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#' Moment function of Pareto Distribution (PDF: alpha*xm^alpha/x^(alpha+1))
#' @param order Order of moment
#' @param xm Threshold value
#' @param alpha Default=3
#' @examples
#' mpareto(1, 1000, 2)
#' @rdname pareto
#' @export
mpareto <- function(order, xm, alpha = 3) {
if (order == 1 && alpha > 1) {
return(alpha * xm / (alpha - 1))
} else if (order == 1 && alpha <= 1) {
} else if (order == 2 && alpha > 2) {
return(xm^2 * alpha / (alpha - 1)^2 / (alpha - 2) + (alpha * xm / (alpha - 1))^2)
} else {
#' Density function of Pareto Distribution (PDF: alpha*xm^alpha/x^(alpha+1))
#' @param x Value of the variable
#' @examples
#' dpareto(1500, 1000, 2)
#' @rdname pareto
#' @export
dpareto <- function(x, xm, alpha = 3) ifelse(x > xm, alpha * xm^alpha / (x^(alpha + 1)), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Pareto Distribution (CDF: 1-(xm/x)^alpha)
#' @param q Value of the variable
#' @examples
#' ppareto(1500, 1000, 2)
#' @rdname pareto
#' @export
ppareto <- function(q, xm, alpha = 3) ifelse(q > xm, 1 - (xm / q)^alpha, 0)
#' Quantile function of Pareto Distribution
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qpareto(0.5, 1000, 2)
#' @rdname pareto
#' @export
qpareto <- function(p, xm, alpha = 3) ifelse(p < 0 | p > 1, NaN, xm * (1 - p)^(-1 / alpha))
#' Random generation of Pareto Distribution
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rpareto(100, 1000, 2)
#' @rdname pareto
#' @export
rpareto <- function(n, xm, alpha = 3) qpareto(runif(n), xm, alpha)
#' Truncate a numeric vector
#' @param x A numeric vector
#' @param lower Lower bound
#' @param upper Upper bound
#' @examples
#' trunc(rnorm(100, 3, 6), 0, 7)
#' @rdname truncate
#' @export
truncate <- function(x, lower, upper) {
x[x > upper] <- upper
x[x < lower] <- lower
#' Cumulative probability function of empirical distribution using linear interpolation
#' @param q Value of the variable
#' @param cdf empirical distribution (cdf for continuous distribution and pmf for discrete distribution)
#' @examples
#' # discrete distribution
#' pempirical(c(3, 5, 10), matrix(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.1, 1:6, 10), 7, 2))
#' # continuous distribution
#' pempirical(350, matrix(c(seq(0.01, 1, 0.01), cumprod(c(1, rep(1.1, 99)))), 100, 2))
#' @rdname empirical
#' @export
pempirical <- function(q, cdf) {
if (length(unique(cdf[, 2])) == 1) {
} else if (sum(cdf[, 1]) > 1 & cdf[nrow(cdf), 1] == 1) { # cumulative probability function for continuous distribution
return(approx(cdf[, 2], cdf[, 1], xout = q, rule = 2)$y)
} else if (sum(cdf[, 1]) > 1 & cdf[nrow(cdf), 1] < 1) {
warning("cdf input is not complete. The last row does not have a cumulative probability of 1. It will be extrapolated to 1.")
nx <- nrow(cdf)
xend <- (cdf[nx, 2] - cdf[nx - 1, 2]) / (cdf[nx, 1] - cdf[nx - 1, 1]) * (1 - cdf[nx - 1, 1]) + cdf[nx - 1, 2]
cdfnew <- rbind(cdf, c(1, xend))
return(approx(cdfnew[, 2], cdfnew[, 1], xout = q, rule = 2)$y)
} else { # probability mass function for discrete distribution
ps <- cdf[, 1] / sum(cdf[, 1])
y <- as.vector(q)
l <- length(y)
z <- rep(0, l)
for (i in 1:l) z[i] <- sum(ps[cdf[, 2] <= y[i]])
z <- as.numeric(z)
if (is.array(q)) {
dim(z) <- dim(q)
#' Quantile function of Empirical Distribution
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' # discrete distribution
#' qempirical(c(0.3, 0.65, 1), matrix(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.1, 1:6, 10), 7, 2))
#' # continuous distribution
#' qempirical(c(0.3, 0.65, 0.8), matrix(c(seq(0.01, 1, 0.01), cumprod(c(1, rep(1.1, 99)))), 100, 2))
#' @rdname empirical
#' @export
qempirical <- function(p, cdf) {
if (sum(cdf[, 1]) > 1 && cdf[nrow(cdf), 1] == 1) { # cumulative probability function for continuous distribution
return(approx(cdf[, 1], cdf[, 2], xout = p, rule = 2)$y)
} else if (sum(cdf[, 1]) > 1 && cdf[nrow(cdf), 1] < 1) {
warning("cdf input is not complete. The last row does not have a cumulative probability of 1. It will be extrapolated to 1.")
nx <- nrow(cdf)
xend <- (cdf[nx, 2] - cdf[nx - 1, 2]) / (cdf[nx, 1] - cdf[nx - 1, 1]) * (1 - cdf[nx - 1, 1]) + cdf[nx - 1, 2]
cdfnew <- rbind(cdf, c(1, xend))
return(approx(cdfnew[, 1], cdfnew[, 2], xout = p, rule = 2)$y)
} else { # probability mass function for discrete distribution
ps <- cumsum(cdf[, 1]) / sum(cdf[, 1])
y <- as.vector(p)
l <- length(y)
z <- rep(0, l)
for (i in 1:l) z[i] <- length(cdf[, 2]) - sum(y[i] <= ps) + 1
z <- as.numeric(z)
z <- cdf[, 2][z]
if (is.array(q)) {
dim(z) <- dim(q)
#' Random generation function of Empirical Distribution
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' # discrete distribution
#' rempirical(100, matrix(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.1, 1:6, 10), 7, 2))
#' # continuous distribution
#' rempirical(100, matrix(c(seq(0.01, 1, 0.01), cumprod(c(1, rep(1.1, 99)))), 100, 2))
#' @rdname empirical
#' @export
rempirical <- function(n, cdf) {
if (sum(cdf[, 1]) > 1 && cdf[nrow(cdf), 1] == 1) { # cumulative probability function for continuous distribution
return(qempirical(runif(n), cdf))
} else if (sum(cdf[, 1]) > 1 && cdf[nrow(cdf), 1] < 1) {
warning("cdf input is not complete. The last row does not have a cumulative probability of 1. It will be extrapolated to 1.")
nx <- nrow(cdf)
xend <- (cdf[nx, 2] - cdf[nx - 1, 2]) / (cdf[nx, 1] - cdf[nx - 1, 1]) * (1 - cdf[nx - 1, 1]) + cdf[nx - 1, 2]
cdfnew <- rbind(cdf, c(1, xend))
return(qempirical(runif(n), cdfnew))
} else { # probability mass function for discrete distribution
ps <- cdf[, 1] / sum(cdf[, 1])
return(sample(x = cdf[, 2], size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = ps))
#' Density function of Empirical Distribution based on simulation
#' @param x Value of the variable
#' @examples
#' # discrete distribution
#' dempirical(3, matrix(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.1, 1:6, 10), 7, 2))
#' # continuous distribution
#' dempirical(30, matrix(c(seq(0.01, 1, 0.01), qnorm(seq(0.01, 1, 0.01), 30, 20)), 100, 2))
#' @rdname empirical
#' @import stats
#' @export
dempirical <- function(x, cdf) {
sdf <- approxfun(density(rempirical(100000, cdf)))
#' Density function of Truncated Normal Distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param mean Mean of the untruncated Normal distribution
#' @param sd Standard deviation of the untruncated Normal distribution
#' @param min Left truncation (like deductible)
#' @param max Right truncation (like limit)
#' @examples
#' dtnorm(0.5, 1, 2)
#' @rdname tnorm
#' @export
dtnorm <- function(x, mean, sd, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(x == 0, pnorm(min, mean, sd),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - pnorm(max, mean, sd),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dnorm(x + min, mean = mean, sd = sd), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Truncated Normal Distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' ptnorm(0.5, 1, 2)
#' @rdname tnorm
#' @export
ptnorm <- function(q, mean, sd, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(q == 0, pnorm(min, mean, sd),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), pnorm(q + min, mean = mean, sd = sd), 0)
#' Quantile function of Truncated Normal Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qtnorm(0.5, 1, 2)
#' @rdname tnorm
#' @export
qtnorm <- function(p, mean, sd, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(p <= pnorm(min, mean, sd), 0,
ifelse(p >= pnorm(max, mean, sd), max - min, qnorm(p, mean = mean, sd = sd) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated Normal Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rtnorm(100, 1, 2)
#' @rdname tnorm
#' @export
rtnorm <- function(n, mean, sd, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
qtnorm(runif(n), mean = mean, sd = sd, min, max)
#' Density function of Truncated Beta Distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param shape1 distribution parameter
#' @param shape2 distribution parameter
#' @param ncp non-centrality parameter (Default: 0)
#' @param min Left truncation deductible
#' @param max Right truncation limit
#' @examples
#' dtbeta(0.6, 1, 2)
#' @rdname tbeta
#' @export
dtbeta <- function(x, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, min = 0, max = 1) {
ifelse(x == 0, pbeta(min, shape1, shape2, ncp),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - pbeta(max, shape1, shape2, ncp),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dbeta(x + min, shape1, shape2, ncp), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Truncated Beta Distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' ptbeta(0.5, 1, 2)
#' @rdname tbeta
#' @export
ptbeta <- function(q, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, min = 0, max = 1) {
ifelse(q == 0, pbeta(min, shape1, shape2, ncp),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), pbeta(q + min, shape1, shape2, ncp), 0)
#' Quantile function of Truncated Beta Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qtbeta(0.5, 1, 2)
#' @rdname tbeta
#' @export
qtbeta <- function(p, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, min = 0, max = 1) {
ifelse(p <= pbeta(min, shape1, shape2, ncp), 0,
ifelse(p >= pbeta(max, shape1, shape2, ncp), max - min, qbeta(p, shape1, shape2, ncp) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated Beta Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rtbeta(100, 1, 2)
#' @rdname tbeta
#' @export
rtbeta <- function(n, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, min = 0, max = 1) {
qtbeta(runif(n), shape1, shape2, ncp, min, max)
#' Density function of Truncated Exponential Distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param rate Distribution parameter
#' @param min Left truncation deductible
#' @param max Right truncation limit
#' @examples
#' dtexp(5, 0.1)
#' @rdname texp
#' @export
dtexp <- function(x, rate, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(x == 0, pexp(min, rate),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - pexp(max, rate),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dexp(x + min, rate), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Truncated Exponential Distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' ptexp(5, 0.1)
#' @rdname texp
#' @export
ptexp <- function(q, rate, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(q == 0, pexp(min, rate),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), pexp(q + min, rate), 0)
#' Quantile function of Truncated Exponential Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qtexp(0.5, 0.1)
#' @rdname texp
#' @export
qtexp <- function(p, rate, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(p <= pexp(min, rate), 0,
ifelse(p >= pexp(max, rate), max - min, qexp(p, rate) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated Exponential Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rtexp(100, 0.1)
#' @rdname texp
#' @export
rtexp <- function(n, rate, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
qtexp(runif(n), rate, min, max)
#' Density function of Truncated Gamma Distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param shape Shape parameter
#' @param scale Scale parameter
#' @param min Left truncation deductible
#' @param max Right truncation limit
#' @examples
#' dtgamma(2, 3, 2)
#' @rdname tgamma
#' @export
dtgamma <- function(x, shape, scale, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(x == 0, pgamma(min, shape, scale),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - pgamma(max, shape, scale),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dgamma(x + min, shape, scale), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Truncated Gamma Distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' ptgamma(2, 3, 2)
#' @rdname tgamma
#' @export
ptgamma <- function(q, shape, scale, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(q == 0, pgamma(min, shape, scale),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), pgamma(q + min, shape, scale), 0)
#' Quantile function of Truncated Gamma Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qtgamma(0.5, 3, 2)
#' @rdname tgamma
#' @export
qtgamma <- function(p, shape, scale, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(p <= pgamma(min, shape, scale), 0,
ifelse(p >= pgamma(max, shape, scale), max - min, qgamma(p, shape, scale) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated Gamma Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rtgamma(100, 3, 2)
#' @rdname tgamma
#' @export
rtgamma <- function(n, shape, scale, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
qtgamma(runif(n), shape, scale, min, max)
#' Density function of Truncated Geometric Distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param prob Distribution parameter
#' @param min Left truncation deductible
#' @param max Right truncation limit
#' @examples
#' dtgeom(3, 0.3)
#' @rdname tgeom
#' @export
dtgeom <- function(x, prob, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(x == 0, pgeom(min, prob),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - pgeom(max, prob),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dgeom(x + min, prob), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Truncated Geometric Distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' ptgeom(3, 0.3)
#' @rdname tgeom
#' @export
ptgeom <- function(q, prob, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(q == 0, pgeom(min, prob),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), pgeom(q + min, prob), 0)
#' Quantile function of Truncated Geometric Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qtgeom(0.7, 0.3)
#' @rdname tgeom
#' @export
qtgeom <- function(p, prob, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(p <= pgeom(min, prob), 0,
ifelse(p >= pgeom(max, prob), max - min, qgeom(p, prob) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated Geometric Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rtgeom(100, 0.3)
#' @rdname tgeom
#' @export
rtgeom <- function(n, prob, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
qtgeom(runif(n), prob, min, max)
#' Density function of Truncated Lognormal Distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param meanlog Mean of the log of the distribution
#' @param sdlog Standard deviation of the log of the distribution
#' @param min Left truncation deductible
#' @param max Right truncation limit
#' @examples
#' dtlnorm(20, 3, 0.5)
#' @rdname tlnorm
#' @export
dtlnorm <- function(x, meanlog, sdlog, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(x == 0, plnorm(min, meanlog, sdlog),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - plnorm(max, meanlog, sdlog),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dlnorm(x + min, meanlog, sdlog), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Truncated Lognormal Distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' ptlnorm(20, 3, 0.5)
#' @rdname tlnorm
#' @export
ptlnorm <- function(q, meanlog, sdlog, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(q == 0, plnorm(min, meanlog, sdlog),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), plnorm(q + min, meanlog, sdlog), 0)
#' Quantile function of Truncated Lognormal Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qtlnorm(0.5, 3, 0.5)
#' @rdname tlnorm
#' @export
qtlnorm <- function(p, meanlog, sdlog, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(p <= plnorm(min, meanlog, sdlog), 0,
ifelse(p >= plnorm(max, meanlog, sdlog), max - min, qlnorm(p, meanlog, sdlog) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated Lognormal Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rtlnorm(100, 3, 0.5)
#' @rdname tlnorm
#' @export
rtlnorm <- function(n, meanlog, sdlog, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
qtlnorm(runif(n), meanlog, sdlog, min, max)
#' Density function of Truncated Negative Binomial Distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param size Number of successful trials
#' @param prob Probability of success in each trial
#' @param min Left truncation deductible
#' @param max Right truncation limit
#' @examples
#' dtnbinom(230, 100, 0.3)
#' @rdname tnbinom
#' @export
dtnbinom <- function(x, size, prob, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(x == 0, pnbinom(min, size, prob),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - pnbinom(max, size, prob),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dnbinom(x + min, size, prob), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Truncated Negative Binomial Distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' ptnbinom(230, 100, 0.3)
#' @rdname tnbinom
#' @export
ptnbinom <- function(q, size, prob, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(q == 0, pnbinom(min, size, prob),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), pnbinom(q + min, size, prob), 0)
#' Quantile function of Truncated Negative Binomial Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qtnbinom(0.5, 100, 0.3)
#' @rdname tnbinom
#' @export
qtnbinom <- function(p, size, prob, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(p <= pnbinom(min, size, prob), 0,
ifelse(p >= pnbinom(max, size, prob), max - min, qnbinom(p, size, prob) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated Negative Binomial Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rtnbinom(500, 100, 0.3)
#' @rdname tnbinom
#' @export
rtnbinom <- function(n, size, prob, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
qtnbinom(runif(n), size, prob, min, max)
#' Density function of Truncated Pareto Distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param xm Threshold value
#' @param alpha Model parameter
#' @param min Left truncation deductible
#' @param max Right truncation limit
#' @examples
#' dtpareto(500, 1000, 2)
#' @rdname tpareto
#' @export
dtpareto <- function(x, xm, alpha, min = xm, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(x == 0, ppareto(min, xm, alpha),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - ppareto(max, xm, alpha),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dpareto(x + min, xm, alpha), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Truncated Pareto Distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' ptpareto(500, 1000, 2)
#' @rdname tpareto
#' @export
ptpareto <- function(q, xm, alpha, min = xm, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(q == 0, ppareto(min, xm, alpha),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), ppareto(q + min, xm, alpha), 0)
#' Quantile function of Truncated Pareto Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qtpareto(0.5, 1000, 2)
#' @rdname tpareto
#' @export
qtpareto <- function(p, xm, alpha, min = xm, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(p <= ppareto(min, xm, alpha), 0,
ifelse(p >= ppareto(max, xm, alpha), max - min, qpareto(p, xm, alpha) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated Pareto Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rtpareto(100, 1000, 2)
#' @rdname tpareto
#' @export
rtpareto <- function(n, xm, alpha, min = xm, max = 1e+9) {
qtpareto(runif(n), xm, alpha, min, max)
#' Density function of Truncated Poisson Distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param lambda Distribution parameter
#' @param min Left truncation deductible
#' @param max Right truncation limit
#' @examples
#' dtpois(3, 5)
#' @rdname tpois
#' @export
dtpois <- function(x, lambda, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(x == 0, ppois(min, lambda),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - ppois(max, lambda),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dpois(x + min, lambda), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Truncated Poisson Distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' ptpois(3, 5)
#' @rdname tpois
#' @export
ptpois <- function(q, lambda, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(q == 0, ppois(min, lambda),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), ppois(q + min, lambda), 0)
#' Quantile function of Truncated Poisson Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qtpois(0.6, 5)
#' @rdname tpois
#' @export
qtpois <- function(p, lambda, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(p <= ppois(min, lambda), 0,
ifelse(p >= ppois(max, lambda), max - min, qpois(p, lambda) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated Poisson Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rtpois(100, 5)
#' @rdname tpois
#' @export
rtpois <- function(n, lambda, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
qtpois(runif(n), lambda, min, max)
#' Density function of Truncated Weibull Distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param shape Shape parameter
#' @param scale Scale parameter
#' @param min Left truncation deductible
#' @param max Right truncation limit
#' @examples
#' dtweibull(2.5, 2, 3)
#' @rdname tweibull
#' @export
dtweibull <- function(x, shape, scale, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(x == 0, pweibull(min, shape, scale),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - pweibull(max, shape, scale),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dweibull(x + min, shape, scale), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of Truncated Weibull Distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' ptweibull(2.5, 2, 3)
#' @rdname tweibull
#' @export
ptweibull <- function(q, shape, scale, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(q == 0, pweibull(min, shape, scale),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), pweibull(q + min, shape, scale), 0)
#' Quantile function of Truncated Weibull Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' qtweibull(0.5, 2, 3)
#' @rdname tweibull
#' @export
qtweibull <- function(p, shape, scale, min = 0, max = 1000000000) {
ifelse(p <= pweibull(min, shape, scale), 0,
ifelse(p >= pweibull(max, shape, scale), max - min, qweibull(p, shape, scale) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated Weibull Distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' rtweibull(100, 2, 3)
#' @rdname tweibull
#' @export
rtweibull <- function(n, shape, scale, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
qtweibull(runif(n), shape, scale, min, max)
#' Density function of truncated empirical distribution
#' @param x Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param cdf empirical distribution (cdf for continuous distribution and pmf for discrete distribution)
#' @param min Left truncation deductible
#' @param max Right truncation limit
#' @examples
#' # discrete distribution
#' dtempirical(3, matrix(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.1, 1:6, 10), 7, 2), 3, 100)
#' # continuous distribution
#' dtempirical(30, matrix(c(seq(0.01, 1, 0.01), qnorm(seq(0.01, 1, 0.01), 30, 20)), 100, 2), 200, 10000000)
#' @rdname tempirical
#' @export
dtempirical <- function(x, cdf, min = 0, max = 1e+9) {
ifelse(x == 0, pempirical(min, cdf),
ifelse(x >= (max - min - 1e-10), 1 - pempirical(max, cdf),
ifelse(x < 0, 0,
ifelse(x < (max - min), dempirical(x + min, cdf), 0)
#' Cumulative probability function of truncated empirical distribution
#' @param q Value of the variable after deductible and limit max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @examples
#' # discrete distribution
#' ptempirical(c(3, 5, 10), matrix(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.1, 1:6, 10), 7, 2), 3, 100)
#' # continuous distribution
#' ptempirical(350, matrix(c(seq(0.01, 1, 0.01), cumprod(c(1, rep(1.1, 99)))), 100, 2), 200, 10000000)
#' @rdname tempirical
#' @export
ptempirical <- function(q, cdf, min = 0, max = 100000) {
ifelse(q == 0, pempirical(min, cdf),
ifelse(q >= (max - min) - 1e-10, 1,
ifelse(q < 0, 0,
ifelse(q < (max - min), pempirical(q + min, cdf), 0)
#' Quantile function of truncated empirical distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param p Value of the probability
#' @examples
#' # discrete distribution
#' qtempirical(c(0.3, 0.65, 1), matrix(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.1, 1:6, 10), 7, 2), 3, 100)
#' # continuous distribution
#' qtempirical(c(0.3, 0.65, 0.8), matrix(c(
#' seq(0.01, 1, 0.01),
#' cumprod(c(1, rep(1.1, 99)))
#' ), 100, 2), 200, 10000000)
#' @rdname tempirical
#' @export
qtempirical <- function(p, cdf, min = 0, max = 100000) {
ifelse(p <= pempirical(min, cdf), 0,
ifelse(p >= pempirical(max, cdf), max - min, qempirical(p, cdf) - min)
#' Random generation of Truncated empirical distribution max(0,min(claim,limit)-deductible)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @examples
#' # discrete distribution
#' rtempirical(100, matrix(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.1, 1:6, 10), 7, 2), 3, 100)
#' # continuous distribution
#' rtempirical(100, matrix(c(seq(0.01, 1, 0.01), cumprod(c(1, rep(1.1, 99)))), 100, 2), 200, 10000000)
#' @rdname tempirical
#' @export
rtempirical <- function(n, cdf, min = 0, max = 100000) {
qtempirical(runif(n), cdf, min, max)
#' Plot text content
#' @param content A string to plot
#' @examples
#' plotText("You are awesome!")
#' @rdname plotText
#' @import graphics
#' @export
plotText <- function(content) {
par(font = 2, ps = 10, mar = c(4, 4, 1, 1), cex.main = 0.7, cex.sub = 0.8, cex.lab = 0.8, cex.axis = 0.8) # mfrow = c(1,1),
plot(0:100, 0:100, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)
text(45, 45, content)
#' Calculate ultimate development factor based on current development year, a mean development factor schedule and its volatility. It is used to simulate the ultimate loss for open claims.
#' @param Years Include two columns: Current development year and Settlement Year
#' @param meanDevFac A vector that contains the expected development factor schedule for Normal distribution. It is mu for Lognormal distribution and shape for Gamma distribution.
#' @param sdDevFac A vector that contains the standard deviation of expected development factor schedule for Normal distribution. It is sigma for Lognormal distribution and scale for Gamma distribution.
#' @param distType distribution type for development factor. It can be "normal", "lognormal" or "gamma".
#' @examples
#' meanfac <- c(1.1, 1.08, 1.05, 1.03, 1.01, 1)
#' volfac <- rep(0.02, 6)
#' years <- matrix(c(1:6), 3, 2)
#' ultiDevFac(years, meanfac, volfac)
#' @rdname ultiDevFac
#' @export
ultiDevFac <- function(Years, meanDevFac, sdDevFac = rep(0, length(meanDevFac)), distType = "normal") {
nDevFac <- pmin(length(meanDevFac), Years[, 2] - 1)
n <- length(meanDevFac)
result <- vector()
for (i in c(1:length(nDevFac))) {
if (is.na(nDevFac[i]) == TRUE) {
result <- c(result, NA)
} else {
DevFac <- vector()
if (distType == "normal") {
DevFac <- meanDevFac + rnorm(n) * sdDevFac
} else if (distType == "lognormal") {
for (j in 1:n) {
DevFac <- c(DevFac, rlnorm(1, meanlog = meanDevFac[j], sdlog = sdDevFac[j]))
} else if (distType == "gamma") {
for (j in 1:n) {
DevFac <- c(DevFac, rgamma(1, shape = meanDevFac[j], scale = sdDevFac[j]))
} else {
DevFac <- rep(1, n)
if (Years[i, 1] == Years[i, 2]) {
result <- c(result, 1)
} else {
result <- c(result, prod(DevFac[pmin(Years[i, 1], nDevFac[i]):nDevFac[i]]))
#' Simulate whether closed claims will be reopened or not.
#' @param closeYear Years after claim closure. It could be a number or a numeric vector.
#' @param reopenProb A vector that contains the reopen probability based on closeYear.
#' @examples
#' reopenprob <- c(0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005, 0.003, 0)
#' rreopen(rep(2, 1000), reopenprob)
#' @rdname rreopen
#' @export
rreopen <- function(closeYear, reopenProb) {
nDevFac <- length(reopenProb)
ifelse(runif(length(closeYear)) <= reopenProb[pmin(closeYear, nDevFac)], 1, 0)
#' Simulate whether claims will have zero payment.
#' @param devYear Development Year. It could be a number or a numeric vector.
#' @param zeroProb A vector that contains the probability of zero payment based on development year.
#' @examples
#' zeroprob <- c(0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005, 0.003, 0)
#' simP0(rep(2, 1000), zeroprob)
#' @rdname simP0
#' @export
simP0 <- function(devYear, zeroProb) {
nDevFac <- length(zeroProb)
ifelse(runif(length(devYear)) <= zeroProb[pmin(devYear, nDevFac)], 0, 1)
#' Get the expected P0 based on settlement/close year.
#' @param closeYear Development years that claims are settled. It could be a number or a numeric vector.
#' @param zeroProb A vector that contains the P(0) based on development year.
#' @examples
#' zeroprob <- c(0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005, 0.003, 0)
#' expectZeros(c(2, 3, 6, 9, 100, 1, 2, 3, 4), zeroprob)
#' @rdname expectZeros
#' @export
expectZeros <- function(closeYear, zeroProb) {
nProb <- length(zeroProb)
zeroProb[pmin(closeYear, nProb)]
#' Negative Loglikelihood.
#' @param paras A vector contain distribution parameters.
#' @param dist A Distribution Object.
#' @param fitdata A vector of loss data for fitting.
#' @param deductible A vector of deductible data for all loss data.
#' @param limit A vector of limit data for all loss data.
#' @examples
#' paras <- c(1, 1)
#' dist <- new("Normal")
#' fitdata <- rtnorm(1000, 3, 2, 1, 10)
#' deductible <- rep(1, 1000)
#' limit <- rep(9, 1000)
#' nloglik(paras, dist, fitdata, deductible, limit)
#' paras <- c(3, 2)
#' nloglik(paras, dist, fitdata, deductible, limit)
#' @rdname loglik
#' @export
nloglik <- function(paras, dist, fitdata, deductible, limit) {
if (length(paras) == 1) {
dist@p1 <- paras[1]
} else if (length(paras) == 2) {
dist@p1 <- paras[1]
dist@p2 <- paras[2]
} else if (length(paras) == 3) {
dist@p1 <- paras[1]
dist@p2 <- paras[2]
dist@p3 <- paras[3]
loglik <- rep(0, length(fitdata))
withinlimit <- ifelse((is.na(limit) | (fitdata < limit)), TRUE, FALSE)
loglik <- ifelse(withinlimit, log(Density(dist, (fitdata + deductible))), (1 - Probability(dist, (limit + deductible))))
loglik <- loglik - log(1 - Probability(dist, deductible))
#' Convert US date mm/dd/yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd format
#' @param d vector of dates in possible US format
#' @examples
#' toDate("3/5/2017")
#' @rdname toDate
#' @export
toDate <- function(d) {
test <- d[1]
if (Find(length, list(grep("/", test), 0)) > 0) {
return(as.Date(d, "%m/%d/%Y"))
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