
# -----------------------------------
# The following commands are needed to ensure that the roxygen2 package, which deals with documenting the package, does not conflict with the Rcpp package. Do not alter!

#' @useDynLib bobFunctions
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp

# -----------------------------------
#' myFunctions
#' List all functions currently available in bobFunctions package.
#' @export

myFunctions = function() {
    categories <- c('Misc', 'Probability', 'Combinatorics', 'Plotting', 'Colour palettes')
    v_misc <- c(
    v_probability <- c(
    v_combinatorics <- c(
    v_plotting <- c(
    v_colour <- c(
    # print function names to console
    l <- list(v_misc, v_probability, v_combinatorics, v_plotting, v_colour)
    for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
        for (x in sort(l[[i]])) {

# -----------------------------------
#' header
#' Write header text to console that can be copied into a new script.
#' @export

header <- function(name="Name") {
    # note - do not indent this section or it will show up in header() output!
    # note - indents can be inserted automatically when copying code from one editor to another, so be wary of this.
    s <- paste("
# ",name,".R

# Author: Bob Verity
# Date: ",Sys.Date(),"

# Purpose:
# (this is an example header)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# load bobFunctions package. If not already installed, this can be obtained from github via the devtools command install_github('bobverity/bobFunctions')

", sep="")
# -----------------------------------
#' loadPackage
#' Single command for installing (if not already installed) and loading a package. For example, the \code{loadPackage('devtools')} command would run the following code block:
#' \preformatted{
#'	if (!"devtools"\%in\%rownames(installed.packages())) {
#'		install.packages('devtools')
#' }
#' require("devtools")
#' }
#' @export

loadPackage = function(string) {
    # create command string
    s1 = paste('if (!\'',string,'\'%in%rownames(installed.packages())) {',sep='')
    s2 = paste('install.packages(\'',string,'\')',sep='')
    s3 = '}'
    s4 = paste('require(',string,')',sep='')
    # evaluate string
    fullString = paste(s1,s2,s3,s4,sep='\n')

# -----------------------------------
#' plotOn
#' Start optional save-to-file function.
#' @export

plotOn = function(active=FALSE, fileroot='', filestem1='', filestem2='', fileindex='', type='pdf', width=6, height=6, res=300) {
    if (active) {
        if (type=='pdf') {
            pdf(file=paste(fileroot,filestem1,filestem2,fileindex,".pdf",sep=""), bg="white", width=width, height=height)
        if (type=='png') {
            png(file=paste(fileroot,filestem1,filestem2,fileindex,".png",sep=""), bg="white", width=width*500, height=height*500,res=res)

# -----------------------------------
#' plotOff
#' End optional save-to-file function.
#' @export

plotOff = function(active=FALSE) {
    if (active) {

# -----------------------------------
#' zeroPad
#' Add leading zeros to number. Can handle negative numbers. For more advanced options see help for the formatC function.
#' @export

zeroPad = function(number,padding) {
    preamble <- ''
    if (substr(number,1,1)=='-') {
        preamble <- '-'
        number <- substr(number,2,nchar(x))
    output <- paste(paste(rep(0,padding-nchar(number)),collapse=""),number,sep="")
    output <- paste(preamble,output,sep='')

# -----------------------------------
#' rdirichlet
#' Draw from Dirichlet distribution with parameters alpha_vec (does not have to be symmetric).
#' @export

rdirichlet <- function(alpha_vec) {
    Y <- rgamma(length(alpha_vec), shape=alpha_vec, scale=1)
    output <- Y/sum(Y)

# -----------------------------------
#' rdirichlet
#' Draw from Dirichlet distribution with parameters alpha_vec (does not have to be symmetric).
#' @export

rdirichlet <- function(alpha_vec) {
    Y <- rgamma(length(alpha_vec), shape=alpha_vec, scale=1)
    output <- Y/sum(Y)

# -----------------------------------
#' rinvgamma
#' Draw from inverse-gamma distribution
#' @export

rinvgamma <- function(n, alpha, beta) {
    ret <- 1/rgamma(n,shape=alpha,rate=beta)

# -----------------------------------
#' dinvgamma
#' Density of inverse-gamma distribution
#' @export

dinvgamma <- function(x, alpha, beta, log=TRUE) {
    ret <- alpha*log(beta) - lgamma(alpha) - (alpha+1)*log(x) - beta/x
    if (log) {
    } else {

# -----------------------------------
#' dt_scaled
#' Density of scaled student's t distribution.
#' @export

dt_scaled = function(x, df, ncp, scale, log=FALSE) {
    output <- lgamma((df+1)/2)-lgamma(df/2)-0.5*log(pi*df*scale^2)-((df+1)/2)*log(1+1/df*((x-ncp)/scale)^2)
    if (log==FALSE)
    output <- exp(output)

# -----------------------------------
#' normal_loglike
#' Log-probability of data x integrated over normal likelihood with standard deviation sigma and normal prior with mean priorMean and standard deviation priorSD. Probability of data is raised to the power beta, which has default value of beta=1 giving ordinary likelihood.
#' Model specification:
#' x_i ~ Normal(mu, sigma)
#' mu ~ Normal(priorMean, priorSD)
#' @export

normal_loglike <- function(x, sigma, priorMean, priorSD, beta=1) {
    n <- length(x)
    mu_postVar <- 1/(beta*n/sigma^2+1/priorSD^2)
    mu_postMean <- mu_postVar * (beta*sum(x)/sigma^2+priorMean/priorSD^2)
    ret <- -0.5*beta*n*log(2*pi*sigma^2) - 0.5*log(priorSD^2) + 0.5*log(mu_postVar) - 0.5*(beta*sum(x^2)/sigma^2 + priorMean^2/priorSD^2 - mu_postMean^2/mu_postVar)

# -----------------------------------
#' logDescriptive
#' Calculates descriptive stats on extremely large or extremely small values. Input vector of values in log-space. Output sample mean and variance, also in log-space.
#' @export

logDescriptive = function(Y) {
    n <- length(Y)
    log_ybar <- log(mean(exp(Y-min(Y))))+min(Y)
    log_samplevar <- 2*min(Y) + log(n/(n-1)*mean(exp(2*Y-2*min(Y))-2*exp(Y+log_ybar-2*min(Y))+exp(2*log_ybar-2*min(Y))))

# -----------------------------------
#' perlinNoise
#' Generates Perlin noise of any scale in, a matrix of any size. Raw code is copied from internet.
#' @param outRows rows in output matrix.
#' @param outCols columns in output matrix.
#' @param levelsX bumpyness in x dimension.
#' @param levelsY bumpyness in y dimension.
#' @export

perlinNoise = function(outRows=100, outCols=100, levelsX=10, levelsY=10) {
    # convert to more convenient names
    M = outRows
    N = outCols
    n = levelsX
    m = levelsY
    # For each point on this n*m grid, choose a unit 1 vector
    vector_field <- apply(
    array( rnorm( 2 * n * m ), dim = c(2,n,m) ),
    function(u) u / sqrt(sum(u^2))
    f <- function(x,y) {
        # Find the grid cell in which the point (x,y) is
        i <- floor(x)
        j <- floor(y)
        stopifnot( i >= 1 || j >= 1 || i < n || j < m )
        # The 4 vectors, from the vector field, at the vertices of the square
        v1 <- vector_field[,i,j]
        v2 <- vector_field[,i+1,j]
        v3 <- vector_field[,i,j+1]
        v4 <- vector_field[,i+1,j+1]
        # Vectors from the point to the vertices
        u1 <- c(x,y) - c(i,j)
        u2 <- c(x,y) - c(i+1,j)
        u3 <- c(x,y) - c(i,j+1)
        u4 <- c(x,y) - c(i+1,j+1)
        # Scalar products
        a1 <- sum( v1 * u1 )
        a2 <- sum( v2 * u2 )
        a3 <- sum( v3 * u3 )
        a4 <- sum( v4 * u4 )
        # Weighted average of the scalar products
        s <- function(p) 3 * p^2 - 2 * p^3
        p <- s( x - i )
        q <- s( y - j )
        b1 <- (1-p)*a1 + p*a2
        b2 <- (1-p)*a3 + p*a4
        (1-q) * b1 + q * b2
    xs <- seq(from = 1, to = n, length = N+1)[-(N+1)]
    ys <- seq(from = 1, to = m, length = M+1)[-(M+1)]
    outer( xs, ys, Vectorize(f) )

# -----------------------------------
#' dBDI
#' Probability mass function for the birth-death-immigration model. Note that this is simply a particular version of the negative-binomial likelihood. When applied to gene families birthRate=rate of gene duplication, deathRate=rate of gene deletion, immigrationRate=rate of de novo gene creation.
#' @param x number of individuals or genes (i.e. value of random variable).
#' @param birthRate rate of birth.
#' @param deathRate rate of death.
#' @param immigrationRate rate of immigration.
#' @export

dBDI = function(x, birthRate, deathRate, immigrationRate, log=FALSE) {
    dnbinom(x=x, size=immigrationRate/birthRate, prob=1-birthRate/deathRate, log=log)

# -----------------------------------
#' dlgamma
#' Probability density function for log(X), where X is gamma(shape=alpha,rate=beta). The mean of this distribution is equal to the integral of log(x)*dgamma(x) over the interval [0,infinity), which does not have a simple analytical solution that I am aware of.
#' @export

dlgamma <- function(x, alpha, beta, log=FALSE) {
    output <- alpha*x+alpha*log(beta)-lgamma(alpha)-beta*exp(x)
    if (log==FALSE) {
	    output <- exp(output)

# -----------------------------------
#' logSum
#' Add numbers together in log space while avoiding under/overflow problems. Accepts vector inputs.
#' @export

logSum <- function(logA, logB) {
    output <- rep(0,length(logA))
    output[logA<logB] <- ( logB + log(1 + exp(logA-logB)) )[logA<logB]
    output[logB<=logA] <- (logA + log(1 + exp(logB-logA)) )[logB<=logA]

# -----------------------------------
#' SterlingFirst
#' Computes Sterling numbers of the first kind. Results are output in log space, and in general this function is robust to overflow, being capable of handling values as large as n=177.
#' @export

SterlingFirst <- function(n) {
    if (n<=2)
    Sterlingvec <- c(1,1)
    K <- 0
    for (i in 2:(n-1)) {
        tempmat <- rbind(c(0,Sterlingvec),i*c(Sterlingvec,0))
        Sterlingvec <- colSums(tempmat)
        K <- K + log(max(Sterlingvec))
        Sterlingvec <- Sterlingvec/max(Sterlingvec)
    output <- K + log(Sterlingvec)

# -----------------------------------
#' SterlingSecond
#' Computes Sterling numbers of the second kind. Results are output in log space, and in general this function is robust to overflow, being capable of handling values as large as n=177.
#' @export

SterlingSecond = function(n) {
    if (n<1)
    if (n==1)
    Sterlingvec <- 0
    for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
        Sterlingvec <- logSum( c(-Inf,Sterlingvec), c(Sterlingvec,-Inf) + log(1:(i+1)) )

# -----------------------------------
#' incrementRestrictedGrowth
#' Find next group that satisfies restricted growth function (max value K). Allows user to eplore all unique partitions by iteratively updating the grouping. Returns 0 when no more groups.
#' @export

incrementRestrictedGrowth <- function(group,K) {
    target <- length(group)
    group[target] <- group[target] + 1
    while (group[target]>(max(group[1:(target-1)])+1) | group[target]>K) {
        group[target] <- 1
        target <- target - 1
        group[target] <- group[target] + 1
    if (target==1) {
    } else {

# -----------------------------------
#' allSamps
#' Output all possible sequences that are possible by sampling without replacement from a given list.
#' @export

allSamps <- function(targetlist) {
    lengths <- mapply(length,targetlist)
    outputmat <- matrix(0, nrow=prod(lengths), ncol=length(lengths))
    for (i in 1:length(lengths)) {
        val1 <- prod(lengths[1:i][-i])
        val2 <- prod(lengths[i:length(lengths)][-1])
        outputmat[,i] <- rep(rep(targetlist[[i]],each=val2),times=val1)

# -----------------------------------
#' convertRadix
#' Convert decimal number system to any other radix (base).
#' @param x number to convert.
#' @param base radix to convert to.
#' @param fixlength if used, always output at least this many digits.
#' @export

convertRadix <- function(x, base=2, fixlength=NA) {
    floornumber <- x
    output <- NULL
    while (floornumber!=0) {
        output <- c(floornumber%%base,output)
        floornumber <- floor(floornumber/base)
    if (!is.na(fixlength) & fixlength>length(output)) {
        output <- c(rep(0,fixlength-length(output)),output)

# -----------------------------------
#' rSTR1
#' Draw from STR1 (Stirling type 1) distribution.
#' @export

rSTR1 <- function(n, size, theta) {
    drawmat <- matrix(runif(size*n), nrow=size, ncol=n)
    output <- colSums(drawmat<theta/(row(drawmat)-1+theta))

# -----------------------------------
#' dSTR1
#' Probability mass function of STR1 (Stirling type 1) distribution. Defined for k in 1:n
#' @export

dSTR1 = function(k, n, theta, log=FALSE) {
    output <- lgamma(theta)-lgamma(n+theta)+StirlingFirst(n)[k]+k*log(theta)
    if (!log)
    output <- exp(output)

# -----------------------------------
#' rCRP
#' Draw group and group frequencies from a Chinese restaurant process with concentration parameter theta.
#' @export

rCRP <- function(n, theta=1) {
    if (n==1)
    group <- rep(1,n)
    maxGroup <- 1
    groupFreqs <- rep(0,n)
    groupFreqs[1] <- 1
    probVec <- groupFreqs
    probVec[maxGroup+1] <- theta
    for (i in 2:n) {
        newGroup <- sample(n,1,prob=probVec)
        group[i] <- newGroup
        if (newGroup>maxGroup) {
            maxGroup <- newGroup
            groupFreqs[maxGroup] <- 1
            probVec[maxGroup] <- 1
            probVec[maxGroup+1] <- theta
        } else {
            groupFreqs[newGroup] <- groupFreqs[newGroup]+1
            probVec[newGroup] <- probVec[newGroup]+1

# -----------------------------------
#' rCRP2
#' Draw from Chinese restaurant process multiple times using efficient stick-breaking construction.
#' @export

rCRP2 = function(n, reps, theta=1) {
    # initialise objects
    n_left <- rep(n,reps)
    freqs <- NULL
    # draw from stick-breaking process until no new groups
    while (any(n_left>0)) {
        p <- rbeta(reps,1,theta)
        newFreqs <- rbinom(reps,n_left,p)
        freqs <- cbind(freqs,newFreqs)
        n_left <- n_left - newFreqs
    # drop all-zero columns
    freqs <- freqs[,colSums(freqs)>0,drop=FALSE]

# -----------------------------------
#' colVars
#' Calculate variance (sample or population) of columns of a matrix or data frame. If sampleVar==FALSE then calcualte relative to mean mu.
#' @export

colVars <- function(mat, sampleVar=TRUE, mu=0) {
    n <- colSums(!is.na(mat))
    X <- colSums(mat,na.rm=T)
    X2 <- colSums(mat^2,na.rm=T)
    if (sampleVar) {
        output <- 1/(n-1)*(X2-X^2/n)
    } else {
        output <- 1/n*(X2-2*mu*X+n*mu^2)

# -----------------------------------
#' rowVars
#' Calculate variance (sample or population) of rows of a matrix or data frame. If sampleVar==FALSE then calcualte relative to mean mu.
#' @export

rowVars = function(mat, sampleVar=TRUE, mu=0) {
    n <- rowSums(!is.na(mat))
    X <- rowSums(mat,na.rm=T)
    X2 <- rowSums(mat^2,na.rm=T)
    if (sampleVar) {
        output <- 1/(n-1)*(X2-X^2/n)
    } else {
        output <- 1/n*(X2-2*mu*X+n*mu^2)

# -----------------------------------
#' rlomax
#' Draws from the lomax (Pareto type II) distribution with shape alpha and scale lambda.
#' @export

rlomax = function(n,alpha,lambda) {
    r <- rgamma(n, shape=alpha, rate=lambda)
    output <- rexp(n, rate=r)

# -----------------------------------
#' dlomax
#' Density function for the lomax (Pareto type II) distribution with shape alpha and scale lambda.
#' @export

dlomax = function(n,alpha,lambda) {
    output <- log(alpha)+alpha*log(lambda)-(alpha+1)*log(x+lambda)
    if (log==FALSE)
    output <- exp(output)

# -----------------------------------
#' rMultiMix
#' Draw from finite or infinite (Dirichlet process) multivariate normal mixture model. Note that although correlations are allowed for each mixture component, the locations of components are drawn from a multivariate normal distribution with standard deviation tau in all directions (i.e. no correlation). Allows for generation of missing data by randomly eliminating a proportion of results.
#' @param n number of draws.
#' @param K number of mixture components. Set K=Inf to use infinite mixture model.
#' @param psi prior matrix for inverse Wishart prior on covariance. When psi is a scalar value the model is one-dimensional, and variances are effectively drawn from an inverse-gamma distribution with shape alpha=nu/2 and rate beta=psi/2.
#' @param nu degrees of freedom for inverse Wishart prior on covariance.
#' @param alpha Dirichlet prior parameter for mixture weights. Set alpha=Inf to use model of equal weights.
#' @param tau standard deviation of prior on individual components means (this prior is centred at 0).
#' @param pMissing proportion of data that is missing.
#' @export

rMultiMix <- function(n, K, psi, nu, alpha, tau, pMissing=0) {
    # load package mvtnorm for multivariate normal draws
    # load package MCMCpack for inverse-Wishart draws. Note that the riwish() function in MCMCpack was found to be much faster than the equivalent rinvwishart() function in package LaplacesDemon.
    # force psi to be a matrix
    psi <- as.matrix(psi)
    d <- ncol(psi)
    # draw grouping from finite or infinite mixture model
    if (is.finite(K)) {
        weights <- rdirichlet(rep(alpha/K,K))
        if (!is.finite(alpha))
        weights <- rep(1/K, K)
        groupCounts <- rmultinom(1,n,prob=weights)
        group <- rep(1:K,times=groupCounts)
    } else {
        weights <- NULL
        if (!is.finite(alpha))
        stop('cannot have infinite K and infinite alpha simultaneously')
        c <- rCRP(n,alpha)
        groupCounts <- c$groupFreqs
        group <- c$group
    # draw from mixture model conditional on grouping
    draws <- NULL
    sigma <- list()
    mu <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(groupCounts)) {
        if (groupCounts[i]>0) {
            sigma[[i]] <- riwish(nu,psi)
            mu[[i]] <- rmvnorm(1,sigma=diag(tau^2,d))
            draws <- rbind(draws, rmvnorm(groupCounts[i],mean=mu[[i]],sigma=sigma[[i]]))
    # generate missing data matrix (if possible, otherwise error)
    pMissing <- round(n*d*pMissing)/(n*d)
    if (pMissing<=0) {
        missingMat <- NULL
    } else if (pMissing>((d-1)/d)) {
        stop(paste("cannot generate ",pMissing*100,"% missing data without eliminating some observations entirely. Maximum missing data for this dimensionality is ",100*(d-1)/d,"%.",sep=""))
    } else {
        # draw number of missing elements in each observation
        missingRowSums <- rmultinom(1,n*d*pMissing,prob=rep(1,n))
        while(max(missingRowSums)>(d-1)) {
            numOverLimit <- sum(missingRowSums>(d-1))
            missingRowSums[missingRowSums>(d-1)] <- missingRowSums[missingRowSums>(d-1)]-1
            numUnderLimit <- sum(missingRowSums<(d-1))
            missingRowSums[missingRowSums<(d-1)] <- missingRowSums[missingRowSums<(d-1)] + rmultinom(1,numOverLimit,prob=rep(1,numUnderLimit))
        # create a random matrix that satisfies this constraint
        missingMat <- matrix(0,n,d)
        for (j in 1:d) {
            probvec <- missingRowSums/(d-j+1)
            missingMat[,j] <- as.integer(runif(n)<probvec)
            missingRowSums <- missingRowSums-missingMat[,j]
    # return list of elements
    outlist <- list(draws=draws, weights=weights, group=group, sigma=sigma, mu=mu, missingMat=missingMat)

# -----------------------------------
#' grad
#' Numerically calculate gradient at each point (x,y). The gradient at a point is calculated as the mean of the two gradients in either direction from the point, apart from at the ends of the vector where there is only a single value to consider.
#' @export

grad <- function(x=1:length(y), y) {
    # check that same length
    if (length(y)!=length(x))
    stop('x and y must be same length')
    # calculate gradient from differences in x and y direction
    delta_y <- y[-1]-y[-length(y)]
    delta_x <- x[-1]-x[-length(x)]
    grad <- delta_y/delta_x
    # gradient at each point is mean of gradient in each direction from point (apart from at ends).
    grad_left <- c(grad[1],grad)
    grad_right <- c(grad,grad[length(grad)])
    grad_mean <- (grad_left+grad_right)/2

# -----------------------------------
#' cubeSpline_segment
#' Calculate cubic spline of the form ax^3+bx^2+cx+d between the points (x[1],y[1]) and (x[2],y[2]) with gradients g[1] and g[2]. Return constants a, b, c and d.
#' @export

cubeSpline_segment <- function(x, y, g) {
    # calculate coefficients
    a <- (y[2]-y[1]-0.5*(g[1]+g[2])*(x[2]-x[1]))/(2*x[1]^3-3*x[1]^2*x[2]+x[2]^3-0.5*(3*x[2]^2-3*x[1]^2)*(x[2]-x[1]))
    b <- (g[2]-g[1]-a*(3*x[2]^2-3*x[1]^2))/(2*x[2]-2*x[1])
    c <- g[1]-3*a*x[1]^2-2*b*x[1]
    d <- y[2]-a*x[2]^3-b*x[2]^2-g[1]*x[2]+3*a*x[1]^2*x[2]+2*b*x[1]*x[2]
    # return results

# -----------------------------------
#' cubeSpline
#' Calculate cubic spline passing through the points (x,y) with known gradients g at these points. The parameter 'interpoints' describes the number of points in each segment.
#' @export

cubicSpline <- function(x, y, g, interpoints=10) {
    #xvec <- seq(x[1],x[n],l=(n-1)*interpoints)
    #yvec <- rep(0,(n-1)*interpoints)
    # interpolate each segment using cubic spline
    n <- length(x)
    yout <- xout <- NULL
    for (i in 2:n) {
        #whichPoints <- ((i-2)*interpoints+1):((i-1)*interpoints)
        coeffs <- cubeSpline_segment(x[(i-1):i], y[(i-1):i], g[(i-1):i])
        xvec <- seq(x[i-1], x[i], l=interpoints+1)
        #yvec[whichPoints] <- z$a*xvec[whichPoints]^3+z$b*xvec[whichPoints]^2+z$c*xvec[whichPoints]+z$d
        yvec <- coeffs$a*xvec^3 + coeffs$b*xvec^2 + coeffs$c*xvec + coeffs$d
        if (i==n) {
            xout <- c(xout, xvec)
            yout <- c(yout, yvec)
        } else {
            xout <- c(xout, xvec[-length(xvec)])
            yout <- c(yout, yvec[-length(yvec)])

# -----------------------------------
#' logHarmonicMean
#' Calculates harmonic mean of values z, where values are in log space. Accounts for underflow and returns value of log harmonic mean.
#' @export

logHarmonicMean <- function(z) {
    m <- min(z)
    output <- m - log(sum(exp(-(z-m)))) + log(length(z))

# -----------------------------------
#' MCMCPlot
#' Produces simple plot useful for visualising MCMC chains. Enter x vector to plot single chain, or x and y vectors to visualise correlation between chains.
#' @export

MCMCPlot <- function(x, y=NULL, col=grey(0.7), pch=4, cex=0.4, xmin=NULL, xmax=NULL, ymin=min(x,na.rm=T), ymax=max(x,na.rm=T), xlab=NULL, main='', ylab=main) {
    if (is.null(y)) {
        if (is.null(xmin))
        xmin <- 1
        if (is.null(xmax))
        xmax <- length(x)
        if (is.null(xlab))
        xlab <- 'iteration'
        plot(x, xlim=c(xmin,xmax), ylim=c(ymin,ymax), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=col)
    } else {
        if (is.null(xmin))
        xmin <- min(x,na.rm=T)
        if (is.null(xmax))
        xmax <- max(x,na.rm=T)
        if (is.null(xlab))
        xlab <- ''
        plot(x, y, xlim=c(xmin,xmax), ylim=c(ymin,ymax), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=col)

# -----------------------------------
#' MCMCPlot2
#' Similar to \code{MCMCPlot()}, but aimed at very large numbers of samples where ordinary plotting would not be feasible. Works by binning points before plotting. Can only handle a single chain (cannot plot x vs. y).
#' @export

MCMCPlot2 <- function(x, h_cells=100, v_cells=100, xmin=1, xmax=length(x), ymin=min(x,na.rm=T), ymax=max(x,na.rm=T), xlab='iteration', main='', ylab=main) {
    # make x,y data frame
    df <- data.frame(x=1:length(x),y=x)
    # make vectors of breaks and matrix z for storing final results
    v_breaks <- seq(ymin, ymax, l=v_cells+1)
    h_breaks <- seq(xmin, xmax, l=h_cells+1)
    v_mids <- (v_breaks[-1]+v_breaks[-length(v_breaks)])/2
    h_mids <- (h_breaks[-1]+h_breaks[-length(h_breaks)])/2
    z <- matrix(0,v_cells,h_cells)
    # split data based on vertical breaks
    df_split <- split(df,f=cut(df$y,v_breaks))
    # for each element, count frequency classes based on horizontal breaks
    for (i in 1:length(df_split)) {
        df_split2 <- split(df_split[[i]],f=cut(df_split[[i]]$x,h_breaks))
        z[i,] <- mapply(nrow,df_split2)
    # plot final matrix
    palette <- colorRampPalette(colors()[c(1,131,107)])
    image(h_mids, v_mids, t(z), col=palette(100), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main)

# -----------------------------------
#' densityPlot
#' Produce kernel density plot of data x, with mean, median and 95% limits shown.
#' @export

densityPlot <- function(x, xmin=NULL, xmax=NULL, ymin=0, ymax=NULL, xlab='', ylab='density', main='', meanOn=TRUE, medianOn=TRUE, quantileOn=TRUE, boxOn=TRUE, boxSize=0.8, meanTextOn=TRUE, medianTextOn=TRUE, quantileTextOn=TRUE, boxSigFig=3) {
    # get x limits from data if not specified
    if (is.null(xmin))
    xmin <- 1.5*min(x,na.rm=T)-0.5*max(x,na.rm=T)
    if (is.null(xmax))
    xmax <- 1.5*max(x,na.rm=T)-0.5*min(x,na.rm=T)
    # produce kernel density
    fx <- density(x,from=xmin,to=xmax)
    if (is.null(ymax))
    ymax <- 1.1*max(fx$y,na.rm=T)
    plot(fx, ylim=c(ymin,ymax), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main)
    polygon(c(fx$x,rev(fx$x)), c(fx$y,rep(0,length(fx$y))), col=grey(0.7))
    # add lines for median and mean
    if (meanOn) {
        best_mean <- which.min(abs(fx$x-mean(x)))
    if (medianOn) {
        best_median <- which.min(abs(fx$x-median(x)))
    # add coloured quantiles to density plot
    if (quantileOn) {
        quantiles <- quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975))
        fx_left_x <- fx$x[fx$x<quantiles[1]]
        fx_left_y <- fx$y[fx$x<quantiles[1]]
        polygon(c(fx_left_x,rev(fx_left_x)), c(fx_left_y,rep(0,length(fx_left_y))), col=colors()[373])
        fx_right_x <- fx$x[fx$x>quantiles[2]]
        fx_right_y <- fx$y[fx$x>quantiles[2]]
        polygon(c(fx_right_x,rev(fx_right_x)), c(fx_right_y,rep(0,length(fx_right_y))), col=colors()[373])
    # add legend
    if (boxOn) {
        legendText <- NULL
        legend_lty <- NULL
        if (meanTextOn & meanOn) {
            legendText <- c(legendText, paste('   mean=', signif(mean(x), boxSigFig), sep=''))
            legend_lty <- c(legend_lty, 2)
        if (medianTextOn & medianOn) {
            legendText <- c(legendText, paste('median=', signif(median(x), boxSigFig), sep=''))
            legend_lty <- c(legend_lty, 1)
        if (quantileTextOn & quantileOn) {
            legendText <- c(legendText, paste(' q0.025=', signif(quantiles[1], boxSigFig), sep=''))
            legendText <- c(legendText, paste(' q0.975=', signif(quantiles[2], boxSigFig), sep=''))
            legend_lty <- c(legend_lty, NA, NA)
        legend('topright', legend=legendText, lty=legend_lty, seg.len=1, bg='#FFFFFF80', box.col='#00000050', cex=boxSize)

# -----------------------------------
#' bobRainbow
#' 12 rainbow colours.
#' @export

bobRainbow <- function(n=12) {
    # key of hex colours against RGB values
    # note - can use function rgb(red/255, green/255, blue/255) to convert RGB to hex
    #ee2c2c = RGB{ 238,44,44 }
    #64b4ff = RGB{ 100,180,255 }
    #7ce42c = RGB{ 124,228,44 }
    #ffdc00 = RGB{ 255,220,0 }
    #aa46ff = RGB{ 170,70,255 }
    #ff7f00 = RGB{ 255,127,0 }
    #ff50aa = RGB{ 255,80,170 }
    #2c962c = RGB{ 44,150,44 }
    #1f78c8 = RGB{ 31,120,200 }
    #be6e32 = RGB{ 190,110,50 }
    #6b6b6b = RGB{ 107,107,107 }
    #c8b4ff = RGB{ 200,180,255 }
    # define basic colours
    colours_raw <- c(
    # remap to make n colours
    colours <- smoothCols(1:n, rawCols=colours_raw)

# -----------------------------------
#' bobNiceCols
#' 6 colours going from red to blue. Previously called BobRedBlue
#' @export

bobNiceCols <- function(n=6) {
    # key of hex colours against RGB values
    # note - can use function rgb(red/255, green/255, blue/255) to convert RGB to hex
    #FB2D0A = RGB{ 251,45,10 }
    #FED00B = RGB{ 254,208,11 }
    #62D500 = RGB{ 98,213,0 }
    #1F7C1A = RGB{ 31,124,26 }
    #1B79FE = RGB{ 27,121,254 }
    #00006D = RGB{ 0,0,109 }
    # define basic colours
    colours_raw <- c(
    # remap to make n colours
    colours <- smoothCols(1:n, rawCols=colours_raw)

# -----------------------------------
#' bobMapCols
#' 11 colours going from red to blue. Previously called bobRedBlue2.
#' @export

bobMapCols <- function(n=11) {
    # key of hex colours against RGB values
    # note - can use function rgb(red/255, green/255, blue/255) to convert RGB to hex
    #9E0142 = RGB{ 158,1,66 }
    #D53E4F = RGB{ 213,62,79 }
    #F46D43 = RGB{ 244,109,67 }
    #FDAE61 = RGB{ 253,174,97 }
    #FEE08B = RGB{ 254,224,139 }
    #FFFFBF = RGB{ 255,255,191 }
    #E6F598 = RGB{ 230,245,152 }
    #ABDDA4 = RGB{ 171,221,164 }
    #66C2A5 = RGB{ 102,194,165 }
    #3288BD = RGB{ 50,136,189 }
    #5E4FA2 = RGB{ 94,79,162 }
    # define basic colours
    colours_raw <- c(
    # remap to make n colours
    colours <- smoothCols(1:n, rawCols=colours_raw)

# -----------------------------------
#' colPlot
#' Produce simple plot to visualise a color palette.
#' @export

colPlot <- function(colVec, size=8) {
    n <- length(colVec)
    plot(1:n, rep(0,n), col=colVec, pch=20, cex=size, axes=FALSE, xlab='', ylab='')

# -----------------------------------
#' colPlot
#' Take vector of colours c in hexadecimal form and build in transparancy alpha.
#' @export

transHex <- function(c, alpha) {
    z <- t(col2rgb(c))/255
    output <- mapply(function(x) {rgb(x[1],x[2],x[3],alpha=alpha)}, split(z,f=row(z)))

# -----------------------------------
#' first
#' Return first value in a vector, or alternatively trim off the first value in a vector.
#' @export

first <- function(x, trim=FALSE) {
    if (trim) {
    } else {

# -----------------------------------
#' last
#' Return last value in a vector, or alternatively trim off the last value in a vector.
#' @export

last <- function(x, trim=FALSE) {
    if (trim) {
    } else {

# -----------------------------------
#' latexTable
#' Convert data frame x to LaTeX format with set decimal places, and write output to file.
#' @export

latexTable <- function(x, digits=3, file='~/Desktop/tester.txt') {
    outVec <- rep(NA,nrow(x))
    s <- paste("%.",digits,"f",sep='')
    for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
        outVec[i] <- paste(paste(sprintf(s,x[i,]),collapse=' & '),'\\\\')
    write.table(outVec, file=file, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

# -----------------------------------
#' smoothCols
#' Read in continuous values between xmin and xmax and return colours associated with these values, taken from a smoothly varying scale.
#' @param x values from which to obtain colours.
#' @param xmin minimum range of x.
#' @param xmax maximum range of x.
#' @param res number of colours in palette.
#' @param rawCols colours that make up the palette. Leave as NULL to use default values, taken from tim.colors().
#' @export

smoothCols <- function(x, xmin=min(x,na.rm=T), xmax=max(x,na.rm=T), res=1e3, rawCols=NULL) {
    # load RColorBrewer if needed
    # get x between 0 and 1
    x <- (x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)
    # define colours if needed
    if (is.null(rawCols))
    rawCols <- c('#00008F', '#00009F', '#0000AF', '#0000BF', '#0000CF', '#0000DF', '#0000EF', '#0000FF', '#0010FF', '#0020FF', '#0030FF', '#0040FF', '#0050FF', '#0060FF', '#0070FF', '#0080FF', '#008FFF', '#009FFF', '#00AFFF', '#00BFFF', '#00CFFF', '#00DFFF', '#00EFFF', '#00FFFF', '#10FFEF', '#20FFDF', '#30FFCF', '#40FFBF', '#50FFAF', '#60FF9F', '#70FF8F', '#80FF80', '#8FFF70', '#9FFF60', '#AFFF50', '#BFFF40', '#CFFF30', '#DFFF20', '#EFFF10', '#FFFF00', '#FFEF00', '#FFDF00', '#FFCF00', '#FFBF00', '#FFAF00', '#FF9F00', '#FF8F00', '#FF8000', '#FF7000', '#FF6000', '#FF5000', '#FF4000', '#FF3000', '#FF2000', '#FF1000', '#FF0000', '#EF0000', '#DF0000', '#CF0000', '#BF0000', '#AF0000', '#9F0000', '#8F0000', '#800000')
    # make smooth colours
    myPal <- colorRampPalette(rawCols)
    cols <- myPal(res+1)[floor(x*res)+1]

# -----------------------------------
#' changeNames
#' Change names of selected variables in a data frame. Note that for large data frames the raw code of this function should be copied into script rather than using this function, as there will be a memory cost in copying the data frame within the function.
#' @export

changeNames <- function(df, oldNames=names(df), newNames) {
    names(df)[names(df)%in%oldNames] <- newNames

# -----------------------------------
#' reportConsole
#' Use within a loop to print current iteration to console.
#' @export

reportConsole <- function(i,imax,istep=1) {
    if (i%%istep==0) {
        s <- paste("iteration ",i," of ",imax,", (",round(i/imax*100),"%)\n",sep="")

# -----------------------------------
#' dot
#' Prints one or more dots to screen, useful for tracking progress within nested loops. Follow by newLine() to add carriage return.
#' @export

dot <- function(n=1) {

# -----------------------------------
#' newLine
#' Prints one or more carriage returns.
#' @export

newLine <- function(n=1) {

# -----------------------------------
#' monthDays
#' Return days in each month of chosen year.
#' @export

monthDays <- function(year) {
    date1 <- paste(year,"-01-01",sep="")
    date2 <- paste(year+1,"-01-01",sep="")
    output <- as.numeric(diff(seq(as.Date(date1),as.Date(date2),by="month")))

# -----------------------------------
#' is.int
#' Check that character string can be converted to integer without issue (for example, the value 3.4 would return FALSE).
#' @export

is.int <- function (x) {
    output <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
    w <- which(!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))))
    output[w] <- as.numeric(x[w])%%1 == 0

# -----------------------------------
#' errorBars
#' Produce error bars at given positions. When \code{se=FALSE}, input should be \code{y1}=lower limit and \code{y2}=upper limit. When \code{se=TRUE}, input should be \code{y1}=mean and \code{y2}=standard error, in which case error bars represent two standard errors either side of the mean. Can handle vector inputs as well as scalars.
#' @param y1 under first method (when \code{se=FALSE}) this value is the lower limit of the error bar. Under the second method (when \code{se=TRUE}) this value is the mean of the distribution that will be used to produce error bars (mean +- 1.96 standard deviations).
#' @param y2 as above, either the upper limit of the error bar, or the standard deviation of the distribution that will be used to produce error bars.
#' @param x horizontal position of error bars.
#' @param se whether to use values \code{y1} and \code{y2} as mean and standard deviation.
#' @param width length of error bar handles.
#' @param col colour of error bars.
#' @param lty line type of error bars.
#' @param lwd line width of error bars.
#' @export

errorBars <- function(y1, y2, x=1:length(y1), se=FALSE, width=1, col=1, lty=1, lwd=1) {
    # calculate limits based on method
    if (se) {
        LL <- y1-2*y2
        UL <- y1+2*y2
    } else {
        LL <- y1
        UL <- y2

# -----------------------------------
#' incrementBins
#' Increment vector x under binMax constraint. Return NULL at final increment.
#' @export

incrementBins <- function(x,binMax=c(1,4,3,2)) {
    if (length(x)!=length(binMax))
    stop("x and binMax of different lengths")
    if (any(x>binMax))
    stop("some x greater than binMax")
    if (all(x==binMax))
    for (i in length(x):1) {
        x[i] <- x[i]+1
        if (x[i]<=binMax[i]) {
        } else {
            x[i] <- 1

# -----------------------------------
#' removeCols
#' Remove named columns from data frame.
#' @export

removeCols <- function(df, nameVec) {
    output <- subset(df,select=setdiff(names(df),nameVec))

# -----------------------------------
#' matrixSmooth
#' Interpolate rows and columns of a matrix alternately using spline. reps is the number of times to double the matrix size.
#' @export

matrixSmooth <- function(M, reps=1) {
    for (i in 1:reps) {
        M2 <- cbind(M,M)
        for (i in 1:nrow(M)) {
            M2[i,] <- spline(M[i,],n=2*length(M[i,]))$y
        M <- rbind(M2,M2)
        for (i in 1:ncol(M2)) {
            M[,i] <- spline(M2[,i],n=2*length(M2[,i]))$y

# -----------------------------------
#' minSpanTree
#' Use Prim's algorithm to calculate minimum spanning tree. The 'data' argument must be a matrix or data frame with observations in rows and dimensions in columns. Distances are calculated as Euclidean distance over all the dimensions of the data. Returns multiple objects; 1) a data frame of nodePairs giving all pairwise links that make up the tree in the order that they were added, 2) an edgeList giving the nodes attached to each node, 3) edgeNum giving the number of edges associated with each node.
#' \cr\cr
#' Although this function may not be as fast as some alternatives (not tested), it has the advantage that distances are only calculated as needed, meaning there is no need to read in a huge matrix of pairwise distances.
#' @export

minSpanTree <- function(data) {
    # extract basic properties of data
    data <- as.matrix(data)
    n <- nrow(data)
    dims <- ncol(data)
    # initialise objects for storing results
    nodePairs <- data.frame(node1=rep(0,n-1),node2=0)
    edgeList <- replicate(n,NULL)
    edgeNum <- rep(0,n)
    # initialise algorithm by measuring all distances relative to first point
    point1 <- data[1,]
    data <- data[-1,]
    d_running <- 0
    for (j in 1:dims) {
        d_running <- d_running + (data[,j]-point1[j])^2
    # given a point A and a cluster B, the distance between A and B is equal to the *minimum* distance between A and any point in B. The vector bestNode stores *which* node in B the point A links to
    bestNode <- rep(1,n-1)
    # during the algorithm the data object is trimmed, and so the row index no longer stores the unique ID of the data point. The vector pos fixes this by maintaining a record of unique IDs.
    pos <- 2:n
    # run Prims algorithm
    for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
        # node2 is the node with the minimum distance to the current tree. node1 is the node within the tree that node2 links to
        nodeIndex <- which.min(d_running)
        node1 <- bestNode[nodeIndex]
        node2 <- pos[nodeIndex]
        # store nodes and edges
        nodePairs$node1[i] <- node1
        nodePairs$node2[i] <- node2
        edgeList[[node1]] <- c(edgeList[[node1]], node2)
        edgeList[[node2]] <- c(edgeList[[node2]], node1)
        edgeNum[node1] <- edgeNum[node1]+1
        edgeNum[node2] <- edgeNum[node2]+1
        # calculate new distance of all points from node2
        d_new <- 0
        for (j in 1:dims) {
            d_new <- d_new + (data[,j]-data[nodeIndex,j])^2
        # recalculate the *minimum* distance between the current tree and all nodes, and if the new distance is shorter then reflect that in bestNode
        bestNode[d_running>d_new] <- node2
        d_running <- (d_running<=d_new)*d_running + (d_running>d_new)*d_new
        # drop new node from data set and all other objects
        data <- data[-nodeIndex,,drop=FALSE]
        d_running <- d_running[-nodeIndex]
        pos <- pos[-nodeIndex]
        bestNode <- bestNode[-nodeIndex]
    # return multiple objects
    return(list('nodePairs'=nodePairs, 'edgeList'=edgeList, 'edgeNum'=edgeNum))

# -----------------------------------
#' rDPM
#' Draw from a two-dimensional Dirichlet process mixture model (no correlation between dimensions). Return multiple outputs, including true group allocation. For a more complex model including correlations between dimensions see the \code{rMultiMix()} function.
#' @export

rDPM <- function(n, sigma=1, priorMean_x=0, priorMean_y=0, priorSD=10, alpha=1) {
    # draw grouping
    c <- rCRP(n,alpha)
    group <- sort(c$group)
    # draw means and data
    mu_x <- rnorm(length(freqs),priorMean_x,priorSD)
    mu_y <- rnorm(length(freqs),priorMean_y,priorSD)
    x <- rnorm(n,mu_x[group],sigma)
    y <- rnorm(n,mu_y[group],sigma)
    # return results
    return(list(x=x, y=y, group=group, mu_x=mu_x, mu_y=mu_y))

# -----------------------------------
#' pieCharts
#' Adds pie charts to an existing plot. Proportions should be a list of vectors, that do not need to sum to one.
#' @export

pieCharts <- function(x, y, proportions, radius=0.2, lwd=1, border_col=1, seg_col=bobRainbow(), smoothness=50, x_stretch=1) {
    theta <- seq(0,2*pi,l=smoothness)
    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        segs <- length(proportions[[i]])
        z <- c(0, cumsum(proportions[[i]]/sum(proportions[[i]])))
        if (segs==1) {
            polygon(x[i]+x_stretch*radius*cos(theta), y[i]+radius*sin(theta), lwd=lwd, border=border_col, col=seg_col[1])
        } else {
            for (j in 2:(segs+1)) {
                theta_sub <- c(2*pi*z[j-1], theta[theta>(2*pi*z[j-1]) & theta<(2*pi*z[j])], 2*pi*z[j])
                polygon(c(x[i],x[i]+x_stretch*radius*sin(theta_sub),x[i]), c(y[i],y[i]+radius*cos(theta_sub),y[i]), lwd=lwd, border=border_col, col=seg_col[j-1])

# -----------------------------------
#' win
#' Shortcut for running \code{par(mfrow=c(rows,cols))}, which takes slightly longer to type!
#' @export

win = function(rows=1, cols=1) {

# -----------------------------------
#' animateOn
#' First of two functions needed to create mpg from static images. Run this function, then run the code needed to create a sequence of plots, then run \code{animateOff()}. Individual plots will be saved as jpg with a four-character number on the end (for example myFile0012.jpg), and can either be saved in the local directory or in a temporary directory. The \code{animateOff()} function should have the same shared arguments as \code{animateOn()} (for example the same fileName).
#' \cr\cr
#' Note that this function requires ImageMagick to be installed, and has only been tested on Windows. If running for the first time you will likely need to add ImageMagick to the path using something like the following:
#' \code{Sys.setenv(PATH=paste(Sys.getenv("PATH"),"C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.3-Q16",sep=";"))}
#' @param active allows function to be selectively de-activated using a variable.
#' @param fileName the filename of input files (without extension or number). The same name is used for the final video file.
#' @param saveFrames if FALSE then images are saved to a temporary location before being deleted in \code{animateOff()}.
#' @param width width of video.
#' @param height height of video.
#' @param units units of jpg files that make up video (see ?jpeg).
#' @param pointsize pointsize of jpg files that make up video (see ?jpg).
#' @param quality quality of jpg files that make up video (see ?jpg).
#' @param bg background of jpg files that make up video (see ?jpg).
#' @param res resolution of jpg files that make up video (see ?jpg).
#' @export

animateOn <- function(active=FALSE, fileName, saveFrames=FALSE, width=480, height=480, units="px", pointsize=12, quality=75, bg="white", res=NA) {
    # exit if not active
    if (!active)
    # set file path locally or in temp file
    filePath <- paste(fileName,"%04d.jpeg",sep="")
    if (!saveFrames)
    filePath <- paste(tempdir(),"/",filePath,sep="")
    # open jpg filestream
    jpeg(filePath, width=width, height=height, units=units, pointsize=pointsize, quality=quality, bg=bg, res=res)

# -----------------------------------
#' animateOff
#' Second of two functions needed to create mpg from static images. This function should be run after running \code{animateOn()} and creating a series of plots. The \code{animateOff()} function should have the same shared arguments as \code{animateOn()}.
#' @export

animateOff <- function(active=FALSE, fileName, saveFrames=FALSE, frameRate=25) {
    # exit if not active
    if (!active)
    # close file stream
    # convert images to mpg
    filePath <- paste(fileName,"%04d.jpeg",sep="")
    if (!saveFrames)
    filePath <- paste(tempdir(),"/",filePath,sep="")
    myCommand <- paste("ffmpeg -y -r ",frameRate," -i ",filePath," ",fileName,".mp4",sep="")

# -----------------------------------
#' coordText
#' Defines a square region from 0-1 in both x and y and inserts text at designated location. Useful for e.g. adding panel labels to figures.
#' @export

coordText <- function(x=0.05, y=0.95, text='A)', cex=1.5) {
    pars <- par(new=T,xpd=T,mar=c(0,0,0,0))
    plot(0, type='n', axes=F, xlab=NA, ylab=NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1))

# -----------------------------------
#' fastRead
#' Shortcut function for reading in data quickly using the data.table package.
#' @export

fastRead <- function(fileName, header='auto') {
    data <- as.data.frame(fread(fileName, header=header))

# -----------------------------------
#' multiPanel
#' This function is not really a proper function (it is not intended to return anything). Rather, it is a place to store this useful bit of code that can adapted as needed. Copy this code over, and then drop whatever individual plots are needed into the inner loop.
#' @export

multiPanel <- function() {
    # setup multi-panel plotting parameters
    plot_rows <- 2
    plot_cols <- 2
    outer_margin <- c(4,4,2,1)
    tickLength <- -0.5
    x_range <- c(-5,5)
    y_range <- c(0,300)
    x_axis_at <- seq(-4,4,2)
    y_axis_at <- seq(0,250,50)
    sub_main <- paste('submain',1:(plot_rows*plot_cols))
    x_lab <- 'x axis'
    y_lab <- 'y axis'
    x_cex <- 0.8
    y_cex <- 0.8
    # create multi-panel plot
    par_store <- par(mfrow=c(plot_rows, plot_cols), mar=c(0,0,0,0), oma=outer_margin, tcl=tickLength)
    index <- 0
    for (i in 1:plot_rows) {
        for (j in 1:plot_cols) {
            index <- index+1
            # put individual plots here
            hist(rnorm(1e3), xlim=x_range, ylim=y_range, ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE)
            # add axes and box
            if (i==plot_rows)
            axis(1, at=x_axis_at)
            if (j==1)
            axis(2, at=y_axis_at)
    mtext(x_lab, side=1, outer=TRUE, cex=x_cex, line=2.2)
    mtext(y_lab, side=2, outer=TRUE, cex=y_cex, line=2.2)

# -----------------------------------
#' imageFix
#' Produces an image plot, but has option for changing orientation. Values of \code{orientation} from 1 to 4 rotate the image clockwise.
#' @export

imageFix <- function(z, x=1:nrow(z), y=1:ncol(z), orientation=1, ...) {
    if (orientation==1) {
        image(x, y, z, ...)
    } else if (orientation==2) {
        image(y, x, t(z[nrow(z):1,]), ...)
    } else if (orientation==3) {
        image(x, y, z[nrow(z):1,ncol(z):1], ...)
    } else if (orientation==4) {
        image(y, x, t(z[,ncol(z):1]), ...)

# -----------------------------------
#' filledContour2
#' Produces pretty alternative to ordinary filled contour.
#' @export

filledContour2 <- function(z, x=NULL, y=NULL, l=11, col=bobMapCols(), orientation=1, zmin=min(z,na.rm=TRUE), zmax=max(z,na.rm=TRUE), main=NA, xlab="x", ylab="y", xlab_line=3, ylab_line=3) {
    # rotate z as needed
    if (orientation==2) {
        z <- t(z[nrow(z):1,])
    } else if (orientation==3) {
        z <- z[nrow(z):1,ncol(z):1]
    } else if (orientation==4) {
        z <- t(z[,ncol(z):1])
    # set x and y based on matrix dimensions
    if (is.null(x))
    x <- 1:nrow(z)
    if (is.null(y))
    y <- 1:ncol(z)
    # produce plot
    myLevels <- seq(zmin, zmax, l=l+1)
    myCols <- smoothCols(1:l,rawCols=col)
    parStore <- par(mar=c(1+xlab_line, 1+ylab_line, 3, 1))
    image(x, y, z, zlim=c(zmin, zmax), col=myCols, xlab=NA, ylab=NA, main=main)
    title(xlab=xlab, line=xlab_line)
    title(ylab=ylab, line=ylab_line)
    contour(x, y, z, levels=myLevels, drawlabels=FALSE, add=TRUE)

# -----------------------------------
#' vec2mat
#' Produce matrix from two vectors. dim=1 returns the x-matrix, dim=2 the y-matrix.
#' @export

vec2mat <- function(x, y, dim) {
    if (dim==1) {
        output <- matrix(rep(x,each=length(y)),length(y))
    } else {
        output <- matrix(rep(y,length(x)),length(y))

# -----------------------------------
#' bin2D
#' Read in x and y data, along with vectors of breaks. Output 2D bin counts and vectors of midpoints.
#' @export

bin2D <- function(x, y, x_breaks, y_breaks) {
    # check that inputs are the same length
    # bin data in both x and y
    freq <- as.data.frame(table(findInterval(x,x_breaks),findInterval(y,y_breaks)))
    freq[,1] <- as.numeric(as.character(freq[,1]))
    freq[,2] <- as.numeric(as.character(freq[,2]))
    # get rid of bins outside of range
    freq <- freq[freq[,1]>0 & freq[,1]<length(x_breaks) & freq[,2]>0 & freq[,2]<length(y_breaks),]
    # fill in 2D matrix
    freq2D <- matrix(0,length(y_breaks)-1,length(x_breaks)-1)
    freq2D[cbind(freq[,2],freq[,1])] <- freq[,3]
    # calculate midpoints
    x_mids <- (x_breaks[-1]+x_breaks[-length(x_breaks)])/2
    y_mids <- (y_breaks[-1]+y_breaks[-length(y_breaks)])/2
    # output all as list
    output <- list(x_mids= x_mids,y_mids= y_mids,z=freq2D)

# -----------------------------------
#' safeDivide
#' Divide two numbers, but return 0 rather than NaN if both numerator and denominator are zero.
#' @export

safeDivide <- function(a,b) {
    output <- a/b
    output[a==0 & b==0] <- 0

# -----------------------------------
#' exit
#' Force-exits R.
#' @export
exit <- function() {

# -----------------------------------
#' ribbon
#' Adds ribbon to plot. Set upper and lower limits of ribbon, or middle values and thickness.
#' @param y1 lower limit of ribbon, or alternatively middle value if upperLower=FALSE
#' @param y2 upper limit of ribbon, or alternatively thickness if upperLower=FALSE
#' @param x x-values
#' @param upperLower whether y-values represent upper and lower values of the ribbon
#' @param density density of shading (leave NA for no shading)
#' @param border colour of border (leave NA for no border)
#' @param col colour of ribbon, or colour of shading lines if density>0
#' @export
ribbon <- function(y1, y2, x=1:length(y1), upperLower=TRUE, density=NA, border=NA, col='#FF000020') {
    # choose limits based on method choice
    if (upperLower) {
        y_lower <- y1
        y_upper <- y2
    } else {
        y_lower <- y1-y2/2
        y_upper <- y1+y2/2
    # build poly coordinates
    poly_x <- c(x, rev(x))
    poly_y <- c(y_lower, rev(y_upper))
    # add polygon to plot
    polygon(poly_x, poly_y, density=NA, border=NA, col=col)

# -----------------------------------
#' bobSpectrum
#' 20 colours going from pink to blue through green. Previously called bobPinkBlue.
#' @export
bobSpectrum <- function(n=20) {
    # define colours
    colours_raw <- c(
    # remap to make n colours
    colours <- smoothCols(1:n, rawCols=colours_raw)

# -----------------------------------
#' breakCoverage
#' Feed in a vector of breaks x, and min and max values of a range that falls within x. Output the proportion of each slice that is covered by the range. Useful for calculating things like prevalence in a given age range.
#' @param breaks vector of breaks
#' @param range_min minimum value of range of interest
#' @param range_max maximum value of range of interest
#' @export

breakCoverage <- function(breaks, range_min, range_max) {
    # get lower and upper breaks
    breaks0 <- breaks[-length(breaks)]
    breaks1 <- breaks[-1]
    # get total proportion of each break covered
    ret <- punif(range_min, breaks0, breaks1, lower.tail=F) - punif(range_max, breaks0, breaks1, lower.tail=F)

# -----------------------------------
#' get list depth
#' Get list depth up to 5 levels of nesting. Non-lists return a value 0.
#' @param x list or nested list to assess depth
#' @export

getListDepth <- function(x) {
    x_depth <- 0
    x_sub <- x
    if (is.list(x_sub) & length(x_sub)>0) {
        x_depth <- x_depth+1
        x_sub <- x_sub[[1]]
        if (is.list(x_sub) & length(x_sub)>0) {
            x_depth <- x_depth+1
            x_sub <- x_sub[[1]]
            if (is.list(x_sub) & length(x_sub)>0) {
                x_depth <- x_depth+1
                x_sub <- x_sub[[1]]
                if (is.list(x_sub) & length(x_sub)>0) {
                    x_depth <- x_depth+1
                    x_sub <- x_sub[[1]]
                    if (is.list(x_sub) & length(x_sub)>0) {
                        x_depth <- x_depth+1

# -----------------------------------
#' sample always from vector
#' Carries out sample(), but always assumes input is vector.
#' @param x vector from which to sample
#' @export

sampleVec <- function(x, ...) {
    x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]

# -----------------------------------
#' great circle distance
#' Calculates great circle distance (km) between an origin and one or more destination points.
#' @param origin_lat scalar latitude of origin in degrees
#' @param origin_lon scalar longitude of origin in degrees
#' @param origin_lat vector latitude of destination in degrees
#' @param origin_lon vector longitude of destination in degrees
#' @export

gcDist <- function(origin_lat, origin_lon, dest_lat, dest_lon) {
    # convert input arguments to radians
    origin_lat <- origin_lat*2*pi/360
    dest_lat <- dest_lat*2*pi/360
    origin_lon <- origin_lon*2*pi/360
    dest_lon <- dest_lon*2*pi/360
    # calculate great circle distance
    delta_lon <- dest_lon-origin_lon
    tmp <- sin(origin_lat)*sin(dest_lat) + cos(origin_lat)*cos(dest_lat)*cos(delta_lon)
    tmp[tmp>1] <- 1
    gc_angle <- acos(tmp)
    earthRad <- 6371
    gc_dist <- earthRad*gc_angle

# -----------------------------------
#' change margins
#' Changes margins to one of a number of defaults
#' @param level choose from a number of settings: 1) default margins c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1), 2) narrow margins c(1,3,3,1).
#' @export

setMargin <- function(level) {
    x <- switch(level,

# -----------------------------------
#' bobFireIce
#' 7 colours going from red to blue.
#' @export

bobFireIce <- function(n=7) {
    # key of hex colours against RGB values
    # note - can use function rgb(red/255, green/255, blue/255) to convert RGB to hex
    #CD0000 = RGB{ 205, 0, 0 }
    #FF8C00 = RGB{ 255, 140, 0 }
    #FFD700 = RGB{ 255, 215, 0 }
    #FFEC8B = RGB{ 255, 236, 139 }
    #BFEFFF = RGB{ 191, 239, 255 }
    #5CACEE = RGB{ 92, 172, 238 }
    #436EEE = RGB{ 67, 110, 238 }
    # define basic colours
    colours_raw <- c(
    # remap to make n colours
    colours <- smoothCols(1:n, rawCols=colours_raw)

# -----------------------------------
#' dummy1
#' Example call Rcpp function
#' @export

dummy1 <- function() {
    cat("R function working\n")

# -----------------------------------
#' faster
#' Custom version of raster plot, that is lightweight and doesn't suffer from problems relating to layout. Ordinary raster produces strange results when used as part of more complex layouts due to its method of setting and re-setting par(). This is avoided here by passing in an optional layout matrix that corresponds to the current layout.
#' @export

faster <- function (..., col=NULL, breaks=NULL, nlevel=64, layout_mat=NULL, horizontal=FALSE, legend.shrink=0.9, legend.width=1.2, legend.mar=ifelse(horizontal, 3.1, 5.1), legend.lab=NULL, legend.line=2,  bigplot=NULL, smallplot=NULL, lab.breaks=NULL, axis.args=NULL, legend.args=NULL, legend.cex=1) {
  # set defaults
  if (!is.null(breaks)) {
    nlevel <- length(breaks)-1
  if (is.null(col)) {
    col <- bobFireIce(nlevel)
  } else {
    nlevel <- length(col)
  if (is.null(legend.mar)) {
    legend.mar <- ifelse(horizontal, 3.1, 5.1)
  old.par <- NULL
  # get layout matrix assuming simple increasing grid of values
  mfrow <- par()$mfrow
  layout_simple <- matrix(1:(mfrow[1]*mfrow[2]), mfrow[1], mfrow[2], byrow=TRUE)
  # set layout to simple grid if not specified
  if (is.null(layout_mat)) {
    layout_mat <- layout_simple
  # set breaks evenly over data range if not specified
  nlevel <- length(col)
  info <- fields::imagePlotInfo(..., breaks = breaks, nlevel = nlevel)
  breaks <- info$breaks
  # get plotting limits
  temp <- fields::imageplot.setup(add = FALSE, legend.shrink = legend.shrink, 
                          legend.width = legend.width, legend.mar = legend.mar, 
                          horizontal = horizontal, bigplot = bigplot, smallplot = smallplot)
  smallplot <- temp$smallplot
  bigplot <- temp$bigplot
  # check legend will fit
  if ((smallplot[2] < smallplot[1]) | (smallplot[4] < smallplot[3])) {
    stop("plot region too small to add legend\n")
  # make colour scale
  ix <- 1:2
  iy <- breaks
  nBreaks <- length(breaks)
  midpoints <- (breaks[1:(nBreaks - 1)] + breaks[2:nBreaks])/2
  iz <- matrix(midpoints, nrow = 1, ncol = length(midpoints))
  # add colour scale
  old.par <- par(pty = "m", plt = smallplot, err = -1)
  if (!horizontal) {
    image(ix, iy, iz, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", 
          ylab = "", col = col, breaks = breaks)
  else {
    image(iy, ix, t(iz), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", 
          ylab = "", col = col, breaks = breaks)
  # add numbers and box to scale
  if (!is.null(lab.breaks)) {
    axis.args <- c(list(side = ifelse(horizontal, 1, 4), 
                        mgp = c(3, 1, 0), las = ifelse(horizontal, 0, 2), 
                        at = breaks, labels = lab.breaks), axis.args)
  else {
    axis.args <- c(list(side = ifelse(horizontal, 1, 4), 
                        mgp = c(3, 1, 0), las = ifelse(horizontal, 0, 2)), 
  do.call("axis", axis.args)
  # add legend to scale
  if (!is.null(legend.lab)) {
    legend.args <- list(text = legend.lab, side = ifelse(horizontal, 
                                                         1, 4), line = legend.line, cex = legend.cex)
  if (!is.null(legend.args)) {
    do.call(mtext, legend.args)
  # main image plot
  old.par <- par(new = TRUE, plt = bigplot)
  image(..., breaks = breaks, add = FALSE, col = col)
  # get position of current and next plot
  mfg <- par()$mfg
  thisPlot <- layout_mat[mfg[1], mfg[2]]
  if (max(layout_simple)>1) {
    nextPlot <- which(layout_simple==(thisPlot+1), arr.ind=TRUE)[1,]
  # switch back to old pars
  # set position of next plot
  if (max(layout_simple)>1) {
    par(mfg=c(nextPlot[1], nextPlot[2], nrow(layout_mat), ncol(layout_mat)))
bobverity/bobFunctions documentation built on May 12, 2019, 11:29 p.m.