
test_that("conversions with empty bodies won't result in an error", {

  loop <- fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "14-looping-data-sets.md")
  e <- Episode$new(loop)
  e$body <- xml2::xml_missing()
  expect_warning(e$use_sandpaper(), "episode body missing")
  expect_warning(e$use_dovetail(), "episode body missing")


test_that("Episodes with commonmark-violating liquid relative links can be read", {

  lnsp <- test_path("examples", "link-split.md")
  withr::defer(rm("lnsp", "tmp"))
  # Not fixing liquid will make the parser sad
  bad <- Episode$new(lnsp)
  # One real link and one anchor: no bueno :(
  expect_length(bad$links, 2)

  # fixing liquid will resucue us!
  tmp <- Episode$new(lnsp, fix_liquid = TRUE)
  expect_length(tmp$links, 4)

  expect_equal(basename(tmp$path), "link-split.md")
  expect_snapshot(cat(tmp$show(), sep = "\n"))

test_that("Episodes with markdown formatted liquid links can be processed", {

  llm <- test_path("examples", "_episodes", "link-liquid-markdown.md")
  txt <- readLines(llm)
  ep  <- pegboard::Episode$new(llm, fix_liquid = TRUE)
  res <- ep$use_sandpaper()$show()
  # There should only be one opening bracket per link, resulting in a vector
  # of length two when split on the opening square bracket
  values <- res[startsWith(res, "[")]
  bracket_count <- lengths(strsplit(values, "\\["))
  expect_equal(bracket_count, rep(2L, length(values)))

  # we should see the right translation of text to markdown
  expected_text <- strsplit(txt[startsWith(txt, "[")], "\\]\\(")
  expected_text <- sub("[", "", purrr::map_chr(expected_text, 1), fixed = TRUE)
  expected_text <- gsub("_", "*", expected_text)

  actual_text <- strsplit(values, "\\]\\(")
  actual_text <- sub("[", "", purrr::map_chr(actual_text, 1), fixed = TRUE)
  expect_equal(actual_text, expected_text)

  # relative links should all be processed to the correct paths
  lnks <- ep$validate_links(warn = FALSE)
  local_links <- lnks$server == "" & 
    lnks$type == "link" & 
    !startsWith(lnks$path, "lesson") # saving for later
  expect_equal(lnks$path[local_links], rep("test.md", sum(local_links)))
  expect_equal(lnks$path[lnks$type == "image"], "fig/test.png")


test_that("Episodes without include=FALSE in setup chunk are still valid", {

  rast <- fs::path(lesson_fragment("rmd-lesson"), "_episodes_rmd", "01-test.Rmd")
  e <- Episode$new(rast, process_tags = TRUE, fix_links = FALSE)
  setup <- get_setup_chunk(e$body)
  # The includes of the setup chunk is NA
  expect_true(is.na(xml2::xml_attr(setup, "includes")))
  old_setup_code <- parse(text = xml2::xml_text(setup))
  expect_length(old_setup_code, 4)
  expect_match(as.character(old_setup_code)[1], 'bin/chunk-options.R')
  expect_match(as.character(old_setup_code)[3], 'knitr_fig_path')

  setup <- get_setup_chunk(e$body)
  setup_code <- parse(text = xml2::xml_text(setup))
  expect_true(is.na(xml2::xml_attr(setup, "includes")))
  expect_length(setup_code, 2)
  expect_equal(setup_code[1], old_setup_code[2], ignore_attr = TRUE)
  expect_equal(setup_code[2], old_setup_code[4], ignore_attr = TRUE)


test_that("Episodes can be converted to use sandpaper", {

  loop <- fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "14-looping-data-sets.md")
  e <- Episode$new(loop)
  # insert artificial links
  tags <- c(
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}"
  new_tags <- tags
  new_tags[grepl("python", tags)] <- NA
  infos <- ifelse(grepl("python", tags), "python", "output")
  langs <- ifelse(grepl("python", tags), "python", NA)
  rel_links <- xml2::xml_find_all(
    ".//*[contains(text(), '../') or contains(@destination, '../')]"
  jek_links <- xml2::xml_find_all(
    ".//d1:link[contains(@destination, '{{')]"

  liquid_links <- xml2::xml_find_all(
    ".//d1:text[contains(text(),'include links.md') and contains(text(),'{%')]"
  expect_length(liquid_links, 1)
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_text(liquid_links), "{% include links.md %}")

  expect_length(e$code, 11)
  expect_length(rel_links, 2)
  expect_equal(xml_name(rel_links), c("html_block", "image"))
    xml2::xml_attr(rel_links, "destination"),
    c(NA, "../no-workie.svg")
  expect_length(jek_links, 3)
    xml2::xml_attr(jek_links, "destination"),
    c("{{ page.root }}/index.html", 
      "{{ site.swc_pages }}/shell-novice", 
      "{{ page.root }}{% link index.md %}")
  expect_snapshot(cat(e$tail(17), sep = "\n"))

  # With RMD -------------------------------------------------------------------
  expect_length(e$use_sandpaper(rmd = TRUE)$code, 12)
  # ktags are converted
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "ktag"), rep(NA_character_, 12)) 
  # but the block quotes are still there
  expect_length(e$tags, 3 + 3)
  # language tags added
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "language"), c("r", langs))
  # name tags added
  expect_match(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "name"), "^(setup|python-chunk-.+)*$")
  # First node is the setup chunk
    'library("reticulate")\n# Generated with {pegboard}'
  # Links are converted
  expect_match(xml2::xml_attr(rel_links[[2]], "destination"), 'no-workie.svg', fixed = TRUE)
  expect_match(xml2::xml_text(rel_links[[1]]), '"no-workie.svg"', fixed = TRUE)
    xml2::xml_attr(jek_links, "destination"),
    c("index.html", "https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice", "index.md")

  liquid_links <- xml2::xml_find_all(
    ".//d1:text[contains(text(),'include links.md') and contains(text(),'{%')]"
  expect_length(liquid_links, 0)

  # output needs to be explicitly removed
  expect_length(e$output, 4) 
  expect_match(xml2::xml_attr(e$output, "info"), "output")
  skip_on_os("windows") # shQuote behaves _slightly_ differently and puts double quotes instead of single quotes
  expect_snapshot(cat(e$use_sandpaper(rmd = TRUE)$tail(17), sep = "\n"))

  # Without RMD ----------------------------------------------------------------
  expect_length(e$reset()$use_sandpaper(rmd = FALSE)$code, 11)
  # language tags added
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "info"), infos)
  # ktags are converted
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "ktag"), rep(NA_character_, 11))
  # but the block quotes are still there
  expect_length(e$tags, 3 + 3)
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "name"), rep("", 11))
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "language"), rep(NA_character_, 11))
  # First node is text
    "Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names."
  # output needs to be explicitly removed
  expect_length(e$output, 4) 
  expect_match(xml2::xml_attr(e$output, "info"), "output")
  skip_on_os("windows") # shQuote behaves _slightly_ differently and puts double quotes instead of single quotes
  expect_snapshot(cat(e$use_sandpaper(rmd = FALSE)$tail(17), sep = "\n"))


test_that("Episodes can be converted to use dovetail", {

  loop <- fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "14-looping-data-sets.md")
  e <- Episode$new(loop)
  tags <- c(
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}"
    "Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names."
  expect_length(e$code, 11)
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "ktag"), tags)

    'library("dovetail")\nsource(dvt_opts())\nknitr_fig_path("fig-")\n# Generated with {pegboard}'
  # Code is still jekyll code
  expect_length(e$code, 12)
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "ktag"), c(NA, tags))


test_that("Integration: rmarkdown sandpaper sites", {

  loop <- fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "14-looping-data-sets.md")
  e <- Episode$new(loop)
  tags <- c(
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}"
  expect_length(e$code, 11)
  expect_length(e$challenges, 3)
  expect_length(e$solutions, 3)
  # 11 code blocks + 3 challenges + 3 solutions
  expect_length(e$tags, 11 + 3 + 3)
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "ktag"), tags)
    "Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names."

  # Conversion chain!!!!
    use_dovetail()$            # Convert to dovetail
    use_sandpaper(rmd = TRUE)$ # Ditch Jekyll
    remove_output()$           # remove output blocks
    remove_error()$            # remove error blocks (does nothing in this)
    unblock()$                 # Convert block quotes to code chunks
    move_keypoints()$          # move yaml metadata to actual data

    'library("dovetail")\nlibrary("reticulate")\n# Generated with {pegboard}'
  # Note: the last three python chunks were inside of challenges. Calculation
  # original code chunks + yaml + setup - output
  expect_length(e$code, 11 + 3 + 1 - 4)
  # No kramdown tags exist
  expect_length(e$tags, 0)
    xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_child(e$body, length(xml2::xml_children(e$body))), "info"),
    xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_child(e$body, length(xml2::xml_children(e$body))), "language"),


test_that("Integration: for markdown sandpaper sites", {

  loop <- fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "14-looping-data-sets.md")
  e <- Episode$new(loop)
  tags <- c(
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}"
  expect_length(e$code, 11)
  expect_length(e$challenges, 3)
  expect_length(e$solutions, 3)
  # 11 code blocks + 3 challenges + 3 solutions
  expect_length(e$tags, 11 + 3 + 3)
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "ktag"), tags)
    "Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names."

  # Conversion chain!!!!
    use_dovetail()$             # Convert to dovetail
    use_sandpaper(rmd = FALSE)$ # Ditch Jekyll, but keep markdown
    unblock()$                  # Convert block quotes to code chunks
    move_keypoints()$           # move yaml metadata to actual data

    'library("dovetail")\n# Generated with {pegboard}'
  # Note: the last three python chunks were inside of challenges. Calculation
  # original code chunks + yaml + setup - output
  expect_length(e$code, 11 + 3 + 1)
  # python code chunks exist
  expect_true(any(grepl("python", xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "info"))))
  expect_true(any(grepl("output", xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "info"))))
  # No kramdown tags exist
  expect_length(e$tags, 0)
    xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_child(e$body, length(xml2::xml_children(e$body))), "info"),
    xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_child(e$body, length(xml2::xml_children(e$body))), "language"),


test_that("Integration: for markdown sandpaper sites without dovetail", {

  loop <- fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "14-looping-data-sets.md")
  e <- Episode$new(loop)
  tags <- c(
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}"
  expect_length(e$code, 11)
  expect_length(e$challenges, 3)
  expect_length(e$solutions, 3)
  # 11 code blocks + 3 challenges + 3 solutions
  expect_length(e$tags, 11 + 3 + 3)
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "ktag"), tags)
    "Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names."

    use_sandpaper(rmd = FALSE)$ # Ditch Jekyll, but keep markdown
    unblock()$                  # Convert block quotes to code chunks
    move_keypoints()$           # move yaml metadata to actual data

  # The first child is not an RMD chunk
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_child(e$body), "label"), 
  # first heading is what we expect
    "Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names."
  expect_length(e$code, 11)
  # python code chunks exist
  expect_true(any(grepl("python", xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "info"))))
  expect_true(any(grepl("output", xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "info"))))
  # No kramdown tags exist
  expect_length(e$tags, 0)
    xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_child(e$body, length(xml2::xml_children(e$body)) - 1L)),
    fixed = TRUE


test_that("Integration: jekyll sites", {

  loop <- fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "14-looping-data-sets.md")
  e <- Episode$new(loop)
  tags <- c(
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .output}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}",
    "{: .language-python}"
  expect_length(e$code, 11)
  expect_length(e$challenges, 3)
  expect_length(e$solutions, 3)
  # 11 code blocks + 3 challenges + 3 solutions
  expect_length(e$tags, 11 + 3 + 3)
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(e$code, "ktag"), tags)
    "Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names."

  # Conversion chain!!!!
    use_dovetail()$            # Convert to dovetail
    unblock()$                 # Convert block quotes to code chunks
    move_keypoints()$          # move yaml metadata to actual data

    'library("dovetail")\nsource(dvt_opts())\nknitr_fig_path("fig-")\n# Generated with {pegboard}'
  # Note: the last three python chunks were inside of challenges. Calculation
  # original code chunks + yaml + setup
  expect_length(e$code, 11 + 3 + 1)
  # kramdown/liquid tags still exist (three python chunks are inside challenges)
  expect_length(e$tags, 11 - 3) 
  expect_equal(xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_parent(e$tags), "ktag"), tags[1:8])

  # Note: the last three python chunks were inside of challenges. Calculation
  # original code chunks + yaml + setup - output
    xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_child(e$body, length(xml2::xml_children(e$body))), "info"),
    xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_child(e$body, length(xml2::xml_children(e$body))), "language"),
  # output needs to be explicitly removed
  expect_length(e$output, 4) 
  expect_match(xml2::xml_attr(e$output, "ktag"), "{: .output}", fixed = TRUE)

carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m.