::rq.fit.sfn(a = X,y, tau, rhs, control)
#' Version that complies with more general requirements
#' @param X structure of the design matrix X stored in csr format
#' @param y response vector
#' @param tau target quantile
#' @param weights optional vector of weights
#' @param control ignored
#' @param lambda ignored
#' @param ... additional quantities passed to rq.fit.br
#' @importFrom quantreg rq.fit.br
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @importFrom stats resid
#' @export
rq.fit.br <- function(X, y, tau = 0.5,
weights = NULL, control,
lambda, ...) {
# additional syntax to incorporate weights is included here
if (!is.null(weights)){
n = nrow(X)
if(n != dim(as.matrix(weights))[1]){
stop("Dimensions of design matrix and the weight vector not compatible")
# multiplying y by the weights
y <- y * weights
# pre-multiplying the a matrix by a diagonal matrix of weights
#a <- sweep(a,MARGIN=1,weights,`*`)
X <- as.vector(weights) * X
fit <- quantreg::rq.fit.br(x = X, y, tau, ...)
list(coefficients = coef(fit),
residuals = resid(fit),
control = list(),
ierr = 0,
it = 0,
weights = weights)
#' Smoothed Quantile Regression with Post-Processing
#' @param X design matrix
#' @param y outcome variable
#' @param tau target quantile
#' @param lambda optional weight on penalty function
#' @param nwarmup_samples number of samples to use for warmup in approximat
#' quantile regression
#' @param lp_size size of linear programming problem passed to the simplex
#' algorithm
#' @param intercept integer for location of intercept column
#' @details This function performs smoothed quantile regression w/ post-processing
#' to ensure accuracy of the approximate first-order method.
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom quantreg rq.fit.br
post_processed_grad_descent = function(X, y,
tau, lambda = 0,
nwarmup_samples = 0.1 * nrow(X),
lp_size = 10000, intercept = NULL) {
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
if(is.null(intercept)) {
intercept <- get_intercept(X)
if(nwarmup_samples > n) {
nwarmup_samples <- min(n, nwarmup_samples/10)
if(nwarmup_samples < p) {
nwarmup_samples <- p * 2
if(lp_size > n) {
if(lambda > 0) {
# based on the quantreg implementation rq.lasso.fit
lambdan = lambda * nrow(X)
lambdan <- c(0, rep(lambdan, ncol(X) - 1))
R <- diag(lambdan, nrow = length(lambdan))
R <- R[which(lambdan != 0), , drop = FALSE]
r <- rep(0, nrow(R))
neg_R <- -R
X = rbind(X, R, neg_R)
y = c(y, r, r)
fit = quantreg::rq.fit.br(X, y, tau)
samples <- sample(1:n, nwarmup_samples, replace = F)
X_sub <- X[samples,]
y_sub <- y[samples]
init_beta = rep(0, ncol(X))
init_fit = fit_approx_quantile_model(X,
maxiter = 1000,
mu = 1e-15,
beta_tol = 1e-5,
check_tol = 1e-5,
intercept = intercept,
num_samples = nwarmup_samples,
warm_start = 1,
scale = 1, lambda,
min_delta = 1e-10)
res = as.vector(init_fit$residuals)
checked_res = check(res, tau)
thresh = quantile(checked_res, lp_size / n)
globbed_x = glob_obs_mat(X, res, thresh)
globbed_y = glob_obs_vec(y, res, thresh)
which_globbed = which(res > thresh | res < -thresh)
if(lambda > 0) {
# based on the quantreg implementation rq.lasso.fit
lambdan = lambda * nrow(X)
lambdan <- c(0, rep(lambdan, ncol(globbed_x) - 1))
R <- diag(lambdan, nrow = length(lambdan))
R <- R[which(lambdan != 0), , drop = FALSE]
r <- rep(0, nrow(R))
neg_R <- -R
globbed_x = rbind(globbed_x, R, neg_R)
globbed_y = c(globbed_y, r, r)
new_fit = quantreg::rq.fit.br(globbed_x, globbed_y, tau)
if(lambda > 0) {
added_rows = (nrow(globbed_x) - nrow(R) * 2 + 1):nrow(globbed_x)
globbed_x = globbed_x[-added_rows,]
globbed_y = globbed_y[-added_rows]
new_res = y - X %*% coef(new_fit)
# if any residual now has the wrong sign, repeat the process w/ a
# stricter tolerance for beta
# if they don't, then the constraint is dominated
i = 0
max_times = 10
while(any(sign(new_res[which_globbed]) != sign(res[which_globbed])) & i < max_times) {
i = i + 1
init_fit = fit_approx_quantile_model(X,
mu = 1e-15,
maxiter = 1000,
beta_tol = 1e-10,
check_tol = 1e-10,
intercept = intercept,
num_samples = nwarmup_samples,
warm_start = 0, scale = 1, lambda,
min_delta = 1e-10)
res = as.vector(init_fit$residuals)
checked_res = check(res)
thresh = quantile(checked_res, lp_size / n)
globbed_x = glob_obs_mat(X, res, thresh)
globbed_y = glob_obs_vec(y, res, thresh)
which_globbed = which(res > thresh | res < -thresh)
if(lambda > 0) {
# based on the quantreg implementation rq.lasso.fit
lambdan = lambda * nrow(X)
lambdan <- c(0, rep(lambdan, ncol(globbed_x) - 1))
R <- diag(lambdan, nrow = length(lambdan))
R <- R[which(lambdan != 0), , drop = FALSE]
r <- rep(0, nrow(R))
neg_R <- -R
globbed_x = rbind(globbed_x, R, neg_R)
globbed_y = c(globbed_y, r, r)
new_fit = quantreg::rq.fit.br(globbed_x, globbed_y, tau)
if(lambda > 0) {
added_rows = (nrow(globbed_x) - nrow(R) * 2 + 1):nrow(globbed_x)
globbed_x = globbed_x[-added_rows,]
globbed_y = globbed_y[-added_rows]
new_res = y - X %*% coef(new_fit)
#' Quantile regression approximated w/ huber loss followed by post-processing
#' @param X design matrix
#' @param y outcome vector
#' @param tau target quantile
#' @param weights optional weight vector
#' @param control ignored for now
#' @param lambda ignored for now
#' @param n_samples number of observations to use in "warmup" regression
#' @param init_beta initial guess at betas
#' @param intercept optional integer indicating intercept column
#' that identifies initial values
#' @param ... other arguments, ignored for now
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
rq.fit.two_pass <- function(X, y, tau = 0.5,
weights = NULL, control,
lambda, intercept = NULL,
init_beta = NULL,
n_samples = min(c(ceiling(nrow(X)/10),
...) {
if(!inherits(X, "matrix")) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
# additional syntax to incorporate weights is included here
if (!is.null(weights)){
n = nrow(X)
if(n != dim(as.matrix(weights))[1]){
stop("Dimensions of design matrix and the weight vector not compatible")
# multiplying y by the weights
y <- y * weights
# pre-multiplying the a matrix by a diagonal matrix of weights
#a <- sweep(a,MARGIN=1,weights,`*`)
X <- weights * X
if(is.null(intercept)) {
intercept <- get_intercept(X)
if(is.null(init_beta)) {
init_beta = rep(0, ncol(X))
if(n_samples < 10) {
n_samples = min(10, length(y))
if(is.null(lambda)) {
lambda = 0
fit = post_processed_grad_descent(X = X, y = y,
tau = tau, lambda = lambda, intercept)
list(coefficients = fit,
residuals = y - X %*% fit,
control = list(),
ierr = 0,
it = 0,
weights = weights)
#' Quantile Regression approximated w/ huber loss
#' @param X design matrix
#' @param y outcome vector
#' @param tau target quantile
#' @param weights optional weight vector
#' @param control ignored for now
#' @param lambda ignored for now
#' @param smoothing_window neighborhood around 0 which is
#' smoothed by either typical least squares or appropriately
#' tilted least squares loss function
#' @param beta_tol stopping rule based on max value of gradient
#' @param check_tol stopping rule based on change in the loss function
#' @param maxiter largest number of iterations allowed
#' @param n_samples number of observations to use in "warmup" regression
#' @param init_beta initial guess at betas
#' @param scale whether to scale x and y variables in regression
#' @param intercept optional integer indicating intercept column
#' that identifies initial values
#' @param ... other arguments, ignored for now
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
rq.fit.agd <- function(X, y, tau = 0.5,
weights = NULL, control,
lambda, smoothing_window = 1e-10,
beta_tol = 1e-5,
check_tol = 1e-5,
maxiter = 1000,
n_samples = min(c(ceiling(nrow(X)/10),
init_beta = NULL,
scale = 1,
intercept = NULL,
...) {
if(!inherits(X, "matrix")) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
# additional syntax to incorporate weights is included here
if (!is.null(weights)){
n = nrow(X)
if(n != dim(as.matrix(weights))[1]){
stop("Dimensions of design matrix and the weight vector not compatible")
# multiplying y by the weights
y <- y * weights
# pre-multiplying the a matrix by a diagonal matrix of weights
#a <- sweep(a,MARGIN=1,weights,`*`)
X <- weights * X
if(is.null(intercept)) {
intercept <- get_intercept(X)
if(is.null(init_beta)) {
init_beta = rep(0, ncol(X))
if(n_samples < 10) {
n_samples = min(min(10, length(y)), round(length(y) / 2))
samples = sample(1:length(y), n_samples)
X_sub = X[samples,]
y_sub = y[samples]
# this happens if there's only 1 column
if(!is.matrix(X_sub)) {
X_sub <- as.matrix(X_sub)
fit = fit_approx_quantile_model(X = X, y = y,
X_sub = X_sub,
y_sub = y_sub,
tau = tau,
mu = smoothing_window, init_beta = init_beta,
maxiter = maxiter,
beta_tol = beta_tol,check_tol = check_tol,
intercept = intercept, num_samples = n_samples,
scale = scale
list(coefficients = coef(fit),
residuals = fit$residuals,
control = list(),
ierr = 0,
it = 0,
weights = weights)
#' Quantile Regression w/ Lasso Penalty
#' @param X Design matrix, X
#' @param y outcome variable, y
#' @param tau quantile to estimate
#' @param lambda penalty parameter
#' @param weights optional vector of weights
#' @param scale_x whether to scale the design matrix before estimation
#' @param method method to use when fitting underlying quantile regression algorithm
#' @param nfold number of folds to use when cross-validating
#' @param parallel whether to run cv search in parallel, if applicable
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to underlying fitting algorithm
#' @param nlambda number of lambdas to search over.
#' @export
rq.fit.lasso <- function(X, y, tau, lambda, weights,
scale_x = T, method = "two_pass", nfold = 10,
nlambda = 50, parallel = F, ...) {
if(!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
intercept <- get_intercept(X)
if(ncol(X) - (intercept > 0) <= 1) {
stop("Model must have more than 1 covariate when using lasso.")
if(nrow(X) < nfold) {
nfold = nrow(X)
# additional syntax to incorporate weights is included here
if (!is.null(weights)){
n = nrow(X)
if(n != dim(as.matrix(weights))[1]){
stop("Dimensions of design matrix and the weight vector not compatible")
# multiplying y by the weights
y <- y * weights
# pre-multiplying the a matrix by a diagonal matrix of weights
X <- diag(weights) %*% X
# get the intercept, and then scale everything except the intercept
if (scale_x) {
unscaled_X <- X
X <- scale_for_lasso(X, intercept)
mu_x <- attr(X, "scaled:center")
sigma_x <- attr(X, "scaled:scale")
attr(X, "scaled:center") <- NULL
attr(X, "scaled:scale") <- NULL
if(is.null(lambda)) {
message("No lambda provided, selecting based on ",nfold,"-fold cross-validation.")
cv_fit <- lasso_cv_search(x = X[,-intercept], y = y , tau = tau,
method = method,
intercept = TRUE, nfolds = nfold,
foldid = NULL, nlambda = nlambda,
eps = 1e-04, init.lambda = 1,
parallel = parallel,
scalex = FALSE,
lambda = cv_fit$lambda.min
if(anyNA(X)) {
which_col = which(apply(X, 2, function(x) all(is.na(x))))
X = X[, -which_col]
warning("Column ", which_col, " of design matrix found to be colinear with",
" intercept when estimating quantile ", tau, ".\n")
est <- fit_lasso(x = X[,-intercept],
y = y,
tau = tau,
lambda = lambda,
intercept = TRUE,
scalex = FALSE,
method = method,
coefficients <- est$coefficients
coefficients <- reorder_coefficients(coefficients, intercept)
if(scale_x) {
coefficients <- rescale_coefficients(coefficients, mu_x, sigma_x, intercept)
X = unscaled_X
if(exists("which_col")) {
for(i in 1:length(which_col)) {
coefficients <- reorder_coefficients(c(NA, coefficients), which_col[i])
residuals = y - X %*% coefficients
if (!is.null(weights)){
residuals <- residuals / weights
list(coefficients = coef(est),
residuals = residuals,
control = NA,
ierr = 0,
it = est$it,
weights = weights,
lambda = lambda)
#' Quantile Regression w/ Lasso Penalty
#' @param X Design matrix, X
#' @param y outcome variable, y
#' @param tau quantile to estimate
#' @param lambda penalty parameter
#' @param weights optional vector of weights
#' @param scale_x whether to scale the design matrix before estimation
#' @param method method argument to be passed to [quantreg::rq]
#' @param nfold number of folds to use when cross-validating
#' @param nlambda number of lambdas to search over when cross-validating
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to underlying fitting algorithm
rq.fit.post_lasso <- function(X, y, tau, lambda, weights,
scale_x = T, method = "agd", nfold = 5,
nlambda = 10, ...) {
if(!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if(row(X) < nfold) {
nfold = nrow(X)
intercept <- get_intercept(X)
if(ncol(X) - (intercept > 0) <= 1) {
stop("Model must have more than 1 covariate when using lasso.")
# additional syntax to incorporate weights is included here
if (!is.null(weights)){
message("No lambda provided, selecting based on ",nfold,"-fold cross-validation.")
n = nrow(X)
if(n != dim(as.matrix(weights))[1]){
stop("Dimensions of design matrix and the weight vector not compatible")
# multiplying y by the weights
y <- y * weights
# pre-multiplying the a matrix by a diagonal matrix of weights
X <- diag(weights) %*% X
# get the intercept, and then scale everything except the intercept
if (scale_x) {
unscaled_X <- X
X <- scale_for_lasso(X, intercept)
mu_x <- attr(X, "scaled:center")
sigma_x <- attr(X, "scaled:scale")
attr(X, "scaled:center") <- NULL
attr(X, "scaled:scale") <- NULL
if(is.null(lambda)) {
message("No lambda provided, selecting based on ",nfold,"-fold cross-validation.")
cv_fit <- lasso_cv_search(x = X[,-intercept], y = y , tau = tau,
method = method,
intercept = FALSE, nfolds = nfold,
foldid = NULL, nlambda = nlambda,
eps = 1e-04, init.lambda = 1,
parallel = T,
lambda = cv_fit$lambda.min
est <- fit_lasso(x = X[,-intercept],
y = y,
tau = tau,
lambda = lambda,
intercept = T,
scalex = F,
method = method,
coefficients <- est$coefficients
coefficients <- reorder_coefficients(coefficients, intercept)
if(scale_x) {
coefficients <- rescale_coefficients(coefficients, mu_x, sigma_x, intercept)
X = unscaled_X
not_zero = which(coefficients != 0)
new_X = X[,not_zero]
if(is.vector(new_X)) {
new_X = matrix(new_X, ncol = 1)
est <- do.call(check_algorithm(method), args = list(X = new_X, y = y,
tau = tau,
method = method))
coefficients[not_zero] <- est$coefficients
residuals = y - X %*% coefficients
if (!is.null(weights)){
residuals <- residuals / weights
list(coefficients = coefficients,
residuals = residuals,
control = NA,
ierr = 0,
it = est$it,
weights = weights,
lambda = lambda)
#' Estimate a single quantile regression
#' @param X specification matrix for X variables
#' @param y outcome variable
#' @param tau quantile to regress
#' @param algorithm which algorithm to use
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to the algorithm
#' @importFrom stats coefficients
#' @importFrom stats resid
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
#' @importFrom methods existsFunction
fitQuantileRegression <- function(X, y, tau, algorithm = "rq.fit.sfn_start_val", ...) {
qr_ns <- asNamespace("quantreg")
qs_ns <- asNamespace("quantspace")
if(algorithm %in% ls(qs_ns)) {
f <- utils::getFromNamespace(algorithm, ns = "quantspace")
do_matched_call(f, X = X, y = y, tau = tau, ...)
} else if(algorithm %in% ls(qr_ns)) {
# generically fit any of the quantreg algorithms
args <- list(...)
weights = args$weights
if (!is.null(weights)){
n = nrow(X)
if(n != dim(as.matrix(weights))[1]){
stop("Dimensions of design matrix and the weight vector not compatible")
# multiplying y by the weights
y <- y * weights
# pre-multiplying the a matrix by a diagonal matrix of weights
X <- diag(weights) %*% X
if(!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
# wild hackery
f <- utils::getFromNamespace(algorithm, "quantreg")
fit <- do_matched_call(f, x = X, y = y, tau = tau, ...)
list(coefficients = stats::coefficients(fit),
residuals = stats::resid(fit),
control = NA,
ierr = 0,
it = 0,
weights = weights,
lambda = list(...)$lambda)
} else {
f <- get(algorithm)
X = as.matrix(X)
do_matched_call(f, X = X, y = y, tau = tau, ...)
#' Runs quantile regression on residuals of the model (calculates spaces around jstar quantile)
#' @param reg_spec_data result of ensureSpecRank function; regression matrix with full rank
#' @param ehat current residuals; subset of which to be used as dependent column
#' @param ind_hat column vector indicating which rows to be used in quantile regression
#' @param tau estimated quantile
#' @param trunc Boolean value; if true, replace those dependent values less than small with small itself;
#' else, only use rows with residuals greater than small
#' @param small Value used with trunc; values less than small 'blow up' too greatly when logged
#' @param algorithm The name of a function which will estimate a quantile regression.
#' Defaults to rq.fit.sfn_start_val. Must be a string, as it is passed to `do.call`
#' @param weights vector of optional weights
#' @param ... other arguments to the function specified by the algorithm argument
#' @return List of estimated coefficients, warnings, iterations, and controls as in
#' standard quantile regression function
#' @export
regressResiduals = function(reg_spec_data,
algorithm = "rq.fit.sfn_start_val",
...) {
resids = ehat[ind_hat]
if (!is.null(weights)){
weights = as.matrix(weights)
if(trunc) {
resids <- log(pmax(resids,small))
spec_mat <- reg_spec_data$spec_matrix
} else {
weights = weights[resids > small]
# if the dimensions for the regression match, we don't subset the
# x matrix, otherwise we do
if(nrow(reg_spec_data$spec_matrix) == sum(resids > small)) {
spec_mat <- reg_spec_data$spec_matrix
} else {
spec_mat <- reg_spec_data$spec_matrix[resids > small,]
resids <- log(resids[resids > small])
j_model <- fitQuantileRegression(
X = spec_mat,
y = resids,
tau = tau,
algorithm = algorithm,
weights = as.vector(weights),
#' return NA if argument is null
#' @param x value to check if null
na_if_null <- function(x) {
} else {
#' Lower level function which calculates the quantile spacing regression coefficients
#' @param y Column of response variable.
#' @param X Regression specification matrix.
#' @param var_names RHS regression variable names.
#' @param alpha Quantiles to be estimated.
#' @param jstar First quantile to be estimated (usually the center one)
#' @param small Minimum size of residuals for computational accuracy.
#' @param trunc Boolean value; if true, replace those dependent values less than small with small itself;
#' else, only use rows with residuals greater than small
#' @param algorithm The name of a function which will estimate a quantile regression.
#' Defaults to rq.fit.sfn_start_val. Must be a string, as it is passed to `do.call`
#' @param start_list Starting values for regression optimization.
#' @param weights vector of optional weights
#' @param control control parameters to pass to the control arguments of [`quantreg_spacing`],
#' the lower-level function called by [`qs`]. This is set via the function [`qs_control`],
#' which returns a named list, with elements including:
#' * `trunc`: whether to truncate residual values below the argument "small"
#' * `small`: level of "small" values to guarentee numerical stability. If not specified, set dynamically based on the standard deviation of the outcome variable.
#' * `output_quantiles`: whether to save fitted quantiles as part of the function output
#' * `calc_avg_me`: whether to return average marginal effects as part of the fitted object
#' * `lambda`: the penalization factor to be passed to penalized regression algorithms
#' @param ... other parameters passed to the algorithm
#' @return
#' Returns a list of coefficients.
#' num_betas is an x by p matrix of estimated parameters for each supplied quantiles.
#' pseudo_r is a 1 by p matrix of psuedo R^2 values for each quantile estimate.
#' warnings is a 1 by p matrix of warnings produced by each quantile regression call.
#' iter: is a 1 by p matrix of iterations ran by each quantile regression call.
#' @export
#' @importFrom SparseM as.matrix
quantreg_spacing = function(
algorithm = "rq.fit.sfn",
weights = NULL,
control = list(
small = 1e-6,
trunc = TRUE,
start_list = NA,
output_quantiles = FALSE,
calc_avg_me = FALSE,
calc_r2 = T
...) {
# disperse control parameters
small = control$small
trunc = control$trunc
start_list = na_if_null(control$start_list)
weights = weights
output_quantiles = control$output_quantiles
calc_avg_me = control$calc_avg_me
lambda = control$lambda
calc_r2 = control$calc_r2
if(is.null(output_quantiles)) {
output_quantiles <- TRUE
if(is.null(calc_avg_me)) {
calc_avg_me <- FALSE
# number of observations that will default to an NA estimate of
# a quantile.
obs_thresh = 2
if(nrow(X) < obs_thresh) {
stop("Data contains fewer than ", obs_thresh, "observations.")
width = dim(X)[2]
tau = alpha[jstar]
p = length(alpha)
#create logs for output
count_log = list()
length(count_log) = p
warnings_log = list()
length(warnings_log) = p
iter_log = list()
length(iter_log) = p
pseudo_r = list()
length(pseudo_r) = p
model = list() # Collect the quantile regressions into a list
length(model) = p
out_lambda = as.list(rep(NA, length(alpha)))
# check to see if regression matrix is sparse. If not, then turn into CSR matrix
if(!is(X, 'matrix.csr') & grepl("sfn", algorithm)) {
X = denseMatrixToSparse(X)
if(missing(var_names) | is.null(var_names)) {
var_names <- paste0("v", 1:ncol(X))
# Ensure matrix is not rank deficient
if(is.null(lambda)) {
reg_spec_starting_data <- ensureSpecFullRank(X, var_names)
} else {
reg_spec_starting_data <- list(spec_matrix = X, col_names = var_names)
if(!is.null(lambda)) {
if(length(lambda) > 1) {
star_lambda = lambda[jstar]
} else {
star_lambda = lambda
} else {
star_lambda = NULL
# Calculate initial fit
if(any(is.na(start_list))){ # if user supplied starting values, then use them
star_model = fitQuantileRegression(
X = reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix,
y = y,
tau = tau,
control = list( ),
weights = weights,
algorithm = algorithm,
lambda = star_lambda,
} else {
col_nums = getColNums(start_list, reg_spec_starting_data, alpha, jstar)
sv = as.numeric(start_list[col_nums])
star_model = fitQuantileRegression(
X = reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix,
y = y,
tau = tau,
control = list( ),
sv = as.numeric(start_list[col_nums]),
weights = weights,
algorithm = algorithm,
lambda = star_lambda,
ehat0 = star_model$residuals
#Calculate R^2
if(calc_r2) {
V <- sum(rho(u = ehat0, tau = tau, weights = weights))
# matches univariate qreg
q_est <- quantile(y, tau, type = 1)
V0 <- sum(rho(u = y - q_est, tau = tau, weights = weights))
} else {
V = NA
V0 = NA
#set column names
coef_df <- as.data.frame(t(star_model$coefficients))
colnames(coef_df) <- reg_spec_starting_data$var_names
coef_df <- addMissingSpecColumns(
colnames(coef_df) <- var_names
colnames(coef_df) <- paste(alpha[jstar], colnames(coef_df), sep="_")
#log output for return
pseudo_r[[jstar]] = (1 - V/V0)
model[[jstar]] = coef_df
warnings_log[[jstar]] = star_model$ierr
iter_log[[jstar]] = star_model$it
count_log[[jstar]] = dim(reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix)[1]
out_lambda[[jstar]] = na_if_null(star_model$lambda)
# Estimate upper quantiles sequentially
ehat = ehat0
for (j in (jstar+1):p) {
ind_hat = which(ehat > 0)
if(!is.null(lambda)) {
if(length(lambda) > 1) {
j_lambda = lambda[j]
} else {
j_lambda = lambda
} else {
j_lambda = NULL
if(length(ind_hat) <= obs_thresh) {
warning("When estimating coefficients quantile ", alpha[j], " there were ", obs_thresh,
" or fewer residuals found above previous quantile estimate. Returning NA.")
# Update residuals
coef = rep(NA, length(star_model$coefficients))
coef_df <- as.data.frame(t(coef))
#get column names
colnames(coef_df) <- reg_spec_starting_data$var_names
coef_df <- addMissingSpecColumns(
colnames(coef_df) <- paste(alpha[j], colnames(coef_df), sep="_")
#log results
model[[j]] = coef_df
pseudo_r[[j]] = NA
warnings_log[[j]] = NA
iter_log[[j]] = NA
count_log[[j]] = NA
# Update residuals
ehat = NA
} else {
# Determine quantile to estimate
tau.t = (alpha[j] - alpha[j-1])/(1 - alpha[j-1])
# Ensure the cut of the starting data that we take for
# current spacing is not rank-deficient
# Ensure matrix is not rank deficient
if(is.null(lambda) || zapsmall(lambda) == 0) {
reg_spec_data <- ensureSpecFullRank(reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix[which(ehat > small),], reg_spec_starting_data$var_names)
} else {
reg_spec_data <- list(spec_matrix = reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix[which(ehat > small),], col_names = var_names)
} else {
# Ensure matrix is not rank deficient
if(is.null(lambda) || zapsmall(lambda) == 0) {
reg_spec_data <- ensureSpecFullRank(reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix[ind_hat,], reg_spec_starting_data$var_names)
} else {
reg_spec_data <- list(spec_matrix = reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix[ind_hat,], col_names = var_names)
# run quantile regression
coef <- NULL
if(!any(is.na(start_list))){ # if user specified a start model, then use it as input
col_nums = getColNums(start_list, reg_spec_data, alpha, j)
sv = as.numeric(start_list[col_nums])
j_model <- regressResiduals(reg_spec_data = reg_spec_data, ehat = ehat,
sv = sv, ind_hat = ind_hat, tau = tau.t, trunc = trunc,
small = small,
control = list( ),
weights = weights[ind_hat],
algorithm = algorithm, lambda = j_lambda,
} else{
j_model <- regressResiduals(reg_spec_data = reg_spec_data, ehat = ehat,
ind_hat = ind_hat, tau = tau.t, trunc = trunc,
small = small,
control = list( ),
weights = weights[ind_hat],
algorithm = algorithm, lambda = j_lambda,
if( calc_r2 ){
#Calculate R^2
V <- sum(rho(u = j_model$residuals, tau = tau.t, weights = j_model$weights))
q_est <- quantile(ehat, tau.t, type = 1)
V0 <- sum(rho(u = ehat - q_est, tau = tau.t,
weights = j_model$weights))
} else {
V = NA
V0 = NA
# Update residuals
coef = j_model$coefficients
coef_df <- as.data.frame(t(coef))
#get column names
colnames(coef_df) <- reg_spec_data$var_names
coef_df <- addMissingSpecColumns(
colnames(coef_df) <- paste(alpha[j], colnames(coef_df), sep="_")
#log results
model[[j]] = coef_df
pseudo_r[[j]] = (1 - V/V0)
warnings_log[[j]] = j_model$ierr
iter_log[[j]] = j_model$it
count_log[[j]] = dim(reg_spec_data$spec_matrix)[1]
out_lambda[[j]] = na_if_null(j_model$lambda)
# Update residuals
ehat = ehat - exp(
X %*%
# Estimate lower quantiles sequentially
ehat = ehat0
for (j in (jstar-1):1) {
if(!is.null(lambda)) {
if(length(lambda) > 1) {
j_lambda = lambda[j]
} else {
j_lambda = lambda
} else {
j_lambda = NULL
# Ensure the cut of the starting data that we take for
# current spacing is not rank-deficient
# if not truncating, then ensure exact rows of the regression matrix is included
# else, handle rank specification for typically-sized matrix
if(!trunc) {
ind_hat = which(-ehat > small)
} else {
ind_hat = which(ehat < 0)
if(length(ind_hat) <= obs_thresh) {
warning("When estimating coefficients quantile ", alpha[j], " there were ", obs_thresh,
" or fewer residuals found above previous quantile estimate. Returning NA.")
# Update residuals
coef = rep(NA, length(star_model$coefficients))
coef_df <- as.data.frame(t(coef))
#get column names
colnames(coef_df) <- reg_spec_starting_data$var_names
coef_df <- addMissingSpecColumns(
colnames(coef_df) <- paste(alpha[j], colnames(coef_df), sep="_")
#log results
model[[j]] = coef_df
pseudo_r[[j]] = NA
warnings_log[[j]] = NA
iter_log[[j]] = NA
count_log[[j]] = NA
# Update residuals
ehat = NA
} else {
# Determine quantile to estimate
tau.t = (alpha[j + 1] - alpha[j])/(alpha[j + 1])
# Ensure the cut of the starting data that we take for
# current spacing is not rank-deficient
# Ensure matrix is not rank deficient
if(is.null(lambda)) {
reg_spec_data <- ensureSpecFullRank(reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix[which(ehat > small),],
} else {
reg_spec_data <- list(spec_matrix = reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix[which(ehat > small),], col_names = var_names)
} else {
# Ensure matrix is not rank deficient
if(is.null(lambda) || zapsmall(lambda) == 0) {
reg_spec_data <- ensureSpecFullRank(reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix[ind_hat,],
} else {
reg_spec_data <- list(spec_matrix = reg_spec_starting_data$spec_matrix[ind_hat,],
col_names = var_names)
#run quantile regression
if(!any(is.na(start_list))) { # if the user supplied starting values, then use them in the function
col_nums = getColNums(start_list, reg_spec_data, alpha, j)
sv = as.numeric(start_list[col_nums])
j_model <- regressResiduals(reg_spec_data = reg_spec_data,
ehat = -ehat,
sv = sv,
ind_hat = ind_hat,
tau = tau.t, trunc = trunc, small = small,
control = list( ),
algorithm = algorithm, lambda = j_lambda,
weights = weights[ind_hat], ...)
} else {
j_model <- regressResiduals(reg_spec_data = reg_spec_data,
ehat = -ehat,
ind_hat = ind_hat,
tau = tau.t, trunc = trunc, small = small,
control = list( ),
algorithm = algorithm,
weights = weights[ind_hat],
lambda = j_lambda,
if(calc_r2) {
#Calculate pseudo-R^2
V <- sum(rho(u = j_model$residuals, tau = tau.t, weights = j_model$weights))
q_est <- quantile(-ehat, tau.t, type = 1)
V0 <- sum(rho(u = -ehat - q_est, tau = tau.t,
weights = j_model$weights))
} else {
V = NA
V0 = NA
# Update residuals
coef = j_model$coefficients
coef_df <- as.data.frame(t(coef))
#get column names
colnames(coef_df) <- reg_spec_data$var_names
coef_df <- addMissingSpecColumns(
colnames(coef_df) <- paste(alpha[j], colnames(coef_df), sep="_")
#log results
model[[j]] = coef_df
pseudo_r[[j]] = (1 - V/V0)
warnings_log[[j]] = j_model$ierr
iter_log[[j]] = j_model$it
count_log[[j]] = dim(reg_spec_data$spec_matrix)[1]
out_lambda[[j]] = na_if_null(j_model$lambda)
ehat = ehat + exp(as.matrix(
X %*%
rv = list('coef' = do.call(cbind, model),
'pseudo_r' = do.call(cbind, pseudo_r),
'warnings' = do.call(cbind, warnings_log),
'iter' = do.call(cbind, iter_log),
'counts' = do.call(cbind, count_log),
'lambda' = out_lambda)
# calculate average marginal effects if user-specified
qreg_coef = matrix(unlist(rv$coef), ncol = length(alpha))
# calculate the average spacing (column-wise average)
average_spacing = avg_spacing(X, qreg_coef, alpha,
jstar, trim=.01)
me = get_marginal_effects(qreg_coeffs = qreg_coef,
avg_spacings = average_spacing,
j_star = jstar,
calc_se = FALSE)
rv$me = t(as.data.frame(as.vector(me$avgME)))
colnames(rv$me) <- colnames(rv$coef)
rownames(rv$me) <- NULL
# calculate quantiles induced by spacings if user-specified
if(output_quantiles) {
rv$quantiles = spacings_to_quantiles(spacingCoef = matrix(as.numeric(rv$coef),
ncol = p),
X, jstar)
#' Get the data inside the s4 slot of this sparse matrix class
#' @param data some thing that could be a sparse matrix
#' @importFrom SparseM is.matrix.csr
get_underlying <- function(data) {
if(SparseM::is.matrix.csr(data)) {
} else {
#' Compute quantiles given parameter coefficients and data
#' @param spacingCoef J by p matrix; row is number of variables, p is number of quantiles
#' @param data independent variables
#' @param jstar index of median quantiles
#' @return N by p matrix of quantiles
#' @export
spacings_to_quantiles <- function(spacingCoef, data, jstar) {
if(any(is.na(get_underlying(data))) | any(is.na(spacingCoef))) {
spacingCoef <- as.matrix(spacingCoef)
data <- as.matrix(data)
p = dim(spacingCoef)[2]
quantiles = matrix(NA, nrow = dim(data)[1], ncol = p)
starResids = data %*% spacingCoef[,jstar]
quantiles[,jstar] = starResids
resids = starResids
for (j in (jstar+1):p) {
spacing = data %*% spacingCoef[,j]
resids = resids + exp(spacing)
quantiles[,j] = resids
resids = starResids
for (j in (jstar-1):1) {
spacing = data %*% spacingCoef[,j]
resids = resids - exp(spacing)
quantiles[,j] = resids
#' run function only with arguments
#' that match the arguments for f
#' @param f function
#' @param ... arguments to match
do_matched_call <- function(f, ...) {
all_args = list(...)
matched_args = subset(all_args,
names(all_args) %in%
do.call("f", args = matched_args)
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