
Defines functions linear_evolution branching_evolution get_peaks initial_state evolve as_ploidy as_karyotype multiplicities genome_double delete amplify mutation new_mutation get_alleles get_mutations

# getters
get_mutations = function(copy_state, allele = NULL){
    mutations = copy_state %>% pull(mutations) %>% unlist()
    mutations = copy_state %>% filter(allele == !!allele) %>% pull(mutations) %>% unlist()


get_alleles = function(copy_state){

# generate a new mutation ID
new_mutation = function(copy_state){
  used = copy_state %>% get_mutations()
  id = NULL
    id = sample(LETTERS, 8, replace = TRUE) %>% paste(collapse = "")
    if(!id %in% used ) break


# Add mutations to all alleles
mutation = function(copy_state){
  for(i in 1:nrow(copy_state))
    muts = copy_state$mutations[[i]] %>% unlist()
    muts = list(c(muts, copy_state %>% new_mutation))
    copy_state$mutations[[i]] = muts

# Amplify allele
amplify =  function(copy_state){
  augment = function(which_allele)
    mutations_allele = copy_state %>% get_mutations(allele = which_allele)

    maj_min = substr(which_allele, 0, 1)
    n_allele = gsub(x = which_allele, 'A', "") %>% gsub(pattern = 'B', replacement = "") %>%

    new_allele = paste(maj_min, n_allele + 1, sep = '')

    new_entry = copy_state %>% filter(allele == which_allele)
    new_entry$allele = new_allele

    copy_state %>% bind_rows(new_entry)

  copy_state %>%
    get_alleles() %>%

# Delete allele
delete =  function(copy_state){
  cancel = function(which_allele)
    mutations_allele = copy_state %>% get_mutations(allele = which_allele)

    copy_state %>% filter(allele != which_allele)

  copy_state %>%
    get_alleles() %>%

# genome_double
genome_double =  function(copy_state){
  copy_of = copy_state

  for(i in 1:nrow(copy_of))
    ni_allele = substr(copy_state$allele[i], 2, nchar(copy_state$allele[i])) %>% as.numeric
    ci_allele = substr(copy_state$allele[i], 0, 1)
    copy_of$allele[i] = paste0(ci_allele, ni_allele + 1)

  copy_state %>% bind_rows(copy_of) %>% list()

# Multiplicity
multiplicities = function(copy_state){
  copy_state %>% get_mutations() %>% table()

# Get stast
as_karyotype = function(copy_state){
  tab_counts = copy_state %>% get_alleles() %>% substr(0, 1) %>% table() %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)
  state = as.numeric(tab_counts) %>% paste(collapse = ':')
  if(!grepl(":", state)) state = paste0(state, ':0')


as_ploidy = function(copy_state){
  copy_state %>% nrow()

# Evolution models
evolve = function(copy_state, target)
  if(copy_state %>% as_karyotype() == target) return(copy_state %>% mutation() %>% list())

  current_state = original_state = list(copy_state)

    amp_new_state = lapply(current_state, amplify) %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE)
    del_new_state = lapply(current_state, delete) %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE)
    wgs_new_state = lapply(current_state, genome_double) %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE)

    current_state = amp_new_state %>%
      append(del_new_state) %>%

    what_we_have = current_state %>% sapply(as_karyotype)

    # print(what_we_have)

    if(target %in% what_we_have) {
      target_state = current_state[which(target == what_we_have)]

  # Remove duplicates - based on allele identities
  identities = sapply(target_state, function(x) x$allele %>% sort() %>% paste(collapse = ''))
  target_state = target_state[which(!duplicated(identities))]

  return(target_state %>% lapply(mutation))

# copy_state %>% evolve(target = "1:1")
# copy_state %>% evolve(target = "1:0")
# copy_state %>% evolve(target = "2:1")
# copy_state %>% evolve(target = "2:2")
# copy_state %>% evolve(target = "2:0")

# initial state
initial_state = function(target)
  copy_state = data.frame(allele = c("A1", "B1")) %>% as_tibble()
  copy_state$mutations = NULL
  copy_state$mutations[[1]] = list()
  copy_state$mutations[[2]] = list()

  copy_state = copy_state %>% mutation()

  if(target == "1:1") return(copy_state)
  else evolve(copy_state, target)[[1]]

# Compute peaks
get_peaks = function(clone_1, clone_2, CCF_1, purity)
    clone_1 %>% get_mutations(),
    clone_2 %>% get_mutations()
  ) %>%

  m_c1 = clone_1 %>% get_mutations() %>% table() %>% as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(x = n *CCF_1,
           karyotype_1 = clone_1 %>% as_karyotype(),
           genotype_1 = clone_1 %>% get_alleles() %>% sort() %>% paste(collapse = '')
  colnames(m_c1)[1] = 'mutation'

  m_c2 = clone_2 %>% get_mutations() %>% table() %>% as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(x = n * (1 - CCF_1),
           karyotype_2 = clone_2 %>% as_karyotype(),
           genotype_2 = clone_2 %>% get_alleles() %>% sort() %>% paste(collapse = '')
  colnames(m_c2)[1] = 'mutation'

  denominator = 2 * (1-purity) +
    purity * ( CCF_1 * (clone_1 %>% as_ploidy()) + (1 - CCF_1) * (clone_2 %>% as_ploidy()))

  m_c1 %>%
    full_join(m_c2, by = 'mutation', suffix = c('.clone_1', '.clone_2')) %>%
    replace_na(list(n.clone_1 = 0, x.clone_1 = 0, n.clone_2 = 0, x.clone_2 = 0)) %>%
    mutate(peak = (x.clone_1 + x.clone_2) * purity) %>%
    distinct(peak, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
    mutate(peak = peak/denominator) %>%
    select(mutation, karyotype_1, genotype_1, karyotype_2, genotype_2, n.clone_1, n.clone_2, peak) %>%

branching_evolution = function(starting, left, right, CCF_1, purity)
  start = initial_state(starting)
  branch_left = start %>% evolve(left)
  branch_right = start %>% evolve(right)

  solutions = expand_grid(L =  seq_along(branch_left), R = seq_along(branch_right))
  solutions = lapply(1:nrow(solutions), function(i) {
      clone_1 = branch_left[[solutions$L[i]]],
      clone_2 = branch_right[[solutions$R[i]]],

  solutions_id = lapply(solutions, function(x) x$peak %>% paste(collapse= ';'))
  solutions = solutions[!duplicated(solutions_id)]

  lapply(solutions, function(x){
    x$genotype_initial = start %>% get_alleles() %>% sort() %>% paste(collapse = '')
    x$model = 'branching'
    x %>% mutate(role = ifelse(is.na(karyotype_1) | is.na(karyotype_2), "private", 'shared'))


linear_evolution = function(starting, first_child, second_child, CCF_1, purity)
  start = initial_state(starting)
  first_children = start %>% evolve(first_child) # generate tibble with possible first children
  second_children = lapply(first_children, function(x) evolve(x, second_child))
    for (i in 1:length(first_children)){
    second = first_children[[i]] %>% evolve(second_child)
    second_children[[i]]<- second

  solutions = lapply(first_children %>% seq_along, function(i) {
    second_children[[i]] %>% lapply(function(y) {
      get_peaks(clone_1 = first_children[[i]],
                clone_2 = y,
  }) %>% unlist(recursive=FALSE)

  solutions_id = lapply(solutions, function(x) x$peak %>% paste(collapse= ';'))
  solutions = solutions[!duplicated(solutions_id)]
  lapply(solutions, function(x){
    x$genotype_initial = start %>% get_alleles() %>% sort() %>% paste(collapse = '')
    x$model = 'linear'
    x %>% mutate(role = ifelse(is.na(karyotype_1) | is.na(karyotype_2), "private", 'shared'))
caravagnalab/CNAqc documentation built on Oct. 31, 2024, 3:54 a.m.