
Defines functions make.seq print.sequence

Documented in make.seq print.sequence

#                                                                     #
# Package: BatchMap                                                     #
#                                                                     #
# File: make.seq.R                                                    #
# Contains: make.seq, print.sequence                                  #
#                                                                     #
# Written by Gabriel Rodrigues Alves Margarido                        #
# copyright (c) 2009, Gabriel R A Margarido                           #
#                                                                     #
# First version: 02/27/2009                                           #
# Last update: 01/14/2016                                             #
# License: GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991) or later #
#                                                                     #

# Function to create sequences based on other object types

##' Create a sequence of markers
##' Makes a sequence of markers based on an object of another type.
##' @param input.obj an object of class \code{rf.2pts}, \code{group},
##' \code{compare}, \code{try} or \code{order}.
##' @param arg its value depends on the type of object \code{input.obj}. For an
##' object \code{rf.2pts}, \code{arg} can be the string "all", resulting in a
##' sequence with all markers in the raw data (generally done for grouping
##' markers); otherwise, it must be a \code{vector} of integers specifying
##' which markers comprise the sequence. For an object of class \code{group},
##' \code{arg} must be an integer specifying the group. For a \code{compare}
##' object, \code{arg} is an integer indicating the corresponding order
##' (arranged according to the likelihood); if \code{NULL} (default), the best
##' order is taken. For an object of class \code{try}, \code{arg} must be an
##' integer less than or equal to the length of the original sequence plus one;
##' the sequence obtained will be that with the additional marker in the
##' position indicated by \code{arg}.  Finally, for an \code{order} object,
##' \code{arg} is a string: "safe" means the order that contains only markers
##' mapped with the provided threshold; "force" means the order with all
##' markers.
##' @param phase its value is also dependent on the type of \code{input.obj}.
##' For an \code{rf.2pts} object, \code{phase} can be a \code{vector} with
##' user- defined linkage phases (its length is equal to the number of markers
##' minus one); if \code{NULL} (default), other functions will try to find the
##' best linkage phases. For example, if \code{phase} assumes the vector
##' \code{c(1,2,3,4)}, the sequence of linkage phases will be couple/couple,
##' couple/repulsion, repulsion/couple and repulsion/repulsion for a sequence
##' of five markers. If \code{input.obj} is of class \code{compare} or
##' \code{try}, this argument indicates which combination of linkage phases
##' should be chosen, for the particular order given by argument \code{arg}.
##' In both cases, \code{NULL} (default) makes the best combination to be
##' taken. If \code{input.obj} is of class \code{group} or \code{order}, this
##' argument has no effect.
##' @param twopt a \code{string} indicating the name of the object which
##' contains the two-point information. This does not have to be defined by the
##' user: it is here for compatibility issues when calling \code{make.seq} from
##' inside other functions.
##' @return An object of class \code{sequence}, which is a list containing the
##' following components: \item{seq.num}{a \code{vector} containing the
##' (ordered) indices of markers in the sequence, according to the input file.}
##' \item{seq.phases}{a \code{vector} with the linkage phases between markers
##' in the sequence, in corresponding positions. \code{-1} means that there are
##' no defined linkage phases.} \item{seq.rf}{a \code{vector} with the
##' recombination frequencies between markers in the sequence. \code{-1} means
##' that there are no estimated recombination frequencies.}
##' \item{seq.like}{log-likelihood of the corresponding linkage map.}
##' \item{data.name}{name of the object of class \code{outcross} with the raw
##' data.} \item{twopt}{name of the object of class \code{rf.2pts} with the
##' 2-point analyses.}
##' @author Gabriel Margarido, \email{gramarga@@gmail.com}
##' @seealso \code{\link[BatchMap]{compare}}, \code{\link[BatchMap]{try.seq}},
##' \code{\link[BatchMap]{order.seq}} and \code{\link[BatchMap]{map}}.
##' @references Lander, E. S., Green, P., Abrahamson, J., Barlow, A., Daly, M.
##' J., Lincoln, S. E. and Newburg, L. (1987) MAPMAKER: An interactive computer
##' package for constructing primary genetic linkage maps of experimental and
##' natural populations. \emph{Genomics} 1: 174-181.
##' @keywords utilities
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'   data(example.out)
##'   twopt <- rf.2pts(example.out)
##'   all.mark <- make.seq(twopt,"all")
##'   all.mark <- make.seq(twopt,1:30) # same as above, for this data set
##'   groups <- group(all.mark)
##'   LG1 <- make.seq(groups,1)
##'   LG1.ord <- order.seq(LG1)
##'   (LG1.final <- make.seq(LG1.ord)) # safe order
##'   (LG1.final.all <- make.seq(LG1.ord,"force")) # forced order
##'   markers <- make.seq(twopt,c(2,3,12,14))
##'   markers.comp <- compare(markers)
##'   (base.map <- make.seq(markers.comp))
##'   base.map <- make.seq(markers.comp,1,1) # same as above
##'   (extend.map <- try.seq(base.map,30))
##'   (base.map <- make.seq(extend.map,5)) # fifth position is the best
##' }
make.seq <-
function(input.obj, arg=NULL, phase=NULL, twopt=NULL) {
  # checking for correct object
    stop(deparse(substitute(input.obj))," is not an object of class 'rf.2pts', 'group', 'compare', 'try' or 'order'")

         'rf.2pts' = {
           if (length(arg) == 1 && arg == "all") seq.num <- 1:input.obj$n.mar # generally used for grouping markers
		   else if(is.vector(arg) && is.numeric(arg)) seq.num <- arg
		   else stop("for an object of class 'rf.2pts', \"arg\" must be a vector of integers or the string 'all'")
           if (is.null(phase)) seq.phases <- -1 # no predefined linkage phases
           else if(length(phase) == (length(seq.num)-1)) seq.phases <- phase
           else stop("the length of 'phase' must be equal to the length of the sequence minus 1")
           seq.rf <- -1
           seq.like <- NULL
           if(is.null(twopt)) twopt <- deparse(substitute(input.obj))
         'group' = {
           if(length(arg) == 1 && is.numeric(arg) && arg <= input.obj$n.groups) seq.num <- input.obj$seq.num[which(input.obj$groups == arg)]
		   else stop("for this object of class 'group', \"arg\" must be an integer less than or equal to ",input.obj$n.groups)
           seq.phases <- -1
           seq.rf <- -1
           seq.like <- NULL
           twopt <- input.obj$twopt
		 'compare' = {
           n.ord <- max(which(head(input.obj$best.ord.LOD,-1) != -Inf))
           unique.orders <- unique(input.obj$best.ord[1:n.ord,])
		   if(is.null(arg)) seq.num <- unique.orders[1,] # NULL = 1 is the best order
           else if(length(arg) == 1 && is.numeric(arg) && arg <= nrow(unique.orders)) seq.num <- unique.orders[arg,]
		   else stop("for this object of class 'compare', \"arg\" must be an integer less than or equal to ",nrow(unique.orders))
           if (is.null(phase)) phase <- 1 # NULL = 1 is the best combination of phases
           chosen <- which(apply(input.obj$best.ord[1:n.ord,],1,function(x) all(x==seq.num)))[phase]
           seq.phases <- input.obj$best.ord.phase[chosen,]
           seq.rf <- input.obj$best.ord.rf[chosen,]
           seq.like <- input.obj$best.ord.like[chosen]
           twopt <- input.obj$twopt
		 'try' = {
		   if(length(arg) != 1 || !is.numeric(arg) || arg > length(input.obj$ord))
		     stop("for this object of class 'try', \"arg\" must be an integer less than or equal to ",length(input.obj$ord))
           if (is.null(phase)) phase <- 1 # NULL = 1 is the best combination of phases
           seq.num <- input.obj$try.ord[arg,]
           seq.phases <- input.obj$ord[[arg]]$phase[phase,]
           seq.rf <- input.obj$ord[[arg]]$rf[phase,]
           seq.like <- input.obj$ord[[arg]]$like[phase]
           twopt <- input.obj$twopt
		 'order' = {
           arg <- match.arg(arg,c("safe","force"))
           if (arg == "safe") {
		     # order with safely mapped markers
             seq.num <- input.obj$ord$seq.num
             seq.phases <- input.obj$ord$seq.phases
             seq.rf <- input.obj$ord$seq.rf
             seq.like <- input.obj$ord$seq.like
           else {
		     # order with all markers
             seq.num <- input.obj$ord.all$seq.num
             seq.phases <- input.obj$ord.all$seq.phases
             seq.rf <- input.obj$ord.all$seq.rf
             seq.like <- input.obj$ord.all$seq.like
           twopt <- input.obj$twopt

  # check if any marker appears more than once in the sequence
  if(length(seq.num) != length(unique(seq.num))) stop("there are duplicated markers in the sequence")

  structure(list(seq.num=seq.num, seq.phases=seq.phases, seq.rf=seq.rf, seq.like=seq.like,
                 data.name=input.obj$data.name, twopt=twopt), class = "sequence")

# print method for object class 'sequence'
print.sequence <- function(x,...) {
  marnames <- colnames(get(x$data.name, pos=1)$geno)[x$seq.num]
  if(is.null(x$seq.like)) {
    # no information available for the order
    cat("\nNumber of markers:",length(marnames))
    cat("\nMarkers in the sequence:\n")
    cat("\nParameters not estimated.\n\n")
  else {
    # convert numerical linkage phases to strings
    link.phases <- matrix(NA,length(x$seq.num),2)
    link.phases[1,] <- rep(1,2)
    for (i in 1:length(x$seq.phases)) {
             link.phases[i+1,] <- link.phases[i,]*c(1,1),
             link.phases[i+1,] <- link.phases[i,]*c(1,-1),
             link.phases[i+1,] <- link.phases[i,]*c(-1,1),
             link.phases[i+1,] <- link.phases[i,]*c(-1,-1),

    ## display results
    longest.name <- max(nchar(marnames))
    marnames <- formatC(marnames,flag="-")
    longest.number <- max(nchar(x$seq.num))
    marnumbers <- formatC(x$seq.num, format="d", width=longest.number)
    distances <- formatC(c(0,cumsum(get(get(".map.fun", envir=.onemapEnv))(x$seq.rf))),format="f",digits=2,width=7)
    ## whith diplotypes for class 'outcross'
    if(any(class(get(x$data.name, pos=1)) == "outcross")){
      ## create diplotypes from segregation types and linkage phases
      link.phases <- apply(link.phases,1,function(x) paste(as.character(x),collapse="."))
      parents <- matrix("",length(x$seq.num),4)
      for (i in 1:length(x$seq.num))
        parents[i,] <- return.geno(get(x$data.name, pos=1)$segr.type[x$seq.num[i]],link.phases[i])
      cat("\nPrinting map:\n\n")
      cat("Markers",rep("",max(longest.number+longest.name-7,0)+10),"Position",rep("",10),"Parent 1","     ","Parent 2\n\n")
      for (i in 1:length(x$seq.num)) {
        cat(marnumbers[i],marnames[i],rep("",max(7-longest.name-longest.number,0)+10),distances[i],rep("",10),parents[i,1],"|  |",parents[i,2],"     ",parents[i,3],"|  |",parents[i,4],"\n")
      cat(length(marnames),"markers            log-likelihood:",x$seq.like,"\n\n")
    else warning("invalid cross type")
##end of file
bschiffthaler/BatchMap documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 2:22 a.m.