
# phyloqtl_util.R
# copyright (c) 2009-2010, Karl W Broman
# last modified Feb, 2010
# first written May, 2009
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Utility functions for the phylo/qtl analyses
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: checkPhyloPartition, checkPhyloCrosses, qtlByPartition,
#           flipcross, genAllPartitions, sortPhyloPartitions

# check that 'partition' is appropriate for a given set of taxa
checkPhyloPartition <-
function(partition, taxa)
  n.taxa <- length(taxa)

  if(length(partition) > 1) {
    for(i in partition) checkPhyloPartition(i, taxa)

  # check that all the taxa are there and that there is just one "|"
  temp <- unlist(strsplit(partition, ""))
  if(length(temp) != n.taxa+1 || any(is.na(match(c(taxa, "|"), temp))))
    stop("partition is mis-specified; should be a character string with all taxa and one vertical bar (|).")

  # check that "|" is not at one end or the other
  ss <- unlist(strsplit(partition, "\\|"))
  if(length(ss) != 2 || any(nchar(ss)==0))
    stop("partition is mis-specified; vertical bar (|) should be somewhere in the middle.")


# check that the crosses are correct
checkPhyloCrosses <-
function(crosses, taxa, nostop=FALSE)
  temp <- strsplit(crosses, "")
  if(any(is.na(match(unlist(temp), taxa)))) {
    temp <- unlist(temp)
    extras <- unique(temp[is.na(match(temp, taxa))])
    if(nostop) return(FALSE)
    stop("Crosses mis-specified; have extra taxa, ", paste(extras, collapse=" "))
  crosses <- sapply(temp, paste, collapse="")
  if(length(crosses) != length(unique(crosses))) {
    warning("Some crosses given multiple times; these are omitted.")
    crosses <- unique(crosses)
    temp <- strsplit(crosses, "")

  # all taxa included in the crosses?
  m <- is.na(match(taxa, unique(unlist(temp))))
  if(any(m)) {
    temp <- paste(taxa[m], collapse=" ")
    if(nostop) return(FALSE)
    stop("Some taxa missing from the crosses: ", temp)
  # check that the crosses connect all n taxa
  thetaxa <- as.list(taxa)
  for(i in seq(along=temp)) {
    wh1 <- which(sapply(thetaxa, function(a,b) any(a==b), temp[[i]][1]))
    wh2 <- which(sapply(thetaxa, function(a,b) any(a==b), temp[[i]][2]))
    if(wh1 != wh2) {
      thetaxa[[wh1]] <- c(thetaxa[[wh1]], thetaxa[[wh2]])
      thetaxa <- thetaxa[-wh2]
  if(length(thetaxa) > 1) {
    if(nostop) return(FALSE)
    stop("The crosses are insufficient; they should connect all taxa.")

  if(nostop) return(TRUE)

# qtlByPartition
# for each cross and each partition, determine which crosses have a
# QTL and whether the alleles need to be swapped
qtlByPartition <-
function(crosses, partition)
  # check for multiple crosses (of the form "AB:AC:AD")
  if(length(grep(":", crosses)) > 0) {
    result <- lapply(strsplit(crosses, ":"), qtlByPartition, partition)
    names(result) <- crosses

  # for each partition, determine which crosses have the QTL
  crossmat <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(partition), nrow=length(crosses))
  crosssplit <- strsplit(crosses, "")
  partitionsplit <- lapply(strsplit(partition, "\\|"), strsplit, "")
  for(i in seq(along=crosses)) {
    for(j in seq(along=partition)) {
      v <- vector("list", 2)
      for(k in 1:2)
        v[[k]] <- sapply(partitionsplit[[j]], function(a,b) match(b, a), crosssplit[[i]][k])
      crossmat[i,j] <- diff(sapply(v, function(a) which(!is.na(a))))
  dimnames(crossmat) <- list(crosses, partition)

# flipcross
# The goal of this function is to take a QTL cross object (for R/qtl)
# and flip the alleles A <-> B.
# Currently, this is just for the case of an intercross, in which
# cases the allele codes (and corresponding QTL genotype probabilities
# and/or imputated genotypes) are switched as follows:
# genotype   old code    new code
#   AA          1           3
#   AB          2           2
#   BB          3           1
#  not BB       4           5
#  not AA       5           4

flipcross <-
  if(!("cross" %in% class(cross)))
    stop("The input should have class 'cross'")
  if(class(cross)[1] != "f2")
    stop("The function is currently working only for an intercross.")

  chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, "class")

  for(i in seq(along=cross$geno)) {
    if(chrtype[i] != "X") { # autosomal data
      nd <- d <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
      nd[!is.na(d) & d==1] <- 3
      nd[!is.na(d) & d==3] <- 1
      nd[!is.na(d) & d==4] <- 5
      nd[!is.na(d) & d==5] <- 4
      cross$geno[[i]]$data <- nd

      if("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
        theattr <- attributes(cross$geno[[i]]$prob)
        cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,3:1,drop=FALSE]
        attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob,"map") <- theattr$map
        attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob,"error.prob") <- theattr$error.prob
        attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob,"step") <- theattr$step
        attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob,"off.end") <- theattr$off.end
        attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob,"map.function") <- theattr$map.function
        attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob,"stepwidth") <- theattr$stepwidth

      if("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
        nd <- d <- cross$geno[[i]]$draws
        nd[d==3] <- 1
        nd[d==1] <- 3
        cross$geno[[i]]$draws <- nd

  if("alleles" %in% names(attributes(cross)))
    attr(cross, "alleles") <- rev(attr(cross, "alleles"))

  # omit X chr
  if(any(chrtype=="X")) {
    cross <- subset(cross, chr = (chrtype != "X"))
    warning("flipcross is not yet working for the X chromosome; X chr omitted from output.")


# generate all possible partitions (except the null)
genAllPartitions <-
function(n.taxa, taxa)

  # Utility function
  #     returns binary representation of 1:(2^n)
  binary.v <-
        x <- 1:(2^n)
        mx <- max(x)
        digits <- floor(log2(mx))
        ans <- 0:(digits-1); lx <- length(x)
        x <- matrix(rep(x,rep(digits, lx)),ncol=lx)
        (x %/% 2^ans) %% 2

    taxa <- LETTERS[1:n.taxa]
  else {
    if(missing(n.taxa)) n.taxa <- length(taxa)
    else {
      if(n.taxa != length(taxa))
        stop("n.taxa != length(taxa)")

  mat <- binary.v(n.taxa)
  colsum <- apply(mat, 2, sum)
  mat <- mat[,colsum > 0 & colsum <= floor(n.taxa/2)]

  result <- unique(apply(mat, 2, function(a,b) {
    x <- c(paste(b[a==1],collapse=""), paste(b[a==0],collapse=""))
    if(diff(nchar(x)) == 0) x <- sort(x)
    paste(x, collapse="|")}, taxa))

  sortPhyloPartitions(result, taxa)

sortPhyloPartitions <-
function(partitions, taxa)
  if(missing(taxa)) taxa <- LETTERS[1:26]

  thesplit <- strsplit(partitions, "\\|")
  n1 <- sapply(thesplit, function(a) nchar(a[1]))
  c1 <- sapply(thesplit, function(a) a[1])
  c1 <- strsplit(c1, "")
  for(i in seq(along=c1))
      c1[[i]] <- as.numeric(paste(match(c1[[i]], taxa), collapse=""))
  c1 <- unlist(c1)
  partitions[order(n1, c1)]

# end of phyloqtl_util.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.