
#' Create models from ingredients.
#' @param outcomes Character vector with names of outcome variables
#' @param exposures Character vector with names of exposure variables
#' @param adjustments List of character vectors with names of adjustment
#'     variables
#' @param f Function for fitting a model to a dataset.
#' @param by Character vector defining how ties are broken
#' @return List of models where every model is an object of S3 class
#'     "manyregs_model".
#' @export
create_models <- function(outcomes, exposures, adjustments = NULL, f, by = NULL) {
    fname <- deparse(substitute(f))
    if (is.null(adjustments) || !is.list(adjustments))
        adjustments <- list(adjustments)
    if (is.null(by))
        by <- c("outcomes", "exposures", "adjustments")
    x <- find_combinations(outcomes, exposures, adjustments, by)
    Map(function(outcome, exposure, adjustment) {
        new_model(outcome, exposure, adjustment, f, fname)
    }, x$outcomes, x$exposures, x$adjustments)

#' Create a new model object of S3 class "manyregs_model".
#' @param outcome Name of outcome variable
#' @param exposure Name of exposure variable
#' @param adjustment Character vector with names of adjustment
#'     variables
#' @param f Function for fitting the model
#' @param fname Name of fitting function
#' @param template Model to use as template
#' @param extra_slots List of additional slots for model (see Details)
#' @details The "extra_slots" argument is a list of key-value pairs.
#'     It adds flexibility by allowing slots other than "outcome",
#'     "exposure", "adjustment", "f", and "fname" to be included in
#'     the model.
#' @return Model object of S3 class "manyregs_model".
new_model <- function(outcome, exposure, adjustment, f, fname, template = NULL, extra_slots = NULL) {
    model <- if (is.null(template)) list() else template
    args <- match.call()
    for (argname in names(args)) {
        if (argname %in% c("template", "extra_slots"))
        arg <- args[[argname]]
        if (is.language(arg))
            arg <- eval.parent(arg)
        model[[argname]] <- arg
    if (!is.null(extra_slots)) {
        for (slot in names(extra_slots)) {
            model[[slot]] <- extra_slots[[slot]]
    class(model) <- "manyregs_model"

#' Coerce a model to type character.
#' @param x Model object to be coerced.
#' @param \dots Ignored.
#' @return Character representation of model.
#' @export
as.character.manyregs_model <- function(x, ...) {
    sprintf("%s  (%s)", model_to_formula_string(x), x$fname)

#' Convert model to a formula-like string.
#' @param x Model to be converted
#' @return Formula-like character string representing the model.
model_to_formula_string <- function(x) {
    covariates <- paste(c(x$exposure, x$adjustment), collapse = covariate_separator)
    sprintf("%s ~ %s", x$outcome, covariates)

#' String separating names of covariates in formula string.
covariate_separator <- " + "

#' Print model.
#' @param x Model to be printed
#' @param \dots Ignored
#' @return Returns `x' invisibly.
#' @export
print.manyregs_model <- function(x, ...) {

#' Convert model to formula.
#' @param x Model to be converted to formula
#' @param env Environment for formula
#' @param \dots Ignored
#' @return An object of class "formula" representing the model.
#' @export
formula.manyregs_model <- function(x, env = parent.frame(), ...) {
    stats::formula(model_to_formula_string(x), env = env)

#' Fit models.
#' @param models List of model objects
#' @param data Dataset to which models should be fitted
#' @param cores Number of cores used to parallelize computation
#' @return List of fitted models.
#' @export
fit_models <- function(models, data, cores = 1L) {
    parallel::mclapply(models, mc.cores = cores, fit_model, data)

fit_model <- function(model, data) {
    model$coef_label_map <- create_map_for_coef_labels(model, data)
    warn <- error <- NULL
    fit <- withCallingHandlers(tryCatch({
        model$f(model, data)
    }, error = function(c) {
        error <<- conditionMessage(c)
    }), warning = function(c) {
        warn <<- conditionMessage(c)
    model["fit"] <- list(fit)
    if (!is.null(warn)) {
        model$warning <- warn
    if (!is.null(error)) {
        model$error <- error

create_map_for_coef_labels <- function(model, data) {
        data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
            label = "(Intercept)",
            variable = "(Intercept)",
            level = ""
        do.call(rbind, lapply(terms(model), function(term) {
            summary(new_term(term, data))

terms.manyregs_model <- function(x, ...) {
    unlist(x[c("outcome", "exposure", "adjustment")], use.names = FALSE)

map_coef_label_to_variable <- function(label, map) {
    map$variable[match(label, map$label)]

map_coef_label_to_level <- function(label, map) {
    map$level[match(label, map$label)]

#' Remove slots from a model.
#' @param model Model from which to remove slots
#' @param slots Character vector of slot names
#' @return Model from which named slots were removed.
remove_slots <- function(model, slots) {
    reduced_model <- model[setdiff(names(model), slots)]
    class(reduced_model) <- class(model)

#' Summarize a list of models.
#' @param models Models to be summarized
#' @return The result depends on whether all models are fitted or not.
#'     If at least one of the models is not fitted, a data frame with
#'     a single column "model" will be returned that contains a
#'     character representations of every model in \code{models}.  If
#'     all models are fitted, a data frame with the following columns
#'     is returned:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item outcome: Name of outcome variable
#'   \item variable: Name of covariate
#'   \item nobs: Number of observations
#'   \item beta: Effect estimate
#'   \item se: Standard error of effect estimate
#'   \item lcl: Lower 95\% confidence limit for effect estimate
#'   \item ucl: Upper 95\% confidence limit for effect estimate
#'   \item pvalue: P-Value
#'   \item model: Character representation of statistical model
#' }
#'     Note that confidence limits are based on the assumption of
#'     asymptotic normality of the effect estimates.  This assumption
#'     might be violated in small samples.
#' @export
summarize_models <- function(models) {
    result <- do.call(rbind, lapply(models, summary))
    if ("warning" %in% names(result) && all(is.na(result$warning)))
        result$warning <- NULL
    if ("error" %in% names(result) && all(is.na(result$error)))
        result$error <- NULL

#' Summarize model.
#' @param object Model to be summarized
#' @param \dots Ignored
#' @return A data frame summarizing the model.
#' @export
summary.manyregs_model <- function(object, ...) {
    if ("fit" %in% names(object))

summarize_fitted_model <- function(model) {
    x <- find_estimates(model)
        outcome = model$outcome,
        variable = x$variable,
        level = x$level,
        nobs = x$nobs,
        beta = x$beta,
        se = x$se,
        lcl = x$lcl,
        ucl = x$ucl,
        pvalue = x$pvalue,
        model = as.character(model),
        warning = if (is.null(model$warning)) NA_character_ else model$warning,
        error = if (is.null(model$error)) NA_character_ else model$error,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

summarize_non_fitted_model <- function(model) {
    data.frame(model = as.character(model),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' Extract estimates from fitted model
#' @param model Fitted model
#' @return A data frame with columns "variable", "level", "beta",
#'     "se", "pvalue", "lcl", and "ucl" denoting the name of the
#'     variable, the corresponding level (in case of a factor), effect
#'     estimate, its standard error, the p-value, and the lower and
#'     upper 95\% confidence limits.
#'     Note that the confidence limits are based on the assumption of
#'     asymptotic normality of the effect estimates.  This assumption
#'     might be violated in small samples.
find_estimates <- function(model) {
    if (is.null(model$fit)) {
        result <- data.frame(
            variable = c("(Intercept)", model$exposure, model$adjustment),
            level = NA_integer_, nobs = NA_integer_, beta = NA_real_, se = NA_real_,
            pvalue = NA_real_, lcl = NA_real_, ucl = NA_real_, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    coefs <- stats::coef(summary(model$fit))
    variable <- map_coef_label_to_variable(rownames(coefs), model$coef_label_map)
    level <- map_coef_label_to_level(rownames(coefs), model$coef_label_map)
    nobs <- stats::nobs(model$fit)
    beta <- coefs[, "Estimate"]
    se <- coefs[, grep("^Std.[ ]?[eE]rr(or)?$", colnames(coefs))]
    z <- stats::qnorm(1 - .05 / 2)
    lcl <- beta - z * se
    ucl <- beta + z * se
    pvalue <- find_pvalue(coefs)
    data.frame(variable, level, nobs, beta, se, pvalue, lcl, ucl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

find_pvalue <- function(x) {
    pvalue_column <- grep("^Pr\\(.*\\)$", colnames(x))
    if (length(pvalue_column) == 1)
        x[, pvalue_column]
        rep_len(NA, nrow(x))

#' Tabulate a categorical variable.
#' @param x Categorical variable to tabulate
#' @param label Label to use for categorical variable
#' @param digits Number of decimal digits to use in "\%" column
#' @return A data frame with columns "variable", "category", "N", "n",
#'     "\%", where "variable" is the name of the variable, "category"
#'     is the level of the variable, "N" is the total number of
#'     observations for the variable, "n" is the number of
#'     observations per category of the variables, and "\%" is the
#'     percentage of observations that fall into a given category.
#' @export
freq <- function(x, label = NULL, digits = 2L) {
    if (is.null(label))
        label <- deparse(substitute(x))
    counts <- table(x, useNA = "ifany")
    d <- data.frame(
        variable = label,
        category = names(counts),
        N = length(x),
        n = as.integer(counts),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    d$`%` <- with(d, round(100*n/N, digits))

#' Tabulate categorical variables from data frame
#' @param column_names Character vector with names of categorical variables
#' @param data Data frame containing categorical variables
#' @param digits Number of decimal digits to use for "\%" column
#' @return A data frame with columns "variable", "category", "N", "n",
#'     "\%".  The "variable" column contains the column names of the
#'     categorical variables from `data`.  The "category" column
#'     contains the levels of the variables.  The "N" column contains
#'     the total number of observations per variable.  The "n" column
#'     contains the number of observations per category of each
#'     variable.  The "\%" column contains the percentage of
#'     observations that fall into a given category.
#' @export
freqs <- function(column_names, data, digits = 2L) {
    d <- do.call(rbind, Map(freq, data[column_names], column_names, digits))
    rownames(d) <- NULL

#' Summarize distribution of a continuous variable
#' @param x Values of a continuous variable
#' @param label Label to use for continuous variable
#' @param probs Percentages for which to include percentiles
#' @param digits Number of decimal digits to use
#' @return A data frame with columns "variable", "N", "NAs", "mean",
#'     "sd", "iqr", "min", percentiles, "max".  The "variable" column
#'     contains the name of the continuous variable.  The "N" columns
#'     contains the number of observations for the variable (including
#'     missing values).  The "NAs" column contains the number of
#'     missing values.  The "mean", "sd", "iqr", "min", and "max"
#'     columns contain the mean, standard deviation, inter-quartile
#'     range, minimum, and maximum of the variable, respectively.  The
#'     names of the percentile columns between the "min" and the "max"
#'     column all start with "p" followed by the percentage
#'     corresponding to the percentile.  The column containing the 5%
#'     percentile would be called "p05".  The column with the 50%
#'     percentile, or median, would be called "p50".
#' @export
distro <- function(x, label = NULL, probs = NULL, digits = 2L) {
    if (is.null(label))
        label <- deparse(substitute(x))
    if (is.null(probs))
        probs <- c(.01, .05, .1, .25, .5, .75, .9, .95, .99)
    number_of_observations <- length(x)
    number_of_missings <- sum(is.na(x))
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    d <- data.frame(
        variable = label,
        N = number_of_observations,
        NAs = number_of_missings,
        mean = mean(x),
        sd = stats::sd(x),
        iqr = diff(stats::quantile(x, c(.25, .75))),
        min = min(x),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    for (p in probs) {
        column_name <- paste0("p", 100 * p)
        d[[column_name]] <- stats::quantile(x, p)
    d$max <- max(x)
    d[-(1:3)] <- lapply(d[-(1:3)], round, digits = digits)
    rownames(d) <- NULL

#' Summarize distribution of a continuous variable
#' @param column_names Character vector with names of continuous variables
#' @param data Data frame containing variables `column_names`
#' @param probs Percentages for which to include percentiles
#' @param digits Number of decimal digits to use
#' @return A data frame with columns "variable", "N", "NAs", "mean",
#'     "sd", "iqr", "min", percentiles, "max".  The "variable" column
#'     contains the `column_names`.  The "N" column contains the total
#'     number of observations per variable.  The "NAs" column contains
#'     the number of missing observations for each variable.  The
#'     "mean", "sd", "iqr", "min", and "max" variables contain the
#'     mean, standard deviation, inter-quartile range, minimum, and
#'     maximum of each variable, respectively.  The names of the
#'     percentile columns between the "min" and the "max" column all
#'     start with "p" followed by the percentage corresponding to the
#'     percentile.  The 5% percentile column would be called "p5",
#'     while the 50% percentile, or median, column column would be
#'     called "p50".
#' @export
distros <- function(column_names, data, probs = NULL, digits = 2L) {
    d <- do.call(rbind, Map(distro, data[column_names], column_names, list(probs), digits))
    rownames(d) <- NULL

#' Compare the means of two groups using a t-test
#' @param column_names Column names of variables
#' @param by Name of a grouping variable with exactly two levels
#' @param data Data frame containing variables `column_names` and `by`
#' @param digits Number of decimal digits in `pval` column
#' @return A data frame with columns "variable", "by", "pval",
#'     "pvalue".  The "variable" column contains the name of the
#'     variables whose means were compared between the two levels of
#'     the `by` variable whose name is contained in the "by" column.
#'     The "pval" column contains the p-value resulting from the
#'     comparison using a t-test, rounded to `digits` decimal digits
#'     for better readability.  The "pvalue" column contains the exact
#'     p-value.
#' @export
compare_means <- function(column_names, by, data, digits = 4L) {
    grp <- data[[by]]
    values <- names(table(grp))
    if (length(values) != 2L) {
        stop("by-variable must have exactly two levels: ", by)
    pvalues <- vapply(column_names, function(column) {
        x <- data[[column]]
        stats::t.test(x[!is.na(grp) & grp == values[1]],
            x[!is.na(grp) & grp == values[2]])$p.value
    }, double(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
        variable = column_names,
        by = by,
        pval = round(pvalues, digits),
        pvalue = pvalues,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' Compare distributions using a Chi-Squared test
#' @param column_names Column names of variables
#' @param by Name of a grouping variable
#' @param data Data frame containing variables `column_names` and `by`
#' @param digits Number of decimal digits in `pval` column
#' @return A data frame with columns "variable", "by", "pval",
#'     "pvalue".  The "variable" column contains the name of the
#'     variables whose distributions are compared between the levels
#'     of the `by` variable whose name is contained in the "by"
#'     column.  The "pval" column contains the p-value resulting from
#'     the comparison using Pearson's Chi-squared test, rounded to
#'     `digits` decimal digits for better readability.  The "pvalue"
#'     column contains the exact p-value.
#' @export
compare_distros <- function(column_names, by, data, digits = 4L) {
    pvalues <- vapply(column_names, function(column_name) {
        stats::chisq.test(data[[column_name]], data[[by]])$p.value
    }, double(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
        variable = column_names,
        by = by,
        pval = round(pvalues, digits),
        pvalue = pvalues,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' Extract models with selected outcomes, exposures, and adjustments.
#' @param models List of models
#' @param outcomes Character vector with names of outcome variables
#' @param exposures Character vector with names of exposure variables
#' @param adjustments List of character vectors with names of
#'     adjustment variables
#' @param drop Drop matching models if TRUE (default FALSE)
#' @param combine If "and" models must match all of `outcomes`,
#'     `exposures`, and `adjustments`.  If "or" (default) a single
#'     match suffices.
#' @return A list of models whose outcome, exposure, and adjustment
#'     match match `outcomes`, `exposures`, and `adjustments`.  The
#'     exact nature of the match depends on the values of `drop` and
#'     `combine`.
#' @export
filter_models <- function(models, outcomes = NULL, exposures = NULL,
    adjustments = NULL, drop = FALSE, combine = NULL)
    if (is.null(combine))
        combine <- "or"
    if (length(combine) != 1L)
        stop("`combine` must be of length 1")
    if (! combine %in% c("and", "or"))
        stop("`combine` must be one of \"and\" or \"or\": \"", combine, "\"")
    combine_fn <- switch(combine, and = `&&`, or = `||`)
    selected_variables <- find_selected_variables(models, outcomes, exposures, adjustments)
    known_variables <- find_variables(models)
    if (contains_unknown_variable(selected_variables, known_variables))
    Filter(function(model) {
        has_outcome <- model$outcome %in% selected_variables$outcomes
        has_exposure <- model$exposure %in% selected_variables$exposures
        has_adjustment <- Position(function(adjustment) {
            identical(adjustment, model$adjustment)
        }, selected_variables$adjustments, nomatch = 0L) != 0L
        does_match <- Reduce(combine_fn, list(has_outcome, has_exposure, has_adjustment))
        if (drop)
    }, models)

find_selected_variables <- function(models, outcomes, exposures, adjustments) {
    if (is.null(outcomes))
        outcomes <- find_outcomes(models)
    if (is.null(exposures))
        exposures <- find_exposures(models)
    if (is.null(adjustments))
        adjustments <- find_adjustments(models)
    if (!is.list(adjustments))
        adjustments <- list(adjustments)
    list(outcomes = outcomes, exposures = exposures, adjustments = adjustments)

contains_unknown_variable <- function(selected_variables, known_variables) {
    set_of_selected_variables <- unique(unlist(selected_variables, use.names = FALSE))
    set_of_known_variables <- unique(unlist(known_variables, use.names = FALSE))
    ! all(set_of_selected_variables %in% set_of_known_variables)

#' Find all combination of outcomes, exposures, and adjustments
#' @param outcomes Character vector of outcome variable names
#' @param exposures Character vector of exposures variable names
#' @param adjustments List of character vectors with adjustment
#'     variable names
#' @param by Character vector defining how ties are broken
#' @return List with sublists "outcomes", "exposures", "adjustments"
#'     of equal length.  Each triplet of corresponding elements of the
#'     three sublists forms a possible outcome-exposure-adjustment
#'     combination.
find_combinations <- function(outcomes = NULL, exposures = NULL, adjustments = NULL, by = NULL) {
    if (is.null(by))
        by <- c("outcomes", "exposures", "adjustments")
    if (is.null(Find(Negate(is.null), list(outcomes, exposures, adjustments))))
        return(list(outcomes = list(), exposures = list(), adjustments = list()))
    if (is.null(outcomes))
        outcomes <- list(NULL)
    if (is.null(exposures))
        exposures <- list(NULL)
    find_combinations_helper(outcomes, exposures, adjustments, by)

find_combinations_helper <- function(outcomes, exposures, adjustments, by) {
    by2 <- sub("^(adjustments)$", "adjustment_to_string(\\1)", by)
    combinations <- lapply(stats::setNames(eval(parse(text = sprintf(
        "expand.grid(%s, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)",
        paste(rev(by2), collapse = ", ")))), rev(by)), as.list)
    combinations$adjustments <- adjustment_from_string(
        unlist(combinations$adjustments, use.names = FALSE))
    combinations[c("outcomes", "exposures", "adjustments")]

#' Convert a list of adjustment variables to a character vector
#' @param adjustments List of character vectors with names of
#'     adjustment variables
#' @return A character vector representing the list of adjustments.
adjustment_to_string <- function(adjustments) {
    if (is.null(adjustments))
        adjustments <- list(NULL)
    vapply(adjustments, function(xs) {
        if (is.null(xs))
            paste(xs, collapse = adjustment_separator)
    }, character(1))

#' String used in character representation of a list of adjustments
adjustment_separator <- covariate_separator

#' Convert character representation of a list of adjustments to list
#' @param adjustment_string A character vector representing the list
#'     of adjustments
#' @return A list of character vectors with names of adjustment
#'     variables
adjustment_from_string <- function(adjustment_string) {
    xs <- strsplit(adjustment_string, adjustment_separator, fixed = TRUE)
    lapply(xs, function(x) {
        if (identical(x, "NULL"))
cbaumbach/manyregs documentation built on May 13, 2019, 1:48 p.m.