
Defines functions as_call2

# Documented on 2019-11-21

as_call2 <- function(..., .list = list(), .drop_nulls = TRUE){
  call <- c(list(...), .list)
  if( .drop_nulls ){
    call  <-  call[!vapply(call, is.null, FUN.VALUE = FALSE)]

#' @title Session-based Module Runtime Environment Class
#' @author Zhengjia Wang
#' @description where all the module functions are executed. It's rarely created
#' manually, use \code{\link[rave]{get_module}} to create module, run with 
#' \code{start_app(m, test.mode=TRUE)}, and then inspect modules.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load module
#' module <- get_module('ravebuiltins', 'power_explorer')
#' # Create execute environmen
#' execenv <- module$get_or_new_exec_env()
#' execenv$info()
#' }
#' @export
ExecEnvir <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = 'ExecEnvir',
  portable = FALSE,
  cloneable = TRUE,
  private = list(
    data_env = NULL,
    session = NULL,
    inputs = NULL,
    outputs = NULL,
    update = NULL,
    tabsets = NULL,
    executes = NULL
  public = list(
    #' @field .__rave_context__. context string for current instance, indicating
    #' whether the module is running locally (public, but internally used)
    .__rave_context__. = 'rave_running_local',
    #' @field .__rave_package__. current package name to run (public, 
    #' but internally used)
    .__rave_package__. = character(0),
    #' @field .__rave_module__. module ID (public, but internally used)
    .__rave_module__. = character(0),
    #' @field .__rave_module_instance__. self instance (public, but internally
    #' used)
    .__rave_module_instance__. = NULL,
    #' @field module_env \code{\link[rave]{ModuleEnvir}} instance
    module_env = NULL,
    #' @field cache_env cache environment to store key-value pairs locally
    cache_env = NULL,
    #' @field parent_env the parent/top environment of the module, usually 
    #' global environment or some name-space if the module is implemented as 
    #' an R package
    parent_env = NULL,
    #' @field wrapper_env stores all the utility functions. Some functions are 
    #' overridden there such as \code{\link[shiny]{observe}}, 
    #' \code{rave_checks}, or \code{eval_when_ready}. These functions behave 
    #' differently inside or outside of shiny context, and with or without data 
    #' loaded. The environment will be locked once the module is initialized. 
    #' The parent environment is \code{parent_env}
    wrapper_env = NULL,
    #' @field static_env stores module static functions. These functions are 
    #' evaluated under \code{parse_env} and then moved here. The environment
    #' is locked after initialization. Its parent environment is 
    #' \code{wrapper_env}
    static_env = NULL,
    #' @field param_env stores parameters and most of the user inputs. It can 
    #' also serve as a repository for global variables. Unlike the previous
    #' environments, \code{param_env} is unlocked, but module creators do not 
    #' have access to this environment directly. The parent environment is 
    #' \code{static_env}
    param_env = NULL,
    #' @field runtime_env where the main part of module is running. All shiny
    #' \code{\link[shiny]{observe}} and \code{\link[shiny]{observeEvent}} are 
    #' redirected to this environment by default (unless using 
    #' \code{shiny::observe}). All functions in \code{static_env} have access 
    #' to this environment. The parent environment is \code{param_env}
    runtime_env = NULL,
    #' @field async_env where asynchronous codes run
    async_env = NULL,
    #' @field parse_env environment where modules are parsed. The parent 
    #' environment is \code{runtime_env}. Once all functions are evaluated, 
    #' this environment is not used. However, module creators don't directly 
    #' access this environment once the module is initialized.
    parse_env = NULL,
    #' @field ns shiny name-space functions, is equivalent to 
    #' \code{shiny::NS(module_id)}. The goal is to add prefixes to module inputs
    #' so that two modules with the same input ID are named differently
    ns = NULL,
    #' @field auto_execute (Deprecated) whether to auto-calculate results
    auto_execute = TRUE,
    #' @field manual_inputIds character vector; name list of manually input IDs.
    #' Used when the algorithm takes long to run 
    manual_inputIds = NULL,
    #' @field rendering_inputIds character vector; name list of input IDs that 
    #' when one of the corresponding inputs is changed, then \code{rave_execute}
    #' will not get evaluated. Only the outputs are changed.
    rendering_inputIds = NULL,
    #' @field input_update expressions to update inputs
    input_update = NULL,
    #' @field register_output_events expressions to register outputs
    register_output_events = NULL,
    #' @field register_input_events expressions to register inputs
    register_input_events = NULL,
    #' @field execute module main function. The function is dynamically 
    #' generated. Don't call directly.
    execute = NULL,
    #' @field async_module (experimental) whether the module contains any 
    #' asynchronous part
    async_module = FALSE,
    #' @field global_reactives shiny global \code{reactives}, internal use only
    global_reactives = NULL,
    #' @field local_reactives shiny local \code{reactives}, internal use only
    local_reactives = NULL,
    #' @field internal_reactives internal reactive values to control some 
    #' elements, internal use only
    internal_reactives = NULL,
    #' @field ready_functions functions to run when the module is ready. The 
    #' functions are called at the last step of \code{\link[rave]{shinirize}}. 
    #' Usually it's used along with \code{eval_when_ready}, to make sure  
    #' \code{global_reactives} and \code{local_reactives} getting registered
    #' before functions calls
    ready_functions = NULL,
    #' @description (experimental) signal the modules to reload
    #' @return none
    reload = function(){
        self$global_reactives$force_refresh_all <- Sys.time()
        self$global_reactives$has_data <- Sys.time()
    #' @description garbage collection
    #' @return none
    finalize = function(){
      catgl(sprintf('[%s] Runtime Environment Removed.', self$module_env$module_id))
    #' @description print variables in different layers (environment)
    #' @return none
    info = function(){
      cat('- wrapper environment -\n')
      cat('\n- static environment -\n')
      cat('\n- param environment -\n')
      cat('\n- runtime environment -\n')
    #' @description print the memory address 
    #' @param ... ignored
    #' @return memory address
    print = function(...){
    #' @description clean the environments to release the resource
    #' @return none
    clean = function(){
      # WARNING: this is not clean, but should be able to clear most of the large objects
      # clear_env(self$static_env)
    #' @description constructor
    #' @param session shiny session instance
    #' @param parent_env parent environment of this instance: package name space
    #' or global environment
    initialize = function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(),
                          parent_env = NULL){
      if(!is.null(session) && !inherits(session, c('ShinySession', 'session_proxy'))){
        private$session <- session
      self$ready_functions <- list()
      self$internal_reactives <- shiny::reactiveValues()
      self$cache_env <- dipsaus::session_map()
      self$cache_env$has_locker <- FALSE
      self$.__rave_module_instance__. <- self

      # parent_env should be an unlocked environment that can be active binded
        parent_env <- new.env(parent = globalenv(), hash = TRUE)
      self$parent_env <- parent_env

      # wrapper has all kind of util functions and it'll be sealed (locked)
      # One thing to notice that non of the functions within wrapper_env are
      # evaluated within itself. All are evaluated under "self", i.e. ExecEnvir
      # The reason why we use wrapper_env is because we don't want anyone to
      # change those functions as they are critical to modules.
      self$wrapper_env <- new.env(parent = parent_env)

      # active bindings to data repository which allow us
      # the access to data loaded in data repo.

      # static_env contains user self-defined functions. once initialized, they can
      # be read-only (in most of the cases).
      self$static_env <- new.env(parent = self$wrapper_env)
      self$param_env <- new.env(parent = self$static_env)
      self$param_env$..rave_future_env <- new.env()

      # runtime_env, all variables will be stored within this environment, is the
      # one that real execute take place
      self$runtime_env <- new.env(parent = self$param_env)
      self$static_env$..runtime_env <- self$runtime_env
      self$static_env$.env <- self$runtime_env
      self$static_env$..param_env <- self$param_env
      self$async_env <- new.env(parent = self$runtime_env)

      # Environment for parsers. All source file will be parsed here
      # it can get access to runtime_env.
      # Old scheme was to parse src in static env and change function environment to
      # runtime_env, this is dangerous. So I come up with this solution
      self$parse_env <- new.env(parent = self$runtime_env)

      self$ns <- base::I

      bind_wrapper_env(self, self$wrapper_env)

      self$wrapper_env$source <- function(file, local = TRUE, ...){

        # Try to use the file under the same dir
        dir <- dirname(self$module_env$script_path)
        tmp_file <- file.path(dir, file)
          catgl('Try to source from [', tmp_file, ']')
          self$runtime_env$.__tmp_file <- tmp_file
          eval(quote(base::source(.__tmp_file, local = TRUE)), self$runtime_env)
        }else if(file.exists(file)){
          # cat2('File [', tmp_file, '] does not exists, try to look for it.', level = 'INFO')
          self$runtime_env$.__tmp_file <- file
          eval(quote(base::source(.__tmp_file, local = TRUE)), self$runtime_env)
          catgl('File [', file, '] does not exists.', level = 'ERROR')

        # Speed up
        # copy_env(self$parse_env, self$static_env, deep = F)
        list2env(as.list(self$runtime_env, all.names = TRUE), envir = self$static_env)


      # advanced usage
      self$wrapper_env$getDefaultReactiveDomain <- function(
        session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
        id <- self$module_env$module_id
          session <- private$session
        if(inherits(session, 'ShinySession')){

      self$wrapper_env$getDefaultReactiveInput <- function(
        session = self$wrapper_env$getDefaultReactiveDomain()
        if(inherits(session, 'ShinySession')){
        if(inherits(session, 'session_proxy')){
          stop('No module detected, please run "self$register_module(...)" to register module.')

      self$wrapper_env$getDefaultReactiveOutput <- function(
        session = self$wrapper_env$getDefaultReactiveDomain()
        if(inherits(session, 'ShinySession')){
          return( session$makeScope(self$module_env$module_id)$output )
        if(inherits(session, 'session_proxy')){
          return( session$output )
          stop('No module detected, please run "self$register_module(...)" to register module.')

      # lockEnvironment(self$wrapper_env)

    #' @description reset the runtime environment, rarely used
    #' @param inputs reactive value list
    #' @return none
    reset = function(inputs){
        inputs <- shiny::isolate(shiny::reactiveValuesToList(inputs))
      rm(list = ls(self$runtime_env), envir = self$runtime_env)
      for(nm in self$input_ids){
        assign(nm, inputs[[nm]], envir = self$runtime_env)
    #' @description (deprecated) copy the instance locally
    #' @param session_id character
    #' @param data_env where the data is stored, default is the environment 
    #' returned by \code{\link[rave]{getDefaultDataRepository}}
    #' @return a copied instance
    copy = function(
      session_id = '__fake_runtime_env__', data_env = getDefaultDataRepository()
      # deep clone, but sharing the data, module environment
      fakesession <- fake_session(rave_id = session_id)

      m <- self$module_env
      new_exec <- m$get_or_new_exec_env(
        parent_env = data_env, session = fakesession, new = TRUE

      # migrate param_env
      list2env(as.list(self$param_env, all.names = TRUE), new_exec$param_env)
      new_exec$self$module_env$load_script(session = fakesession)

    #' @description (deprecated) execute module with given parameter
    #' @param param named list
    #' @param async whether to run the whole module
    #' @param plan future plan
    #' @return runtime environment
    execute_with = function(param, async = FALSE, plan = NULL){
      lapply(names(param), function(nm){
        self$runtime_env[[nm]] <- param[[nm]]
        self$param_env[[nm]] <- param[[nm]]
      res <- self$execute(async = async)
        catgl('Execute_with async not implemented.')

    #' @description returns names of a list, if names are null, 
    #' returns blank characters
    #' @param x a list
    #' @return the names of the list
    names = function(x){
        nm <- base::names(x)
        if(length(x) != length(nm) && is.null(nm)){
          nm <- rep('', length(x))
        nm <- base::names(x)
    #' @description register \code{\link[rave]{ModuleEnvir}} instance
    #' @param module_env \code{\link[rave]{ModuleEnvir}} instance. The modules
    #' are shared across different sessions, but to run the module, we need 
    #' to create runtime environment, which is \code{ExecEnvir}
    #' @return none
    register_module = function(module_env){
        catgl('Overriding Module Environment.', level = 'WARNING')
      self$module_env <- module_env
      self$ns <- shiny::NS(module_env$module_id)
      # Set context
      if( module_env$from_package ){
        self$.__rave_package__. <- module_env$package_name
        catgl('Module is not from a known package, try to read from current context...', level = 'INFO')
        ctx <- rave_context(disallowed_context = 'default')
        self$.__rave_package__. <- ctx$package
      self$.__rave_module__. <- module_env$module_id
    #' @description Register 'RAVE' context for current environment 
    #' (internally used)
    #' @param context context string to indicate whether the module is running 
    #' locally
    #' @return None
    register_context = function(context = c('rave_running', 'rave_running_local')){
      context <- match.arg(context)
      self$.__rave_context__. <- context
      rave_context(senv = self, tenv = self$wrapper_env)
      rave_context(senv = self, tenv = self$static_env)
      rave_context(senv = self, tenv = self$param_env)
      rave_context(senv = self, tenv = self$runtime_env)
      rave_context(senv = self, tenv = self$parse_env)
    #' @description parse input components
    #' @param ... shiny input calls, such as \code{textInput('id', 'Name', ...)}
    #' @param .input_panels,.tabsets together define the input layouts
    #' @param .env ignored, debug only
    #' @param .manual_inputs input IDs that won't cause module re-calculate
    #' when inputs are updated
    #' @param .render_inputs input IDs that only trigger render functions when
    #' updated
    #' @return none
    rave_inputs = function(..., .input_panels = list(), .tabsets = list(), 
                           .env = NULL, .manual_inputs = NULL, .render_inputs = NULL){
      .tabsets <- .input_panels
      if( !is.list(.tabsets) ){
        .tabsets <- list()
      package_name <- get_package_name()
      self$manual_inputIds <- .manual_inputs
      self$rendering_inputIds <- .render_inputs
      names(.tabsets) <- sapply(names(.input_panels), function(nm){
        s <- stringr::str_trim(unlist(stringr::str_split(nm, '\\[|\\]')))
        s <- s[s!='']

      .tabsetParams <- lapply(names(.input_panels), function(nm){
        s <- stringr::str_trim(unlist(stringr::str_split(nm, '\\[|\\]')))
        s <- s[s!='']
        re <- list(
          collapsed = '-' %in% s,
          headerColor = tryCatch({
            col <- NULL
            tmp <- s[stringr::str_detect(s, '^#')]
            if(length(tmp) == 1){
              col <- tmp
          }, error = function(e){NULL})
      names(.tabsetParams) <- names(.tabsets)
      quos <- rlang::quos(...)
      parsers <- comp_parser()

      x <- lapply(quos, parsers$parse_quo)
      names(x) <- ids <- sapply(x, function(comp){comp$inputId})

      if(!'Local Variables' %in% names(.tabsets)){
        rest_inputs <- ids[!ids %in% unlist(.tabsets)]
          .tabsets[['Local Variables']] <- c(rest_inputs)

      lapply(seq_along(.tabsets), function(ii){
        tabName <- names(.tabsets)[ii]
        url <- openwetware_url(tabName, type = 'input')
          do.call(box, args = c(
            list(width = 12,
                 title = !!tabName,
                 collapsible = TRUE,
                 box_link = !!url),
            !!lapply(.tabsets[[tabName]], function(inputIds){
              if(length(inputIds) == 1){
                comp <- x[[inputIds]]
                n <- length(inputIds)
                mod2 <- n %% 2
                mod3 <- n %% 3
                if(mod3 == 0){
                  flex_basis <- rep('flex-basis: 33%;', n)
                }else if(mod2 == 0){
                  flex_basis <- rep('flex-basis: 50%;', n)
                }else if(mod3 == 1){
                  flex_basis <- rep('flex-basis: 50%;', n)
                  flex_basis[length(flex_basis)] <- 'flex-basis: 100%;'
                  flex_basis <- rep('flex-basis:33%;', n)
                  flex_basis[length(flex_basis) - c(0:1)] <- 'flex-basis:50%;'

                  do.call(div, args = c(
                    list(class = 'rave-grid-inputs'),
                    !!lapply(seq_len(n), function(jj){
                      inputId <- inputIds[[jj]]
                        do.call(div, args = c(
                          list(style = !!flex_basis[[jj]], !!x[[inputId]]$expr)


      }) ->

      ui_inputs <- rlang::quo({
        do.call(shiny::fluidRow, args = !!ui_inputs)
      ui_inputs <- rlang::quo_squash(ui_inputs)

      private$inputs <- list(
        quos = ui_inputs,
        comp = x

      self$register_input_events <- function(input, output, session, local_data){
        lapply(x, function(comp){
          comp$observers(input, output, session, local_data, self)

    #' @description parse output components
    #' @param ... shiny output calls, such as \code{plotOutput('id', 'Title')}
    #' @param .output_tabsets,.tabsets together define the output layouts
    #' @param .env debug use
    #' @return none
    rave_outputs = function(..., .output_tabsets = list(), .tabsets = list(), .env = NULL){
      .tabsets <- .output_tabsets
      quos <- rlang::quos(...)
      stopifnot2(length(quos) > 0, msg = 'No output defined!')
      parsers <- comp_parser()
      x <- lapply(names(quos), function(nm){
        re <- parsers$parse_quo(quos[[nm]])
        re$label <- nm

      ids <- sapply(x, function(comp){comp$outputId})
      names(x) <- ids

      #### Generate UIs for output

      # 1. tabsets in .tabsets
      widths <- .tabsets[['width']]
      .tabsets[['width']] <- NULL
      widths %?<-% 12L

        names <- names(.tabsets)
        ntabs <- length(names)
        if(length(widths) < ntabs){
          widths <- rep(widths, ntabs)

        lapply(seq_len(ntabs), function(ii){
          nm <- names[[ii]]
          ids <- .tabsets[[nm]]

          quo_panels <- lapply(seq_along(ids), function(ii){
            comp <- ids[ii]
            title <- names(comp)
              title = title,
                class = 'rave-abs-right',
                  class = 'btn btn-box-tool force-recalculate',
                div_elastic(css_selector = '.tab-pane')
                .list = lapply(comp[[1]], function(output_id){
                  comp <- x[[output_id]]
                  width <- comp[['width']]; width %?<-% 12L
                    width = width
            # rlang::quo_squash(rlang::quo({
            #   shiny::tabPanel(
            #     title = !!title,
            #     div(
            #       class = 'rave-abs-right',
            #       div(
            #         class = 'btn btn-box-tool force-recalculate',
            #         shiny_icons$sync
            #       ),
            #       div_elastic(css_selector = '.tab-pane')
            #     ),
            #     do.call(shiny::fluidRow, args = !!{lapply(comp[[1]], function(output_id){
            #       comp = x[[output_id]]
            #       width = comp[['width']]; width %?<-% 12L
            #       expr = quote(shiny::column())
            #       expr = c(as.list(expr), list(
            #         shiny::h4(comp$label),
            #         comp$expr,
            #         width = width
            #       ))
            #       as.call(expr)
            #     })}
            #     )
            #   )
            # }))
            title = nm,
            width = widths[[ii]],
            box_link = openwetware_url(nm, type = 'output'),
            .list = quo_panels
          # quo_box = rlang::quo({
          #   do.call(shinydashboard::tabBox,
          #           args = c(
          #             list(title = !!nm, width = !!widths[[ii]]),
          #             !!quo_panels
          #           )
          #   )
          # })
          # quo_box
        }) ->
        tab_boxes <- NULL

      left_ids <- ids[!ids %in% unlist(.tabsets)]

      single_boxes <- lapply(left_ids, function(nm){
        comp <- x[[nm]]
        width <- comp$width; width %?<-% 12L
        margin <- comp$margin
        url <- openwetware_url(comp$label, type = 'output')
        if( length(margin) && is.numeric(margin) ){
            width = width,
            title = comp$label,
            collapsible = TRUE,
            box_link = url,
              style = sprintf('margin: %.0fpx;', margin),
          # rlang::quo({
          #   expand_box(
          #     width = width,
          #     title = comp$label,
          #     collapsible = TRUE,
          #     div(
          #       style = sprintf('margin: %.0fpx;', !!margin),
          #       !!comp$expr
          #     )
          #   )
          # })
            width = width,
            title = comp$label,
            box_link = url,
            collapsible = TRUE,
          # rlang::quo({
          #   expand_box(
          #     width = width,
          #     title = comp$label,
          #     collapsible = TRUE,
          #     !!comp$expr
          #   )
          # })

      ui_comps <- as_call2(
        .list = c(tab_boxes, single_boxes)
      # ui_comps = rlang::quo(do.call(shiny::fluidRow, args = c(!!tab_boxes, !!single_boxes)))
      # ui_comps = rlang::quo_squash(ui_comps)

      #### Reactive functions
      private$outputs <- list(
        quos = ui_comps,
        comp = x
      self$register_output_events <- function(input, output, session, local_data){
        lapply(x, function(comp){
          comp$observers(input, output, session, local_data, self)
    #' @description input initialization when \code{iEEG/ECoG} data are imported
    #' @param ... R expressions
    #' @param .env for debug use
    rave_updates = function(..., .env = NULL){
      quos <- rlang::quos(...)
      quo_names <- names(quos)
      quos <- lapply(quos, rlang::quo_squash)
      names(quos) <- quo_names
      private$update <- quos

      self$input_update <- function(input, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), init = FALSE){
        start <- Sys.time()
        input <- dipsaus::drop_nulls(input)
          # Deprecated, do nothing
        # if(is.null(session)){
        #   session = getDefaultReactiveDomain() #private$session
        # }
        var_names <- names(private$update)
        n_errors <- c(0,0)
        envir <- environment()
        errors <- NULL
        # passed = TRUE
        for(quo in private$update[var_names == '']){
            dipsaus::eval_dirty( quo, env = self$param_env )
          },error = function(e){
            catgl('Error in updating input (initialization)', level = 'ERROR')
            s <- capture.output(traceback(e))
            lapply(s, catgl, level = 'ERROR')
            envir$n_errors[1] <- envir$n_errors[1] + 1
            envir$errors <- c(envir$errors, as.character(e))
            # envir$passed = FALSE

          # if(!passed){
          #   break();
          # }

        for(varname in var_names[var_names != '']){
          # if(!passed){
          #   break;
          # }
            comp <- private$inputs$comp[[varname]]
            new_args <- dipsaus::eval_dirty(
              private$update[[varname]], data = input, env = self$param_env

            comp$updates(session = session, .args = new_args)
          },error = function(e){
            catgl('Error in updating input ', varname, level = 'ERROR')
            s <- capture.output(traceback(e))
            lapply(s, catgl, level = 'ERROR')
            envir$n_errors[2] <- envir$n_errors[2] + 1
            envir$passed <- FALSE

        end <- Sys.time()
        delta <- time_diff(start, end)
        catgl(sprintf('Updating inputs takes %.2f %s. Total errors: %d + %d', delta$delta, delta$units, n_errors[1], n_errors[2]))

        # Activate this module if no error occurred during input-update phase
        hist_len <- isolate(length(self$global_reactives$view_history))
            global_reactives$view_history[[hist_len]]$activated <- FALSE
            global_reactives$view_history[[hist_len]]$activated <- TRUE

          n_errors = n_errors,
          init_error_msgs = errors
    #' @description parse, and compile to main function
    #' @param ... R expressions
    #' @param auto whether the module should run automatically
    #' @param async_vars variables further passed to \code{async} module
    #' @param .env debug use
    #' @return none, but \code{ExecEnvir$execute} will be generated.
    rave_execute = function(..., auto = TRUE, .env = NULL, async_vars = NULL){
      quos <- rlang::quos_auto_name(rlang::quos(...))
      quos <- sapply(quos, rlang::quo_squash, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

      normal_quos <- quos[!names(quos) %in% 'async']
      private$executes <- c(private$executes, normal_quos)
      async_quo <- quos[['async']]
      self$async_module <- !is.null(async_quo)
      self$auto_execute <- auto

      self$execute <- function(async = FALSE, force = FALSE){
        if(!force && !self$auto_execute){
        self$runtime_env$.is_async <- async
        async_future <- NULL

            self$async_env[['..async_quo']] <- async_quo
            self$async_env[['..async_var']] <- async_vars

            packages <- stringr::str_match(search(), '^package:(.+)$')[,2] 
            packages <- packages[!is.na(packages)]
            packages <- unique(packages, self$module_env$packages)

            self$param_env$..rave_future_obj <-
                dipsaus::eval_dirty(..async_quo)#, env = async_env)
                  re <- sapply(..async_var, get0, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
              }, packages = packages, evaluator = future::multisession, 
              envir = self$async_env,
              gc = FALSE)
            lapply(private$executes, dipsaus::eval_dirty, env = self$runtime_env)

    #' @description (experimental) cache R expression in browser 
    #' \code{localStorage}
    #' @param expr R expression
    #' @param session shiny session instance
    set_browser = function(expr, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()){
        session <- private$session

      current_key <- add_to_session(session)

      children_keys <- add_to_session(session, 'rave_linked_by', NULL)
      children_keys <- children_keys[!children_keys %in% current_key]
      # children_keys = unique(c(current_key, children_keys))

      module_id <- self$module_env$module_id

      lapply(children_keys, function(storage_key){
        session$sendCustomMessage('rave_set_storage', list(
          module_id = module_id,
          expr = expr,
          storage_key = storage_key,
          current_key = current_key

    #' @description generate input panels according to parsed \code{rave_inputs}
    #' @param sidebar_width integer from 1 to 11, the width of the input panels
    #' @return HTML tags
    generate_input_ui = function(sidebar_width = 3L){
      ns <- self$ns
      # env = environment()

      more_btns <- list(
        # vignette = tags$li(actionLink(self$ns('..vignette'), 'Show Module Description')),
        async = tags$li(actionLink(self$ns('..async_run'), 'Run Algorithm (Async)')),
        export = tags$li(actionLink(self$ns('..incubator'), 'Exports'))

      # exports
      export_func <- names(as.list(self$static_env))
      is_export_func <- vapply(export_func, function(x){
        is.function(self$static_env[[x]]) && stringr::str_detect(x, 'export_')
      }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
      if(length(is_export_func) == 0 || sum(is_export_func) == 0){
        more_btns[['export']] <- NULL

      # Async
        more_btns[['async']] <- NULL

      more_ui <- NULL
      # TODO: do we really want more...? 
      # if(length(more_btns)){
      #   names(more_btns) = NULL
      #   more_ui = box(
      #     title = 'More...',
      #     collapsed = T,
      #     tags$ul(
      #       class = 'rave-grid-inputs',
      #       tagList(more_btns)
      #     ),
      #     width = 12,
      #     collapsible = T
      #   )
      # }

      if(sidebar_width == 0){
        sidebar_width <- '3 hidden'

        class = sprintf('col-sm-%s rave-input-panel', sidebar_width),
        # dipsaus::eval_dirty(private$inputs$quos, env = new.env(), data = self$parent_env),
        rlang::eval_tidy(private$inputs$quos, data = as.list(self$parent_env)),
    #' @description generate outputs labels according to parsed 
    #' \code{rave_outputs}
    #' @param sidebar_width integer from 1 to 11, the width of the input panels,
    #' the output panel width is calculated as \code{12-sidebar_width}
    #' @return HTML tags
    generate_output_ui = function(sidebar_width = 3L){
      ns <- self$ns
      # env = environment()
        class = sprintf('col-sm-%d rave-output-panel', 12L - sidebar_width),
        # dipsaus::eval_dirty(private$outputs$quos, env = new.env(), data = self$parent_env)
        rlang::eval_tidy(private$outputs$quos, data = as.list(self$parent_env))

    #' @description (deprecated) check if variable is shared across modules.
    #' Please use \code{cache_input} instead to get variable values.
    #' @param inputId input ID
    is_global = function(inputId){
      tabsets <- private$tabsets
      if(length(tabsets) == 0){
      nms <- names(tabsets)
      ts <- unlist(tabsets[stringr::str_detect(stringr::str_to_lower(nms), 'global')])
      if(length(ts) == 0){
      return(inputId %in% ts)
  active = list(
    #' @field input_ids vector of input IDs (read-only)
    input_ids = function(){
    #' @field input_labels vector of input labels (read-only)
    input_labels = function(){
      re <- lapply(private$inputs$comp, function(x){x$args$label})
      names(re) <- names(private$inputs$comp)
    #' @field output_labels vector of output labels (read-only)
    output_labels = function(){
      re <- lapply(private$outputs$comp, function(x){x$label})
      names(re) <- names(private$outputs$comp)
    #' @field output_ids vector of output IDs (read-only)
    output_ids = function(){
beauchamplab/rave documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 7:20 a.m.