
Defines functions generate.Ag.DB

Documented in generate.Ag.DB

#' Assemble the CDOM absorption data into a single data base
#' This function assembles the CDOM data in a single data base and
#' generate 1) one RData file, 2) two ASCII files and 3) one plot
#' presenting all CDOM spectra.
#' @param log.file is the name of the ASCII file containing the
#' list of ID to process (see details below).
#' @param data.path is the path where the RData folder is located.
#' So the files must be stored in data.path/RData.  Default is "./".
#' @param MISSION is a character string that will be used to name
#' the output files. The default is "YYY".
#' (i.e. MISSION.Ag.RData; MISSION.Ag.dat;
#' MISSION.Fitted.params.dat; MISSION.Ag.png)
#' @param MEASURED if a logical parameter indicating if the fitted parameter is computed using the measured Ag without the red offset. Defautl is FALSE
#' @return the function returns a list containing the following fields:
#'   waves, ID, Station, Depth,Ag.raw, Ag.offset,S275_295,
#'   S350_400, S350_500, Sr, K, a440.
#'   This list (Ag.DB) is save in MISSION.Ag.RData.
#'   The Ag.offset spectra are saved in ASCII format in MISSION.Ag.dat,
#'   while the fitting parameters are saved in MISSION.Fitted.params.dat.
#'   Finally, a PNG file showing all CDOM spectra ise created.
#' @seealso \code{\link{process.Ag}}, \code{\link{run.process.Ag.batch}}
#' @author Simon BĂ©langer
#' @export
generate.Ag.DB <- function(log.file="Ag_log_TEMPLATE.dat",
                           MEASURED=FALSE) {

  # Lecture des informations dans un fichier texte
  #path = paste(data.path, "/RData/", sep="")
  if (file.exists(data.path)){
    #path =paste(data.path,"/RData", sep="")
    path = file.path(data.path, "RData")

    if (file.exists(path)) {
      print("Data path exists")
    } else {
      print("The data path does not exists!")
      print("Check the path:")
      print("STOP processing")
  } else {
    print("The data.path does not exits.")
    print("Put the data in data.path/RData/")
    print("STOP processing")

  if (!file.exists(log.file)) {
    print("The log.file does not exits.")
    print("STOP processing")

  Ag.log = fread(file=log.file, colClasses = "character")

  Ag.log$AG.GOOD = as.numeric(Ag.log$AG.GOOD)
  ix = which(Ag.log$AG.GOOD == 1)
  ID = Ag.log$ID[ix]
  nID = length(ID)

  print(paste("Number of ID is", nID))

  load(paste(path,"/",ID[1],".RData", sep=""))

  waves = Ag$Lambda
  ix350 = which(waves == 350)
  Ag.raw   = matrix(NA, ncol = nID, nrow=length(waves))
  Ag.offset = matrix(NA, ncol = nID, nrow=length(waves))
  S275_295 = rep(NA, nID)
  S350_400 = rep(NA, nID)
  S350_500 = rep(NA, nID)
  Sr = rep(NA, nID)
  a440 = rep(NA, nID)
  K = rep(NA, nID)
  Station = rep(NA, nID)
  Depth = rep(NA, nID)
  Date = rep(NA, nID)

  for (i in 1:nID) {
    load(paste(path,"/", ID[i],".RData", sep=""))

    # check if wavelenghts are the same
    if (length(waves) != length(Ag$Lambda)) {
      print(paste(path,"/", ID[i],".RData does not have the same wavelenght range", sep=""))
      Ag.raw[,i]     = spline(Ag$Lambda, Ag$Ag, xout=waves)$y
      Ag.offset[,i]  = spline(Ag$Lambda, Ag$Ag.offset, xout=waves)$y
    } else {
      Ag.raw[,i] = Ag$Ag
      Ag.offset[,i] = Ag$Ag.offset

    if (MEASURED) {
      S275_295[i] = Ag$S275_295.m
      S350_400[i] = Ag$S350_400.m
      S350_500[i] = Ag$S350_500.m
      Sr[i] = Ag$Sr.m
      a440[i] = Ag$a440.m
      K[i] = Ag$K.m
    } else{
      S275_295[i] = Ag$S275_295
      S350_400[i] = Ag$S350_400
      S350_500[i] = Ag$S350_500
      Sr[i] = Ag$Sr
      a440[i] = Ag$a440
      K[i] = Ag$K

    Station[i] = as.character(Ag$Station)
    Depth[i] = Ag$Depth
    Date[i]  = Ag$Date

  # Save output in RData format

  if (MEASURED) filen = paste(data.path, "/", MISSION,".Ag.MEASURED.RData", sep="") else filen = paste(data.path, "/", MISSION,".Ag.RedOffset.RData", sep="")

  Ag.DB = list(waves=waves, ID=ID,
               Station = Station, Depth=Depth, Date=Date,
               Ag.raw=Ag.raw, Ag.offset=Ag.offset,
               Sr = Sr,
               K = K,
               a440 = a440)
  save(Ag.DB, file=filen)

  # Save output in ASCII format

  if (MEASURED) Ag.df = as.data.frame(Ag.raw) else Ag.df = as.data.frame(Ag.offset)
  names(Ag.df) <- ID
  Ag.df$waves = waves
  Ag.df <-rbind(Ag.df, c(Station,NA))
  Ag.df <-rbind(Ag.df,c(Date,NA))
  Ag.df <-rbind(Ag.df,c(Depth,NA))
  write.table(Ag.df, file=paste(data.path,"/",MISSION,".Ag.dat",sep=""), quote=F, row.names = F, sep=";")

  Fitted.df = data.frame(ID, Station, Depth, Date, S275_295, S350_400, S350_500, Sr, K, a440)

  if (MEASURED) filen = paste(data.path,"/",MISSION,".Fitted.params.MEASURED.dat", sep="") else filen = paste(data.path,"/",MISSION,".Fitted.params.RedOffset.dat", sep="")

  write.table(Fitted.df, file=filen, quote=F, row.names = F, sep=";")

  # plot all Ag

  png(paste(data.path,"/",MISSION,".Ag.RedOffset.png",sep=""), res=300, height = 6, width = 8, units = "in")
  plot(waves, Ag.offset[,1], xlim=c(300,700), ylim=c(0,max(Ag.offset[ix350,],na.rm=T)), type="l",
       ylab=expression(paste(a[g],(lambda),(m^-1))), xlab=expression(lambda), col=8,
       main=paste(MISSION, ": CDOM absorption"))
  for (i in 2:nID) lines(waves, Ag.offset[,i],col=8)
  mean.Ag = apply(Ag.offset, 1, mean, na.rm=T)
  lines(waves, mean.Ag, lwd=2)
  sd.Ag = apply(Ag.offset, 1, sd, na.rm=T)
  lines(waves, (mean.Ag-sd.Ag), lwd=2, lty=2)
  lines(waves, (mean.Ag+sd.Ag), lwd=2, lty=2)

  #### Same plot with no offset
  png(paste(data.path,"/",MISSION,".Ag.MEASURED.png",sep=""), res=300, height = 6, width = 8, units = "in")
  plot(waves, Ag.raw[,1], xlim=c(300,700), ylim=c(0,max(Ag.raw[ix350,],na.rm=T)), type="l",
       ylab=expression(paste(a[g],(lambda),(m^-1))), xlab=expression(lambda), col=8,
       main=paste(MISSION, ": CDOM absorption"))
  for (i in 2:nID) lines(waves, Ag.raw[,i],col=8)
  mean.Ag = apply(Ag.raw, 1, mean, na.rm=T)
  lines(waves, mean.Ag, lwd=2)
  sd.Ag = apply(Ag.raw, 1, sd, na.rm=T)
  lines(waves, (mean.Ag-sd.Ag), lwd=2, lty=2)
  lines(waves, (mean.Ag+sd.Ag), lwd=2, lty=2)


belasi01/RspectroAbs documentation built on July 27, 2020, 9:52 p.m.