
Defines functions read_edf read_ft read_vhdr

Documented in read_edf read_ft read_vhdr

#' Read a BrainVision file into R
#' Creates an eeg_lst object from BrainVision exported files.The function reads
#' metadata from the .vhdr BrainVision file, which draws on
#' the .vmrk and .dat/.eeg files.  All three
#' files must be in the same directory.
#' @param file A vhdr file in a folder that contains a .vmrk and .dat files
#' @param .sep Segment separation marker. By default: `.type == "New Segment"`
#' @param .zero Time zero marker. By default: `.type == "Time 0"`
#' @param .recording Recording name (`file` name, by default).
#' @return An `eeg_lst` object with signal_tbl and event from file_name.dat,
#' file_name.vhdr, and file_name.vmrk.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load a single subject
#' s1 <- read_vhdr("./faces.vhdr", .recording = "1")
#' # load multiple subjects using purrr::map, extracting subject IDs from file names
#' faces_list <- purrr::map(list.files("./", "vhdr"), ~
#' read_vhdr(.x))
#' faces <- bind(faces_list)
#' }
#' @family reading and writing functions
#' @export
read_vhdr <- function(file, .sep = .type == "New Segment", .zero = .type == "Time 0",
                      .recording = file) {
  if (!file.exists(file)) stop(sprintf("File %s not found in %s", file, getwd()))
  message_verbose("# Reading file ", file, "...")
  .sep <- rlang::enquo(.sep)
  .zero <- rlang::enquo(.zero)
  # file <- "/home/bruno/dev/eeguana_bugs/files/40.vhdr"
  # .sep = rlang::quo(.type == "New Segment")
  # .zero = rlang::quo(.type == "Time 0")
  # .recording = file
  # Takes the files from the header:
  # file <- "faces.vhdr"
  file_path <- dirname(file)

  header_info <- read_vhdr_metadata(file)

  # header_info <- tryCatch(read_vhdr_metadata(file),
  #       error=function(cond) {
  #           message_verbose(paste("Error in the metadata of:", file))
  #           message_verbose(paste(cond,"\n"))
  #           return(NA)
  #       },
  #       warning=function(cond) {
  #           message_verbose(paste("Warning in the metadata of:", file))
  #           message_verbose(paste(cond,"\n"))
  #           return(NULL)
  #       })
  if (is.null(header_info)) {
    stop("Header info in ", file, " could not be read.", call. = FALSE)
  data_file <- header_info$common_info$data_file
  data_ext <- tools::file_ext(data_file)
  # It only accepts .dat files (for now)
  vmrk_file <- header_info$common_info$vmrk_file

  file_vmrk <- file.path(file_path, vmrk_file)
  if (!file.exists(file_vmrk)) stop(sprintf("File %s not found in %s", file_vmrk, getwd()))
  events_dt <-
    tryCatch(read_vmrk(file = file_vmrk),
      error = function(cond) {
        message_verbose(paste("Error in the events of:", paste0(file_path, vmrk_file)))
        message_verbose(paste(cond, "\n"))
      warning = function(cond) {
        message_verbose(paste("Warning in the events of:", paste0(file_path, vmrk_file)))
        message_verbose(paste(cond, "\n"))
  if (data_ext == "dat" || data_ext == "eeg") {
    x <- read_dat(
      file = file.path(file_path, data_file),
      header_info = header_info,
      events_dt = events_dt,
      .recording = .recording,
      sep = .sep,
      zero = .zero
  } else {
    warning(paste0(".", data_ext, " files are unsupported."))

#' Read a Fieldtrip file into R
#' Creates an eeg_lst object from Matlab exported files.The function reads a .mat
#' file using `R.matlab`. If you do not already have
#' `R.matlab` installed in R, you will need to install it yourself. The .mat file
#' should have the structure described in
#' this [Fieldtrip reference article](http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/reference/ft_datatype_raw).
#' @param file A .mat file containing a fieldtrip struct.
#' @param .recording Recording name, by default is the file name.
#' @param .layout A .mat [layout from Fieldtrip](http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/template/layout)
#' @return An `eeg_lst` object with signal_tbl and event from a Matlab file.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s1 <- read_ft("./subject1.mat", layout = "easycapM25.mat", .recording = 1)
#' }
#' @family reading and writing functions
#' @export
read_ft <- function(file, .layout = NULL, .recording = file) {
  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
  type <- NULL


  # It should be based on this:
  # http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/reference/ft_datatype_raw
  # file = system.file("testdata", "fieldtrip_matrix.mat", package = "eeguana")
  if (!file.exists(file)) stop(sprintf("File %s not found in %s", file, getwd()))
  message_verbose("# Reading file ", file, "...")

  mat <- R.matlab::readMat(file)[[1]][, , 1]
  channel_names_ <- mat$label %>% unlist()
  # fsample seems to be deprecated, but I can't find the sampling rate anywere
  if (!is.null(mat$fsample)) {
    srate <- mat$fsample[[1]]
  } else {
    # if fsample is not here, I reconstruct the sampling rate from the difference between time steps
    srate <- mean(1 / diff(mat$time[[1]][[1]][1, ]))

  sample <-
      unlist(lapply(mat$time, function(x) unlist(x))) * srate
    } %>%
    new_sample_int(.sampling_rate = srate)

  signal_raw <- map_dtr(mat$trial,
    function(lsegment) {
      lsegment[[1]] %>%
        t() %>%
    .id = ".id"
  signal_raw[, .id := as.integer(.id)]

  # channel info:
  channels <- dplyr::tibble(
    .channel = make_names(channel_names_)

  if (!is.null(.layout)) {
    chan_layout <- R.matlab::readMat(.layout) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(.$lay[, , 1]$pos %>% as.data.frame(),
          .channel = unlist(.$lay[, , 1]$label)
      } %>%
      dplyr::rename(.x = V1, .y = V2)
    not_layout <- setdiff(chan_layout$channel, channels$.channel)
    not_channel <- setdiff(channels$channel, chan_layout$.channel)
      "The following channels are not in the layout file: ",
      paste(not_layout, collapse = ", "), "."
      "The following channels are not in the data: ",
      paste(not_channel, collapse = ", "), "."
    channels <- dplyr::left_join(channels, dplyr::as_tibble(chan_layout), by = ".channel") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(.z = NA_real_, .reference = NA)
  } else {
    channels <- channels %>%
      dplyr::mutate(.x = NA_real_, .y = NA_real_, .z = NA_real_, .reference = NA)

  # colnames(signal_tbl) <- c(".id", channel_names_)
  # signal_tbl <- dplyr::mutate(signal_tbl, .sample = sample, .id = as.integer(.id)) %>%
  #   dplyr::select(.id, .sample, dplyr::everything())
  signal_tbl <- new_signal_tbl(
    signal_matrix = dplyr::select(signal_raw, -.id),
    .id = signal_raw$.id, .sample = sample, channels_tbl = channels

  as_first_non0 <- function(col) {
    # creates a function that converts to the class of the first element
    first_class <- Find(function(x) length(x) == 1, col)[[1]] %>% class()
    if (first_class == "character") {
    } else if (first_class == "numeric") {
    } else {
      stop("not numeric or character")

  # In case the configuration includes events
  if (!is.null(mat$cfg[, , 1]$event) && !is.null(mat$cfg[, , 1]$trl)) {
    # # segment lengths, initial, final, offset
    slengths <- mat$cfg[, , 1]$trl %>%
      apply(., c(1, 2), as.integer) %>%
    ## events df:

    events_dt <- struct_to_dt(mat$cfg[, , 1]$event)[, offset := NULL]
      events_dt, c("sample", "type", "value"),
      c(".initial", ".type", ".description")
    events_dt[, `:=`(.final = .initial + duration - 1, .id = 1L, duration = NULL)]

    add_event_channel(events_dt, channel_names_)

    ##  events <- mat$cfg[, , 1]$event[, 1, ] %>%
    ##     t() %>%
    ##     dplyr::as_tibble(.name_repair = "unique") %>%
    ##     dplyr::select(-offset) %>%
    ##     dplyr::mutate_all(as_first_non0) %>%
    ##     dplyr::rename(duration = dplyr::matches("duration"), .initial = sample, .type = type, .description = value) %>%
    ##     dplyr::mutate(.final = .initial + duration -1, .id = 1L) %>%
    ##     dplyr::select(-duration) %>%
    ## #TODO check below, transform to dt
    ##   add_event_channel(channel_names_)

    segmentation <- data.table::data.table(
      .lower = slengths$V1,
      .first_sample = slengths$V1 - slengths$V3,
      .upper = slengths$V2

    segmentation[, .new_id := seq_len(.N)][, .id := 1]
    events_dt <- update_events(as_events_tbl(events_dt, srate), segmentation)
  } else {
    events_dt <- NULL

  segments <- build_segments_tbl(.id = seq_len(max(signal_tbl$.id)), .recording)

  if (!is.null(mat$trialinfo)) {
    segments <- segments %>% dplyr::bind_cols(dplyr::as_tibble(mat$trialinfo))

  eeg_lst <- eeg_lst(
    signal_tbl = signal_tbl, events_tbl = events_dt, segments_tbl = segments

  built_eeg_lst(eeg_lst, file)

#' Read an edf/edf+/bdf file into R
#' Creates an eeg_lst object from edf, edf+, and bdf file export formats.
#' When trigger information is stored in a "Status" or "Trigger" channel, the trigger
#' value is stored only when the value of the channel increases. This follows the
#' default behavior of [find_events in MNE 0.18](https://mne.tools/0.18/generated/mne.find_events.html?highlight=find_events#mne.find_events).
#' If you have a case where this assumption is incorrect, please open an issue in [https://github.com/bnicenboim/eeguana/issues](https://github.com/bnicenboim/eeguana/issues).
#' @param file A edf/bdf file
#' @param .recording Recording name (file name, by default). If set to NULL or NA, the patient name will be used.
#' @return An `eeg_lst` object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s1 <- read_edf("./faces.edf", .recording = 1)
#' }
#' @family reading and writing functions
#' @export
read_edf <- function(file, .recording = file) {

  # samples Whether to subset the reading; by default starting from sample 1  until the end of the recording.
  # less samples doesn't speed up reading data, for now I'm hiding it:
  samples <- c(1, Inf)

  if (!file.exists(file)) stop(sprintf("File %s not found in %s", file, getwd()))
  message_verbose("# Reading file ", file, "...")

  header_edf <- edfReader::readEdfHeader(file)
  if (is.null(.recording) || is.na(.recording)) {
    .recording <- header_edf$patient
    if (.recording == "" || is.null(.recording) || is.na(.recording)) {
      stop("Patient information is missing.")
  sampling_rate <- header_edf$sHeaders$sRate %>%
    .[!is.na(.)] %>%
  if (length(sampling_rate) > 1) {
    stop("Channels with different sampling rates are not supported.")

  # so that includes the last sample as well
  times <- sample_int(c(samples[1], samples[2] + 1), .sampling_rate = sampling_rate) %>%

  signal_edf <- edfReader::readEdfSignals(header_edf, from = times[1], till = times[2], simplify = FALSE)

  non_signal <- purrr::map_lgl(signal_edf, ~ .x$isAnnotation |
    tolower(.x$label) %in% c("status", "trigger") |
    tolower(.x$name) %in% c("status", "trigger"))

  if (sum(non_signal) >= 2) {
    warning("eeguana cannot deal with more than one annotation or status. It will use the first one.\n If you have a file like that, please open an issue in ", url_issues, " with a link to the offending file")
  event_channel <- signal_edf[non_signal]
  channel_names <- header_edf$sHeaders$label[!non_signal]

  signal_edf[non_signal] <- NULL

  signal_dt <- lapply_dtc(signal_edf, function(x) x$signal)

  if (header_edf$isContinuous && all(purrr::map_lgl(signal_edf, ~ .x$isContinuous))) {
    s_id <- rep(1L, nrow(signal_dt))
    sample_id <- sample_int(seq_len(nrow(signal_dt)), .sampling_rate = sampling_rate)
  } else {
    stop("Non continuous edf/bdf files are not supported yet.")

  channel_info <- dplyr::tibble(
    .channel = channel_names,
    .x = NA_real_, .y = NA_real_, .z = NA_real_,
    .reference = NA_character_
  signal <- new_signal_tbl(
    signal_matrix = signal_dt, .id = s_id,
    .sample = sample_id,
    channels_tbl = channel_info
  if (length(event_channel) == 0) {
    events <- new_events_tbl(.sampling_rate = sampling_rate)
  } else if (event_channel[[1]]$isAnnotation) {
    edf_events <- event_channel[[1]]$annotations
    init_events <- sample_int(round(edf_events$onset * sampling_rate) + 1L, .sampling_rate = sampling_rate)
    events <- new_events_tbl(
      .id = 1L,
      .initial = init_events,
      .type = NA_character_,
      .description = edf_events[["annotation"]],
      .final = (dplyr::case_when(
        !is.na(edf_events$duration) ~
        round(edf_events$duration * sampling_rate),
        !is.na(edf_events$end) ~
        round((edf_events$end - edf_events$onset + 1) * sampling_rate),
        TRUE ~ 0
      ) %>% as.integer()) + init_events,
      .channel = NA_character_
  } else {
    ## Biosemi devices trigger codes are encoded in 16-bit format, whereas system
    ## codes (CMS in/out-of range, battery low, etc.) are coded in bits 16-23 of
    ## the status channel (see http://www.biosemi.com/faq/trigger_signals.htm).
    ## To retrieve correct event values (bits 1-16), one could do:

    triggers <- bitwAnd(event_channel[[1]]$signal, (2^16 - 1))

    # for now it only reports growing changes
    init_events <- (which(diff(triggers) > 0) + 1) %>%
      sample_int(.sampling_rate = sampling_rate)

    events <- new_events_tbl(
      .id = 1L,
      .initial = init_events,
      .description = triggers[init_events],
      .type = NA_character_,
      .final = init_events,
      .channel = NA_character_

  segments <- build_segments_tbl(
    .id = seq_len(max(s_id)),
    .recording = .recording

  eeg_lst <- eeg_lst(
    signal = signal, events = events, segments = segments

  built_eeg_lst(eeg_lst, file)

#' Read EEGlab set files (Matlab files) into R
#' Creates an eeg_lst object from Matlab exported files. The function reads a .mat or .set file using `R.matlab`. If you do not already have `R.matlab` installed in R, you will need to install it yourself. The  file should have the structure described in this [Data structure article](https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/A05:_Data_Structures). This function is experimental (there are many different formats of eeglab files). If your file cannot be opened please open an issue with a link to the file in [github](https://github.com/bnicenboim/eeguana/issues).
#' @param file A .mat or .set file containing a fieldtrip struct.
#' @param .recording Recording name, by default is the file name.
#' @return An `eeg_lst` object with signal_tbl and event from a Matlab file.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s1 <- read_ft("./subject1.set", .recording = 1)
#' }
#' @family reading and writing functions
#' @export
read_set <- function(file, .recording = file) {
  # https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/A05:_Data_Structures
  # dataset in https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/I.1:_Loading_Data_in_EEGLAB

  ## file = "/home/bruno/dev/eeguana/inst/testdata/bv_export_bv_txt_bin_multi_epoched_one.set"
  ## file = system.file("testdata", "EEG01.mat", package = "eeguana")
  ## file = system.file("testdata", "eeglab_data.set", package = "eeguana")
  ## file =  system.file("testdata", "bv_export_bv_txt_bin_multi_epoched_one.set", package = "eeguana")

  if (!file.exists(file)) stop(sprintf("File %s not found in %s", file, getwd()))
  message_verbose("# Reading file ", file, "...")

  ## file <- "/home/bruno/dev/eeguana/inst/testdata/eeglab_data.set"

  set <- R.matlab::readMat(file)
  if (length(set) == 1) {
    # nested file:
    set <- set$EEG[, , 1]

  # Tries to set some meta data, but sometimes, some stuff is missing
  srate <- c(set$srate)
  n_trials <- set$trials[1, 1]
  n_chan <- set$nbchan[1, 1]
  ## n_samples <- length(set$times)
  n_samples <- set$pnts[1, 1]
  times <- c(set$times)
  # channels
  chan_set <- struct_to_dt(set$chanlocs)
  if (nrow(chan_set) > 0) {
    if (all(c("sph.radius", "sph.theta.besa", "sph.phi.besa") %in% colnames(chan_set)) &&
      !all(is.na(chan_set[, .(sph.theta.besa, sph.phi.besa)]))) {
      # probably brain vision files
      # eeglab gives the incorrect X, Y, Z for eeglab files
      chan_set[, `:=`(c(".x", ".y", ".z"), spherical_to_xyz_dt(sph.radius, sph.theta.besa, sph.phi.besa))]
    } else if (all(c("sph.radius", "sph.theta", "sph.phi") %in% colnames(chan_set)) &&
      !all(is.na(chan_set[, .(sph.theta, sph.phi)]))) {
      chan_set[, `:=`(c(".x", ".y", ".z"), spherical_to_xyz_dt(sph.radius, sph.theta, sph.phi))]
    } else if (all(c("X", "Y", "Z") %in% colnames(chan_set)) &&
      !all(is.na(chan_set[, .(X, Y)]))) {
      chan_set[, `:=`(c(".x", ".y", ".z"), list(X, Y, Z))]
    } else {
      chan_set[, `:=`(".x" = NA_real_, ".y" = NA_real_, ".z" = NA_real_)]

    data.table::setnames(chan_set, "labels", ".channel")
    # if X,Y,Z are set and are differently from what eeguana found:
    if (!all(is.na(chan_set[, .(X, Y, Z)])) &&
        round(matrix(chan_set[, c(.x, .y, .z)], ncol = 3), 2),
        round(matrix(chan_set[, c(X, Y, Z)], ncol = 3), 2)
      )) {
      warning('There is a mismatch between eeglab channel positions and the ones found by eeguana. To verify that the position of the channels is the correct one, one can plot them as follows:\n
   eeg_obj %>%
  filter(.sample == 1) %>%
  plot_topo() +
  annotate_head() +
  geom_contour() +
  annotate_electrodes(colour = "black")
', call. = TRUE)
  } else {
    chan_set <- NULL

  if (all(unique(dim(set$data)) == 1)) {
    binary <- file.path(dirname(file), set$data[1, 1])
    if (tools::file_ext(binary) == "fdt") {
      # One file that contains metadata (with extension .set, and is a type of MATLAB file), and one file containing raw data (float32 with .fdt extension). The raw data file is organized in samples x channels (so first all the data for one channel, then all the data for a second channel, etc.). In case, there are several trials, the raw data file is organized in samples x trials x channels.

      signal_raw <- read_bin_signal(file = binary, n_chan = n_chan, n_trials = n_trials, sample_x_channels = TRUE)
    } else if (tools::file_ext(binary) == "dat") {
      # transpose format
      signal_raw <- read_bin_signal(binary, n_chan = n_chan, n_trials = n_trials, sample_x_channels = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop(binary, " is an unrecognized file for eeglab format", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    # to be sure about the n_samples since set$time is sometimes empty
    n_samples <- ncol(set$data)
    if (n_trials == 1) {
      signal_raw <- t(set$data)
    } else {
      # flattening the array into a matrix
      signal_raw <- apply(set$data, 1, c)
  if (!is.null(times)) {
    samples <- rep(as_sample_int(times, .sampling_rate = srate, .unit = "ms"), times = n_trials)
  } else {
    # no times, then start from 0
    samples <- rep(sample_int(seq.int(set$pnts[1, 1]), .sampling_rate = srate), times = n_trials)

  signal_ <- new_signal_tbl(
    .id = rep(seq.int(n_trials), each = n_samples),
    .sample = samples
    # new_sample_int(seq_len(n_samples), sampling_rate = srate)
    , signal_matrix = signal_raw,
    channels_tbl = chan_set
  # events
  ##   In general, fields type, latency, and urevent are always present in the event structure:

  ##     type contains the event type
  ##     latency contains the event latency in data sample unit
  ##     urevent contains the index of the event in the original (= ‘ur’) urevent table (see below).

  ## Other fields like position are user defined and are specific to the experiment.

  ## The user may also define a field called duration (recognized by EEGLAB) for defining the duration of the event (if portions of the data have been deleted, the field duration is added automatically to store the duration of the break (i.e. boundary) event).

  ## If epochs have been extracted from the dataset, another field, epoch, is added to store the index of the data epoch(s) the event belongs to
  events_set <- struct_to_dt(set$event)[, event := 1:.N]
  data.table::setnames(events_set, c("type", "code", "channel"), c(".description", ".type", ".channel"), skip_absent = TRUE)

  if (n_trials == 1) {
    events_set[, `:=`(.id = 1L)]
  } else {
    epochs_set <- struct_to_dt(set$epoch, .id = "epoch")[, .(eventlatency, event, epoch)]
    events_set <- events_set[epochs_set, on = c("epoch", "event")][, latency := NULL]
    data.table::setnames(events_set, c("eventlatency", "epoch"), c("latency", ".id"))
    ## confusingly enough, here latencies are eventlatency which are in "ms" unlike the latency from the set$event which are in samples
    events_set[, latency := as_sample_int(round(latency), .sampling_rate = srate, .unit = "ms")]
  events_set[, `:=`(
    .initial = sample_int(round(latency), .sampling_rate = srate),
    latency = NULL
  # remove cols with only NAs
  NAcols <- events_set[, names(.SD), .SDcols = sapply(events_set, function(x) all(is.na(x)))]
  if (length(NAcols) > 0) events_set[, (NAcols) := NULL]

  add_event_channel(events_set, chan_set$labels)

  if (!".type" %in% names(events_set)) events_set[, .type := NA_character_]

  if ("duration" %in% names(events_set)) {
    events_set[is.nan(duration), duration := 1]
    events_set[, .final := .initial + duration - 1][, duration := NULL]
  } else {
    events_set[, .final := .initial]

  events_ <- as_events_tbl(events_set)

  segments_ <- build_segments_tbl(seq.int(n_trials), .recording)
  if (n_trials > 1) {
    # only the event that defines the "epoch", and without channel, intiial, final
    segments_ <- update_segments_tbl(segments_, events_[.initial == 1][, c(".channel", ".initial", ".final") := NULL])
  eeg_lst_ <- eeg_lst(signal_tbl = signal_, events_tbl = events_, segments_tbl = segments_)

  built_eeg_lst(eeg_lst_, file)

#' Read a FIF file into R
#' Creates an eeg_lst object from EEG/MEG data in FIF format. The function reads a .fif file using the `mne` Python package via `reticulate`.
#' If you do not already have `mne` installed in your Python environment, ensure to install it prior to using this function using [install_py_eeguana].
#' The .fif file is a standard format used by MNE and other neurophysiological data analysis software.
#' @param file A .fif file containing EEG/MEG data.
#' @param .recording Recording name, by default is the file name. This parameter is currently not used in the function but reserved for future use or metadata purposes.
#' @return An `eeg_lst` object with signal_tbl and event information from a .fif file.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' eeg_data <- read_fiff("./subject1_raw.fif")
#' }
#' @family reading and writing functions
#' @export
read_fif <- function(file, .recording = file) {
  message_verbose("Experimental function. Some properties of the fif files might be lost.")
  raw <- mne$io$read_raw_fif(file)
bnicenboim/eeguana documentation built on March 16, 2024, 7:21 a.m.