
Defines functions bind_wrapper_env

# Documented 2019-11-21

# Function to bind functions to exec_env's wrappers
# e is the execenv and w is its wrapper
bind_wrapper_env <- function(self, w, shiny_mode = TRUE){
  w$async_var <- function(x, default = NULL){
    x_name <- deparse(substitute(x))
    val <- NULL
    future_env <- self$param_env[['..rave_future_env']]
    if(is.environment(future_env) || is.list(future_env)){
      val <- future_env[[x_name]]
  w$reloadUI <- function(){
  w$launch_selector <- function(){
    self$global_reactives$launch_selector <- Sys.time()
  w$monitor_subject_change <- function(){
      if( self$local_reactives$initialized && self$local_reactives$has_data && self$local_reactives$focused ){
        # base::print('subject changed?')
  w$get_execenv_local_reactive <- function(){
  w$get_client_size <- function(){
  w$switch_to <- function(module_id, varriable_name = NULL, value = NULL, quiet = FALSE, ...){
      # if missing module_id, jump to last activated module
      # This is a hidden feature if not specifying module_id
      # 1. in the dev mode, I'll raise error if module_id is not string
      # 2. Be careful when using this hidden feature since it might cause infinite loop
        module_id <- NULL
        hist <- isolate(self$global_reactives$view_history)
        if(length(hist) > 1){
          ind <- which(vapply(hist, '[[', logical(1L), 'activated'))
            ind <- ind[length(ind)]
            module_id <- hist[[ind]]$module_id
        self$global_reactives$switch_module <- c(
            module_id = module_id,
            varriable_name = varriable_name,
            value = value,
            timestamp = Sys.time()
        # showNotification(p('Cannot switch back. You have not opened any modules yet.'), type = 'warning')
  w$reload_module <- function(){
    clear_cache(levels = 1)
    self$input_update(list(), init = TRUE)
  w$get_input_ids <- function(render_inputs = FALSE, manual_inputs = FALSE){
    input_ids <- self$input_ids
    if( !render_inputs ){
      render_ids <- self$rendering_inputIds
      input_ids <- input_ids[!input_ids %in% render_ids]
    if( !manual_inputs ){
      manual_ids <- self$manual_inputIds
      input_ids <- input_ids[!input_ids %in% manual_ids]
  persist_widget <- local({
    auto <- TRUE
    temporary_on <- FALSE
    is_auto <- function( on, include_temporary = FALSE, cancel_temporary = FALSE ){
        temporary_on <<- FALSE
        auto <<- !isFALSE(on)
        catgl('Auto Re-calculate is set to ', auto)
      if( include_temporary ){
        re <- auto || temporary_on
        re <- auto
        temporary_on <<- FALSE
    trigger <- function(force = TRUE){
      temporary_on <<- isTRUE(force)
        self$local_reactives$last_input <- Sys.time()
      is_auto = is_auto,
      trigger = trigger
  w$auto_recalculate <- persist_widget$is_auto
  w$trigger_recalculate <- persist_widget$trigger

  w$current_module <- function(){
      return(isolate(get_val(self$global_reactives, 'execute_module', default = '')))
  w$get_brain <- function(surfaces = 'pial', multiple_subject = FALSE,
                         data_repo = rave::getDefaultDataRepository()){
    subject <- get0('subject', envir = data_repo, ifnotfound = NULL)
    brain <- NULL
    if( !is.null(subject) ){
      brain <- rave_brain2(subject = subject, surfaces = surfaces, compute_template = FALSE)
      if( multiple_subject ){
        brain <- threeBrain::merge_brain(brain)
  w$require <- function(package, ..., character.only = TRUE){
    p <- as.character(substitute(package))
        catgl("Installing Package ", p, level = 'WARNING')
        utils::install.packages(p, type = 'binary')
    do.call('require', args = c(list(
      package = p,
      character.only = TRUE
  w$library <- w$require
  w$observe <- function(x, env = NULL, quoted = FALSE, priority = 0, domain = NULL, ...){
      x <- substitute(x)
    # Make sure shiny doesn't crash
    x <- rlang::quo_squash(rlang::quo(
      env <- self$runtime_env
      domain <- self$wrapper_env$getDefaultReactiveDomain()
      x = x,
      env = env,
      quoted = TRUE,
      priority = priority - 1L,
      domain = domain,
  w$safe_wrap_expr <- safe_wrap_expr
  w$observeEvent <- function(
    eventExpr, handlerExpr, event.env = NULL,
    event.quoted = FALSE, handler.env = NULL, handler.quoted = FALSE,
    priority = 0, domain = NULL, ...
      eventExpr <- substitute(eventExpr)
      event.env <- self$runtime_env
      handlerExpr <- substitute(handlerExpr)
      handler.env <- self$runtime_env
      domain <- self$wrapper_env$getDefaultReactiveDomain()
    # Make sure shiny doesn't crash
    handlerExpr <- rlang::quo_squash(rlang::quo(
      eventExpr = eventExpr, handlerExpr = handlerExpr, event.env = event.env,
      event.quoted = TRUE, handler.env = handler.env, handler.quoted = TRUE,
      priority = priority - 1L, domain = domain, ...
    w$rave_inputs <- self$rave_inputs
    w$rave_outputs <- self$rave_outputs
    w$rave_updates <- self$rave_updates
    w$rave_execute <- self$rave_execute
    w$rave_ignore <- do_nothing
    w$rave_inputs <- rave_inputs
    w$rave_outputs <- rave_outputs
    w$rave_updates <- rave_updates
    w$rave_execute <- rave_execute
    w$rave_ignore <- rave_ignore
  w$export_report <- self$export_report
  w$rave_prepare <- do_nothing
  w$ns <- function(id){
    # ns will be changed during shinirize process

#' @title R6 'RAVE' Module Class
#' @description contains module data, functions, etc.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' module <- get_module('ravebuiltins', 'power_explorer')
#' module
#' #> Module Name: Power Explorer 
#' #> Version: 0 
#' #> Script Path: ... 
#' #> Author(s):
#' }
#' @export
ModuleEnvir <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = 'ModuleEnvir',
  portable = FALSE,
  cloneable = FALSE,
  private = list(
    exec_env = NULL
  public = list(
    #' @field cache_env cache environment for module
    cache_env = NULL,
    #' @field module_id module ID, unique
    module_id = '',
    #' @field label_name corresponding module name
    label_name = '',
    #' @field script_path compiled module scripts
    script_path = '',
    #' @field script if \code{script_path} not exists, alternative script
    script = '',
    #' @field author who wrote the module not often used
    author = NULL,
    #' @field version module version
    version = NULL,
    #' @field packages the packages to be loaded for the module
    packages = NULL,
    #' @field rmd_path deprecated
    rmd_path = NULL,
    #' @field parent_env parent environment of the module, usually global 
    #' environment or package environment
    parent_env = NULL,
    #' @field from_package whether the module is compiled from another R 
    #' package. This value is required to be true since \code{"rave-0.1.9"}.
    from_package = FALSE,
    #' @field package_name which package does the module belong to?
    package_name = '',
    #' @field sidebar_width input panel width, from 1 to 11
    sidebar_width = 3L,
    #' @description print module information
    #' @return none
    info = function(){
      cat('Module Name:', self$label_name, '\n')
      cat('Version:', self$version, '\n')
      cat('Script Path:', self$script_path, '\n')
      for(a in self$author){
        cat(' -', a, '\n')
    #' @description print module information and returns memory address
    #' @param ... ignored
    print = function(...){
    #' @description constructor
    #' @param module_id,label_name,script_path,author,version see fields
    #' @param packages,parent_env,rmd_path see fields
    #' @param .script_content internal use
    initialize = function(
      author = NULL,
      version = '0',
      packages = NULL,
      .script_content = NULL,
      rmd_path = NULL,
      parent_env = globalenv()
      self$module_id <- module_id
      self$label_name <- label_name
      self$author <- author
      self$version <- version
      self$packages <- c('rave', packages)
      self$rmd_path <- rmd_path
      # Persist light version of module settings
      setting_file <- file.path('~/rave_modules/settings/', module_id)
        fs <- list.files(setting_file, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
        # only allow max of 1MB settings
        if(sum(file.size(fs)) > 4*1024^2){
          warning("Module settings `", setting_file, "` is larger than 4MB. Reset settings as it will impact performance")
          unlink(setting_file, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
      self$cache_env <- dipsaus::rds_map(path = setting_file)
      # Note as of 11/11/2018:
      # The structure of module is parent_env -> wrapper -> static -> param -> runtime -> (parser)
      # Before today, all variables are stored in runtime environment. However if parent_env is
      # a package environment, there is no way for functions within that package to access those
      # variables within runtime environment.
      # We can't set parent environment of package environment since `parent.env<-` is not recommended
      # However, we can redirect some variables or to the package and evaluate some functions in
      # different context
      ### Solution: (here is mainly for package parent_env)
      # Case 1:
      # If parent_env is globalenv(), we replace with a new one under globalenv as parent_env
      # In this case, we load module via scripts (not some packages). There is no scoping issue
      # as scripts are loaded from runtime environment and then migrated to static environment.
      # All functions are executed in runtime environment and thus this env is the root and all
      # its parent envs are accessible
      # Case 2:
      # If parent_env is a some environment, we here need it to be either a package environment
      # or some unlocked environment.
      # Either scenarios will need
      # 1. parent_env is unlocked.
      #    If parent_env is locked package environment. RAVE will try to unload this environment
      #    and load it with partial - loadNamespace(..., partial = TRUE)
      # 2. RAVE needs to be one of the parent envs (search path). If parent_env is created via
      #    loadNamespace(..., partial = TRUE), this is automatically true as the search path will be
      #    package << base << globalenv << ... << rave. For non-package environment, easiest case
      #    would be using new.env(parent = globalenv()). However, non-package environment is not
      #    recommended unless you know what I'm doing. Best practice would be using rave built-in
      #    function to create template R module and modify.
      ### Scoping
      # For package based modules, scoping issue is a big problem as package loaded via loadNamespace
      # can't control their parents and therefore hard to access runtime env
      # To solve this problem, I use the following method:
      # 1. Active binding rave module toolbox to package environment (this needs the package env
      #    unlocked)
      # 2. Make environment inside of `__init__` visible within package environment. This requires
      #    a dirty-eval (evaluation with side-effects) within package environment for rave_updates (TODO)
      # 3. rave_execute will be evaluated within runtime env, and return a variable "result", which will
      #    be use used as inputs of output functions.
      # structure will be
      # + parent_env: package environment or  (top environment)
      # | <--- binded module toolbox
      # | <--- active bind other util functions (redirect to wrappers)
      # | <--- contains __init__ environment, or anonymous rave_updates variables
      # | <--- cannot access to all other runtime environment
      # |
      # |---+ wrapper (locked)
      #     | <--- provide util functions
      #     | <--- rewrite default functions
      #     |
      #     |---+ static (locked, not very useful for package-based modules)
      #         |
      #         |---+ param environment
      #             | <--- stores all the inputs parameters
      #             | <--- stores all anonymous rave_updates variables (will be removed)
      #             | <--- stores async futures
      #             |
      #             |---+ runtime environment
      #                 | <--- rave_updates runs here
      # Modified on Nov 12, 2018
      # It turns out even if we active bind variables to package environment, functions within
      # package cannot access those active bindings. Reasons are simple, when packages are loaded
      # via loadNamespace, there seems to be a prototype environment created internally from inside
      # of R. After that, all "loadNamespace" will just copy from that internal environment and all
      # functions in the package are redirected to the locked environment and thus we can change
      # nothing to that environment.
      # package env (prototype, may be locked)
      #    ^
      #    |
      # package namespaces via loadNamespace (reference env, with active binding)
      # Package functions may not look at the namespace they stay in. Instead, they are referenced
      # to prototype environment sometimes.
      # This is sad. Because solution 1 seems not working if the namespace is loaded in other places
      # and we cannot control users' action. Therefore, I change the implementation back and only make
      # __init__ and __main__ special
      # __init__ is evaluated at param_env
      # __main__ is evaluated at runtime_env
      # hence all variables in __init__ can be accessed by __main__
      # These two functions can access all variables. However, other functions can only access
      # "result" returned by __main__
      # This is sad, but very robust as we don't need strict assumptions
      if(!is.environment(parent_env) || identical(parent_env, globalenv())){
        parent_env <- new.env(parent = globalenv(), hash = TRUE)
      self$parent_env <- parent_env
      # validate script_path
        stopifnot2(!is.null(.script_content), msg = 'Script Path not specified')
        script_path <- file.path(dirname(rmd_path), '.rave_tmp.R')
        writeLines(.script_content, script_path)
      stopifnot2(file.exists(script_path), msg = sprintf('[File Not Found] %s', script_path))
      script_path <- base::normalizePath(script_path)
      self$script_path <- script_path
    #' @description get the corresponding \code{\link[rave]{ExecEnvir}} with 
    #' shiny session
    #' @param session shiny session; see shiny \code{\link[shiny]{domains}}
    #' @param new whether to force creating a new runtime environment if 
    #' previous one already exists
    #' @param ... ignored
    #' @return an \code{\link[rave]{ExecEnvir}} instance associated with 
    #' current module and given session
    get_or_new_exec_env = function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), 
                                   ..., new = FALSE){
      session_id <- add_to_session(session)
        session_id <- '.TEMP'
      if(new || is.null(private$exec_env[[session_id]])){
        private$exec_env[[session_id]] <- ExecEnvir$new(session = session, parent_env = self$parent_env)
    #' @description load and compile script into registered 
    #' \code{\link[rave]{ExecEnvir}}
    #' @param session shiny session; see shiny \code{\link[shiny]{domains}}
    #' @return none
    load_script = function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()){
      # load default script
      default_src <- readLines(system.file('default_module.R', package = 'rave'))
      # read in script, get package info
      src <- readLines(self$script_path)
      src <- c(default_src, src)
      execenv <- self$get_or_new_exec_env(session = session)
      }, add = TRUE)
      # get
      static_env <- execenv$static_env
      parse_env <- execenv$parse_env
      runtime_env <- execenv$runtime_env
      parsed <- parse(text = src)
      for(i in 1:length(parsed)){
        # Use eval_dirty
        # Do not use str_c, use as.character instead to avoid warnings
          dipsaus::eval_dirty(parsed[i], env = runtime_env)
        }, error = function(e){
          catgl('[Ignored]: ', as.character(parsed[i]), level = 'INFO')
          catgl(paste(e, sep = '\n'), level = 'WARNING')
      # Move everything to statis env
      list2env(as.list(runtime_env, all.names = TRUE), envir = static_env)
      # re-direct function environment to runtime-env where rave_execute take place.
      # for(nm in ls(static_env, all.names = TRUE)){
      #   if(is.function(static_env[[nm]])){
      #     environment(static_env[[nm]]) <- runtime_env
      #   }
      # }
      # lockEnvironment(static_env)
    #' @description generate 'HTML' tags
    #' @param session shiny session; see shiny \code{\link[shiny]{domains}}
    #' @return 'HTML' tags
    render_ui = function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()){
      e <- self$get_or_new_exec_env(session = session)
        sidebar_width <- self$sidebar_width
        sidebar_width <- 0
        e$generate_input_ui(sidebar_width = sidebar_width),
        e$generate_output_ui(sidebar_width = sidebar_width)
    #' @description clean the module environment
    #' @param session shiny session; see shiny \code{\link[shiny]{domains}}
    #' @param session_id shiny 'RAVE' ID, default is auto-generated
    clean = function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(),
        session_id <- add_to_session(session)
        # Clear runtime_env
        if( inherits(private$exec_env[[session_id]], 'ExecEnvir') ){
        private$exec_env[[session_id]] <- NULL
beauchamplab/rave documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 7:20 a.m.