
Defines functions multBayesQR

Documented in multBayesQR

#' Multiple-output Bayesian quantile regression model
#' This function estimates a multiple-output Bayesian quantile regression model
#' @param response Names of response variables
#' @param formulaPred a formula object, with . on the left side of a ~ operator,
#'  and the predictor terms, separated by + operators, on the right side.
#' @param tau Quantiles of interest. Default is th median, \code{tau = 0.5}.
#' @param directionPoint Either a vector with the same number of dimensions of
#'  response variable, indicating a direction, or a integer indicating the
#'  number of directions equally spaced in the unit circle one should
#'  estimate. When the response has more than 2 dimensions, this should
#'  determine the number of points considered in each dimension, in order to
#'  define the number of directions taken into account in estimation. The
#'  number of directions is then equal to \code{length_1d}^d, where d is the
#'  dimension of the response variable.
#' @param dataFile A data.frame from which to find the variables defined in the
#'  formula.
#' @param itNum Number of iterations.
#' @param burnin Size of the initial to be discarded.
#' @param thin Thinning parameter. Default value is 1.
#' @param chains The number of chains to be run for each parameter. Only
#'  available when using \code{bayes = TRUE} and its default is one, when this
#'  is equal to NULL.
#' @param betaValue Initial values for the parameter beta for the continuous
#'  part.
#' @param sigmaValue Initial value for the scale parameter.
#' @param vSampleInit Initial value for the latent variables.
#' @param priorVar Value that multiplies a identity matrix in the elicition
#'  process of the prior variance of the regression parameters.
#' @param hyperSigma Vector of size containing the hyperparameters of the
#'  inverse gamma distribution for the sigma parameter of the asymmetric
#'  Laplace distribution. Default is c(0.1, 0.1), which gives a noninformative
#'  prior for sigma.
#' @param refresh Interval between printing a message during the iteration
#'  process. Default is set to 100.
#' @param bayesx If TRUE, the default, it uses bayesX software to estimate
#'  the quantile regression oarameters, which can be faster. If FALSE, it
#'  uses a Rcpp implementation of the MCMC sampler.
#' @param sigmaSampling If TRUE, the default, it will sample from the posterior
#'  distribution of the scale parameter. If FALSE, all values will be fixed to
#'  1.
#' @param quiet If TRUE, the default, it does not print messages to check if
#'  the MCMC is actually updating. If FALSE, it will use the value of refresh
#'  to print messages to control the iteration process.
#' @param tobit If TRUE, it will input the censored value for all observations
#'  with y = 0, according to the model. If FALSE, the default, it will estimate
#'  the parameter without this inputation process.
#' @param numCores The number of cores that could be used for estimating
#'  parallel models when more than one direction is considered.
#' @param recordLat If TRUE, it will keep the Markov chain samples for the
#'  latent variable. Default is FALSE.
#' @param outfile argument to be passed to \code{bayesx.control}, in order
#'  to define a directory where all output files should be saved.
#' @param check_bayesx To check whether all calls to BayesX generated valid
#'  chain values for all models. In case there are NA values, it calls BayesX
#'  just for those models with problems. This is only considered when
#'  \code{outfile} is different than \code{NULL}.
#' @param path_bayesx When \code{check_bayes} is \code{TRUE}, the user must
#'  inform the path of BayesX in order for these new calls of the program.
#' @param adaptive_dir If  \code{TRUE}, then directions will take into account the
#'  marginal quantiles of each dimension of the response variable. Otherwise,
#'  the direction vector are created creating all possible combinations of
#'  points inside the interval [-1, 1] given the number of points
#'  \code{directionPoint}. The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{bayesx.control}.
#' @return A list with the chains of all parameters of interest.
#' @useDynLib baquantreg
#' @importFrom R2BayesX bayesx
#' @importFrom Formula Formula

multBayesQR <- function(response, formulaPred, directionPoint,
                        tau = 0.5, dataFile, itNum = 2000, burnin, thin = 1,
                        chains = NULL,
                        betaValue = NULL, sigmaValue = 1, vSampleInit = NULL,
                        priorVar = 100, hyperSigma = c(0.1, 0.1),
                        refresh = 100, bayesx = TRUE, sigmaSampling = TRUE,
                        quiet = T, tobit = FALSE, numCores = 1,
                        recordLat = FALSE, outfile = NULL,
                        check_bayesx = FALSE, path_bayesx = NULL,
                        adaptive_dir = FALSE, ...){

  n_dim <- length(response)

  if (length(directionPoint) > 1 & length(directionPoint) != n_dim){
    stop("Dimension of directions is different than dimension of response")

  if (length(directionPoint) > 1 & n_dim == 2){
    vectorDir <- directionPoint
    numbDir <- 1
  } else if (n_dim == 2) {
    angles <- (0:(directionPoint-1))*2*pi/directionPoint
    vectorDir <- cbind(cos(angles), sin(angles))
    numbDir <- directionPoint
  } else if (n_dim == 3){
    x_dir <- seq(-1, 1, length = directionPoint)
    y_dir <- seq(-1, 1, length = directionPoint)
    z_dir <- seq(-1, 1, length = directionPoint)

    x_y_z_grid <- expand.grid(x_dir, y_dir, z_dir)
    check_zeros <- !apply(x_y_z_grid, 1, function(a) all(a == 0))
    x_y_z_grid <- x_y_z_grid[check_zeros, ]

    vectorDir <- t(apply(x_y_z_grid, 1, function(a){
      a / sqrt(sum(a^2))
    numbDir <- nrow(vectorDir)
  } else if (n_dim == 4){
    if (adaptive_dir){
      Y <- dataFile[, response]

      x_y_z_w <- apply(Y,
                       0:(directionPoint - 1)/(directionPoint - 1))

      min_xyzw <- apply(Y, 2, range)[1, ]
      max_xyzw <- apply(Y, 2, range)[2, ]

      range_xyzw <- max_xyzw - min_xyzw

      x_y_z_w_1step <- sweep(x_y_z_w, 2, min_xyzw)
      x_y_z_w_points <- (sweep(x_y_z_w_1step, 2, range_xyzw, "/") * 2) - 1

      x_y_z_w_grid <- expand.grid(x_y_z_w_points[, 1],
                                  x_y_z_w_points[, 2],
                                  x_y_z_w_points[, 3],
                                  x_y_z_w_points[, 4])
    else {
      x_dir <- seq(-1, 1, length = directionPoint)
      y_dir <- seq(-1, 1, length = directionPoint)
      z_dir <- seq(-1, 1, length = directionPoint)
      w_dir <- seq(-1, 1, length = directionPoint)

      x_y_z_w_grid <- expand.grid(x_dir, y_dir, z_dir, w_dir)

    check_zeros <- !apply(x_y_z_w_grid, 1, function(a) all(a == 0))
    x_y_z_w_grid <- x_y_z_w_grid[check_zeros, ]

    vectorDir <- t(apply(x_y_z_w_grid, 1, function(a){
      a / sqrt(sum(a^2))
    numbDir <- nrow(vectorDir)
  } else {
    stop("Number of dimensions for response variable is greater than 4")

  objects <- list()

  objects$modelsDir <- parallel::mclapply(1:numbDir, function(a){
    if (n_dim == 2 & length(directionPoint) > 1) u <- directionPoint
    else u <- vectorDir[a, ]

    if (n_dim == 2){
      u_1 <- c(1, 0)

      A <- cbind(u, u_1)
      x.qr <- qr.Q(qr(A))
    } else if (n_dim == 3) {
      u_1 <- c(1, 0, 0)
      u_2 <- c(0, 1, 0)

      A <- cbind(u, u_1, u_2)
      x.qr <- qr.Q(qr(A))
    } else {
      u_1 <- c(1, 0, 0, 0)
      u_2 <- c(0, 1, 0, 0)
      u_3 <- c(0, 0, 1, 0)

      A <- cbind(u, u_1, u_2, u_3)
      x.qr <- qr.Q(qr(A))

    Y <- dataFile[, response]

    yResp <- t(u) %*% t(Y)

    directionX <- matrix(t(x.qr[, 2:n_dim]) %*% t(Y), ncol = n_dim - 1)

    dataFile$y <- as.numeric(yResp)
    if (n_dim == 2){
      dataFile$directionX <- as.numeric(directionX)
      formulaUpdated <- stats::update(Formula::Formula(formulaPred),
                                      y ~ . + directionX)
    else {
      dataFile <- cbind(dataFile, directionX)
      dim_X <- ncol(dataFile)
      dir_variables <- paste0("directionx", 1:(n_dim - 1))
      colnames(dataFile)[(dim_X - n_dim + 2):dim_X] <- dir_variables
      formulaUpdated <- stats::update(Formula::Formula(formulaPred),
                                      stats::as.formula(paste0("y ~ . + ",
                                                              collapse = " + ")

    if (!bayesx){
      X <- stats::model.matrix(formulaUpdated, dataFile)

      if (is.null(betaValue))
        betaValue <- rep(0, dim(X)[2])
      if (is.null(vSampleInit))
        vSampleInit <- rep(1, length(yResp))

    output <- list()

    output$modelsTau <- lapply(tau, function(b) {
      if (bayesx){
        if (is.null(outfile)){
          result <- try(R2BayesX::bayesx(formulaUpdated, data = dataFile,
                                         iter = itNum, burnin = burnin,
                                         step = thin, method = "MCMC",
                                         family = "quantreg", quantile = b,
                                         chains = chains,
                                         control =
          result <- try(R2BayesX::bayesx(formulaUpdated,
                                         data = dataFile,
                                         iter = itNum, burnin = burnin,
                                         step = thin, method = "MCMC",
                                         family = "quantreg", quantile = b,
                                         chains = chains,
                                         control =
                                         outfile =
                                           paste0(outfile, 'dir_',
                                                  a, '_tau_', b,  '/'),
                                         dir.rm = FALSE))
      else {
        result <- BayesQR(tau = b, y = yResp, X = X, itNum = itNum, thin = thin,
                betaValue = betaValue, sigmaValue = sigmaValue,
                vSampleInit = vSampleInit, priorVar = priorVar,
                hyperSigma = hyperSigma, refresh = refresh,
                sigmaSampling = sigmaSampling, quiet = quiet, tobit = tobit,
                recordLat = recordLat)

    output$tau <- tau
    output$formula <- formulaPred
    output$data <- dataFile
    output$direction <- u
    output$orthBasis = x.qr[,2]

    class(output) <- "bqr"

  }, mc.cores = numCores)

  if (check_bayesx){
    listFolders <- list.files(outfile)

    run_bayesx <- function(dir){
      text <- readLines(paste0(dir, '/bayesx.estim.input.prg'))
      newSeed <- ceiling(stats::runif(1) * 10000)
      text <- gsub("setseed=[0-9]+", paste0("setseed=", newSeed), text)
      writeLines(text, 'bayesx.estim.input.prg')
      system(paste(path_bayesx, 'bayesx.estim.input.prg'))

    while (any(check_NA(paste0(outfile, '/', listFolders)))){
      folders_error <- listFolders[check_NA(paste0(outfile, '/', listFolders))]
      complete_folders <- paste0(outfile, '/', folders_error)
      parallel::mclapply(complete_folders, run_bayesx, mc.cores = numCores)

  class(objects) <- "multBQR"

  objects$method <- ifelse(bayesx, 'bayesx', 'rcpp')
  objects$response <- response
  objects$n_dim <- n_dim

brsantos/baquantreg documentation built on Feb. 8, 2023, 8:18 a.m.