
# plot.R
# copyright (c) 2000-2012, Karl W Broman
#       [modifications of plot.cross from Brian Yandell]
# last modified Mar, 2012
# first written Mar, 2000
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: plotMissing, plotMap, plot.cross, plotGeno, plotInfo,
#           plotPXG, plotPheno

plotMissing <- plot.missing <-
function(x, chr, reorder=FALSE, main="Missing genotypes",
         alternate.chrid=FALSE, ...) 
  cross <- x
  if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
    stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")
  if(!missing(chr)) cross <- subset(cross,chr=chr)
  # get full genotype data into one matrix
  Geno <- pull.geno(cross)

  # reorder the individuals according to their phenotype
  o <- 1:nrow(Geno)
  if(reorder) {
    # if reorder is a number, use the corresponding phenotype
    if(is.numeric(reorder)) {
      if(reorder < 1 || reorder > nphe(cross)) 
        stop("reorder should be TRUE, FALSE, or an integer between 1 and", nphe(cross))

      o <- order(cross$pheno[,reorder])

    # otherwise, order according to the sum of the numeric phenotypes
    else {
      wh <- sapply(cross$pheno, is.numeric)
      o <- order(apply(cross$pheno[,wh,drop=FALSE],1,sum))

  # make matrix with  0 where genotype data is missing
  #                   1 where data is not missing
  #                 0.5 where data is partially missing
  type <- class(cross)[1]
  g <- t(Geno[o,])
  g[is.na(g)] <- 0
  if(type == "bc" || type=="risib" || type=="riself" || type=="bc") 
    g[g > 0] <- 1
  else if(type=="f2") {
    g[g > 0 & g < 4] <- 1
    g[g > 3] <- 0.5
  else if(type=="4way") {
    g[g > 0 & g < 5] <- 1
    g[g > 4] <- 0.5
  else {
    g[g > 0] <- 1

  old.xpd <- par("xpd")
  old.las <- par("las")

  colors <- c("#000000", "gray80", "#FFFFFF")

  # plot grid with black pixels where there is missing data

  # plot lines at the chromosome boundaries
  n.mar <- nmar(cross)
  n.chr <- nchr(cross)
  a <- c(0.5,cumsum(n.mar)+0.5)

  # the following makes the lines go slightly above the plotting region
  b <- par("usr")

  # this line adds a line above the image
  #     (the image function seems to leave it out)

  # add chromosome numbers
  a <- par("usr")
  wh <- cumsum(c(0.5,n.mar))
  x <- 1:n.chr
  for(i in 1:n.chr) 
    x[i] <- mean(wh[i+c(0,1)])

  thechr <- names(cross$geno)
  if(!alternate.chrid || length(thechr) < 2) {
    for(i in seq(along=x))
      axis(side=3, at=x[i], thechr[i], tick=FALSE, line=-0.5)
  else {
    odd <- seq(1, length(x), by=2)
    even <- seq(2, length(x), by=2)
    for(i in odd) {
      axis(side=3, at=x[i], labels=thechr[i], line=-0.75, tick=FALSE)
    for(i in even) {
      axis(side=3, at=x[i], labels=thechr[i], line=+0, tick=FALSE)


geno.image <-
function(x, chr, reorder=FALSE, main="Genotype data",
         alternate.chrid=FALSE, ...) 
  cross <- x
  if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
    stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")
  if(!missing(chr)) cross <- subset(cross,chr=chr)
  type <- class(cross)[1]

  # revise X chromosome data
  if(type=="bc" || type=="f2") {
    chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, class)
    if(any(chrtype=="X")) {
      for(i in which(chrtype=="X"))
        cross$geno[[i]]$data <- reviseXdata(type, "simple", getsex(cross),

  # get full genotype data into one matrix
  Geno <- pull.geno(cross)

  # colors to use
  if(type != "4way") {
    thecolors <- c("white", "#E41A1C", "#377EB8", "#4DAF4A", "#984EA3", "#FF7F00")
    thebreaks <- seq(-0.5, 5.5, by=1)
  else {
    if(max(Geno,na.rm=TRUE) <= 5) {
      thecolors <- c("white", "#E41A1C", "#377EB8", "#4DAF4A", "#984EA3", "#FF7F00")
      thebreaks <- seq(-0.5, 5.5, by=1)
    else {
      thecolors <- c("white",  "#8DD3C7", "#FFFFB3", "#BEBADA", "#FB8072",
                     "#80B1D3", "#FDB462", "#B3DE69", "#FCCDE5", "#D9D9D9", "#BC80BD")
      thebreaks <- seq(-0.5, 10.5, by=1)

  # reorder the individuals according to their phenotype
  o <- 1:nrow(Geno)
  if(reorder) {
    # if reorder is a number, use the corresponding phenotype
    if(is.numeric(reorder)) {
      if(reorder < 1 || reorder > nphe(cross)) 
        stop("reorder should be TRUE, FALSE, or an integer between 1 and", nphe(cross))

      o <- order(cross$pheno[,reorder])

    # otherwise, order according to the sum of the numeric phenotypes
    else {
      wh <- sapply(cross$pheno, is.numeric)
      o <- order(apply(cross$pheno[,wh,drop=FALSE],1,sum))

  g <- t(Geno[o,])
  g[is.na(g)] <- 0

  # make matrix with  0 where genotype data is missing
  #                   1 where data is not missing
  #                 0.5 where data is partially missing
  old.xpd <- par("xpd")
  old.las <- par("las")

  # plot grid with black pixels where there is missing data

  # plot lines at the chromosome boundaries
  n.mar <- nmar(cross)
  n.chr <- nchr(cross)
  a <- c(0.5,cumsum(n.mar)+0.5)

  # the following makes the lines go slightly above the plotting region
  b <- par("usr")

  # this line adds a line above the image
  #     (the image function seems to leave it out)

  # add chromosome numbers
  a <- par("usr")
  wh <- cumsum(c(0.5,n.mar))
  x <- 1:n.chr
  for(i in 1:n.chr) 
    x[i] <- mean(wh[i+c(0,1)])
  thechr <- names(cross$geno)
  if(!alternate.chrid || length(thechr) < 2) {
    for(i in seq(along=x))
      axis(side=3, at=x[i], thechr[i], tick=FALSE, line=-0.5)
  else {
    odd <- seq(1, length(x), by=2)
    even <- seq(2, length(x), by=2)
    for(i in odd) 
      axis(side=3, at=x[i], labels=thechr[i], line=-0.75, tick=FALSE)
    for(i in even) 
      axis(side=3, at=x[i], labels=thechr[i], line=+0, tick=FALSE)


plotMap <- plot.map <-
function(x, map2, chr, horizontal=FALSE, shift=TRUE,
         show.marker.names=FALSE, alternate.chrid=FALSE, ...) 
  dots <- list(...)
  if("main" %in% names(dots)) {
    themain <- dots$main
    usemaindefault <- FALSE
  else usemaindefault <- TRUE

  if("xlim" %in% names(dots)) {
    xlim <- dots$xlim
    usexlimdefault <- FALSE
  else usexlimdefault <- TRUE
  if("ylim" %in% names(dots)) {
    ylim <- dots$ylim
    useylimdefault <- FALSE
  else useylimdefault <- TRUE

  if("xlab" %in% names(dots)) 
    xlab <- dots$xlab
  else {
      xlab <- "Location (cM)"
      xlab <- "Chromosome"

  if("ylab" %in% names(dots)) 
    ylab <- dots$ylab
  else {
      ylab <- "Chromosome"
      ylab <- "Location (cM)"

  map <- x
  # figure out if the input is a cross (containing a map)
  #    or is the map itself
  if(any(class(map) == "cross"))
    map <- pull.map(map)
  if(!missing(map2) && any(class(map2) == "cross"))
    map2 <- pull.map(map2)
  if(!any(class(map)=="map")  || (!missing(map2) && !any(class(map2) == "map")))
    warning("Input should have class \"cross\" or \"map\".")

  if(!missing(map2) && is.matrix(map[[1]]) != is.matrix(map2[[1]]))
      stop("Maps must be both sex-specific or neither sex-specific.")

  if(!missing(chr)) {
    map <- map[matchchr(chr, names(map))]
    if(!missing(map2)) map2 <- map2[matchchr(chr, names(map2))]

  sex.sp <- FALSE

  if(is.matrix(map[[1]])) { # sex-specific map
    one.map <- FALSE
    sex.sp <- TRUE
    if(!missing(map2)) {
      if(is.logical(map2)) {
        horizontal <- map2
        map2 <- lapply(map,function(a) a[2,])
        map <- lapply(map,function(a) a[1,])
      else {
        Map1 <- lapply(map,function(a) a[1,,drop=TRUE])
        Map2 <- lapply(map,function(a) a[2,,drop=TRUE])
        Map3 <- lapply(map2,function(a) a[1,,drop=TRUE])
        Map4 <- lapply(map2,function(a) a[2,,drop=TRUE])
        old.mfrow <- par("mfrow")

        class(Map1) <- class(Map2) <- class(Map3) <- class(Map4) <- "map"
    else {
      map2 <- lapply(map,function(a) a[2,])
      map <- lapply(map,function(a) a[1,])
  else { # single map
    # determine whether a second map was given
      one.map <- FALSE
    else one.map <- TRUE
  if(one.map) {

    n.chr <- length(map)
    if(!show.marker.names) {  # locations of chromosomes
      chrpos <- 1:n.chr
      thelim <- range(chrpos)+c(-0.5, 0.5)
    else {
      chrpos <- seq(1, n.chr*2, by=2)
      thelim <- range(chrpos)+c(-0.35, 2.35)

    if(shift) map <- lapply(map, function(a) a-a[1])
    maxlen <- max(unlist(lapply(map,max)))

    if(horizontal) {
      old.xpd <- par("xpd")
      old.las <- par("las")
      par(xpd=TRUE, las=1)
      if(usexlimdefault) xlim <- c(0,maxlen)
      if(useylimdefault) ylim <- rev(thelim)
      plot(0,0,type="n",xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,yaxs="i",
	   xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, yaxt="n")
      a <- par("usr")
      for(i in 1:n.chr) {
	segments(min(map[[i]]), chrpos[i], max(map[[i]]), chrpos[i])
        segments(map[[i]], chrpos[i]-0.25, map[[i]], chrpos[i]+0.25)

          text(map[[i]], chrpos[i]+0.35, names(map[[i]]), srt=90, adj=c(1,0.5))

      # add chromosome labels
      if(!alternate.chrid || length(chrpos) < 2) {
        for(i in seq(along=chrpos))
          axis(side=2, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map)[i])
      else {
        odd <- seq(1, length(chrpos), by=2)
        even <- seq(2, length(chrpos), by=2)
        for(i in odd) {
          axis(side=2, at=chrpos[i], labels="")
          axis(side=2, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map)[i], line=-0.4, tick=FALSE)
        for(i in even) {
          axis(side=2, at=chrpos[i], labels="")
          axis(side=2, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map)[i], line=+0.4, tick=FALSE)
    else {
      old.xpd <- par("xpd")
      old.las <- par("las")
      if(usexlimdefault) xlim <- thelim
      if(useylimdefault) ylim <- c(maxlen, 0)
           xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xaxt="n")
      a <- par("usr")
      for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        segments(chrpos[i], min(map[[i]]), chrpos[i], max(map[[i]]))
        segments(chrpos[i]-0.25, map[[i]], chrpos[i]+0.25, map[[i]])

          text(chrpos[i]+0.35, map[[i]], names(map[[i]]), adj=c(0,0.5))

      # add chromosome labels
      if(!alternate.chrid || length(chrpos) < 2) {
        for(i in seq(along=chrpos))
          axis(side=1, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map)[i])
      else {
        odd <- seq(1, length(chrpos), by=2)
        even <- seq(2, length(chrpos), by=2)
        for(i in odd) {
          axis(side=1, at=chrpos[i], labels="")
          axis(side=1, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map)[i], line=-0.4, tick=FALSE)
        for(i in even) {
          axis(side=1, at=chrpos[i], labels="")
          axis(side=1, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map)[i], line=+0.4, tick=FALSE)
      title(main="Genetic map")
    else if(themain != "")
  else {
    map1 <- map

    # check that maps conform
      stop("Second map appears to be a sex-specific map.")
    if(length(map1) != length(map2))
      stop("Maps have different numbers of chromosomes.")
    if(any(names(map1) != names(map2))) {
      cat("Map1: ", names(map1), "\n")
      cat("Map2: ", names(map2), "\n")
      stop("Maps have different chromosome names.")

    if(shift) {
      map1 <- lapply(map1,function(a) a-a[1])
      map2 <- lapply(map2,function(a) a-a[1])

    n.mar1 <- sapply(map1, length)
    n.mar2 <- sapply(map2, length)
    markernames1 <- lapply(map1, names)
    markernames2 <- lapply(map2, names)
    if(any(n.mar1 != n.mar2)) {
      if(show.marker.names) {
        warning("Can't show marker names because of different numbers of markers.")
        show.marker.names <- FALSE
    else if(any(unlist(markernames1) != unlist(markernames2))) {
      if(show.marker.names) {
        warning("Can't show marker names because markers in different orders.")
        show.marker.names <- FALSE

    n.chr <- length(map1)
    maxloc <- max(c(unlist(lapply(map1,max)),unlist(lapply(map2,max))))

    if(!show.marker.names) {  # locations of chromosomes
      chrpos <- 1:n.chr
      thelim <- range(chrpos)+c(-0.5, 0.5)
    else {
      chrpos <- seq(1, n.chr*2, by=2)
      thelim <- range(chrpos)+c(-0.4, 2.4)

    if(!horizontal) {
      old.xpd <- par("xpd")
      old.las <- par("las")

      if(usexlimdefault) xlim <- thelim
      if(useylimdefault) ylim <- c(maxloc, 0)
      plot(0,0,type="n",ylim=ylim,xlim=xlim, xaxs="i",
           xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xaxt="n")

      a <- par("usr")
      for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        if(max(map2[[i]]) < max(map1[[i]])) 
          map2[[i]] <- map2[[i]] + (max(map1[[i]])-max(map2[[i]]))/2

          map1[[i]] <- map1[[i]] + (max(map2[[i]])-max(map1[[i]]))/2
        segments(chrpos[i]-0.3, min(map1[[i]]), chrpos[i]-0.3, max(map1[[i]]))
        segments(chrpos[i]+0.3, min(map2[[i]]), chrpos[i]+0.3, max(map2[[i]]))
        # lines between markers
        wh <- match(markernames1[[i]], markernames2[[i]])
        for(j in which(!is.na(wh)))
          segments(chrpos[i]-0.3, map1[[i]][j], chrpos[i]+0.3, map2[[i]][wh[j]])
          segments(chrpos[i]-0.4, map1[[i]][is.na(wh)], chrpos[i]-0.2, map1[[i]][is.na(wh)])
        wh <- match(markernames2[[i]], markernames1[[i]])
          segments(chrpos[i]+0.4, map2[[i]][is.na(wh)], chrpos[i]+0.2, map2[[i]][is.na(wh)])

          text(chrpos[i]+0.35, map2[[i]], names(map2[[i]]), adj=c(0,0.5))

      # add chromosome labels
      if(!alternate.chrid || length(chrpos) < 2) {
        for(i in seq(along=chrpos))
          axis(side=1, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map1)[i])
      else {
        odd <- seq(1, length(chrpos), by=2)
        even <- seq(2, length(chrpos), by=2)
        for(i in odd) {
          axis(side=1, at=chrpos[i], labels="")
          axis(side=1, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map1)[i], line=-0.4, tick=FALSE)
        for(i in even) {
          axis(side=1, at=chrpos[i], labels="")
          axis(side=1, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map1)[i], line=+0.4, tick=FALSE)
    else {
      old.xpd <- par("xpd")
      old.las <- par("las")

      if(usexlimdefault) xlim <- c(0,maxloc)
      if(useylimdefault) ylim <- rev(thelim)
           xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, yaxt="n", yaxs="i")

      a <- par("usr")
      for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        if(max(map2[[i]]) < max(map1[[i]])) 
          map2[[i]] <- map2[[i]] + (max(map1[[i]])-max(map2[[i]]))/2
          map1[[i]] <- map1[[i]] + (max(map2[[i]])-max(map1[[i]]))/2
        segments(min(map1[[i]]), chrpos[i]-0.3, max(map1[[i]]), chrpos[[i]]-0.3)
        segments(min(map2[[i]]), chrpos[i]+0.3, max(map2[[i]]), chrpos[[i]]+0.3)

        # lines between markers
        wh <- match(markernames1[[i]], markernames2[[i]])
        for(j in which(!is.na(wh)))
          segments(map1[[i]][j], chrpos[i]-0.3, map2[[i]][wh[j]], chrpos[i]+0.3)
          segments(map1[[i]][is.na(wh)], chrpos[i]-0.4, map1[[i]][is.na(wh)], chrpos[i]-0.2)
        wh <- match(markernames2[[i]], markernames1[[i]])
          segments(map2[[i]][is.na(wh)], chrpos[i]+0.4, map2[[i]][is.na(wh)], chrpos[i]+0.2)

          text(map2[[i]], chrpos[i]+0.35, names(map2[[i]]), srt=90, adj=c(1,0.5))
      # add chromosome labels
      if(!alternate.chrid || length(chrpos) < 2) {
        for(i in seq(along=chrpos))
          axis(side=2, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map1)[i])
      else {
        odd <- seq(1, length(chrpos), by=2)
        even <- seq(2, length(chrpos), by=2)
        for(i in odd) {
          axis(side=2, at=chrpos[i], labels="")
          axis(side=2, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map1)[i], line=-0.4, tick=FALSE)
        for(i in even) {
          axis(side=2, at=chrpos[i], labels="")
          axis(side=2, at=chrpos[i], labels=names(map1)[i], line=+0.4, tick=FALSE)

    if(usemaindefault) {
      if(!sex.sp) title(main="Comparison of genetic maps")
      else title(main="Genetic map")
    else if(themain != "")

plot.cross <-
function (x, auto.layout = TRUE, pheno.col,
          alternate.chrid=TRUE, ...) 
  # look to see whether this should really be shipped to plotMap
  if("map" %in% class(auto.layout) &&
     ("map" %in% class(x) || "cross" %in% class(x))) {
    plotMap(x, auto.layout, alternate.chrid=alternate.chrid, ...)

  # make sure this is a cross
  if(!("cross" %in% class(x)))
    stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

  old.yaxt <- par("yaxt")
  old.mfrow <- par("mfrow")
  on.exit(par(yaxt = old.yaxt, mfrow = old.mfrow))

  n.phe <- nphe(x)
  if(missing(pheno.col)) pheno.col <- 1:n.phe
  if(is.character(pheno.col)) {
    temp <- match(pheno.col, names(x$pheno))
      warning("Some phenotypes not found:",
              paste(pheno.col[is.na(temp)], collapse=" "))
    pheno.col <- temp[!is.na(temp)]
  else pheno.col <- (1:nphe(x))[pheno.col]

  n.plot = length(pheno.col) + 2

  # automatically choose row/column structure for the plots
  if(auto.layout) {
    nr <- ceiling(sqrt(n.plot))
    nc <- ceiling((n.plot)/nr)
    par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))


  for(i in pheno.col) plotPheno(x, pheno.col=i)


# plotGeno: Plot genotypes for a specified chromosome, with likely
#           genotyping errors indicated. 

plotGeno <- plot.geno <-
function(x, chr, ind, include.xo=TRUE, horizontal=TRUE,
         cutoff=4, min.sep=2, cex=1.2, ...)
  cross <- x  
  if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
    stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

  if(missing(chr)) chr <- names(cross$geno)[1]
  cross <- subset(cross,chr=chr)
  if(nchr(cross) > 1)
    cross <- subset(cross,chr=names(cross$geno)[1])

  if(!missing(ind)) {
    if(is.null(getid(cross))) cross$pheno$id <- 1:nind(cross)
    if(!is.logical(ind)) ind <- unique(ind)  
    cross <- subset(cross, ind=ind)
  id <- getid(cross)
  if(is.null(id)) id <- 1:nind(cross)
  use.id <- TRUE
  type <- class(cross)[1]
  old.las <- par("las")

  if(!("errorlod" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]]))) {
    warning("First running calc.errorlod.")
    cross <- calc.errorlod(cross,error.prob=0.01)
  # indicators for apparent errors
  errors <- matrix(0,ncol=ncol(cross$geno[[1]]$data),
  dimnames(errors) <- dimnames(cross$geno[[1]]$data)

  top <- top.errorlod(cross,names(cross$geno)[1],cutoff,FALSE)
  if(length(top) > 0) 
    for(i in 1:nrow(top)) 
      errors[match(top[i,2],id),as.character(top[i,3])] <- 1

  # map, data, errors
  map <- cross$geno[[1]]$map
  if(is.matrix(map)) map <- map[1,] # if sex-specific map
  L <- diff(range(map))
  min.d <- L*min.sep/100
  d <- diff(map)
  d[d < min.d] <- min.d
  map <- cumsum(c(0,d))
  cross$geno[[1]]$map <- map

  n.ind <- nrow(errors)

  color <- c("white","gray60","black","green","orange","red")

  # revise X chr data for backcross/intercross
  data <- cross$geno[[1]]$data
  chrtype <- class(cross$geno[[1]])
  if(chrtype=="X" && (type=="f2" || type=="bc"))
    data <- reviseXdata(type, sexpgm=getsex(cross), geno=data, cross.attr=attributes(cross), force=TRUE)

  if(include.xo) {
    if(type != "4way") { # find crossover locations
      xoloc <- locateXO(cross)
      xoloc <- data.frame(ind=rep(1:length(xoloc),sapply(xoloc,length)),
                          loc=unlist(xoloc), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    else { # 4-way cross
      mcross <- dcross <- cross
      class(mcross)[1] <- class(dcross)[1] <- "bc"
      mcross$geno[[1]]$data[!is.na(data) & data==1 | data==3 | data==5] <- 1
      mcross$geno[[1]]$data[!is.na(data) & data==2 | data==4 | data==6] <- 2
      mcross$geno[[1]]$data[!is.na(data) & data==7 | data==8 | data==9 | data==10] <- NA
      dcross$geno[[1]]$data[!is.na(data) & data==1 | data==2 | data==7] <- 1
      dcross$geno[[1]]$data[!is.na(data) & data==3 | data==4 | data==8] <- 2
      dcross$geno[[1]]$data[!is.na(data) & data==5 | data==6 | data==9 | data==10] <- NA

      mxoloc <- locateXO(mcross)
      mxoloc <- data.frame(ind=rep(1:length(mxoloc),sapply(mxoloc,length)),
                          loc=unlist(mxoloc), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

      dxoloc <- locateXO(dcross)
      dxoloc <- data.frame(ind=rep(1:length(dxoloc),sapply(dxoloc,length)),
                          loc=unlist(dxoloc), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

  # check for 'main' in the ...
  args <- list(...)
  if("main" %in% names(args))
    themain <- args$main
    themain <- paste("Chromosome",names(cross$geno)[1])

  # check for 'xlim' and 'ylim'
  if("xlim" %in% names(args)) thexlim <- args$xlim
  else thexlim <- NULL
  if("ylim" %in% names(args)) theylim <- args$ylim
  else theylim <- NULL
  if(type=="4way") {
    jit <- 0.15
    mdata <- data
    ddata <- data

    # mom's allele
    mdata[!is.na(data) & (data==1 | data==3 | data==5)] <- 1
    mdata[!is.na(data) & (data==2 | data==4 | data==6)] <- 2
    mdata[!is.na(data) & (data==7 | data==8)] <- NA

    # dad's allele
    ddata[!is.na(data) & (data==1 | data==2 | data==7)] <- 1
    ddata[!is.na(data) & (data==3 | data==4 | data==8)] <- 2
    ddata[!is.na(data) & (data==5 | data==6)] <- NA

    if(horizontal) {
      if(is.null(thexlim)) thexlim <- c(0, max(map))
      if(is.null(theylim)) theylim <- c(n.ind+1, 0)
      plot(0,0,type="n",xlab="Location (cM)",ylab="Individual",
           ylim=theylim,xlim=thexlim, yaxt="n", yaxs="i")
      segments(0, 1:n.ind-jit, max(map), 1:n.ind-jit)
      segments(0, 1:n.ind+jit, max(map), 1:n.ind+jit)

      if(use.id) axis(side=2, at=1:n.ind, labels=id)
      else axis(side=2, at=1:n.ind)
      # A alleles
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(mdata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(mdata) & mdata!=1] <- NA
      x <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(x,ind-jit,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[1],cex=cex)
      # B alleles
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(mdata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(mdata) & mdata!=2] <- NA
      x <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(x,ind-jit,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[3],cex=cex)
      # 9/10 genotypes
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(mdata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(mdata) & mdata!=9] <- NA
      x <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(x,ind-jit,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[4],cex=cex)
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(mdata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(mdata) & mdata!=10] <- NA
      x <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(x,ind-jit,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[5],cex=cex)
      # C alleles
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(ddata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(ddata) & ddata!=1] <- NA
      x <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(x,ind+jit,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[1],cex=cex)
      # D alleles
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(ddata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(ddata) & ddata!=2] <- NA
      x <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(x,ind+jit,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[3],cex=cex)
      # 9/10 genotypes
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(ddata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(ddata) & ddata!=9] <- NA
      x <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(x,ind+jit,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[4],cex=cex)
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(ddata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(ddata) & ddata!=10] <- NA
      x <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(x,ind+jit,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[5],cex=cex)
      # plot map
      u <- par("usr")
      if(any(errors != 0)) {
        ind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));ind[errors!=1]<-NA
      if(include.xo) {
    else {
      if(is.null(theylim)) theylim <- c(max(map), 0)
      if(is.null(thexlim)) thexlim <- c(0, n.ind+1)
      plot(0,0,type="n",ylab="Location (cM)",xlab="Individual",
           xlim=thexlim,ylim=theylim, xaxt="n", xaxs="i")

      segments(1:n.ind-jit, 0, 1:n.ind-jit, max(map))
      segments(1:n.ind+jit, 0, 1:n.ind+jit, max(map))

      if(use.id) axis(side=1, at=1:n.ind, labels=id)
      else axis(side=1, at=1:n.ind)
      # A alleles
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(mdata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(mdata) & mdata!=1] <- NA
      y <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      # B alleles
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(mdata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(mdata) & mdata!=2] <- NA
      y <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      # 9/10 genotypes
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(mdata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(mdata) & mdata!=9] <- NA
      y <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(ind-jit,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[4],cex=cex)
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(mdata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(mdata) & mdata!=10] <- NA
      y <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(ind-jit,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[5],cex=cex)
      # C alleles
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(ddata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(ddata) & ddata!=1] <- NA
      y <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(ind+jit,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[1],cex=cex)
      # D alleles
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(ddata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(ddata) & ddata!=2] <- NA
      y <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(ind+jit,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[3],cex=cex)
      # 9/10 genotypes
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(ddata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(ddata) & ddata!=9] <- NA
      y <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(ind+jit,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[4],cex=cex)
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(ddata)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(ddata) & ddata!=10] <- NA
      y <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(ind+jit,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[5],cex=cex)
      # plot map
      u <- par("usr")
      if(any(errors != 0)) {
        ind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));ind[errors!=1]<-NA
      if(include.xo) {

  else {

    if(horizontal) {
      if(is.null(thexlim)) thexlim <- c(0, max(map))
      if(is.null(theylim)) theylim <- c(n.ind+0.5,0.5)

      plot(0,0,type="n",xlab="Location (cM)",ylab="Individual",
           ylim=theylim,xlim=thexlim, yaxt="n")
      segments(0, 1:n.ind, max(map), 1:n.ind)
      if(use.id) axis(side=2, at=1:n.ind, labels=id)
      else axis(side=2)
      # AA genotypes
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(data)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(data) & data!=1] <- NA
      x <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(x,ind,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[1],cex=cex)
      # AB genotypes
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(data) & data!=2] <- NA
      if(type=="f2" || (type=="bc" && chrtype=="X"))
        points(x,ind,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[2],cex=cex)
      else points(x,ind,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[3],cex=cex)
      if(type=="f2" || (type=="bc" && chrtype=="X")) {
        # BB genotypes
        ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(data) & data!=3] <- NA
        points(x,ind,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[3],cex=cex)
      if(type=="f2") {
        # not BB (D in mapmaker/qtl) genotypes
        ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(data) & data!=4] <- NA
        points(x,ind,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[4],cex=cex)
        # not AA (C in mapmaker/qtl) genotypes
        ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(data) & data!=5] <- NA
        points(x,ind,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[5],cex=cex)
      # plot map
      u <- par("usr")
      if(any(errors != 0)) {
        ind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));ind[errors!=1]<-NA
      if(include.xo) points(xoloc$loc,xoloc$ind,pch=4,col="blue",lwd=2)
    else {
      if(is.null(theylim)) theylim <- c(max(map), 0)
      if(is.null(thexlim)) thexlim <- c(0.5,n.ind+0.5)
      plot(0,0,type="n",ylab="Location (cM)",xlab="Individual",
           xlim=thexlim,ylim=theylim, xaxt="n")
      if(use.id) axis(side=1, at=1:n.ind, labels=id)
      else axis(side=1)
      # AA genotypes
      tind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));tind[is.na(data)] <- NA
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(data) & data!=1] <- NA
      y <- rep(map,rep(n.ind,length(map)))
      points(ind,y,pch=21,col="black", bg="white",cex=cex)
      # AB genotypes
      ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(data) & data!=2] <- NA
      if(type=="f2" || (type=="bc" && chrtype=="X"))
        points(ind,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[2],cex=cex)
      else points(ind,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[3],cex=cex)
      if(type=="f2" || (type=="bc" && chrtype=="X")) {
        # BB genotypes
        ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(data) & data!=3] <- NA
        points(ind,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[3],cex=cex)
      if(type=="f2") {
        # not BB genotypes
        ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(data) & data!=4] <- NA
        points(ind,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[4],cex=cex)
        # not AA genotypes
        ind <- tind; ind[!is.na(data) & data!=5] <- NA
        points(ind,y,pch=21,col="black", bg=color[5],cex=cex)
      # plot map
      u <- par("usr")
      if(any(errors != 0)) {
        ind <- rep(1:n.ind,length(map));ind[errors!=1]<-NA
      if(include.xo) points(xoloc$ind,xoloc$loc,pch=4,col="blue",lwd=2)

# plotInfo: Plot the proportion of missing information in the
#            genotype data.
plotInfo <- plot.info <-
function(x,chr,method=c("entropy","variance","both"), step=1,
         off.end=0, error.prob=0.001,
         alternate.chrid=FALSE, fourwaycross=c("all", "AB", "CD"),
         include.genofreq=FALSE, ...)
  cross <- x
  if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
    stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

  method <- match(match.arg(method),c("entropy","variance","both"))-1
  map.function <- match.arg(map.function)

  if(!missing(chr)) cross <- subset(cross,chr=chr)

  n.chr <- nchr(cross)
  results <- NULL

  cross <- calc.genoprob(cross, step=step, error.prob=error.prob,
                         off.end=off.end, map.function=map.function)

  gap <- 25

  # 4-way cross: can consider just A/B or just C/D
  fourwaycross <- match.arg(fourwaycross)

  n.ind <- nind(cross)
  if(include.genofreq) theprob <- NULL
  for(i in 1:n.chr) {

    n.gen <- dim(cross$geno[[i]]$prob)[3]
    n.pos <- ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$prob)

    # 4-way cross: can consider just A/B or just C/D
    if(n.gen==4 && (fourwaycross!="all")) {
      att <- attributes(cross$geno[[i]]$prob)
      if(fourwaycross == "AB") {
        cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,1] <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,1] + cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,3]
        cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,2] <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,2] + cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,4]
      else {
        cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,1] <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,1] + cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,2]
        cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,2] <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,3] + cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,4]
      cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,,1:2]
      n.gen <- 2

      for(j in seq(along=att)) 
        if(names(att)[j] != "dim" && names(att)[j] != "dimnames") 
          attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob, names(att)[j]) <- att[[j]]

    # calculate information (between 0 and 1)
    info <- .C("R_info",

    if(method != 1) { # rescale entropy version
      if(n.gen==3) maxent <- 1.5*log(2)
      else maxent <- log(n.gen)
      info$info1 <- -info$info1/maxent
    if(method != 0) { # rescale variance version
      maxvar <- c(0.25,0.5,1.25)[n.gen-1]
      info$info2 <- info$info2/maxvar

    # reconstruct map
    if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i]]$prob)))
      map <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob,"map")
    else {
      stp <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob, "step")
      oe <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob, "off.end")
      if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i]]$prob)))
        stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob, "stepwidth")
      else stpw <- "fixed"
      map <- create.map(cross$geno[[i]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)

    if(is.matrix(map)) map <- map[1,]

    z <- data.frame(chr=rep(names(cross$geno)[i],length(map)),
                    "Missing information"=info$info1,
                    "Missing information"=info$info2, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

    w <- names(map)
    o <- grep("^loc-*[0-9]+",w)
    if(length(o) > 0) # inter-marker locations cited as "c*.loc*"
      w[o] <- paste("c",names(cross$geno)[i],".",w[o],sep="")
    rownames(z) <- w
    results <- rbind(results, z)

    if(include.genofreq) {
      p <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob
        p <- reviseXdata(class(cross)[1], expandX="full", sexpgm=getsex(cross), prob=p,
      p <- apply(p, 2:3, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
        theprob <- p
      else {
        m1 <- match(colnames(p), colnames(theprob))
        m2 <- match(colnames(theprob), colnames(p))
        if(!any(is.na(m1)) && !any(is.na(m2))) {
          theprob <- rbind(theprob, p[,colnames(theprob)])
        else { # some differences in column names
          if(all(!is.na(m1))) { # need to add some new columns to p
            noldcol <- ncol(p)
            nnewcol <- sum(is.na(m2))
            for(i in 1:nnewcol)
              p <- cbind(p, 0)
            colnames(p)[-(1:noldcol)] <- colnames(theprob)[is.na(m2)]
            theprob <- rbind(theprob, p[,colnames(theprob)])
          else if(all(!is.na(m2))) { # need to add some new columns to theprob
            noldcol <- ncol(theprob)
            nnewcol <- sum(is.na(m1))
            for(i in 1:nnewcol)
              theprob <- cbind(theprob, 0)
            colnames(theprob)[-(1:noldcol)] <- colnames(p)[is.na(m1)]
            theprob <- rbind(theprob, p[,colnames(theprob)])
          else { # need to add some new columns to each
            noldcol <- ncol(theprob)
            nnewcol <- sum(is.na(m1))
            oldcolnam <- colnames(theprob)
            for(i in 1:nnewcol)
              theprob <- cbind(theprob, 0)
            colnames(theprob)[-(1:noldcol)] <- colnames(p)[is.na(m1)]

            noldcol <- ncol(p)
            nnewcol <- sum(is.na(m2))
            for(i in 1:nnewcol)
              p <- cbind(p, 0)
            colnames(p)[-(1:noldcol)] <- oldcolnam[is.na(m2)]
            theprob <- rbind(theprob, p[,colnames(theprob)])
    } # end of if(include.genofreq)

  colnames(results)[3:4] <- c("misinfo.entropy","misinfo.variance")

  if(method==0) results <- results[,-4]
  if(method==1) results <- results[,-3]

    results <- cbind(results, theprob)

  class(results) <- c("scanone","data.frame")

  # check whether main was included as an argument
  args <- list(...)
  if("main" %in% names(args)) hasmain <- TRUE
  else hasmain <- FALSE

  # check whether gap was included as an argument
  if(!("gap" %in% names(args))) {
    if(method==0) {
                     main="Missing information",
    else if(method==1) {
                     main="Missing information",
    else if(method==2) {
                     main="Missing information",
  else { # gap was included in ...
    if(method==0) {
                     main="Missing information",
    else if(method==1) {
                     main="Missing information",
    else if(method==2) {
                     main="Missing information",


# plot phenotypes against one or more markers
plotPXG <- plot.pxg <-
function(x, marker, pheno.col = 1, jitter = 1, infer = TRUE, 
         pch, ylab, main, col, ...) 
  cross <- x
  if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
    stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")
  type <- class(cross)[1]

  if(LikePheVector(pheno.col, nind(cross), nphe(cross))) {
    cross$pheno <- cbind(pheno.col, cross$pheno)
    pheno.col <- 1

  if(length(pheno.col) > 1) {
    pheno.col <- pheno.col[1]
    warning("plotPXG can take just one phenotype; only the first will be used")
  if(is.character(pheno.col)) {
    num <- find.pheno(cross, pheno.col)
      stop("Couldn't identify phenotype \"", pheno.col, "\"")
    pheno.col <- num

  if(pheno.col < 1 | pheno.col > nphe(cross))
    stop("pheno.col values should be between 1 and the no. phenotypes")

    stop("phenotype \"", colnames(cross$pheno)[pheno.col], "\" is not numeric.")

  if(missing(pch)) pch <- par("pch")
  if(missing(ylab)) ylab <-  colnames(cross$pheno)[pheno.col] 

  oldlas <- par("las")
  on.exit(par(las = oldlas))
  par(las = 1)

  # find chromosomes containing the markers
  o <- sapply(cross$geno, function(a, b) b %in% colnames(a$data), 
  if(length(marker)==1) o <- matrix(o,nrow=1)
  if(!all(apply(o,1,any))) {
    oo <- apply(o,1,any)
    stop("Marker ", marker[!oo], " not found")
  n.mark <- length(marker)
  o <- apply(o, 1, which)
  chr <- names(cross$geno)[o]
  uchr <- unique(chr)

  cross <- subset(cross, chr=uchr)
  map <- pull.map(cross)
  pos <- NULL
  for(i in seq(length(chr))) pos[i] <- map[[chr[i]]][marker[i]]
  chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, class)
  names(chrtype) <- names(cross$geno)
  chrtype <- chrtype[chr]
  # if X chromosome and backcross or intercross, get sex/direction data
  if(any(chrtype == "X") && (type == "bc" || type == "f2"))
    sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
  else sexpgm <- NULL

  # number of possible genotypes
  gen.names <- list()
  for(i in seq(length(chr))) 
    gen.names[[i]] <- getgenonames(type, chrtype[i], "full", sexpgm, attributes(cross))
  n.gen <- sapply(gen.names, length)

  jitter <- jitter/10
  if(any(n.gen == 2)) jitter <- jitter * 0.75

  # function to determine whether genotype is fully known
  tempf <-
    function(x, type)
        tmp <- is.na(x)
        if(type=="f2") tmp[!is.na(x) & x>3] <- TRUE
        if(type=="4way") tmp[!is.na(x) & x>4] <- TRUE

  # if infer=TRUE, fill in genotype data by a single imputation
  if(infer) {
    which.missing <- tempf(cross$geno[[chr[1]]]$data[, marker[1]],type)
    if(n.mark > 1) 
      for(i in 2:n.mark)
        which.missing <- which.missing | tempf(cross$geno[[chr[i]]]$data[,marker[i]],type)
    which.missing <- as.numeric(which.missing)

    cross <- fill.geno(cross, method = "imp")
  else which.missing <- rep(1,nind(cross))

  # data to plot
  x <- cross$geno[[chr[1]]]$data[, marker[1]]
  if(n.mark > 1) 
    for(i in 2:n.mark)
      x <- cbind(x, cross$geno[[chr[i]]]$data[, marker[i]])
  else x <- as.matrix(x)
  y <- cross$pheno[, pheno.col]

  if(!infer) { # replace partially informative genotypes with NAs
    if(type == "f2") x[x > 3] <- NA
    if(type == "4way") x[x > 4] <- NA

  # in case of X chromosome, recode some genotypes
  if(any(chrtype == "X") && (type == "bc" || type == "f2")) {
    ix = seq(n.mark)[chrtype == "X"]
    for(i in ix)
      x[, i] <- as.numeric(reviseXdata(type, "full", sexpgm,
                                       geno = as.matrix(x[, i]),

  # save all of the data, returned invisibly
  data <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
  names(data) <- marker
  for(i in marker) data[[i]] <- ordered(data[[i]])
  data$pheno <- y
  data$inferred <- which.missing

  # re-code the multi-marker genotypes
  if(n.mark > 1) {
    for(i in 2:n.mark)
      x[, 1] <- n.gen[i] * (x[, 1] - 1) + x[, i]
  x <- x[, 1]

  observed <- sort(unique(x))
  x <- match(x, observed)

  # amount of jitter 
  u <- runif(nind(cross), -jitter, jitter)
  r <- (1 - 2 * jitter)/2

  # create plot
  plot(x + u, y, xlab = "Genotype", ylab = ylab, type = "n", 
       main = "", xlim = c(1 - r + jitter, length(observed) + r + 
                    jitter), xaxt = "n")

  # marker names at top
    mtext(paste(marker, collapse = "\n"), 
          line=0.5, cex = ifelse(n.mark==1, 1.2, 0.8))
  abline(v = 1:prod(n.gen), col = "gray", lty = 3)

  if(length(pch) == 1) 
    pch = rep(pch, length(x))
  if(infer) {
    points((x + u)[which.missing == 1], y[which.missing == 
                     1], col = "red", pch = pch[which.missing == 1])
    points((x + u)[which.missing == 0], y[which.missing == 
                     0], pch = pch[which.missing == 0])
  else points(x + u, y, pch = pch)
  sux = sort(unique(x))

  # add confidence intervals
  me <- se <- array(NA, length(observed))
  me[sux] <- tapply(y, x, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  se[sux] <- tapply(y, x, function(a) sd(a, na.rm = TRUE)/sqrt(sum(!is.na(a))))
  thecolors <- c("black", "blue", "red", "purple", "green", "orange")
  if(missing(col)) {
    col <- thecolors[1:n.gen[n.mark]]
    if(n.gen[n.mark] == 3) 
      col <- c("blue", "purple", "red")
    else if(n.gen[n.mark] == 2) 
      col <- c("blue", "red")

  segments(seq(length(observed)) + jitter * 2, me, seq(length(observed)) + 
           jitter * 4, me, lwd = 2, col = col)
  segments(seq(length(observed)) + jitter * 3, me - se, seq(length(observed)) + 
           jitter * 3, me + se, lwd = 2, col = col)
  segments(seq(length(observed)) + jitter * 2.5, me - se, seq(length(observed)) + 
           jitter * 3.5, me - se, lwd = 2, col = col)
  segments(seq(length(observed)) + jitter * 2.5, me + se, seq(length(observed)) + 
           jitter * 3.5, me + se, lwd = 2, col = col)

  # add genotypes below
  u <- par("usr")
  segments(1:length(observed), u[3], 1:length(observed), u[3] - diff(u[3:4]) * 
           0.015, xpd = TRUE)
  if(n.mark == 1) 
    tmp <- gen.names[[1]]
  else {
    tmp <- array(gen.names[[n.mark]], c(prod(n.gen), n.mark))
    for(i in (n.mark - 1):1) {
      tmpi <- rep(gen.names[[i]], rep(prod(n.gen[(i + 1):n.mark]), 
      if(i > 1) 
        tmpi <- rep(tmpi, prod(n.gen[1:(i - 1)]))
      tmp[, i] <- tmpi
    tmp <- apply(tmp, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "\n"))
    tmp <- tmp[!is.na(match(1:prod(n.gen), observed))]
#  text(1:length(observed), u[3] - diff(u[3:4]) * 0.05, tmp, xpd = TRUE, 
#       cex = ifelse(n.mark==1, 1, 0.8))
  cxaxis <- par("cex.axis") 
#  theline <- length(marker)-1
  axis(side=1, at=1:length(observed), labels=tmp,
       cex=ifelse(n.mark==1, cxaxis, cxaxis*0.8),
       tick=FALSE, line = (length(marker)-1)/2)


  # calculate return values?
#  if(any(which.missing == 0)) 
#    p.value <- anova(aov(y ~ x, subset = (which.missing == 
#                                          0)))[1, 5]
#  else p.value <- NA
#  names(p.value) <- NULL
#  tmp <- options(warn = -1)
#  form <- formula(paste("y ~", paste(marker, collapse = "*")))
#  if(any(is.na(me)) & n.mark > 2) {
#    formadd <- formula(paste("y ~", paste(marker, collapse = "+")))
#    fit <- aov(formadd, data, subset = (data$inferred == 
#                                        0))
#    full <- aov(form, data, subset = (data$inferred == 0))
#  }
#  else fit <- aov(form, data, subset = (data$inferred == 0))
#  tbl <- anova(fit, type = "marginal")
#  options(tmp)
#  p.value <- round(tbl$P[-nrow(tbl)], 4)
#  tmp = summary.lm(fit)
#  Rsq = tmp$r.sq
#  fstat = tmp$fstatistic
#  p.value = c(pf(fstat[1], fstat[2], fstat[3], lower = FALSE), 
#    p.value)
#  names(p.value) <- c("overall", dimnames(tbl)[[1]][-nrow(tbl)])
#  if(any(is.na(me)) & n.mark > 2) {
#    p.value["inter"] <- round(anova(fit, full)$P[2], 4)
#    fit = full
#  }
#  invisible(list(Rsq = Rsq, p.value = p.value, me = me, se = se, 
#                 fit = fit, data = data))


plotPheno <- plot.pheno <-
function(x, pheno.col=1, ...)
  if(!any(class(x) == "cross"))
    stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

  if(LikePheVector(pheno.col, nind(x), nphe(x))) {
    x$pheno <- cbind(pheno.col, x$pheno)
    pheno.col <- 1

  if(length(pheno.col) > 1) {
    pheno.col <- pheno.col[1]
    warning("Ignoring all but the first element in pheno.col.")
  if(is.character(pheno.col)) {
    num <- find.pheno(x, pheno.col)
      stop("Couldn't identify phenotype \"", pheno.col, "\"")
    pheno.col <- num

  if(pheno.col < 1 | pheno.col > nphe(x))
    warning("pheno.col should be between 1 and ", nphe(x))

  phe <- x$pheno[,pheno.col]
  u <- length(unique(phe))
  if(u==2 || (u < 10  && nind(x) > 50))
    phe <- as.factor(phe)

  old.las <- par("las")

  if(is.factor(phe)) {
    barplot(table(phe),  xlab = paste("phe", pheno.col),
              main = colnames(x$pheno)[pheno.col], col = "white", ...)
  else {
    phe <- as.numeric(phe)[1:nind(x)]
    hist(phe, breaks = ceiling(2*sqrt(nind(x))),
         xlab = paste("phe", pheno.col), 
         main = colnames(x$pheno)[pheno.col], ...)


# end of plot.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.