#' Convert a Jekyll-based lesson to a sandpaper-based lesson
#' @details A Jekyll episode is littered with kramdown inline attribute tags
#' and liquid-formatted links. Converting to sandpaper means the following:
#' - links using liquid formatting (e.g. `[text]({{ site.path }}/01-episode/)`
#' are replaced with their relative counterparts (`[text](01-episode.md)`.
#' - include statements for `links.md` and `base_path.md` are removed
#' - image attributes have the kramdown `:` removed
#' - code blocks with a kramdown inline attribute tag are converted to
#' commonmark via the internal [liquid_to_commonmark()].
#' - Lesson template-specific code is removed from the setup chunk in R
#' Markdown files.
#' @param body the xml body of an episode
#' @param rmd if `TRUE`, the chunks will be converted to RMarkdown chunks
#' @param yml a list derived from the `_config.yml` file that defines the site
#' variables.
#' @param path the path to the source of the body. Defaults to NULL. This is
#' used in conjunction with `known_paths`
#' @param known_paths a character vector with the known paths in the lesson.
#' This is used to determine the correct path to other files in the lesson.
#' @return the body
#' @keywords internal
use_sandpaper <- function(body, rmd = TRUE, yml = list(), path = NULL, known_paths = NULL) {
if (inherits(body, "xml_missing")) {
warning("episode body missing", call. = FALSE)
fix_sandpaper_links(body, yml, path, known_paths)
# Remove {% include links.md %}
lnks <- xml2::xml_find_all(body,
".//md:text[contains(text(),'include links.md') and contains(text(),'{%')]",
ns = get_ns(body)
# Remove {% include base_path.html %}
bp <- xml2::xml_find_all(body,
".//md:text[contains(text(),'include base_path') and contains(text(),'{%')]",
ns = get_ns(body)
img_attrs <- xml2::xml_find_all(body,
".//md:image/following-sibling::md:text[1][starts-with(text(), '{:')]",
ns = get_ns(body)
if (length(img_attrs)) {
sub("{:", "{", xml2::xml_text(img_attrs), fixed = TRUE))
# Fix the code tags
langs <- get_code(body, "", "@ktag") # grab all of the tags
any_python <- any(grepl("python", xml2::xml_attr(langs, "ktag")))
purrr::walk(langs, liquid_to_commonmark, make_rmd = rmd)
has_setup_chunk <- xml2::xml_find_lgl(
# setup is the first code block that is not included
"boolean(./md:code_block[1][@language='r' and (@name='setup' or @include='FALSE')])",
if (has_setup_chunk || rmd) {
setup <- get_setup_chunk(body)
txt <- parse(text = xml2::xml_text(setup))
# remove function calls for jekyll sites
# - source() call knitr hooks
# - knitr_fig_path() sets up the relative path for jekyll
rem <- grepl("source\\(.../bin/chunk-options.R.\\)", txt) |
grepl("source\\(dvt_opts\\(", txt) |
grepl("knitr_fig_path\\(.+?\\)", txt)
txt <- txt[!rem]
needs_reticulate <- rmd &&
any_python &&
(length(txt) == 0 || !any(grepl("reticulate", txt)))
if (needs_reticulate) {
txt <- c(txt, as.expression('library("reticulate")'))
txt <- c(txt, "# Generated with {pegboard}")
xml2::xml_set_text(setup, paste(as.character(txt), collapse = "\n"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.