Defines functions BASiCS_Draw

Documented in BASiCS_Draw

#' @title Generate a draw from the posterior of BASiCS using the
#' generative model.
#' @description \code{BASiCS_Draw} creates a simulated dataset from the
#' posterior of a fitted model implemented in BASiCS.
#' @param Chain An object of class \code{\linkS4class{BASiCS_Chain}}.
#' @param BatchInfo Vector of batch information from the SingleCellExperiment
#' object used as input to BASiCS_MCMC.
#' @param N The integer index for the draw to be used to sample from the 
#' posterior predictive distribution. If not supplied, a random value is chosen.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment}},
#' including synthetic data generated by the model implemented in BASiCS.
#' @examples
#' data(ChainSC)
#' BASiCS_Draw(ChainSC)
#' data(ChainSC)
#' BASiCS_Draw(ChainSC)
#' @author Alan O'Callaghan
#' @references
#' Vallejos, Marioni and Richardson (2015). PLoS Computational Biology.
#' @export
BASiCS_Draw <- function(
    BatchInfo = gsub(
    N = sample(nrow(Chain@parameters[["nu"]]), 1)
  ) {
    Mu = Chain@parameters[["mu"]][N, ],
    Delta = Chain@parameters[["delta"]][N, ],
    Phi = Chain@parameters[["phi"]][N, ],
    S = Chain@parameters[["s"]][N, ],
    BatchInfo = BatchInfo,
    Theta = Chain@parameters[["theta"]][N, ]
catavallejos/BASiCS documentation built on March 27, 2024, 12:49 a.m.