Man pages for biomarble/PlantNGSTools
NGS bioinformatics tools for plants

DEGAnalysis_DESeq2DEG analysis using samples with replicates.
DEGAnalysis_EBSeqDEG analysis using samples without replicates.
getAllChildrenget All Children .
GOBarGO barplot .
GObubbleGO enrichment bubble plot
GOEnrichGO enrichment .
GOenrich_commonGO enrichment using annotation.
GOEnrich_customMappingGO enrichment using custom mapping file.
GOEnrich_customTableGO enrichment using custom table annotation.
GOEnrich_eggnogGO enrichment using eggnog Mapper annotation.
GOEnrich_pannzer2GO enrichment using pannzer2 result.
GOenrichsubGO enrichment sub.
KAAS2Keggdbconvert KEGG kaas annotation to keggdb addon.
KEGGbubbleKEGG enrichment bubble plot.
KEGGenrichKEGG pathway enrichment tools.
KEGGenrich_blastkoalaKEGG pathway enrichment tools for blastkoala ko annotation.
KEGGenrich_commonKEGG pathway enrichment tools commmon.
KEGGenrich_customTableKEGG pathway enrichment tools using custom annotation file.
MAPlotMA plot for DEG analysis results.
matrixGroupmerge column values according group information.
multiTraitPlottrait Plot.
multiTraitStatFrequently used stats for trait analysis.
PANNZERres2GOdbconvert PANNZER GO annotation to godb addon.
VolcanoPlotVolcano plot for DEG analysis results.
biomarble/PlantNGSTools documentation built on Feb. 8, 2024, 2:46 a.m.