
# read.cross.qtx.R
# copyright (c) 2000-2011, Karl W Broman
# last modified May, 2011
# first written Aug, 2000
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: read.cross.qtx
#           [See read.cross.R for the main read.cross function.]

# read.cross.qtx
# read data in Map Manager QTX format

read.cross.qtx <-
function(dir, file, estimate.map=TRUE)
  if(!missing(dir) && dir != "") {
    file <- file.path(dir, file)

  # This is a revised version of match which gives *all* matches
  # of x within the table
  mymatch <-
    function(x, table)
        if(length(x) > 1) x <- x[1] # ignore any but the first element of x

        if(!any(x==table)) return(NA)

  # read file into a big vector, each item one line
  cat(" --Read the following data:\n")
  x <- scan(file,what=character(0),sep="\n",quiet=TRUE)

  genoabbrev <- unlist(strsplit(x[9],""))
  if(length(genoabbrev) < 8)  # just in case, fill out to 8 chars
    genoabbrev <- c(genoabbrev,rep("H",8-length(genoabbrev)))
  myabbrev <- c(0,1,3,2,5,4,2,2)
  ugeno <- NULL

  # individuals
  ind.beg <- match("{pgy", x) # there should be just one
  ind.end <- match("}pgy", x)
  n.ind <- as.numeric(x[ind.beg+1])
  ind <- x[(ind.beg+2):(ind.end-1)]
  if(length(ind) != n.ind)
    stop("Problem with individual IDs ({pgy}).")
  cat("\t", n.ind, " individuals\n", sep="")

  # determine if individuals can be viewed as numbers
  g <- grep("^[0-9\\.]+$", ind)
  if(length(g) == n.ind)
    ind <- as.numeric(as.character(ind))

  # phenotypes
  phe.beg <- mymatch("{trt",x)
  phe.end <- mymatch("}trt",x)
  pheno <- NULL
  if(!is.na(phe.beg[1])) { # at least one phenotype
    pheno <- vector("list",length(phe.beg))
    names(pheno) <- paste(phe.beg)
    for(i in 1:length(phe.beg)) {
      z <- x[phe.beg[i]:phe.end[i]]
      names(pheno)[i] <- z[2]
      vals.beg <- match("{tvl", z)+1 # there should be just one match
      vals.end <- match("}tvl", z)-1

      # "X" or "x" is a missing phenotype
      temp <- unlist(strsplit(z[vals.beg[1]:vals.end[1]]," "))
      temp[temp=="X" | temp=="x"] <- NA
      pheno[[i]] <- as.numeric(temp)
    pheno <- cbind(as.data.frame(pheno, stringsAsFactors=TRUE),ind=ind)
    cat("\t", length(pheno), " phenotypes\n",sep="")
  else {
    pheno <- data.frame(ind=ind, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    cat("\t", 0, "  phenotypes\n",sep="")

  # chromosomes
  chr.beg <- mymatch("{chx",x)
  chr.end <- mymatch("}chx",x)

  if(is.na(chr.beg[1])) # no genotype data
    stop("There appears to be no genotype data!")
  geno <- vector("list", length(chr.beg))
  names(geno) <- paste(chr.beg)
  has.loci <- rep(TRUE,length(chr.beg))
  map.offset <- rep(0,length(chr.beg))

  cat("\t", length(chr.beg), "  chromosomes\n",sep="")

  for(i in 1:length(chr.beg)) {
    z <- x[chr.beg[i]:chr.end[i]]
    names(geno)[i] <- z[2]
    map.offset <- as.numeric(z[5])

    # loci
    loc.beg <- mymatch("{lox",z)
    loc.end <- mymatch("}lox",z)
    if(all(is.na(loc.beg))) {
      has.loci[i] <- FALSE
    data <- matrix(ncol=length(loc.beg),nrow=n.ind)
    loctype <- rep(NA,length(loc.beg)) ####
    colnames(data) <- paste(loc.beg)
    has.geno <- rep(TRUE,length(loc.beg))
    for(j in 1:length(loc.beg)) {
      zz <- z[loc.beg[j]:loc.end[j]]
      colnames(data)[j] <- zz[2]
      loctype[j] <- zz[5] ####
      geno.beg <- match("{sdp",zz)+1 # should be just one match
      geno.end <- match("}sdp",zz)-1
      if(all(is.na(geno.beg))) { # no genotype data
        has.geno[j] <- FALSE
      dat <- unlist(strsplit(paste(zz[geno.beg[1]:geno.end[1]],collapse=""),""))

      data[,j] <- myabbrev[match(dat,genoabbrev)]
    } # end loop over loci

    # check that all loci have the same code
    if(all(loctype == loctype[1])) 
      loctype <- loctype[1]
    # 0 = unknown
    # 1 = backcross codominant maternal unique
    # 2 = backcross codominant paternal unique
    # 3 = backcross maternal dominant
    # 4 = backcross paternal dominant
    # 5 = f2 codominant
    # 6 = f2 maternal dominant
    # 7 = f2 paternal dominant
    # 8 = doubled haploid
    # 9 = selfed RI
    # 10 = sib-mated RI
    # 11 = advanced backcross codominant maternal unique
    # 12 = advanced backcross codominant paternal udnique
    # 13 = advanced backcross maternal dominant
    # 14 = advanced backcross paternal dominant
    # 15 = AIL codominant
    # 16 = AIL maternal dominant
    # 17 = AIL paternal dominant
    # 18 = radiation hybrid data
    # 19 = radiation hybrid data
    # 20 = selfed RIX
    # 21 = sib-mated RIX

    # replace 0's with NA's
    data[!is.na(data) & data==0] <- NA

    # remove columns with no data
    data <- data[,has.geno,drop=FALSE]

    # temporary map
    map <- seq(0,length=ncol(data),by=5)+map.offset
    names(map) <- colnames(data)
    geno[[i]] <- list(data=data,map=map)
    if(length(grep("[Xx]", names(geno)[i]))>0) # X chromosome
      class(geno[[i]]) <- "X"
    else class(geno[[i]]) <- "A"
  } # end loop over chromosomes

  # unique genotypes
  for(i in 1:length(geno)) {
    ugeno <- unique(c(ugeno,unique(geno[[i]]$data)))
    ugeno <- ugeno[!is.na(ugeno)]

  if(length(ugeno)==2) { # backcross
    # Fix if coded as A:B rather than A:H (RI lines)
    if(all(ugeno==1 | ugeno==3)) {
      for(i in 1:length(geno))
        geno[[i]]$data[geno[[i]]$data == 3] <- 2
    # Fix if coded as H:B rather than A:H (other backcross)
    else if(all(ugeno==2 | ugeno==3)) {
      for(i in 1:length(geno))
        geno[[i]]$data[geno[[i]]$data == 3] <- 1

    type <- "bc"
    for(i in 1:length(geno))
      geno[[i]]$data[geno[[i]]$data > 2] <- 1
  else type <- "f2"

  totmar <- sum(sapply(geno,function(a) ncol(a$data)))
  cat("\t", totmar, "  total markers\n",sep="")

  cross <- list(geno=geno,pheno=pheno)
  class(cross) <- c(type,"cross")

  if(estimate.map) estmap <- TRUE
  else estmap <- FALSE

  # return cross + indicator of whether to run est.map

# end of read.cross.qtx.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.